ZetaTalk: Transformation

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ZetaTalk: Transformation Page 33

by Nancy Lieder

  of the others. In the Sudan, without sacks of grain and regular deliveries of ammunition, the villages would turn on

  their oppressors.

  Brutality, genocide, and virtual slavery in economically depressed areas - all exist today because somewhere in the

  world food is being grown, products are being manufactured, and commerce flows. The pole shift brings an abrupt halt

  to that. All travel is impeded, fuel runs short so that even a means as flexible as the helicopter comes to a halt.

  Manufactured parts for maintenance are lacking, and the broken link effect sets in, machinery abandoned and rusting

  in disuse. What is missing from the picture also is the big fist, the arm of the oppressor that comes in with the big guns

  to establish control. Africa before colonization was tribal, and feuds were balanced. The Americas before immigration

  to the new world was likewise tribal, minor feuds the only issues. What Africa and the Americas experienced was the

  big fist from Europe, machine guns, cannons, conscripts required to fight or be shot so the big fist included armies and

  navies that had no choice but to be brutal, upon command. Remove the big fist, and oppressed people soon set matters

  right. The oppressor is killed in the night, savagery returned in kind, Iraq with the rage against the occupation an

  example of the seething that turns savage with opportunity. When weapons, ammunition, supper, and backup called in

  readily are missing, the bullies, the oppressors, are slaughtered. This also is a story that is not new.

  Eventually, survivor groups that remain are hard at work, all growing or catching their food and cooperating heavily

  with each other. The occasional lone thug is encountered and either runs for his life to live in the woods on his own,

  with survival very iffy, or is killed attempting to loot the hard working group. A group that is keeping starvation at bay

  by intense cooperation and careful planning recognizes instantly those that are doing likewise, and also recognizes

  instantly a group that has survived by looting. There are a thousand clues. Since the looters are increasingly finding

  themselves without and turning on each other, they are themselves malnourished, poorly coordinated and weakened,

  and blinded by rage over not having what they want, when they want it. In a battle with survivor groups that look out

  for each other, the thugs are easily picked off, and decimated further. In today's world, such vigilante justice brings

  harsh penalties, imprisonment, due to laws designed to keep the thugs off the streets but also due to the fear among

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  ZetaTalk: Thug Control

  those in control that their slave class, the working class, might rebel. But after the shift, with police and the military

  absent, phones dead, and determination of who the criminal and the victim are clear, standing back and letting the

  criminal have his way is not the option that is taken. Imagine trials where the victims of crimes determine the sentence,

  and you see the future of Service-to-Self gangs looting survivor groups.

  In Sudan, Death and Denial

  June 26, 2004

  There is farmable land outside the camp, but food

  cannot be gathered because militiamen on

  horseback, clad in government uniforms, roam the

  scrubby landscape. Assault rifles are balanced on

  their laps, and whips hang from their belt loops.

  More than a million people live in the camps,

  many of which lack water, supplies and sanitation,

  and operate without any feeding centers. Tensions

  have simmered since the 1970s, when drought and

  competition over scarce resources sparked clashes

  between largely nomadic cattle and camel herders. Human rights and aid groups accuse the

  government of carrying out an ethnic cleansing campaign. Aid workers predict that many more

  people will die, and that the U.N. World Food Program will be able to reach only 800,000 of the 1.2

  million displaced people because of continuing violence. The government has also restricted access

  to humanitarian workers and journalists, granting travel permits infrequently and allowing only a

  small part of the affected areas to be visited. A trip down a dirt track road exposed a war zone

  where gunmen roamed. Sun-burned men rode on camels, guns saddled on their laps, just steps from

  Mornay camp. One held a whip. Others herded hundreds of sheep, cattle and camels, smiling and

  waving as visitors passed, animals that aid workers and the displaced people in the camp said were

  stolen. Rapes and attacks continue around the edges of the camp every night, women there said, as

  they rocked sickly babies with hollow eyes.

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  ZetaTalk: Clean Slate

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  ZetaTalk: Clean Slate

  Note: written May 15, 1997.

  Reactions to word of the coming cataclysms and Earth Transformation are always mixed, even within the same

  individual. Few view the thought of their comfortable living arrangements disappearing with joy, even if they consider

  their current life a burden. Dinner on the table and a roof over their heads during the rainy season is no small thing,

  and contemplating the alternatives - huddled shivering and wet under a tree or scrounging for insect larva in a rotting

  log - is seldom comforting. But as if often the case, the outcome is romanticized so that these discomforts are put to

  the rear, and the advantages of an upheaval brought forward. Psychologists are aware that the more remote a situation,

  the less intense the person’s response. Thus push-push or pull-pull conflicts can develop, with a perpetual dither

  between the two choices.

  Extreme upheavals, where one imagines that the mundane job, the nagging wife, the annoying neighbor, and the lack

  of opportunity to change one’s lifestyle are not only possible but probable, offer a chance to cast all these annoyances and burdens aside. The discomforts that the upheaval would bring are at a distance, thus less intense, but the

  disgruntlements of everyday life are up close and personal, and very intense. Thus, the upheaval is seen as

  advantageous, overall. In reality, the clean slate that the cataclysms will bring will carry forward, for most humans, the

  same baggage they carried going into the pole shift. This baggage is attached to the human themselves, and thus in all

  likelihood the same relationships will develop, the same commitments promised, the same avoidance of responsibility,

  the same conflicts with leadership, the same sexual inhibitions - all the old problems will establish themselves in a new


  Where a clean slate will make a difference is not in personal settings but in societal settings, as here the direction of human lives is driven quite outside of each human’s personal agenda. A man may have chosen his wife and job, to a

  great extent, and the commitments and obligations he has allowed to encumber him, but where this has been virtually

  dictated by the community he lives in, these bonds will be broken during the coming upheaval. If he and his wife

  would divorce were it not for the alimony issue, the utter lack of a paycheck or perhaps the death of the wife changes

  that equation. If he would spend his time wood-working and building furniture, his favorite hobby, were it not for the

  time demands of the job that pays the mortgage, this requirement goes out the door when the employer no longer is

  functioning, the paychecks stopped, and the mortgage a ba
d dream as the house is destroyed and the banker in any

  case never heard from!

  All rights reserved: [email protected]

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  ZetaTalk: Communications

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  ZetaTalk: Communications

  Note: written Sep 15, 1995.

  Our emissary, Nancy, allowed her brain to be implanted with Zetan genetic material, on more than one occasion, in

  preparation for her role as a communicator during the Transformation. Such procedures, done by us, do not put the

  contactee at risk of injury or infection. We work in completely sterile environments and through the use of what you

  might call a growth hormone, stimulate the body to heal within minutes. Nancy's head was opened - the scalp was

  pulled back, a bone plate pulled up on one side, and material implanted into sites deep within her brain by an infusion

  technique that works on the molecular level so that no brain cells are damaged during the procedure. As Nancy’s

  telepathic communication center was enhanced during her 20’s, she also began to receive more communications from

  her fellow humans. As she did not allow herself to realize that she was a contactee until her mid-50's, this put some 3

  decades of enhanced telepathic communications with humans into her consciousness, before she realized why this

  came about. We will let Nancy tell you the contactee's side of the story.

  Begin Nancy's Hypnotic Recall

  The first time they picked me up they were checking out the top of my head, bent my head down and looked at the top

  of my head. When they put the stuff in my forehead, whatever they did, it hurt. I don't know what they did to the

  forehead, but it hurt so that I didn't want to talk about forest and trees and stuff like that any longer. I couldn't

  concentrate on those things any longer because it hurt enough that it was distracting me. Dull ache on my forehead. But

  they were definitely checking out the top of my head, and they did the same thing at the berry patch. They were

  turning my head. If you tipped it back you could see my forehead in the sunlight. But when they first picked me up

  they had their hands all over my head, sizing it, was the way I would put it. So, I'm just going to concentrate on my

  head, and think if there was anything that was ever done.

  I can feel the pain. I can feel the pain right here, and a feeling of pressure on either side. Pressure. Let me think now.

  And taking my breath in short breaths, like gasp-a, gasp-a. Like that. Like your chest is tight. A very bright room.

  Sitting in something that's more like a reclining lounge chair, maybe like the dentist's chair, that type of thing. I think

  that my head was in a brace, around the chin, and my arms were down, sort of into my lap, almost in some kind of

  armrest. I think they've got little snap things. They don't completely close, like hand cuffs, but they just partly close.

  They're around the bone structure enough that you couldn't pull your arm away. One here by the elbow and one here

  down by the wrist, more up on the forearm, maybe another one on the thick of it, up above the elbow, but definitely the

  two below. I don't think my feet are restrained at all, but my knees are slightly bent. There wouldn't be much I could

  do with them anyway, in that position.

  Then someone's saying, "Don't think about it." They're saying, "You won't remember this. You're not supposed to. This is for your own good, so we can talk to you." I'm trying to think how old I am. I keep thinking I'm in my twenties.

  "Just lay there now." I think I'm sort of trembling all over, just because it was a very nerve racking experience. This is http://www.zetatalk2.com/transfor/t18.htm[2/5/2012 11:14:14 AM]

  ZetaTalk: Communications

  not like a spasm trembling, just that I'm trembling all over. I feel pale and very shaky. Someone pats me on the hand,

  something like that. I'm thinking, "What was that all about?" One of them bends down and is looking at me eye-ball to

  eye-ball. The eye contact thing. It's like he's checking out my reactions, my facial reactions, because they're looking at

  my eyes. But he seems satisfied at what he sees. I'm not trembling any more now. There seems to be three or four of

  them in the room. They're the big ones. I think there's one little one in the room. There's three or four of these larger

  guys. They're as big as me or larger than me, not smaller than me. There's a counter around this chair in the center of

  this room.

  I'm saying, "What was that all about? What was that all about!" I'm slightly angry. I would say, "What was that all about!" That type of thing. They're all sitting and looking at me now, at my face. One of them is kind of sitting on the

  edge of this lounge thing, and the other is kind of leaning over. I have three faces looking at me, about a foot and a

  half away. They're all just staring at my facial expression, but they don't seem to show any alarm. They're not asking

  me how I feel or anything like that. I think one of them says that I should move my arms and legs around, and see if I

  can do it OK. I do kind of wiggle things. They ask me if I, "Feel like going to the bathroom," or anything like that, and I say, "No." In other words, do I have an urge, an uncontrollable urge or feel like I'm about to lose it. I know that

  means something neurological. "Feel sick to my stomach?" "No." "Hurt any where?" "No."

  I say, "What did you do?" I'm getting no comment back. "What was that for?" They're just not communicating

  anything. They say something about, "This is so you'll think about the universe more," or something like that, and, "We know you like that. And this is so we can talk to you." I look at their mouths when they say that. I'm thinking, because

  you don't talk that way. I guess I say, "So now what." "Now you will be free to think more about the universe," or something like that. I'll be, "More free," I'll feel more inclined and less restrained.

  End Nancy's Hypnotic Recall

  All rights reserved: [email protected]

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  ZetaTalk: Why Nancy?

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  ZetaTalk: Why Nancy?

  Note: written Jul 15, 1997.

  Of course, we and others speak through a number of conduits. Many but not all channels

  are valid, and some of these on occasion carry our voice. Nancy edits our words but also

  contributes to the content by suggesting points we have failed to cover. Nancy is unique as

  to her telepathic communications, though many others, seeing the success of ZetaTalk,

  have asked for this. It is not so much her body, or her IQ, or her age or location that

  determined our decision to accept Nancy's offer. She has other qualities, missing in others,

  and in abundance in Nancy - courage, the ability to stand up to Service-to-Self methods,

  absolutely, and a track record in this regard that allowed us to trust her with this mission.

  She has more than satisfied our expectations. Nancy is also unique because she has placed

  herself at great risk.

  Nancy entered into an unlimited engagement with MJ12 in order to further certain goals. It

  was her perception that MJ12 was a highly cautious organization, and would not act or move on matters of concern to

  her unless they were guaranteed utmost control. She gave them that control by granting them, in essence, the ability to

  execute her should they deem that necessary. For those unfamiliar with what an unlimited engagement is, this is

  outlined in the Rules section of ZetaTalk where the rules whereby alien groups of different orientations engage.

  essence, it is a no-holds-barred engagement, unlimited, so that such an engagement bound Nancy for life. Of course, it

  also bound the old MJ12 for their life, and when this arm of the government ceased to have official status, her

  engagement was at an end too. They too, as an organization, could and did die.

  Between alien groups of differing orientations, an unlimited engagement means that the groups engaged can savage

  each other, without bounds, or manipulate circumstances, without censure, until the matter at issue is settled and

  beyond. Such engagements are extremely rare, and normally do not involve groups, but rather individuals or dedicated

  teams. Within the Service-to-Other groups, such teams have resigned themselves to death at a minimum, and more

  often to experiences worse than death, in order to secure their goal. These are suicide missions, and Nancy understood

  the risk she was under when she engaged MJ12. Several other humans had done so, and only one besides Nancy lives

  today. The others died at the hands of what was then the predominant CIA influence over MJ12, brutally.

  Because we, the Zetas, operate under the Rules of Engagement, we honored the unlimited engagement that Nancy

  entered into with MJ12. Thus, if MJ12 wanted to meet with her, she was picked up and delivered to them by us, just as

  we would haved delivered one of our own to engage the Service-to-Self they had engaged, even if this meant the

  death of a friend and cohort. Nancy survived by her wits and passion for truth and justice, and an almost uncanny

  ability to sense those members of MJ12 who are strongly Service-to-Others. She made allies, and swayed agendas, and

  argued alternatives, so that many programs operating on automatic came under question and were changed. These are

  matters neither she nor ourselves, the Service-to-Other Zetas, can discuss in detail.

  Thus, just as we engaged the old MJ12 in a limited engagement in the hope of making alliances for the better, and just

  as we gave this old MJ12 a travel service without censure or comment from us in the hope of getting beyond their

  deep need for control, just so Nancy went into an unlimited engagement and likewise gave them complete control over


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