Seducing Skye

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Seducing Skye Page 5

by Khloe Wren

  Sheesh! She really did a number on herself.

  "Can she leave the clinic yet?"

  She waited to see what Baxter's answer would be to Calix's question.

  "Skye needs to be on bed rest for the next day, but she can do that in your chambers just fine. I'll come and check on her in the morning to make sure she's progressing as expected."

  "Excellent. Let’s go."

  Ahh, her sweet Axel. Always so direct and to the point. Calix shifted to move off the bed, and Skye realized she was naked beneath the sheet.

  "Um, I'm naked."

  "We know, boo."

  She rolled her eyes at Axel. Owen leaned down and pressed the sheet around behind her before he scooped her up into his arms.

  "We needed to get you cleaned up before we could treat your wounds. Don't worry, no one will see you on our way to our chambers, angel."

  As she yawned, her mind turned fuzzy, and she didn't care that she wore only a sheet. She inhaled Owen's scent as she nuzzled into his chest while he walked from the clinic. She must have dozed off as the next thing she knew, she was being tucked into a big bed.

  "Please. Stay."

  Owen smiled down at her, and with a nod he stripped his pants off and climbed in beside her. She welcomed his warmth and strength, wiggling a little to get skin to skin contact. Calix followed suit on the other side. He seemed to sense what she needed and gently tugged the sheet away from her so he could press himself gently against her. But it wasn’t enough. She felt the mattress dip, and she smiled as she felt Axel settle across the end of the bed, stroking one hand up her uninjured calf. Now with all three of them touching her, she felt safe and content.

  "Go to sleep, love. We'll be right here when you wake."


  Eventually sleep must have claimed him as he woke with a start as Skye jolted against him. He sat up fast to discover what had disturbed his Desired. She was shaking as she tried to remain calm. He could feel the tension radiate from her body despite her silence. He looked around the room and couldn't work out what was wrong. Ahh, of course. Axel was on the floor between the bed and the door in dragon form. After nearly losing her, they couldn't resist the need to make certain she was protected. Even though the rogues were now all dead, their instincts refused to back down. His brother lay still, but Calix could sense he was awake.

  Axel, don't move. I'm going to try to get Skye to come to you.

  "Skye, it's okay, love. It's Axel. You see how his scales match the color of our hair? That the webbing of his wings matches our eyes. That's how you can tell it's one of us. Of course, the pull you feel will give it away, too."

  "How do you know that I feel pulled to him?"

  "You're our Desired. When we're in dragon form our—and your—instincts are stronger. Your soul knows we're destined to be yours, and it's leading you toward us."

  She'd stopped shaking now and was watching Axel intently. His brother lay motionless on the floor, and only his blinking eyes showed that he was alive.

  "Look into his eyes, Skye. You can see that it's Axel. Our dragons are part of us. We have all the same knowledge and emotions whether we're human or dragon. You never need to fear us, love."

  "Go to him, angel. He won't move. Take your time to learn him."

  Owen's encouragement seemed to be the extra push she needed. She went to move but winced in pain. Cursing himself, Calix went to scoop her up to take her to Axel.

  "Sorry, love. Momentarily forgot you'd still be sore."

  "Baxter did say bed rest, Calix. What if Axel, um, if he comes here? Slowly."

  Axel raised his head from the floor to tilt his head.

  "He heard me?"

  "Yes, we can't speak out loud as dragons, but we can understand perfectly. We can talk telepathically as dragons. Once we all bond, you'll be able to hear and speak with us that way, too."

  Owen shifted to sit against the headboard, and Calix helped move Skye so she was sitting between his legs and leaning against his chest. Once she was comfortable he sat next to them and watched as Axel slowly lumbered to the side of the bed. He rested his head on the mattress in front of Calix and about an inch from her legs and started purring.

  Calix took Skye's hand in his and guided her palm to Axel's snout. She trembled in his grip until her flesh came into contact with Axel's scales.

  "Oh, wow."

  "You can feel the connection, can't you? You know deep down he won't ever hurt you. It will be the same with me and Owen."

  He released her hand and allowed her to set the pace. She stroked her fingertips over Axel's face, learning his every scale. As she brushed a thumb over the seam of his lips, Axel slowly opened his mouth a couple of inches. With a curious expression, Skye traced a couple of his teeth with her fingertip. Apparently, that was more than Axel could take as he pressed his tongue against her palm and revved up his purring. She giggled as she pulled her hand away.

  "You weren't joking about that, huh?"

  "Hell no, we weren't joking. Just you wait until you're better, we'll show you exactly how good that can feel."

  Axel nosed her leg gently with a small huff, and she chuckled as she returned to patting him. Then her expression turned serious.

  "I wouldn't have survived yesterday if you weren't dragons, would I?"

  Pain ripped into him at the thought of her dying.

  "It's nearly impossible for a human to beat a dragon in a fight."

  "I ran from all of you."

  Her voice was barely a whisper, and tears began to fall down her face. He leaned over to wipe them away as Owen curled his arms around her waist to hold her.

  "You were lost, alone and scared, Skye. Seeing ten foot dragons coming at you, especially when you're scared of reptiles, would be enough to freak out anyone. We don't blame you for running, love. In fact, we're so damn proud of you. Not many people can run and hide from a dragon for as long as you managed."

  She looked up to him with watery eyes. "What happened to them? The black dragons."

  "There were two, and they’re both dead."

  Her tears picked up as she started sobbing.

  "Shh, they had to die, Skye. They are the ones who kidnapped Eilagh and Becky, then came after both of you. Add in several things they did before they went rogue, and they got off easy with a quick death."

  "So it's over now? We're safe to walk around outside?"

  "Well, not just yet. We need to do a thorough search of the land surrounding the castle for any more traps they set. And there are other animals around that you need to be wary of. I doubt it's anything more than what you had to keep an eye out for back on Earth."

  Owen spoke up as he tightened his embrace on her. "And now you've touched our dragons, we'll always be able to find you, so if you do get lost again it won't take so long for us to get to you."

  "But I've only touched Axel."

  "We all touched you when we rescued you, angel. But if you’d like, Calix and I can change to our dragons now for you? If you want us to."

  "I think that would be good idea. Can't start playing favorites, now can I?"

  She yawned, and her eyes began to droop. Owen promptly moved her so she was lying on the mattress beside him.

  "Maybe we'll all shift for you later, love. Right now, you need to rest more than pet your dragons."

  Calix was relieved that Skye was comfortable enough with them to be cheeky. She drifted off to sleep with her palm resting on Axel's snout. As he watched her resting, he wondered how long until she'd healed enough for them to ask her to bond with them.

  Chapter Five

  It had been three days since all the drama took place, but Skye still felt so tired and she ached all over. The previous night, she'd overheard her men discussing how Carina and Becky had refused to bond with their dragons until Skye could be there. She’d interrupted their conversation to say she was more than capable of attending a wedding, or rather, a bonding ceremony. So here she stood, leaning against the door frame of a h
uge walk-in closet trying to muster the energy to get herself dressed.

  "Need help, boo?"

  Warm, strong arms wrapped around her middle as soft lips kissed her bare shoulder.

  "Hmm. Yeah, I seem to have run out of puff."

  His hands trailed up her body to cup her breasts as he continued to nibble her neck and shoulder.

  "Axel, we don't have time..."

  He growled low before releasing her.

  "After then."

  She was getting used to his quirk of only saying half of what he meant. It was really kind of cute. Not that she'd ever tell him that. She watched as he went over to the wall and picked a beautiful medieval looking dress made from royal blue satin. The laces up the front were magenta of course. She smiled as she thought about what her and her friends all wore now. It was obvious a dragon's color was carried through their whole life—including their Desired's wardrobe. With his heated gaze roaming her body he helped her put on the stunning gown. By the time she was ready to go she was so aroused she could barely walk.

  Calix strolled into the room as Axel cupped her face in his palms and gave her a deep kiss.

  "You too sore to walk down to the orchard, love?"

  "I think she's unable to walk for a different reason, brother."

  Calix groaned, "Did you let him help you dress, Skye?"


  Axel chuckled as he scooped her up in his arms.

  "Let's go."

  "You in a rush, Axel?"


  Skye rolled her eyes, "I believe he has plans for after the ceremony."

  "Ahh, sounds good. Sooner we go, sooner we get back. I'm all for that. You coming, Owen?"

  She shook her head as she laughed at her men's antics, and they made their way to the foyer of the castle where Becky and Eilagh were waiting for her. All three of her men left her with a quick kiss as they headed out the door.

  "Started wondering if you were up for the ceremony."

  "Oh, she's up for it, Eilagh. I'm guessing what held her up was at least one of her men thought she was up for something else this morning."

  Becky wriggled her eyebrows at her, and Skye felt her cheeks heat.

  "Axel may have gotten a little carried away helping me get dressed."

  "I swear they're all as bad as each other! You know me and Eilagh are both pregnant? It would seem it only takes these boys one go to get the job done."

  Skye shook her head in shock at Becky. "How on earth could you know if you're pregnant after only a couple of days?"

  Becky's face lit up. "When we're knocked up we get a new tattoo. Well, the men tell me it goes away after we give birth, so it's not really a tattoo."

  Skye's confusion must have showed as with a chuckle Eilagh undid a few buttons low on her dress to reveal the skin below her navel. "It's a honey yellow paw-print, see? It appears the morning after conception."

  Skye knew full well she didn’t bear that mark, and she wasn’t sure how she felt about it. She frowned at the sudden churning in her insides. "Do the men all know it only takes one time?"

  Eilagh was always too perceptive. "What's wrong, Skye?"

  She rubbed a hand behind her neck. "I'm on the Pill."

  With a suspicious glare Becky asked, "When was the last time you took it?"

  "The morning before I went out walking with Carina."

  "You know it’s highly unlikely to be working anymore then? Do you plan on taking them anymore?"

  Skye looked to the ceiling as her inner confusion caused her eyes to tear up.

  "I don't know. When I saw my bag in the wardrobe I automatically took the thing. I’ve been on them forever to keep my periods regular and the cramps down. It wasn’t really a conscious decision. There’s only a few left in the packet anyway. It’s not like I can get more, so I guess there’s not much point in continuing to take them." Suddenly she was in the center of a group hug. “How the hell am I going to tell them so they don’t take it the wrong way?”

  "Tell them the truth, explain that it was out of habit and not because you didn’t want their child. They're going to start worrying if you don't get pregnant when the rest of us have after the first time through the park."

  Skye hadn’t thought she’d ever be a mother. She’d never felt any desire to have kids back on Earth. Now she wasn’t sure anymore. Fortunately Carina chose that moment to join them, and Skye turned the conversation to the upcoming nuptials and away from babies before her friends caught on to any more of her confused thoughts.


  As the ceremony ended Calix was getting increasingly worried about Skye, despite the fact she'd watched the entirety of both ceremonies and only tensed a little as the men had flashed to dragons, which was a damn sight better than how she'd reacted to Dimitri and Max's bonding ceremony.

  She'd struggled to walk down the hill with her sore ankle and knee and had clung to Carina the whole way. She'd accepted Calix's help to move away from Carina to stand with them, but she'd chosen to lean against Owen and hadn't moved for the whole time. He and Axel stood close to her, but she seemed closed off from them all. Did she choose Owen because she didn't think he'd say anything to her? She didn't reach for any of them like she had when she'd woken this morning either. Had the other females told her something up at the castle? Maybe she was in pain again?

  Dimitri, their clan leader, stepping forward demanded his attention.

  "While we're all here together, we have some more news to share with you all. Our families are going to be expanding soon. Both Eilagh and Becky are pregnant."

  Everyone clapped and cheered the blessed families before Dimitri continued.

  "It would seem both Becky and Eilagh conceived after just one time, so if any of the other females do not wish to be pregnant, you need to be careful."

  He glanced toward Skye in time to catch her wince. She hid it quickly, but he'd seen it.

  What's going on with her? Me and you both left our seed within her, but she's not pregnant. I would have seen the mark when I helped dress her this morning.

  No idea, Axel. But I intend to find out. The mark would have appeared the morning before her walk, and we'd have all seen it in the clinic when we cleaned her up if she were pregnant.

  You don't think she miscarried from the fall?

  She hasn't bled, so I doubt it. But something is going on. Let's get back to our chambers. Owen, you want to bring our Desired?

  Skye squeaked a little as, without a word, Owen swung her up in his arms. She glanced at each of their faces with a tinge of fear in her gaze before she curled herself against Owen's chest. She looked so small and fragile against his brother’s huge frame as he strode off toward the castle. Calix looked skyward and begged for the Goddess's help before he followed his brothers.

  None of them said a word as they made their way to their chambers. Owen took Skye to the master bedroom where he laid her gently on the bed before he joined her.

  "You going to tell us what's wrong, angel?"

  She sucked in a breath as she looked up at Owen.

  "Owen may be the quietest one of us, boo, but he's not going to let it slide when it's obvious there's something going on. So spill. Did the other females say something to you this morning before the ceremonies?"

  She closed her eyes and took a deep breath.

  "Yes. But it wasn't anything bad. They just made me realize a couple things I hadn’t really thought about."

  She absently rubbed a hand over her belly.

  "Has this got something to do with you not being pregnant?"

  She nodded with a wince, and Calix stopped, letting Owen take the lead.

  "Skye, you need to tell us, whatever it is. You have to be honest, with us and yourself. We removed the Truth Band because we trust you. Can you trust us?"

  Flexing her arm where the band had been, she huffed and turned from Owen to him.

  "On Earth, there is a medication called the Pill. Real original name, I know. Anyway, it’s fo
r women. It helps regulate their hormones, and it stops their body from ovulating. Most women take it so they don’t get pregnant.”

  “Most women? Why’d you take it, boo?”

  She smiled a little at Axel. “I’ve been on the Pill for a long time. I’ve always had really heavy periods—monthly bleeds—along with intense cramping. Doctors, um, healers, often prescribe the Pill to help with that.”

  Calix frowned down at her. He couldn't understand why anyone would want to mess with nature, and the Goddess's plans, like that.

  "Don't judge me for it, Calix. I can see in your eyes you don't understand. Can you imagine what it was like for me? From the age of fourteen every month I would be in agony for the entire time I bled. And I wasn’t lucky enough to only bleed a few days a month. I would bleed for two to three weeks. I could barely get out of bed for the pain of the cramps. Then there’s the bleeding side of it. I used to bleed so heavily that I would go through several pads a day. It was crippling. The doctor put me on the Pill, and I got my life back. So when I found my bag in the closet, I didn’t think, out of habit I took the Pill.”

  Calix rubbed the bridge of his nose.

  “Okay, so you took it as a medicine. You said most females took it to prevent having a baby. Why would they do that?

  “Calix, you need to remember Earth is different from Feury. We don't have fated mates. Hell, over half the couples that get married, um, bond, end up splitting up! Everything in our lives costs money, and we have to work to earn it to survive. Having a baby on our own is hard and expensive. So a lot of women take the Pill. That way they can search for a husband, err, mate, while not having to worry about falling pregnant."

  Calix really didn't like the sound of this place they called Earth. He did feel a little calmer that she wasn’t intentionally preventing their baby.

  "You know, I don't really care for where you came from. I'm glad the Great Wind brought you to us, rather than sending us to you."

  That got a small chuckle from her, "Yeah, not sure how the locals would cope with a few real life dragons flying around the place."


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