3#Awakened by the Vampire Prince (Thorn)

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3#Awakened by the Vampire Prince (Thorn) Page 12

by Hartnady, Charlene

  Xavier smiled. “I’ll walk anywhere with you. We’ll find somewhere beautiful.” He squeezed her hand. “Somewhere fit for a princess.”

  “So you don’t mind a bit of a hike?” She raised her eyebrows.

  “Honey, I recommend we get far away from this place…” He looked about him, taking in the chambers and strung walkways of Pulamor. “Because there will be screaming.” Xavier could hear the huskiness in his own voice as he pictured just how he was going to wring out all the pleasure he could from his princess. Today, she would know ecstasy. Would know what it was to be a female. He would make it his life’s goal to show her.

  Her face clouded. “Yes there will.” She sighed not looking happy at all.

  “Wait up, princess.” He stopped walking while still clasping her hand, which forced her to stop. “What’s going on?” Then it occurred to him. He was such an idiot. Ever so gently, he cupped her chin, forcing her to look at him. “Are you afraid?”

  She shrugged.


  “A little,” she whispered.

  “I promise to be careful. We don’t need to do anything you don’t feel comfortable with.” He bit back a groan. “I can’t wait to make love to you. To become your mate in every sense of the word, but I can wait, Esral. We’ll take it slow.”

  “It’s not that.” She licked her lips.

  “What is it then?” He tucked a wayward strand of hair behind her ear.

  “I’m really afraid, but not for myself.”

  Chapter 12

  What the fuck?

  Not afraid for herself. That meant that she was afraid for him. Why would she be afraid for him? Problem was, her lips were sealed. “Later,” she had whispered. “I’ll tell you everything when we get there.”

  She refused to talk about it while they packed. Refused to talk about it while they walked. It felt like they had been trudging through the endless forest forever when in reality it had just been a couple of hours. His muscles burned, sweat dripped off of him, bugs buzzed around his face but none of it got to him. Not in the least. What caused the most frustration was Esral’s rigid back and her frown. Something was wrong and she wasn’t telling him what it was.

  “Esral.” He called after her retreating back as she made her way through the heavily wooded area with the ease of a light-footed gazelle. “Hold up.”

  Her back stiffened but she kept up the pace.

  “Sweetheart, talk to me please. Just tell me what’s got you so rattled.”

  She sucked in a ragged breath and turned. Her eyes were wide and her lip quivered. “I’ll understand if you walk away,” she blurted.

  “Walk away? Are you crazy, princess? I’m right where I want to be. I’m not going anywhere that isn’t in your direction.”

  His admission should have calmed her down. It had the opposite effect. “Fine,” she huffed. “Then follow me.” She spun around and picked up the pace. He had to really work to keep up. Within minutes they reached a stream. There were wildflowers growing on the bank. The trees were bigger at the water’s edge. Their branches stretched over the flowing water. The stream gurgled as the water swirled by, catching the small rocks and pebbles on the bank. It was damned pretty. Maybe even fit for a princess.

  Esral threw down her bag. It seemed that they had arrived at long fucking last. Maybe now he could get some answers.

  Shoulders tense and her breathing heavy, Esral fought with the knot in the tie on her robe. She stiffened when he closed his hands over her shoulders. “Do you need some help?”

  She shook her head, her eyes wild with worry. “I can manage. I will wash off and be ready for you soon.”

  “Ready for me…?” The words came out filled with the frustration he felt. “Please slow down. Let’s talk about this.”

  “I know how to solve this.” She looked relieved. “Why didn’t I think of it sooner? I’ll just break it myself.”

  “Esral honey, you’re not making any sense. Take a deep breath and then tell me what’s got you so afraid.”

  Instead of doing what he asked, she narrowed her eyes at him and shook her head. “Just go away for a little while. There’s something I need to do to prepare for you.”

  “Prepare…get ready for me…?” Xavier ran his hands up and down her arms. “There is nothing that you could possibly do to prepare for me. I want you right now and just as you are. I can’t wait to make you mine in every damned sense of the word. I love you, princess.”

  Her eyes and demeanor softened at his words. Then he watched her shut down just as quickly. “You don’t understand.”

  “You’re right, I don’t. Please, will you explain it to me?” He kept his voice low.

  Esral licked her lips. “It’s complicated.”

  “I told you blood drinking was complicated, yet we handled that just fine…together as a team. Just as we handled everything else.” He couldn’t help but to cup her face in both his hands. “Here we are, Esral. This is it. You need to trust me now more than ever before. The mess we got ourselves into before was because we didn’t talk things through.”

  “You promise you won’t run away?” Her eyes flashed with fear.

  “I already told you that I’m here to stay, there is nothing you could possibly say that would change my mind.” Xavier clasped her hands in his.

  “It’s going to hurt when you break my thorn.” She blurted, biting down on her lip as soon as she finished.

  “Oh, sweetheart.” He put his forehead to hers. “I told you I would be gentle. We will take it slow. You can talk me through it.”

  Esral shook her head, her eyes filling with tears. “No, Xavier.” A tear broke loose and he caught it with his thumb. “Not me…” Her lip wobbled. “It’s going to hurt you.” She whispered the last, “A lot.”

  He cleared his throat, pulling away ever so slightly. “I can take it. I’m a warrior, I’ve sustained wounds—”

  “There is a reason it’s called a thorn. Battle scarred warriors have passed out trying to break them. This is serious, Xavier.”

  Xavier couldn’t help but to swallow hard. “I am a vampire, a prince dammit. I can do this.”

  Pulling a strand behind her ear, Esral shook her head. “That’s just it.” She paused. “You don’t have to go through all that. Give me a chance to prepare, I’ll break it myself.”

  “Not a fuck.” Xavier couldn’t help the words as they flew from his mouth and would say them again despite Esral’s disapproving look. “I’m sorry. I’ll stop with the bad language once it’s official.”

  Esral chewed on her lip for a moment. “I think you should leave me for five little minutes.”

  “You didn’t wait your whole life for this moment so that you could break your own thorn. I’m here and I’ll do it.”

  Her eyes were wide and she shook her head. “No…okay…just no. You don’t know what you are offering. I should’ve explained things better.”

  “It wouldn’t have made any difference. Do you think if I knew about your thorn being a real thorn that I wouldn’t have wanted you? I sincerely hope you don’t think so little of me.”

  She shrugged and his heart actually clenched inside him.

  “It wouldn’t have made any difference. I’m here and this is happening.” He could see that she still wasn’t buying it. “Answer me this…”

  It took a while but she finally nodded.

  “Those hardened, battle scarred warriors you were referring to. They must have known about the whole breaking of the thorn and how painful it is, yet they performed the deed. Why is that? Why don’t the females just break their own thorns all the time?”

  Esral looked at him like he was a nut job. “It happens often that a female is made to break her own thorn. If a male really loves his mate, he will do it for her. It’s rare, but it does happen…” She gasped. “I see what you are trying to do, to get me to talk myself into this.”

  “I just want you to see things a little more objectively. Go on.” He squeezed h

er arm to encourage her.

  Her whole demeanor had changed. It seemed that he might actually be getting through to her. “It is a great honor to break a female’s thorn and an even greater honor when a male is brave and willing enough to do it for a female. Blood is shed…a lot of blood.” Her eyes were overly large in her skull and she made an anguished noise. “When the thorn breaks the female bleeds too although not nearly as much as…the male.” Esral made an anguished sound. “I’m so sorry, Xavier. I would change it if I could. When blood mixes, the male and female are seen to bond and become one.” She gave him a ghost of a smile. “It is a bit gruesome and pretty messy but it’s also kind of romantic…” Her eyes widened as she realized what she had just said. “But we don’t have to do it.”

  “Bullshit, princess.” He kissed the very tip of her pert nose. “I love you and I want to become one with you.” He stared her deep in her eyes, cupping her cheeks so that he had her full attention. “It would be an honor to break your thorn.”

  Her throat worked and her lip quivered. “Do you mean that?”

  Xavier moved in closer, just an inch or two away. “Never more serious.” He pecked her sweet lips, moving back to maintain eye contact. “I’m not taking no for an answer unless…you really mean no.”

  Esral giggled and a weight lifted off of him. He stared deep into her eyes. “Does that mean yes, princess?”

  She tried to nod but he was still holding her. “Mmm Mmmm.”

  “I’ve never felt happier about having my dick ripped to shreds.”

  She gasped. “You don’t have—”

  “Hush…” He kissed her, slipping his tongue into her mouth. She sighed as he released her moments later. “Will it hurt you?” he asked.

  She shook her head. “No, maybe a little uncomfortable but no pain. I’m sorry.”

  “Stop apologizing. I am a male in his prime. I can take it. Besides…” He felt everything in him tighten and heat. His dick throbbed in his pants wanting inside her regardless of consequence. “It will be so worth it in the end. I cannot wait to have your legs wrapped around my hips. To fuck you so long and so hard that you forget your own name…I’ll stop there because I don’t want to scare you off just yet.” He’d talked dirty to her before, but this was different. He was actually about to do the deed this time. Best he tone it down a bit. Esral was as innocent as they came. He had to do right by her in every way.

  The thing was, she looked anything but scared. Her nipples just about poked holes through the thin fabric of her robe. Her breath was choppy and her cheeks flushed. Her wild cherry scent blossomed with arousal, it just about drove him to insanity.

  “Oh hell, princess. I think we should set up camp before I take you right here…right fucking now.”

  She shrugged. “It is kind of the idea.” Her cheeks infused with pink. “It has to be on the soil but we would need to move deeper into the forest. There’s also one other thing.” She bit down so hard that he could see how her teeth were denting her lip. If she wasn’t careful she was going to draw blood.

  “It can’t be worse than an honest to god thorn.” He paired his statement with a grin, hoping that she could see he was joking. No thorn was going to stop him from having this female. Nothing would.

  “You need to wear a white, silken robe.” She scrunched up her eyes.

  “You have got to be kidding me,” Xavier growled.

  “We both have to wear one.” She squeaked, still not looking at him.

  “I want you naked, princess. I’ve waited so damned long for this.” He knew he was being selfish but he couldn’t help it.

  She shook her head.

  “No,” he growled.

  “No.” She shook her head some more. “We can part our robes, but our first time needs to be clothed.” Her eyes were pleading. He was so screwed because there was no way he could say no to her. No way in hell.

  “Why? It’s such a strange tradition. Rutting is best when done butt ass naked. Nothing to get in the way.”

  Her eyes heated and her lashes fused. “It would just be for that first time. After that we can do whatever we want.”

  Xavier couldn’t help but to slide his hands over her ass and pull her towards him. “As in anything?”

  She nodded.

  “No more rules or regulations? Just you and me and…wait a minute.” He took in a deep breath. “That still doesn’t explain why we have to wear those things. No one will know. We’re alone out here. At least, I hope we’re alone.” He didn’t feel like they were being watched. His senses would’ve kicked in long ago if they were.

  “We’re alone but they will know.” Her expression became concerned once more. “We kind of have to wear the robes to our ceremony tomorrow as proof.”

  “Proof? But that’s crazy. White robes would be ruined. Wait a minute…” he shook his head. “Proof you say?” He growled the last. “That’s so fucking barbaric. Are you serious?”

  “Like I was saying, not all males choose to break their female’s thorn. This way everyone would know that you did. It’s considered good luck. You will be greatly respected by every elven male at the celebration tomorrow, particularly the mated ones.” Her blue eyes clouded. “I’m so sorry.”

  “Stop apologizing. Let’s have that swim in the stream and then you can show me my robe.” He couldn’t believe he’d just said that.

  Esral smiled, which made everything worth it.

  “I draw the line at pointy boots though, princess.”

  Her grin widened and she laughed. So damned worth it.

  “Help me with this please.” She reached down and held up the tie on her robe.

  Xavier groaned. “It would be my pleasure.”

  His hands shook a little, so it took a minute to undo the knot. “May I?” He clutched each side of her robe in his hands.

  Esral nodded, her eyes shone with…excitement. “I think it’s long overdue don’t you think?”

  “Holy hell.” He growled, as he carefully bared her, one creamy inch at a time. He all out cursed as her pink tipped breasts sprang free. “You’re never to wear clothes while we are alone, not ever again.” Xavier cupped their full weight in his hands. “So soft. Good god!” he groaned.

  Esral whimpered as he squeezed her soft globes. “That feels so good.” She arched her back. He removed his hands on another curse and her heavy curves actually quivered as he let them go. Xavier clasped his hands behind his back as his gaze dipped lower to her belly and glistening pussy.

  “No willpower.” He growled, pulling his vest over his head and toeing off his boots. His pants were off in no time. Another low growl was torn from him as he reached for Esral. She screeched as he tossed her over his shoulder. Something else he’d been wanting to do for the longest time.

  The water was icy cold. He sucked in a breath as he waded in. The current was soft and the water shallow coming only up to his hips at the deepest part. “Are you ready, princess?” he squeezed her ass.

  “Yes.” Her voice sounded husky and more of her cherry scent erupted. The quicker he had them washed off, the quicker he could make her his.

  Xavier pulled her into his arms, falling head first into a freezing cold stream would not be Esral’s idea of fun. Her eyes were wide with excitement. He quickly dropped into the water, the air seized in his lungs.

  Esral giggled. “A big warrior like you feeling the cold?” As if to prove a point, she pulled out of his arms and dove into the water. This female amazed him.

  Surprisingly, his dick was still hard as a rock. It twitched as she came up for air. Water droplets and wet hair looked good on the princess, just like he’d imagined that day she had wanted to go swimming.

  “What are you thinking?” She wrapped her arms around him, her nipples were hard against his chest, his dick actually throbbed so hard it made her giggle. “Happy to see me?”

  “Infinitely and I was thinking that I’d like to get out of the water and into something much warmer.”

�What did you have in mind?” She bit her lip.

  “You,” he growled as he palmed her ass and stood.

  “I can walk you know?” She giggled.

  “Oh I know that, princess. It’s just that for the next twenty four or so hours, I want your legs wrapped around me at all times.” He waded out of the water.

  “Is that so?” Her voice was husky and soft, and so damned sexy just like the rest of her.

  “I told you how this is going down.” His voice was gravelly.

  She nodded, they were pretty much nose to nose.

  “Where would you like…?” He began walking towards a pretty outcrop of trees.

  “My bag.” She gestured to the ground. “Our robes.”

  Xavier grinned at her. “You’re lucky I love you so much.”

  “You’re the lucky one, buster.” She threw back at him.

  “Don’t I know it.” He lowered her and she picked up the bag. Esral handed him the garment before donning her own robe. “It’s a shame,” he growled. “A shame to cover you up, Esral.” Already he mourned the loss of her curves.

  Esral threw him a coy smile and opened the robe right down the front, exposing her magnificent tits and her glorious pussy and everything in between.

  “Your turn.” She gestured to the garment in his hand.

  “You are not allowed to laugh.” Everyone else would laugh and that was fine but it would kill him if she did.

  “Put it on.” Again her voice sounded so husky. It gave him the strength he needed to don the damned robe. Thank fuck there were no mirrors or he might just have chickened out. When he looked up, he was blown away by how turned on Esral looked. He’d left the robe hanging open, his cock was so hard that it almost touched her and she was at least a foot away. A drop of pre-cum beaded on his tip and she licked her lips.

  Xavier picked her up and closed the distance to the forest in a half a second. There was a mossy, leafy patch under the biggest oak on that side of the bank. He carefully eased Esral down.

  Her pussy was so wet and ready, he was tempted to just plunge into her but he held back. This was all for her. His female.



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