by Nancy Lieder[2/5/2012 11:13:34 AM]
ZetaTalk: During 2003
military assigned to keep mass civilians quiet, such as in tent cities surrounding collapse cities. When the military
discovers that something they had not been informed of is in process, then they do not stand their posts. Thus vacated,
true migration by the populace and the military occurs, all running in any and every direction. If no one knows what is
safe, they run from where they are, to anything else. Thus bridges will become clogged by cars moving in both directions, both in and out of cities, for instance, and abandoned by those in panic who can no longer sit in stalled cars.
This situation is described by us in detail, in the Countdown Signs, in the Most Terrible Day, and other ZetaTalk pages already provided.
But imagine that this situation can occur before the week of rotation stoppage if the situation in a local warrants. Thus, signs to watch for, that your locale, your country or city, your government, is about to go into these final hour stances, are important, as you may find yourself locked into panic tides early, depending upon where you live and work. If your government is increasingly unwilling to speak to the media, about significant catastrophes happening within the
country, this is a warning sign. If your government has assigned military to dislocated citizens, to prevent looting and
keep the peace, and the military in these areas is looking distressed, uneasy, this is a warning sign. Thus, we repeat our
advise that those wanting to survive, who have established the locations and life style they think fits this outcome,
should not tarry, holding onto comfortable lifestyles or endless denial. What have you got to lost by relocating early?
Only money and status. What have you got to lose by delaying? Your life, your health, and that of your loved ones
who are depending upon you to make the proper decision.
All rights reserved: [email protected][2/5/2012 11:13:34 AM]
ZetaTalk: Safe Havens
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ZetaTalk: Safe Havens
Note: written Oct 15, 2001
Where we have mentioned that increasing polarization will occur, between those in the Service-to-Other and Service-
to-Self orientation, this will become noticeable and even publicly announced during 2002. The population of the Earth,
to the extent that it could travel and move about or establish economic interests in a country of choice, has been
polarizing for some decades, such that the Scandinavian countries have become supportive social democracies and the
entire continent of Africa has been enslaved or brutalized for economic reasons. On a local level, communities living
almost within shouting distance of each other have likewise polarized, families choosing to move or maintain
friendships based on their orientation. Thus, within a city, one suburb may be strongly Service-to-Other in their
support of community needs while another is filled with self focused individuals ignoring each other and intent on
personal agendas. So how does a community announce that it is of a certain orientation, if this is to occur?
Sensing that troubled times are soon at hand, many strongly in the Service-to-Self will attempt to line up a soft life for
themselves, where they can be in control of others and dictate the daily events. This takes the form of attempts at
leadership, and offering a safe haven to desperate people unable to do anything but grab a life-line. These safe havens,
of course, will be anything but that, and are in essence slavery and abuse. Such offers, to the public at large or to
selected groups recently made desperate by disasters in their communities, take the form of offers of assisted
relocation, guaranteed work, loans with easy payment terms, and joining a community of supportive individuals. A
quick determination of the sincerity of such offers can be done by gauging the longevity of the organization. How long
have they been in business? If new, why have they not formed earlier when human suffering is not new?
Organizations offering self-help, where those in need are empowered with no strings attached, are relatively safe.
Organizations which would put the individual or family in a potentially stranded situation are highly suspect.
All rights reserved: [email protected][2/5/2012 11:13:35 AM]
ZetaTalk: Individual Preparations
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ZetaTalk: Individual Preparations
Note: written Oct 15, 2001
On an individual basis, the subliminal mental and emotional preparations done by many who have sensed that
something momentous is about to occur, will move into the overt. Individuals who have been watching the news,
seeing the erratic weather and the increasing inability of scientists to explain the changes and the impotence of
governments to address the obvious implications for their citizens, will decide to take action. In the main, these
individuals are not contactees, though many are as they have given The Call due to their concerns. The steps that an
individual takes will differ, depending upon the individual’s spiritual orientation.
Those in the Service-to-Other have considered changes in light of family needs, such as the need for children to
receive the best education, or the need for a particular family member to receive expert medical attention, or the need
for employment to support the family at a comfortable level, or the need for able-bodied members of the family to be
close to those needing physical assistance. Often these individuals have lined up an alternative site as a vacation home
or second home, or made contacts during business trips so as to be able to move if the need arises. Those in urban
areas are most likely to be struggling for alternative living, as well publicized riots in heavily populated areas have
brought home the danger when times turn ugly. Those living along coastal areas subject to tearing tides or on fault
lines subject to increasing quakes likewise increasingly consider their alternatives. The Service-to-Other guided
individual or family will make their move not when the opportunity arises, but when the advantages to moving offset
the advantages to staying. This varies, and can be no more a trigger than the loss or threat of loss of a job, or the end
of a school year, or the failure of a family garden.
Those in the Service-to-Self are looking to either perpetuate their life style and control over others, or in some cases to
take full advantage of the distress that many will be under to create an essential kingdom for themselves. Those
attached to a spouse or co-worker or friend who is a giving individual in the Service-to-Others will try to tighten the
noose, either by increasing demands or enticements. This will be accompanied by a requirement that the person being
clung to report frequently on their whereabouts or intentions, so the clinging Service-to-Self individual can ensure no
escape. Those attempting to setup a kingdom for themselves attempt to parlay any semblance of leadership they may
have effected in their life into group formation, becoming a leader in a survival community espousing a safe haven for
all comers. Here one need look no further than the individual’s past history to discern their intent. What have they
done for others in the past? These would-be kings will cast their nets far and wide, seeking the gullible who can be
either enslaved by the arrangements offered to them or at the very least fleeced of all their goods and money.
Those in the majority, the undecided, will take many routes depending more upon their immediate vicinity and the
influences in their life than upon any self-initiated urge. If living in comfortable circumstances, young and with money
and opportunities for amusement, they may just remain in their setting until surprised by the week of rotation stoppage
going into the shift. They will be joined by those in the Service-to-Self who were unable to make safe arrangements
for themselves, and will party, hard, into the end. If living in supported circumstances such as government housing or
government employment or institutional living, it is likely that whining demands will increase. The throng of
undecideds, who have migrated to supported living due to their passive personalities or lack of strong personal drive,
will encourage each other until any but a whine is drowned out. Those in the Service-to-Other serving in such
circumstances will be exhausted and weary, and the lot will go down as time passes due to the death of these
individuals, leaving the undecided to wander off looking for other caretakers. Thus, the steps toward preparation that
the undecided make, in the main, are not preparation but merely reaction.
All rights reserved: [email protected][2/5/2012 11:13:35 AM]
ZetaTalk: Personal Decisions
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ZetaTalk: Personal Decisions
Note: written Mar 15, 2002
We have predicted that mankind in the main will go into the pole shift unaware. Most of the world has no access to the
media, or the Internet, and relies on the senses of seers within their culture or their own intuition. As prophets have
emerged over the years, warning of the coming earth changes, other cultures such as Africa have also been rich in their
own folklore, though the West has been unaware of this. The indians of South American, the tribes of Borneo, the
Australian Aborigines, all have their seers and prophets of old. You are aware of the Hopi warnings, the Red Sky story,
but this is just a small part of the underground lore among the American Indian. Most hearing at this time, or even in
the recent past, about the coming changes are not planning any action at all. As astonishing as this may seem, this is
because of a predictable set of steps the thinking process goes through.
1. The first thought is that action should be taken. This requires health, resources, and teammates. Should the
individuals have this, in youth, energy, the ability to travel, and others of like mind, they make plans. Should the
individual not have this, in that they are in poor health, old and tired, or blocked from travel due to finances or
responsibilities, they move to the next step.
2. The next thought is what to do in the event the warnings are true. For those trapped, by either inability to move
or finances, the conclusion is either death or slow debility. Should the individual be strong enough to consider
the warnings affecting their immediate locale, and concluding that life would be horrendous afterwards, they
subconsciously decide to allow death to overtake them and their loved ones. This is no different than the
decision that those beset with cancer or the final stages of a debilitating disease make - they go with the flow.
Should the individual be weak, frightened at the thought, they move to the next step.
3. The next step is denial, and this takes many forms. Denial is usually loudly shouting down the offending
message, or ignoring it. In any case, it is put aside. Once put aside, the individual moves to the next step.
4. Distraction is the final and lingering step that those in denial take. Work, play, overeating, overexercising, or
getting drunk or dopey. Taking up religions, deciding that saving the local song-birds is the most important thing
that one could be involved in, whatever can consume the consciousness.
If a quiet resignation to death is not taken, will a frantic running about after false promises occur? This is unlikely to
happen, in spite of the plans of the Hazelwood crowd who hoped to reap millions if not billions from the public due to
their panic. Those in step 1 who have funds will make their own plans, and if they have no funds, will be of no interest to the ilk of Hazelwood. Those in step 2, who have decided that nothing much can be done and they must resign
themselves to the inevitable, will not send Hazelwood funds. Nor will they run into the arms of strangers. They will, if
they have religion or poetry in their lives, rely on this heavily. Music and poetry may have a renaissance, an upsurge,
as adoption of orphans and the underprivileged. Love may have a blooming going into the shift, as it ought, those with
great love in their hearts responding to the realization that little else matters.
All rights reserved: [email protected][2/5/2012 11:13:36 AM]
ZetaTalk: Best Case
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ZetaTalk: Best Case
Note: written Nov 15, 1999.
Best case predictions are usually based on a wish that mankind will rise to the challenge that the coming pole shift
presents, putting aside petty preoccupation. The opposite usually occurs, as during times of increasing difficulties all
but those individuals with a strong sense of service toward others look inward to their own needs when feeling
anxious. Best case predictions are also based on the assumption that the means exists to rescue mankind, that
governments or wealthy benefactors are holding back and could and would do more if the circumstances were extreme.
Are not starving children and the spread of disease a calamity, today, and just as worthy of such gestures?
The much publicized rescue operations portrayed in the media after natural disasters are conducted as a reassurance as
much as a rescue, to placate the working man and to meet agreements on mutual support between countries. Would the
working man pay taxes and abide by laws if his life was treated with such disdain? When matters become so grim that
rescue is no longer possible, the reaction will be less publicity, so that the failure of governments and private
philanthropy is not exposed. As with individuals, during times of increasing difficulties governments and philanthropic
organizations focus inward, concerned with their own survival. Thus, social services will be less accessible and
responsive, the doors shut and the phones unanswered.
All rights reserved: [email protected][2/5/2012 11:13:37 AM]
ZetaTalk: Worst Case
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ZetaTalk: Worst Case
Note: written Nov 15, 1999.
In worst case predictions, there is the assumption that all care of others will cease, and all laws except the rule of the strong and ruthless will be ignored. The populace sees looting after natural disasters, and assumes that such behavior
would go on endlessly if a disaster were large enough, long lasting and global. Looting is an immediate response to an
opportunity, store doors left open and the shop keepers distracted. Where shops and homes have been left empty
during the weeks preceding and following the pole shift, they will surely be looted, but grab-and-run is not the mode
when goods are looked after and not abandoned. Bartering will become the mode, with life-styles becoming
increasingly simple and plain as goods become scarce.
Predictions that martial law will be imposed, world wide or in this or that country, are likewise based
on projecting a
single response of the military to the ultimate extreme, without considering the balancing forces. How will such
martial law be maintained when the troops cannot be fed, and the foot soldier is intensely worried about his family
back at home? Military campaigns, and repression, are maintained only where the resources to feed and reward an
army exist. When food stores and the promise of continuing job security become empty, the generals and politicians
wanting to rule will find themselves abandoned, and without the means to chase and punish their wayward soldiers
there will be little threat to prevent this trend. Once the rulers have been ignored, without punishment or repercussions,
martial law is over. Knowing these facts, most counties will not attempt martial law, and where this is imposed such
campaigns will be short lived.
All rights reserved: [email protected][2/5/2012 11:13:37 AM]
ZetaTalk: Likely Reality
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ZetaTalk: Likely Reality
Note: written Nov 15, 1999.
Predictions on what will happen in human society as the cataclysms approach and become increasingly clear, even
shrill, in their warnings vary from the best case to the worst, and neither are correct. Between the best and worst case
predictions lie reality, where families will increasingly be forced to rely upon themselves and the community they live
in. The responses to increased hardship and food shortages will depend upon the community, the quality of
commitment to others that the community maintains. Increasing polarity toward Service-to-Other or Service-to-Self
will intensify, such that some communities share and support each other more, while others close their doors to each
other with brutal indifference.
Governments, barely able to address the needs of their populace today, will become increasingly irrelevant. This fact