ZetaTalk: Transformation

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ZetaTalk: Transformation Page 17

by Nancy Lieder

  Control of the Stock Market is under the control of money managers more than is understood. Where is it assumed that

  the public controls stock selloffs, as they can supposedly request that their brokers sell or buy, most stock is in the hands of money managers who cannot have this bidding done by the public. 401K funds, for instance, are seldom

  given the right to demand buy or sell, with only a portion of the control given to the holder. Thus, money managers,

  under the hand of elite, who hire them and can fire them, are told not to sell, even with bad indicators, or even to buy when the indicators would say otherwise. Thus, the market is still artificially upheld, but panic will eventually take

  over. What would case the panic? Money managers who do not have a profit stream to maintain their staff, their

  payroll, will eventually override the requests from above, and sell. The need to simply survive, to meet payroll, and

  greed, the desire to have a quarterly profit bonus delivered, will cause individual actions that bump into each other,

  causing what we will call a plunge. Since this is so much in the hand of man, we cannot predict days, nor do we

  consider this a priority as money is not where your concerns should be. Not being materialists, but concerned about the

  suffering of the innocents of the world, we think this a misplaced focus!

  Note: below written during the Jan 11, 2003 Live ZetaTalk IRC Session.

  We predicted some months ago, toward the Middle of 2002, when the Stock Market swings were extreme from day to

  day, that the brakes had been lost and the Market could collapse suddenly. There are many forms for these brakes to

  take, and following that July dip, the market has held steady in spite of nothing but bad indicators, worldwide. How is

  this happening, when layoffs continue, bankruptcies continue, public confidence low and buying at a virtual standstill

  Disasters such as planes dropping from the sky, decreasing use of the air for travel, train derailments, increasing

  business and insurance losses, and increasing illness. Whole cruise ships get ill, and pull into port in an attempt to

  sterilize the ship. Military bases take sick, with common illnesses such as Strep Throat. no country is leading as the

  engine to pull the world out of what is now being termed a recession, but which in fact is a depression, akin to 1929.

  Starvation is rampant worldwide, in countries already affected but where new, not announced in the media.

  Immigration is a concern of countries deemed strong, such as the US and Australia, so that repressing immigration has

  become brutal. How can it be, then, that the US Stock Market is rising, or stays steady, during increasing problems?

  Each quarter, the projections are made such that the next will do better, indicators high, the trends turning about! These are false indicators, but who would know this? How many are privy to the facts from which such pronouncements are

  made? It was stated that the 2002 Christmas season would be a boon for retailers, but only when Christmas was upon

  them did they announce the results, a bust. It is now being announced that many business are starting to refurbish their inventories, and how many in the general public are privy to this information? Each factory worker knows that

  inventory is down, and no plans to refurbish, and layoffs planned, but assume this is just their company, their industry, their locale. This is not more true than the rosy Christmas shopping projections, but the truth will be delayed for

  months, if possible. In the US, insurance was increased, to be backed by the US government in cases where terrorism

  is involved. Likewise, the Bush Administration is bribing Wall Street, by promising and pushing for such legislation

  that the wealthy individuals, the public in general, would rush to buy stocks! No double taxation of profits! Stocks the best buy for all! In analysis of the impact, this does zero for the economy, as funds would not go to those who could make purchases, the profits delayed for at least a quarter, but Wall Street would be awash in eager buyers! The effect?

  Analysts, the money managers who do not sell when they think they ought, like the good little go-alongs they are, are

  being rewarded. As this is in the hands of man, it cannot be predicted with certainty how this will play out. Stocks

  now are being held up by the money managers who are under directives not to sell, at threat of loss of jobs or worse.

  What will be the trigger bringing this house of cards down? It most likely will be Earth changes affecting corporations

  that need to access their funds, such as a subsidiary affected by a quake needing rescue. A warehouse collapsed, the

  inventory needing to be extracted and moved, key employees needing relocation. The Board of Directors looks over

  the situation, and the only source of funds is their stock portfolio, and they sell! Multiply this several thousand times, and a panic of selling could occur. This can be stopped, the Market closed, but this is an obvious move. We have

  predicted some years ago, in late 1999, that price fixing, a freeze, might occur. But if the Earth changes are wide

  spread, across the West and East coasts of the US and Canada, for instance, affecting simultaneously the UK and

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  ZetaTalk: Economic Collapse

  western Europe, as well as Japan, this might be out of control. Thus, is it not manmade happenstance that will create

  the panic, but the Earth changes that will not stop, that could.

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  ZetaTalk: Market Crash

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  ZetaTalk: Market Crash

  written October 11, 2008

  Markets Routed in Global Sell-off [Oct 6]

  Stock prices collapsed around the world on

  Monday amid growing fears that the credit

  crisis would trigger a global recession. The

  FTSE Eurofirst 300 index had its third worst

  day ever, plunging 7.75 per cent, as France's

  CAC 40 slumped 9 per cent, its second worst

  day on record. In London, the FTSE 100

  suffered its biggest one-day points loss. The

  Dow Jones Industrial Average closed down

  3.6 per cent at 9,955.50 after falling as much

  as 7.75 per cent, to 9,525.32, during the day.

  Trading was temporarily stopped in some major emerging economies, including Russia, where the market

  fell by just over 19 per cent, and Brazil, where stocks fell as much as 15 per cent before closing 5.4 per

  cent lower. Earlier, Japan's benchmark Nikkei 225 index plunged 4.3 per cent to a 4½-year low. Jakarta

  suffered a 10 per cent drop.

  Frantic to avoid the mistakes made during the Great Depression, central banks and governments around the world are

  pumping liquidity into their banking systems - inflation dangers be damned. Will this work? It can't hurt, but the

  overall cycle will not change. Where this current cycle is blamed on the subprime mortgage mess, the big lie where

  mortgage backed securities were packed with sure-to-fail mortgages but labeled as prime mortgage securities, there

  were many other causes for this economic downturn. We stated almost a decade ago that the world was heading into a

  depression, and this was based on an analysis of what business had to deal with as the Earth changes started to bite.

  For one, crop failures were about to occur, caused by the erratic weather, swings of drought and deluge, rainstorms

  drowning crops and intractible droughts frying crops beyond the hope of recovery. Frosts come late and warm winters

  mocked an early spring, destroying crops such as t
ree fruit and winter wheat. The effect is an increased price of food,

  worldwide, due to shortages and the need to replant and pay higher insurance premiums. Money spend on food is

  diverted from other commodities, squeezing markets.

  Second, physical damage to business and industry during earthquakes and storms have been on the uptick. Snapping

  fuel and chemical delivery lines caused factory explosions, city streets imploded when steam vents were broken, and

  buildings slumped into sinkholes. Where this has been treated as individual disasters by the media, rather than a trend,

  the effect of this steady drip of disaster on business and industry is expense so that bankruptcies are on the increase.

  This then results in job loss - unemployment and loss of a tax base.

  Third, the Bush administration deliberately bankrupted the US in order to support their oil grab in the Middle East.

  They knew the pole shift was coming, but did not have a firm date other than our White Lie stating that the pole shift

  would occur "shortly after May 15, 2003". Thus, the invasion of Iraq just months ahead of that date. Their

  determination to remain in Iraq, to eventually invade Saudi Arabia and Iran, created a massive financial drain on the

  US. By spending on the war in Iraq, the Bush administration was not spending on boosting the US economy. Job loss

  and bankruptcies continued, ignored.

  Fourth, the housing bubble, deliberately promoted by the Republicans and the Bush administration in order to confuse

  the world and especially the American people about the financial state of affairs. To maintain the war in Iraq, a façade

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  ZetaTalk: Market Crash

  of financial health was needed so the American people would not rebel. In the short term, the construction industry

  boomed. But all bubbles burst, and when they do the impact is worse than what was gained because it takes a long

  time to regain confidence, a necessary ingredient for a humming economy which is essentially based on trust.

  Despite the steps taken to encourage business and industry, to provide capital, and to provide new job starts, the

  underlying problems with Earth change disasters and the expense of merely putting food on the table will continue. A

  wise leader can turn this tide by encouraging alternative energy from wind, food from family gardens and cheap

  protein from fish ponds, and public service by unemployed youth. These steps make for a smoother transition to the

  survival communities of the future, after the pole shift. The drop from the boom times of the past, when Wall Street

  was king and living on hot air, will continue. Deflated, the world will have to address the true state of affairs, or at

  least will be forced in this direction.

  Markets Routed in Global Sell-off

  October 6 2008

  In Iceland, the currency fell 30 per cent.

  British Banks Lead Europe Markets Lower

  October 7, 2008

  The Australian dollar slumped by nearly 10 percent Monday.

  Retirement Accounts Have Lost $2 Trillion

  October 7, 2008


  Americans' retirement plans have lost as much as $2 trillion in the past 15 months _ about 20

  percent of their value _ Congress' top budget analyst estimated Tuesday as lawmakers began

  investigating how turmoil in the financial industry is whittling away workers' nest eggs. More than

  half the people surveyed in an Associated Press-GfK poll taken Sept. 27-30 said they worry they will

  have to work longer because the value of their retirement savings has declined. The fear is well-

  founded. Public and private pension funds and employees' private retirement savings accounts - like

  401(k)'s - lost about 10 percent between the middle of 2007 and the middle of this year, and lost

  another 10 percent just in the past three months, he estimated.

  British Banks Lead Europe Markets Lower

  October 7, 2008


  European stocks shed early gains Tuesday as ongoing fears about the health of the banking system,

  particularly in Britain, offset hopes that the world's leading central banks will follow Australia's

  lead and cut interest rates aggressively. RBS was not the only British banking stock in trouble amid

  news reports that the chief executives of Britain's largest banks met up with British Treasury chief

  Alistair Darling and Bank of England governor Mervyn King Monday night to discuss the possibility

  of the government providing funding in exchange for stakes in the banks. The Reserve Bank of

  Australia surprised markets when it slashed its key rate a full percentage point to 6 percent -- its

  biggest cut since 1992.

  Fed Joins 5 Central Banks - Cuts 1/2 point and Cites 'Intensification' of Crisis.

  October 8, 2008:


  The Federal Reserve, working in coordination with other central banks worldwide, enacted an

  emergency interest rate cut. The Fed lowered its fed funds rate by a half percentage point to 1.5%.

  The central bank's statement said the move was necessary because of the worsening crisis in global

  financial markets. The fed funds rate is the central bank's main tool to affect the economy. Lowering

  the rate pumps money into the economy by reducing the borrowing cost on a broad range of loans,

  including credit cards, home equity lines and many business loans. The moves were made in

  coordination with other central banks around the world including the European Central Bank and

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  ZetaTalk: Market Crash

  Bank of England. The Swiss, Canadian and Swedish central banks also made cuts.

  Markets Routed in Global Sell-off

  October 6, 2008


  Across Europe, governments followed Germany's weekend move to guarantee retail savers' deposits,

  with similar steps taken in Denmark, Sweden and Austria.

  Germany Takes Hot Seat as Europe Falls into the Abyss

  October 6, 2008


  Chancellor Angela Merkel has been forced to pull her head out of the sand, guaranteeing all

  German savings, a day after she rebuked Ireland for doing much the same thing. During the past

  week, we have tipped over the edge, into the middle of the abyss. Systemic collapse is in full train.

  The Netherlands has just rushed through a second, more sweeping nationalisation of Fortis. Ireland

  and Greece have had to rescue all their banks. Iceland is facing an Argentine denouement.

  Federal Reserve Unveils Short-Term Loan Plan

  October 7, 2008


  To help ease credit stresses, the Fed announced Monday it will provide as much as $900 billion in

  cash loans to banks. Most of the loans are for 28-days and 84-days. Some are shorter, 13-day and

  17-day loans.

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  ZetaTalk: NESCARA

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  ZetaTalk: NESCARA

  Note: written during the Jan 7, 2003 Live ZetaTalk IRC Session.

  NESCARA [National Economic Stabilization And Recovery Act] is a concept only, being floated out to d

  interest in such a concept by the establishment who is aware that the common man will increasingly experience

  personal loss, and become increasingly desperate.

  Taking the US as an example, the Fed has cut interest rates to a low not experienced since WWII, and is

  practically giving away money.

  Bush and the GOP, against their usual inclinations to support only the rich and powerful, have decided to allow

  federal funds to be paid to the unemployed, who have recently run through their compensation and are now

  without weekly checks of any kind.

  The economic indicators are all down down down, though the "experts" pronounce otherwise, with one company

  after another going belly up or laying off workers.

  Workers from private to government jobs are taking pay cuts or declining wage increases, even when warranted

  by cost of living increases, in order to retain their jobs at all.

  The Stock Market, maintained under tight control by money managers given firm orders not to sell but to buy, is

  floating where it is only because of a monumental control efforts, and would crash if neglected for a day.

  The public did not buy for Christmas, in spite of promises in the media that this would be a big spending year,

  and as soon as 4Q results are in, the stocks will start plunging again.

  Bankruptcies are at a record high, and will soon overwhelm the courts.

  What can the establishment do to forestall panic, riots, placards waved in the air over angry heads in front of the White House, a story that would surely get in the news somewhere, in spite of media control, and the cat out of the bag.

  Would the public buy that some general amnesty was about to be issued? Would they even consider such a concept? If

  rumors were to circulate, on the Internet, would this get around, get mentioned at coffee houses, at bars, at the

  workplace? If so, then such rumors are worth floating, if not, then another tack needs to be taken.

  NESCARA was such a test ground, and determined that where this was highly attractive to the man on the streets,

  none of whom are without debts, it was deemed impractical by any but the most childish. Who would buy that banks


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