ZetaTalk: Transformation

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by Nancy Lieder

  incarnated entities in no way have their former form or garb, but are recorded in the brain in that manner due to mental

  connections that are bonded to thoughts of the dead loved one. If the spirit formerly incarnated as Uncle Joe visits,

  then one frames out this awareness of the visit with Uncle Joe's visage and tone of voice, just a brain cell away from

  where memories of Uncle Joe are stored.

  As the Transformation is now, entities who have made their orientation decision and undecided entities alike want that

  last word with loved ones before moving on to their next incarnation. If firmly in the Service-to-Other they may wish

  to encourage others in this direction. If undecided and aware that they will be taken to a world far from Earth, they

  may wish to say good-by or express encouragement to loved ones they know will likewise be making the same trip.

  And if firmly in the Service-to-Self, they may wish to contact a former cohort and put a word in for this orientation

  choice so as to be less alone in a potentially distressing environment.

  Humans giving The Call will thus find that increasingly they are communicating not only with aliens but the dead.

  This increase is not due to any change in Council rules or in procedures in the alien groups visiting Earth, but is due to

  the awareness that the dead have of the Transformation, which is now. In the past, the dead expected their next

  incarnation to follow past patterns. Now they know otherwise.

  All rights reserved: [email protected]

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  ZetaTalk: Crossing Over

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  ZetaTalk: Crossing Over

  Note: written Jan 15, 2002

  Crossing Over is an entrancing show for many, and with good reason. John Edwards is genuinely speaking with spirits,

  the dead, and has learned this skill from his early childhood experiences, which he does not speak about. The soul can

  speak to other souls, incarnated about them in the family, and likewise can speak to the dead. This is written about in

  human literature as haunting, or times when a spirit is sensed in the room, though not seen. Those who acknowledge

  these experiences allow themselves to be open to the possibility, and thus allow the soul to update the mind in this

  regard. All humans with strong souls have this potential, but few develop it. Edwards experienced severe loss in his

  childhood, and with great longing reached out to contact those he had lost. He allowed himself to experience this,

  which was a comfort to him, and thus in childhood became versed in this form of communication. This is not a fraud,

  not is it likely to become so due to the nature of the communication vehicle, who is strongly Service-to-Other.

  All rights reserved: [email protected]

  http://www.zetatalk2.com/transfor/t114.htm[2/5/2012 11:13:04 AM]

  ZetaTalk: Take Sick

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  ZetaTalk: Take Sick

  Note: written Feb 15, 1998.

  Increasingly, as the pole shift nears, the populace will take sick. This will take the form of known illnesses occurring

  more frequently, seemingly depressed immune systems, but will also appear as new and puzzling illnesses not seen

  before in the memory of man. What is going on here? Birds flying that use magnetism are confused, arriving in the

  wrong place, and all of this affects the immune system as almost everything does. The changes at the core of the Earth

  that have resulted in El Nino weather patterns and white buffalo and deformed frogs also affect man. Not only is the

  body asked to adapt to a changing environment, where radiation elements unknown to man are increasing, various

  infectious agents are also influenced to behave differently. Exposure patterns are thus changed, with infections

  occurring in circumstances otherwise considered healthy. The germs are on the move. Their carriers are on the move.

  And thus humans are exposed to diseases that are so rare as to be undocumented in medical journals.

  Often, there is almost a decision by humans and animals alike, to simply not persevere. They sense that there are going

  to be very troubled times ahead. Perhaps they would have a struggle and not make it, and they just let themselves go.

  They allow themselves to become sick. This happens in the best of times with many situations where the doctor faces

  an illness that should not be devastating to the patient, yet they are dying, and other situations where the will to live

  pulls the patient out of the worst case and they surprise and shock the doctors. So the determination to live or die has a

  great effect. As the time of the pole shift approaches, this type of distress will increase steadily, affecting the weak and

  despondent primarily, as do all illnesses. When the immune system is depressed, as occurs in those with poor nutrition

  or whose body is in a weakened state due to a series of illnesses but also in those who have become despondent, illness

  can occur aggressively, with sweeping speed.

  You will see increasing illness, odd illnesses, microbes that travel because an insect is scattering about and spreading

  germs in places where it normally doesn't travel. This does not mean that the illness has been spread deliberately.

  Some have, but well over 90% of all the illness and distress you're going to see is a natural situation, a natural

  occurrence. Because of the changing, swirling in the core of the Earth, and this will continue to up-tick until the pole

  shift. Starvation from crop shortages and exposure due to erratic weather will compound this trend, with the die off

  expected after the pole shift occurring early in some parts of the world. Of course, the devastation after the pole shift

  will be very severe. A majority of the deaths that will occur as a result of the pole shift will not be due to the initial

  impact but will be due to illness, the spreading of germs, and a lethargic depression that envelopes mankind.

  Note: below added during the Dec 7, 2002 LIve ZetaTalk IRC Session.

  We described in 1995 that mankind and animals alike would increasingly take sick, during the years and months going

  into the shift. Germs migrate to new environments, due to climate changes, and humans and animals are under stress

  due to earth changes as well as climate changes. There are germs mankind is unfamiliar with, that will become more

  aggressive, considered a new strain, unknown before. Likewise, confused animals will migrate to wrong places,

  becoming weakened, and increase their vulnerability to germs and stress diseases. All this, in our predictions, have

  come about, but with every new outbreak we get questioned as to what the cause is. A cruise ship has stomach flu, or

  food poisoning caused by distracted food handlers, and this is not out of keeping with our predictions on mankind

  increasingly making error in their everyday work due to subconscious worry, and the failure of their governments to

  address the earth changes they can see are occurring. Likewise, individuals on a ship talk more to one another, or

  perhaps have intimate interaction, where perhaps in the past would not, due to anxiety. Personal guard is dropped, and

  it takes not much more than this for many groups to be infected. Hands not washed in wash rooms, a single family

  member bringing a germ into a room to infect the rest of the family, etc. This is nothing more than has been predicted,

  and will increase, due to distraction of humans, climate changes, and dropping immune systems.

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  ZetaTalk: Take Sick

  All rights reserved: [email protected]

  http://www.zetatalk2.com/transfor/t71.htm[2/5/2012 11:13:05 AM]

  ZetaTalk: Asian Flu Epidemic

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  ZetaTalk: Asian Flu Epidemic

  written during the Jan 30, 2004 Lou Gentile Show

  With the increased sicknesses that have been showing up in wild animals and domestic, as the

  Zetas predicted, how long after the passage will immune systems remain weakened and these

  types of diseases remain a danger to humans, since the mad cow, for instance, began showing

  many years ago? Are the animals' susceptibility to those pathogens related to Planet X?

  We have stated, early in the ZetaTalk era, that Illness would be on the increase going into the shift. We stated at that time that this would be due to several factors, primarily depressed immune systems but also opportunistic germs that

  would migrate to new environments due to the erratic weather. All creatures, human and domesticated and wildlife

  alike, suffer, and thus all can be responsible for spreading germs into new environments. Droughts and deluges with

  resulting floods have occurred, causing migration of wildlife. The illness emerging is not new, in the main, caused by

  germs that have been present all along. Swine or avian flu, germs passed from animals to humans and mutating, is not

  new. Starvation is rampant, worldwide, mostly resulting in undernourished humans and flocks and herds and wildlife.

  Humans are distracted by worry, and thus tend to eat comfort food rather than a proper diet, and even wildlife suffers

  from this tendency, being too distressed or unable to eat their normal diet. All this creates depressed immune systems.

  An additional stress on the immune system is the emanations from the swirling core of the Earth and the rock strata

  under pressure. If rock emits radon, naturally, and rock under pressure and heading for a quake emits radio waves that

  can be detected by radios nearby as static, then the distressed crust of the Earth and increased swirling of the core spell

  a change for mankind and the other creatures crawling about on the Earth, and change is stressful. Erratic weather puts

  the body under almost continuous stress. Humans intent on surviving the coming times should be careful to eat a

  proper diet, but the most important ingredient in a strong immune system is attitude. Think less of the coming times as

  a depressing disaster and look beyond them to the future, which will ultimately be immensely better for survivors than

  the present times. Life on Earth will change, with survivors supporting each other and the Earth becoming a home to

  high tech visitors - fascinating, unfolding, and emotionally satisfying.

  http://www.zetatalk2.com/index/zeta63.htm[2/5/2012 11:13:06 AM]

  ZetaTalk: Emanation Illness

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  ZetaTalk: Emanation Illness

  written Nov 16, 2005

  We have mentioned from the start of ZetaTalk, the early days, that the core emanations will on occasion make people stressed. This is not something that can be seen, as these emanations are invisible to man. What is it that allows animals to sense that an earthquake is approaching? Those electromagnetic emanations from the Earth that man

  ignores or cannot readily sense. But more than this occurs. During the Summer of 2003, it was noted by many that an

  odd fatigue would descend during the day only, from the Sun. We explained at that time that since Planet X was

  arriving from that direction, the disturbances in particle flows coming from the Sun was at fault. At that time the Earth

  likewise had power outages galore, for similar reasons.

  The Earth is now coming into a similar period, when the N Pole of Planet X is swinging, slowing, around to point

  away from the Sun for the 3 days of darkness time those in the northern hemisphere of Earth will inevitably

  experience. This swing is not only slow, it is a bit erratic, so that it will dither and thus cause the Earth to feel the force

  of this magnetic hose from the N Pole and then, a cessation, coming and going. Power outages will accompany some

  of this, as will disturbed core emanation and all of this will make people feel out of sorts. What to do about this, and how to handle it? Our advice is to treat these sudden feelings of weakness or depression like a case of sunburn or a

  slight head cold. If you have sunburn or a head cold, you do not become unduly alarmed, and give yourself a break,

  less outdoor work, more time on the couch with a hot cup of tea. Do the same when afflicted with these mystery

  illnesses, as their cause is temporary, in the scheme of things.

  http://www.zetatalk2.com/index/zeta248.htm[2/5/2012 11:13:07 AM]

  ZetaTalk: Morgellons

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  ZetaTalk: Morgellons

  written May 20, 2006 on the live GodlikeProduction Radio show.

  Is Morgellons a nematode -like life form who's role is central to the affliction?

  We have stated early on in ZetaTalk that there would be an increase in illness as the time of pole shift approached, and

  certainly through the pole shift and after, for many reasons - the Earth changes, changes in climate, the core swirls,

  This is what causes the White Buffalo and albinism in wildlife and other creatures to increase. And certainly, if the

  changes are creating more albinos, what is it doing to other parts of the body? This is stressful to creatures living on

  the surface. Like all stress, the immune system and will to live differs. We have stated that there would be a drop in

  the immune systems of many, because of the changes from the many particle flow flowing in and out of the Earth and

  swirling around that man was not designed to withstand on an evolutionary basis. The second reason is the types of

  bugs, the climate changes, the temperature swings. Tropical bugs that migrate up or in the case of the Southern

  Hemisphere, down, to land where there is no resistance to them. Disease breaks out. It's a known disease, its not a new

  disease, but everybody is concerned about the outbreak, wondering if it was planted, but these bugs just travel and are

  opportunistic. A third factor is germs or creatures that man is not even aware of will increase to the point that it will

  become a noticeable illness. This is again due to a dropped immune system where it appears to be a new illness but

  has in fact been around, just not that noticeable or common.

  Morgellons disease is an example in that category. Known in the past. It's been in the news that 300 years ago in

  Europe there was a very similar outbreak and the similarity is astonishing. Indeed it is a series of creatures that coexist

  together and support each other. It's also been reported that Lyme disease is commonly in place in people that develop

  Morgellons. The common carrier is the tick. And seems to spread in areas like California, Texas, Florida, where there

  is a warm climate. although it is throughout the United States. But ticks bite and infect birds or many creatures,

  wildlife that travels, even humans that move, and therefor the coexisting or cooperative nature of various bacteria, little

  creatures, nematode-like creatures, is spread. It's just another example of what we have been describing, increased

  illness. What to do about this? Clearly, improving the immune system is the big factor, because not everyone comes

  down with it. Not everyone gets Lyme disease. Lyme disease is an infection that permeates the body, the joints and

  floats around in the lymph system. The body can even cure cancer, yet other people will get cancer and let it overtakes

  them. This is based on the will to live, so this is
the main factor. Improve the life style, improve the surroundings. Give

  them a more positive outlook. The second factor is, as has been recorded, a lot of Vitamin C can make a difference.

  Well, that's true of any infection. Those are the two approaches we would recommend. Good nutrition, a positive

  outlook, helping to give psychological impetus to boost the immune system which is the main problem here.

  Is cotton clothing a factor in Morgellons?

  Cotton is an organic substance and these are organic parasites, and yes, they would be attracted to cotton more than

  http://www.zetatalk2.com/index/zeta284.htm[2/5/2012 11:13:07 AM]

  ZetaTalk: Morgellons

  synthetic substances. But cotton washed with bleach or a strong detergent will not be so affected. What is the

  manufacturing process? They like a strong dye, a very red shirt, for instance. They're hardly likely to bleach the cotton

  and then dye it red. They're likely to do as little as possible with the fibers to decrease the cost of production. Yes,

  biological material and that would include wool would possibly spread these nematodes.

  http://www.zetatalk2.com/index/zeta284.htm[2/5/2012 11:13:07 AM]

  ZetaTalk: Death Rate

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  ZetaTalk: Death Rate

  Note: written Jan 15, 2000.

  Many humans are alive today only because of modern crop growing techniques, where a very few large farms can feed

  many in the cities. It was not that way 100 years ago, nor was it the case that humans with genetic faults would live. If

  they got diabetes, for example, they died. Pneumonia took people out in a wink, and now it’s cured with antibiotics.

  The Earth will return to those times when there were no antibiotics, where people who need special medication simply

  don’t receive it, and they will die. This is not a horror, this is simply a return to life as it existed 100 years ago.

  Death is not the end for those souls that are reincarnating, and death does not need to be painful or a source of anxiety

  if it is accepted and those around are supportive. It can be a time of anguish if everyone is fighting this reality. In days


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