ZetaTalk: Transformation

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ZetaTalk: Transformation Page 5

by Nancy Lieder

  and the very injury they wished on another coming back to haunt them.

  Previously, they could count on a corporation firing an offending whistle-blower, no salary, no pension, no work

  reference to get new employment, and the story spread about to horrify others likely to follow suit. Now, they

  find a push back, delaying tactics, and questions as to why such action should be necessary against a good

  employee. Needing to explain, and having none but the worst reasons, they slink away and don't push the


  Previously, they could with confidence count on the media to muzzle any reporter with an expose’ other than

  against a political enemy of the elite or wealthy. Now, the media is suddenly scheduling news, without allowing

  the powers that be to review the agenda. A single link in a story line, that breaks, leads to the public seeing all

  the dirty laundry spilling out onto the sidewalks. Such is the horror that the elite are experiencing, increasingly.

  How do they react? With temper tantrums? This has been tried, to no avail, and has become humiliating. With threats?

  These are ignored now, and if attempted to implement, often come back onto the implemented, the elite themselves.

  They wish their enemy to be bankrupt, and find themselves exposed to lawsuits galore. They wish their enemy to

  become sick, infected by an assassin with a needle, and find themselves running a fever, with the doctor puzzled as to

  the cause! As we have predicted, they will move increasingly to circle the wagons, going into their enclaves, guarded

  by the military or militia. Wealthy neighborhoods now have such guards and restrictions, and this will become the

  mode, all around. No comment. Secret meetings. Agreement not on paper. Explained as the need to protect during

  terrorism, or the need to protect politicians from assassins, as Israel had in recent years. Or the need to control a

  starving public, given to mobbing the weary workers trying to get things back on track. Anything but the truth, which

  the public, freed increasingly to talk among themselves, will spread.

  All rights reserved: [email protected]

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  ZetaTalk: Travel Restrictions

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  ZetaTalk: Travel Restrictions

  Note: written during the July 27, 2002 Live ZetaTalk IRC Session.

  There is a disconnect between what the populace expects from their governments and the military they control, and

  what will actually come about. This is because the populace assumes that the government, and the military they

  control, will perform as today, during and after the shift. Nothing could be further from the truth. The government, and the military, of any country, are composed of humans, each with agendas, each with only so much ability to withstand

  stress, and this is much disguised. During peace times, the populace is presented with authoritarian leadership, calm,

  wise, and assumes this at all times. During war times, or times of great stress, the leadership only shows their cracks in

  private quarters, and poor health or assassinations by those around leaders covers their quaking knees and temporary

  insanity. Leaders who would open the eyes of the populace to the weakness inherent in the government are considered

  a form of traitors, to be silenced quickly. In fact, in the White House, in the Vatican, in the halls of power of all

  countries, horrific weaknesses exhibit, and are covered up, and accepted by the inner circle as long as this is kept

  private! The reason these weaknesses are accepted is that weak people are considered easy to manipulate, and those

  around the leaders are often the real hands at the helm. Thus, at the highest realms, there is not the strength to deal with the coming pole shift, or its aftermath.

  Taking this down into the ranks, where the workers cling to government employment, the perpetual parent this

  represents, and this includes those migrating to the military as they are not strong universally, on all fronts. What

  happens when someone with strong dependency needs finds the parent breaking apart, missing, not responsive, or the

  expected meals and housing and leadership and orders not there! Befuddlement, panic that translates into angry

  demands, and certainly a lack of attention to the tasks that employee or soldier is expected to perform! Thus, when the

  stress builds, you will find no military attending their posts, or so sporadically that the broken link applies endlessly and nothing works. They may be set out to dump chemicals on the populace, as with chemtrails, and not ever get to the

  planes or find the planes not loaded or the runway not cleared. They may be set out to circle a city and prevent escape

  of the populace, which is supposed to die off and ease the burden on the elite, who wish to be freed from worry about

  mobs, and find that almost none of the perimeter is guarded, and the soldiers off with those escaping instead. They

  may be assigned to guard and protect the elite, but vacate in search of their own families, leaving the elite vulnerable

  to invasion by the hungry and very angry mob.

  Thus, in thinking about what the elite, or the government, might do to you in the last days, consider that you know

  very little about their weaknesses, and that these human frailties will prevail.

  All rights reserved: [email protected]

  http://www.zetatalk2.com/transfor/t139.htm[2/5/2012 11:12:53 AM]

  ZetaTalk: Lesser Evil

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  ZetaTalk: Lesser Evil

  written Oct 30, 2003

  The plan, for the approaching Planet X emergency, was laid out over a decade ago.

  Stage 1

  The public should not be aware of anything wrong at all, no abnormal weather, no abnormal quakes,

  economy blazing along. This was the hope, but never achieved, but its aftereffect can still be seen in

  the chirpy media reports, the statements that the economy is on the uptick when all indicators are

  otherwise, the artificially maintained DOW, the false polls on Bush and Blair, the attempts to

  distract the mindless drones with soap opera reports such as Laci Peterson drama and in earlier years

  with Clinton’s sexcapades. Had Planet X not entered the inner solar system, this would have


  Stage 2

  Was to go into place when measuring the public unease determined that they no longer bought into

  Stage 1, began to feel they were being lied to, and looking elsewhere for answers. At this point,

  various excuses lined up to take the blame, to be the reason, were to get extra attention. Global

  Warming was floated out early to account for weather changes, but failed as an excuse as corporate

  interests did not want to comply with the Koyoto Agreement, and oil was to be the energy

  commodity of the future, so conflicts were inherent. The Sun and asteroids were deemed better

  villains. The Sun having a 14 year cycle was announced early, well before 2000 when the end of the

  cycle was to occur, and Near Earth Orbit asteroids also were given the spotlight. Difficulty with

  Stage 2 is timing, as the recent X Class alerts demonstrated. For a NEO or X Class flares to cover

  for Planet X caused events, their timing needs to be correlated, and in this they need Planet X to

  cooperate or a accurate understanding of the factors that are causing Planet X related events. The

  establishment has neither of these.

  Stage 3

  Given failure to explain earth events in light of the favored excuses, solar events and NEO asteroid

  passes, reducing pani
c in other ways is required. Panic includes panic in the heads of state in

  countries around the world that have been bullied into remaining silent with the panacea that Planet

  X would simply pass, and panic with resultant riots and looting the real danger. Stage 3 was to be

  instituted due to either a failure of the public to buy into excuses for earth changes or due to earth

  changes to the extent that panic occurs anyway because of flooding, volcanic eruption, quake

  damaged cities, starvation incited riots, and the inability of governments to placate and reassure the

  public. Stage 3 is to include reliance on religion where this reliance already is in place, but this is

  not deemed in place in the western world to any appreciable degree. Where brutal dictatorships are

  in place, repression of panic is assumed to be done by increased brutality. Immigration attempts

  handled by slaughter. Rioting controlled by mowing the rioters down under gunfire. None of this is


  To keep the wheels of society running in those areas where the establishment lives, so they can have comfort up until

  the last moment, requires something else, however. It requires more honesty, and a plan, so the public will not panic.

  The establishment has neither of these. Honesty requires they admit they have been lying, an impossible step. In

  addition, credibility will not lie with liars. The establishment also does not have a plan, outside of saving themselves

  and continuing their comforts at all costs. They cannot offer a plan, nor even conceive of one, as their minds do not

  work in that way. Thus, they will increasingly give into what will be considered the lesser evil to them, allowing the

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  ZetaTalk: Lesser Evil

  truth to come out, and survival plans to be discussed in the media. This will be closely monitored for its effect.

  Reducing panic and keeping people walking in their ruts, like mindless drones, will be the criteria. Desertion in the

  ranks of the working mass required to keep the establishment in comfort and their assets secure will be considered a

  failure in this regard.

  To the extent that more honesty and frank talk of survival plans is considered no less an evil than the current course of complete denial, it will be encouraged. The establishment has determined, through various tests, that when informed

  and having a plan for survival, workers tend to return to focus on their jobs, versus endlessly distracted with worry

  about an unseen and unknown event heading their way. Sacrificial lambs will be offered, from the ranks or the

  establishment controlled political parties or industries. Heads will roll, be blamed, and these hardly the worst offenders

  but likely candidates. Thus, where a media head controlled the media cover-up, it will be interim managers who are

  sacrificed. Where the banking system is very much top down controlled, it will be the heads of arms of this large

  system that are found to be thieves. Where NASA has been completely controlled for decades, part of the cover-up, it

  will be found that certain nervous managers have been withholding data.

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  ZetaTalk: Clash of Agendas

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  ZetaTalk: Clash of Agendas

  written Nov 15, 2003

  As the Earth changes leading up to the inevitable passage of Planet X with cataclysmic effects on Earth increases,

  pressure by all to promote their agendas increases, leading to a clash of agendas. When times are comfortable the pace

  can be slow, without pain or anxiety, but when time seems short, or when all seems to be crashing and about to be

  lost, agendas are pushed aggressively. What are these agendas, and in what way do they clash? Since those in the

  Service-to-Other work cooperatively, and do so increasingly in emergency situations, we will address primarily the

  agendas of those in the Service-to-Self, as affected by increasing Earth changes and awareness of the big lie by the

  general public.

  Puppet Masters

  As we explained during the Elite Exodus on June 11, he with the gold, rules. The public assumes a

  broad ownership of corporations and media outlets, when the opposite is true. A very few

  individuals control the wealth of the world, install politicians to their pleasing, create global

  conflicts and create or destroy the fortunes of countries as well as individuals in the chess games

  they play with their control, and thus operate as Puppet Masters during the cover-up. Their agenda

  is to retain control, retain their position, and thus as their gold rules, they want minimal impact to

  their financial stature. No bank failure. No drop in stock value. No corporate bankruptcies. And as

  they assume this would occur if knowledge of a rogue planet in the inner solar system were to be

  broad, they consider hiding this as long as possible of prime importance.


  Promised wealth, power, security, and opportunities outside of what their natural talents would

  afford them, puppets invariably allow their strings to be pulled. They are chosen because they can be

  controlled, by blackmail, by bribery, by intimidation, and if disappointed with the role they are

  assigned, they are alternately threatened and placated by their puppet masters, else eliminated.

  Puppets run amuck of their masters when they sense their world will not continue, and make

  demands. Occasional restless puppets are expected, with alternatives waiting in the wings, but when

  puppets panic en mass, malfunction, are absent, and many replacements are happening

  simultaneously, the chess game the puppet masters play does not go as planned. We then have the

  masters emerging to act, without cover, as in the takeover of Yokos stock by Jacob Rothchild when

  the Russian oil appeared lost. This makes the puppets nervous, as they sense they are dispensable.

  Comfortable Class

  Accustomed to being secure due to ownership of goods and the power this brings, the upper class or

  moneyed class will react with more than shock when their property, whether corporate interests or

  stocks and bonds or real property, is flushed down the toilet during the increasing changes

  pummeling the Earth. Insurance companies will go under when their insured base surpasses their

  wealth, corporate bankruptcy will ensue when all but the corporate name have been washed or

  blown away, and clutching jewels and artwork, they will stand and wail. Banking empires,

  government security blankets, all run by puppets of the puppet master, will receive demands to do

  something to return the comfortable class to their comfort. Simultaneous demands on nervous and

  malfunctioning puppets creates an explosive situation. More malfunction. More naked hand of the

  puppet master exposed. Wailing all around.

  Working Class

  At the base of the pyramid, the working man and woman observe the drama. From their standpoint,

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  ZetaTalk: Clash of Agendas

  they are living in the Land of Oz, where nothing is as it has been pronounced, the good guys doing

  bad deeds, the economic recovery putting them out of their homes and jobs, and no one explaining

  why the Sun and Moon and seasons are not where they are supposed to be. The point of working for

  the comfortable class is for food and a roof over one's head, and when both seem tenuous, loyalty

  fails. The working class is thus simply not w
here expected to be, not the drones and robots

  anticipated, and the comfortable class now switches from simply wailing to panic. Insecurity

  translates to autocracy, so strong arm tactics against the working class are the first armament. This

  of course backfires when cities are collapsing and the leadership proven inept, so the working class

  becomes the rebelling class, and is absent even more.

  Thus, the clash of agendas means that none of the social structure operates as expected by those in the Service-to-Self, who find their banking empires collapsed, their real and corporate properties vanishing, their puppets wandering

  around confused, and the comfortable class fuming about the recalcitrant working class and lack of action by the

  puppets running the establishment’s empire. Chaos, just as the serious pole shift precursors are about to ensue!

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  ZetaTalk: Broken Link

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  ZetaTalk: Broken Link

  written Nov 6, 2004

  How do we keep out of the internment camps, set for dissenters in all 50 US states, per ex military bases?

  We have stated that by the time the pole shift is seen as inevitable, with rotation slowing to a stop and the monster

  passing planet like a dragon in the sky, that travel will be impossible, divided loyalties suddenly crystallizing into one

  direction, innovation to overcome disaster on the rise, while fully 43% of mankind goes mad from the horror and

  uncertainty. For Martial Law to succeed, an unbroken chain needs to exist, but the broken link will prevent this.


  Train derailments due to twisted tracks are almost epidemic today, small planes crashing likewise

  almost epidemic due to guidance system failure, and sinkholes under roads opening up suddenly,

  blocking the traffic flow. This will only get worse, and where interment or work camps have been

  planned in the past, they require rail lines that work, else internment or slavery occurs close to home

  and fails because of this. An army that cannot march or descent from the skies is ignored, and the


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