3#Awakened by the Vampire Prince (Thorn)

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3#Awakened by the Vampire Prince (Thorn) Page 7

by Hartnady, Charlene

  “You stay right where you are. Give it to me.”

  She shook her head, feeling mortified. Esral had the irrational urge to put the hand that clutched the cloth behind her back.

  He smiled for a half a beat looking up to the ceiling before locking his eyes with hers. “I have to insist, princess.” He clenched his jaw. “You forget that I’ve had my tongue inside your pussy, I think I can handle that cloth.”

  She swallowed hard, feeling parts of her respond to his words.

  “Don’t do that, princess.” His eyes heated as his lids became hooded.

  “Do what?”

  He gave a half chuckle which spoke more of frustration than humor. “Just give me the cloth. I’m trying to be a good male here. You need sleep and I’m seconds away from touching you…again.” A low growl.

  Chest heaving, she nodded once and handed him the cloth. Xavier gave her a half smile. She gasped when he put the cloth to his nose and sniffed while groaning in what sounded like pleasure. “Fucking delicious,” he growled as he strode from the room.

  He returned and kicked off his boots. Xavier slid under the covers with her, leaving his pants on. He spooned her. His front to her back. The hard ridge of his root dug into her.


  “Yeah, princess.”

  “Let me ease you.” Her voice shook just a little.

  “No. Go to sleep.”


  “No buts. It’s late. You’re exhausted. I should never have taken your blood and I definitely won’t let you…ease me.” He spoke softly.

  “You’re really hard. It can’t be comfortable for you.”

  “I’m fine,” a soft growl. “Goodnight, princess.” He kissed the top of her head.

  Esral snuggled more firmly against him knowing that this was an argument she was never going to win.

  Chapter 7

  “Forgive me, my lord, but you look like shit.” York said as Xavier exited Esral’s room. It had been a huge gamble spending the night with the princess, but quite frankly he didn’t give two shits. Chances were good that if they had been disturbed, it would’ve been to report that her father was dying. In which case, him sleeping with Esral would be the least of everyone’s concerns.

  Xavier ran a hand through his hair and shrugged.

  “Hard to sleep when you’re hard,” York said. “I can’t say I’ve ever been there but I can imagine.”

  Lazarus chuckled.

  York’s smirk turned serious in an instant. “Did the princess get some sleep?”

  Xavier shook his head. “Not much. Little bits here and there. She’s worried.”

  “Rightly so,” York whispered. “His chamber smelled of death. I must be honest”—York sighed deeply—“I’m surprised he made it through the night.”

  “Yeah.” Xavier had scented it too. He clenched his jaw for a few beats. It killed him to see Esral like this. If only he could find a way to make it all better. He wished even harder that he could be there for her properly. In the cold light of dawn, he was once again the vampire prince and Esral was to be mated to another. A ruse he wasn’t sure he could hold onto for much longer.

  “I’m heading back to my room for a quick shower before this place wakes up.” Xavier gestured around them.

  “Gideon will relieve you at six.” York turned to Lazarus as he spoke.

  The big male nodded once. “I hope he got some sleep. Twelve hours can really drag after an all-night fuck-fest.”

  Xavier shook his head. “He knows better than to pull that kind of shit.”

  “Call me if anything changes.” He addressed York. “I’ll be back before six,” he said as he locked eyes with Lazarus.

  The male nodded. “You should try and catch some z’s.”

  Xavier shook his head. “There’s too much going on. I need to be present for Esral even if I can’t do anything for her...publicly at least.” He clenched his jaw. “If anything changes…”

  “I’ll call you. Go get cleaned up.” York gave a toothy grin. “You scent of sweet, cherry blossoms. Elves might not have our senses but they definitely would scent one times princess all over you and know exactly what went down.”

  Xavier growled. “They would assume what went down.”

  York chuckled. “They would mostly be right.”

  “Bull-fucking-shit and you know it.” Xavier had to work to keep his voice down.

  “Easy.” York held up a hand. “I’m referring to a few orgasms. It’s easy to scent that you didn’t rut her. Calm down! So you touched her a little. Big fucking deal. It’s not like you—”

  “Tell Keto that.” Xavier felt his blood run cold as the male in question made his way across the walkway that led to Esral’s tree house. His first instinct was to high tail it out of there, instead, he widened his stance. Bring it the fuck on. He was done with hiding. Done with pussy footing around this male.

  “Oh fuck!” York mumbled. “You should go.”

  “No,” Xavier growled. “He knows.”

  “Knowing and knowing are two different things.” York sighed heavily. “At least he is alone so he won’t be able to kill you.”

  “As fucking if.” The male could try. Esral was his future mate and it was time Keto came to terms with that. One way or another the elven fucking prince would have to deal.

  Keto was still a few strides away when he halted mid-step. His face contorted into momentary rage and a low snarl erupted from somewhere deep in his chest. He looked from Xavier to York and back again, his blond hair jerking from side to side.

  Xavier realized that Keto didn’t know which male carried his sister’s scent. What a fucking idiot. It was as if their earlier conversation had never happened.

  Keto closed the distance while noticeably sniffing at each male in turn. “You,” he finally growled. His icy stare colliding with Xavier’s. “You dared touch the princess? I thought I made myself clear earlier. Your little declaration”—he narrowed his eyes—“sweet as it may have been, changes nothing.” The male turned his gaze to York. “You claimed Esral. You will mate her. Do you vampires have no honor?”

  Xavier bit back a growl. It took him a few seconds to compose himself enough to talk. “And I thought that I had made myself clear.” Xavier spoke under his breath not wanting to wake Esral. “I don’t give two fucks about what you or the rest of the elves think or want. I only care about Esral. The reason I agreed to go along with this whole thing in the first place is because of your father’s precarious health and the strain it would put on him.”

  Keto snorted. “My sister claims to love my father but if she carries on the way she has, she’ll fucking kill him.”

  Xavier took a deep breath, letting the air out slowly. He tried hard to unclench his fists and failed. “We need to postpone the ceremony.”

  “Not fucking happening.” Keto growled, his chest heaved under his silken robe.

  “I can’t believe I am being forced to ask him this again.” Xavier muttered under his breath before looking Keto head on. “Do you care anything for your sister?”

  “My feelings don’t matter. You said so yourself the other day.” Keto’s smartass reply irritated the hell out of him. It made Xavier want to punch the male hard in the face. This time, he wanted to feel bone and cartilage crush beneath his fists. Maybe loosen a few teeth in the process.

  “I’m asking you to think about your sister. Not your fucking self. How would you feel if you were made to spend the rest of your life with someone you didn’t love?”

  The elven prince paused. Xavier could see that he was thinking and a frown appeared on his forehead.

  “It would be hell, Keto. Do you want that for your little sister?” Xavier could see that his words had, had some effect on the male but before he could assess exactly how, he schooled his expression.

  “I care,” his voice sounded choked. “More than you think, but my father must come first. He needs to pull through this and it’s not going to happen if he’s w

orried sick about Esral. If he thinks he ruined her reputation and that of the royal oak… I know it doesn’t mean much to you but to us it is everything.”

  The urge to punch Keto was back. The male was fucking stubborn. “All I’m asking is for you to help us. If you are on our side then half the battle will be won. We need to delay the mating until your father is better.”

  Keto ran a hand through his hair, his whole stance eased just a touch. “I wish I could help you but my hands are tied.” The look on the male’s face made him want to actually believe him. “My father is lucid. He’s also very afraid. He’s waiting to suffer another attack and he doesn’t think he’ll survive it this time.” The elf pursed his lips, turning his hard stare to a point somewhere between he and York. Xavier could see that his thoughts were internal and that the male wasn’t actually looking at anything in particular.

  Keto blinked a few times and ran a hand across his face before finally locking eyes with Xavier. “He has requested that the blossoming ceremony be held today. He wants to be present when his ‘little girl’ is given to York.” Keto clenched his jaw for a few beats. “According to my father, it is his last fucking dying wish to see his daughter mated and happy.” Keto choked out the word happy while scrubbing a hand over his face.

  Xavier cursed under his breath, still trying not to wake Esral, a string of hard words that would freak his princess out if she were to hear them.

  “Yeah, it’s a triple cluster fuck,” Keto spat. “So you see, even if I wanted to help you, I can’t. My hands are tied unless you want to turn down a dying man.”

  Xavier shook his head before turning to face York who had turned pale.


  There was a knock at her door. Esral waited for the person to barge in, instead there was another knock.

  “Come in.” She drew the covers more firmly around herself praying that whoever it was wouldn’t scent Xavier through the spritz of rosewater she had given her chamber after he left. She berated herself for not having showered. Hopefully the wet cloth would have removed most of her nectar.

  Esral had to work hard to keep her heart rate down but failed as Keto rounded the door. She almost shouted at him to leave. Instead, she drew the covers to her chin and closed her eyes for a second, praying to the gods of all that was green that he didn’t catch any telltale scents.

  Keto’s eyes narrowed. “You can stop that,” he growled.

  “Stop what?” She tried to sound calm and nonchalant and failed…dismally.

  “I had a chat with Xavier outside. Your scent was all over him.” He lifted his chin and sniffed. “So that’s why you’ve been smelling so much of rosewater lately.”

  “Please don’t be mad. I really don’t want to fight with you right now.” She couldn’t help it when her voice hitched and her lip quivered. “How is father? Please tell me he’s…”

  “Much better.” To her astonishment, her brother walked over to her bed and sat down. “He pulled through. The healers are cautiously optimistic. They’ve taken a small blood sample and have given him another sleeping tonic to counter the effects of the silver needle.” His blue eyes bore into her.

  “Thank the lord.” She let out a heavy sigh of relief. When her eyes locked with Keto’s, she felt her blood drain. “It wasn’t like that,” she forced herself to retain eye contact, “with Xavier.”

  “What wasn’t?” She could see by his expression that he knew exactly what she meant.

  “Xavier drank from me. He was…hungry. I wish I could explain, it’s complicated.”

  Keto half smiled, he had a faraway look for a few seconds before he made eye contact. “You don’t have to explain. You’re right, it’s very complicated. I don’t particularly wish to discuss such things with you, Esral. You’re my”—he smiled at her. Actually smiled—“little sister.”

  She had to smile back. How could she not? “You sound like you know what I mean, but a vampire drank from me. You couldn’t possibly understand that.”

  Keto chuckled, he shook his head. “I know exactly what it’s like to have a vampire drink from you because I’ve had the experience.”

  She sucked in a breath, a million questions on the tip of her tongue.

  “It was a long time ago. A vampire female. We snuck around for a few weeks. I fell for her…hard, but it wasn’t to be.” His eyes narrowed in on her. “I know what you are going through, Esral. Do you have any idea how many times I’ve wanted to try and find her?” He paused, raising his eyebrows.

  Esral was so shocked that the most she could do was snap her mouth shut.

  “No guesses?” He shook his head, clenching his jaw. “Countless times, but I’m successor to the throne and have no business pursuing a vampire female. That’s why I ended it with her regardless of what I wanted.”

  “All along I thought you hated vampires.” It just slipped out.

  Keto’s eyes turned stormy. “I do,” he growled. “That fucker Zane had better stay far out of my way.” He clenched his jaw.

  “Oh.” She felt her brow crease. “So it’s only Zane you hate then?”

  Keto pulled some loose strands of hair behind his ear. “There are others…it’s complicated. I don’t want to talk about it. Drop it.” His eyes narrowed in thought. “Those few weeks with that vampire female were a lifetime ago and I would sooner forget it ever happened.”

  “I never knew about the vampire female. I thought you loved Cheri.”

  “The vampire thing happened way before Cheri.” He sighed. “I love Cheri in my own way. She is strong, beautiful and highly intelligent. An asset to any king.” He sounded like he was naming a list of features straight off the spec of his latest car.

  “She must be really good at a lot of things to have you so blinded.”

  He frowned, looking confused. Were males really so stupid?

  “Never mind, you need to find your own way.”

  “You’ve never liked her,” he growled. “You should give her a chance.”

  “She lies. Would do anything to become queen. There’s not much to like. I don’t think she really loves you. She wouldn’t have…” Esral pursed her lips and sighed. “Forget I said anything.”

  “Tell me.” Keto leaned forward.

  Esral debated whether to say anything.

  “I’m planning on officially announcing our blossoming ceremony as soon as you are mated. If you have anything to say, you’d better say it now.”

  “I hadn’t planned this…” She made a sound of frustration. “Do you promise not to get mad?”

  Keto shook his head. “No.”

  Esral made an even louder frustrated growl. “Cheri tried to seduce Xavier on the day he arrived at Pulamor.”

  His emotions remained completely intact. So much so that she would almost go so far as to say that this wasn’t news to him.

  “And before you jump to any conclusions, Xavier didn’t provoke her in any way.”

  “Elves are highly accommodating, I’m sure he misinterpreted her friendly—”

  “She put her hand on his root.” Esral suppressed a sigh. “I’ve told you about her indiscretions before but you’ve never believed me.”

  Keto growled. “Please don’t bring it up again.”

  “I have to Keto. I saw her that day with Zafar, on her knees…in the forest with another female. It was her, I promise you.”

  “Enough…” He growled. “Zafar is my best friend and he would never do such a thing. He swore to me that you were mistaken.”

  For just a second she thought they might actually be seeing eye to eye for once. It looked like she had been mistaken. “I know exactly what I saw. I just wish you would believe me for once. Is it too much to ask?”

  Keto rose to his feet and smoothed his robe. “Father wants the blossoming ceremony moved to this afternoon in his chamber. He…” Keto looked at his boots for a few beats before lifting his eyes to her. “Our father is worried that he is dying.”

  She made a sobbing noise and c
overed her mouth with her hand.

  “No matter his improvement this morning, if he has another episode he probably won’t make it. Lord Minogue has confirmed that. I’m sorry, Esral.” He shook his head. “I know you love the vampire prince, but you need to do this. Please…” His eyes filled with tears. It was a terrible sight, to see her brother who she had also seen as the epitome of strength, reduced to tears. “Think of our father. I wish it were different. I’m not ready to be king. I don’t want to lose father. I wish things could have worked out for you but it is the way that it is.”

  Once again, in so many hours, Esral felt numb. In many ways it was a blessing. It gave her the strength to nod.

  “Thank you.” Keto breathed a sigh of relief. He held her gaze for a few moments longer before turning and leaving.

  She wasn’t sure how long she sat there, just staring at the bunched up sheet in her hands.

  “He shouldn’t have asked that of you.” Xavier’s deep voice washed over her. He put his hands around her but she pushed him away.

  The look of hurt and confusion that took residence on his handsome face was almost her undoing. “We can’t. I can’t.” She shook her head.

  “Nothing has changed. I will find a way. Please, Esral.”

  “You heard my brother. I have to do this. Please call York. Has he changed his mind? Will he still have me?” Tears were streaming down her face so she wiped them away but they were only replaced by more.

  “I will do anything you ask of me.” York moved to stand at the foot of the bed.

  “Like fuck you will.” Xavier growled, making to stand.

  Esral grabbed Xavier’s hand. “No. York is trying to help me. Even knowing that I will never love him. It’s so cruel of me to expect this from you.” Her watery eyes locked with York’s.

  The big male smiled down at her. “If you need me, I will be there for you. I’ll leave the two of you.” He edged his way out the room while maintaining eye contact with Xavier who growled softly while exposing long, ivory fangs.

  “I’m sorry, Xavier.” She sobbed. “I can’t go against my father’s wishes. I just can’t.”


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