ZetaTalk: Transformation

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ZetaTalk: Transformation Page 37

by Nancy Lieder

live without being perpetually hooked up to machines, in short, a life one could tolerate rather than a life one

  would dread. Here again the decision should be explained to the injured, who may exhort the caregivers to

  reconsider if they don't agree with the decision. Be firm, as vacillation only tortures the injured who should be

  allowed to come to terms with the situation. Remind the injured of the others who also cry for help.

  If the injured still overwhelm the caregiver's capacities, choices fall along lines familiar to humans. Treatment

  quickly given, such as a tourniquet to prevent the injured from bleeding to death, is chosen over treatments that

  would take more time, such as surgery to stop internal bleeding. Lavage of poisons eating at skin takes

  precedence over removing a splinter piercing an eye or a limb. Preventing shock takes precedence over setting a

  broken bone. The caregivers should be firm and committed during such a process, and not expend precious time

  arguing with those in pain and frantic with anxiety over their injuries.

  All rights reserved: [email protected]

  http://www.zetatalk2.com/transfor/t34.htm[2/5/2012 11:14:25 AM]

  ZetaTalk: Barter System

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  ZetaTalk: Barter System

  Note: written Dec 15, 2001

  We predict that long before the shift, a barter system will be replacing the current paper money system. The value of

  the dollar, in all countries, will be falling, such that in any transaction one or both parties will feel they are getting a fair deal only if a thing, not a representation, is given or received. This is a common practice in countries where the dollar is falling, and a natural migration as the thought occurs readily to mankind, the barter system being recent in

  their cultural evolution. What will this mean for the common man, and what will it mean for the rich? The common

  man will find they are pleased with themselves if they have had the foresight to secure goods of value, such as seeds or

  tools or dried food. The value of appliances that are dead and not able to run, even of cars unable to run over broken

  roads, will be zero. The value of items that can increase worth, such as a needle and thread which can repair clothing

  otherwise worthless, or a shovel that can create a garden otherwise a weed patch, will balloon.

  The rich will of course whine endlessly, and try to convince anyone who will listen that their goods will return in

  value, which it will not. Moneys will be used as a medium of exchange, as will jewels and art, in some settings, for a

  brief period of time. This will occur until those being offered these at bargain prices realize the shift has happened

  worldwide, and rescue and a return to civilization as they knew it will not occur. Perhaps months, but more likely

  weeks, and only in limited settings. We advise the common man, as we have in the past, to relieve themselves of stock

  and jewels and paper money that will fall in value, perhaps suddenly and without warning. Better to stock up on things

  that will have value, candles and matches, school books and a guitar, than what the rich treasure.

  In that one's skill sets can be considered a bartering item, one should examine their own skill set by the following

  exam. If you were in the middle of a wilderness, alone, what steps would you take to survive? What is the first skill that you would need, and not have? Whom do you know that you would wish about you, in such as circumstance?

  What is that skill that they possess, that you perhaps could develop? Imagine a group in such a setting, having arrived

  at a land dump where various pieces of junk are about and could provide mechanical devices or shelter, if utilized

  creatively and resourcefully. How would you go about creating a comfortable home for yourself, and others, in such as

  situation? If you are clueless on how to use junk to structure a home, recycle and hook up, then perhaps you should

  work with a junk man, in his yard, and take lessons! What we are telling you is that you should mentally put yourself

  in this setting, and you will have no difficulty determining what is useless or most worthwhile, in a skill set. If you are

  an accountant, and cannot translate this skill into becoming a tailor or herdsman or cook, your skill is useless!

  All rights reserved: [email protected]

  http://www.zetatalk2.com/transfor/t109.htm[2/5/2012 11:14:25 AM]

  ZetaTalk: Hoarding

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  ZetaTalk: Hoarding

  Note: written Nov 15, 1999.

  Many people view with alarm the thought of food shortages and struggling with other people to wrest away a loaf of

  bread or fist fights over a bag of flour or rice. They view with alarm such thoughts, and their first thoughts are to stock

  up, to buy many of these items. A case in point is the scare just years ago over toilet paper, where there was purported

  to be a shortage of toilet paper. Suddenly all the toilet paper on the shelves had been bought up. This is the first

  response to worry about shortages, but there are many problems with this reaction.

  Because the desire to hoard and stock up is anticipated by the authorities, this is the first trend that will be watched and

  guarded against. Hoarding cannot be disguised. The grocer knows who bought a large stock of food, and neighbors can

  see who carried many groceries into a house. Those places that sell large quantities of food such as rice or wheat or

  beans have the person who made the purchase on record. One cannot hide a stock. The police can come door-to-door,

  open the doors, and see a stock of food and this stock can be confiscated. These stocks will be confiscated as food

  shortages occur and hoarding is to be discouraged, so that fighting and arguments and theft do not happen. The police

  will go door-to-door and those people who have hoarded will have it taken from them, and this will be distributed to

  others. Therefore, not only will they lose what they have tried to gathered, they will be penalized. They will be fined,

  punished, maybe put in jail, and certainly be scorned by their neighbors.

  Of course, there should be some stock for those times when there is nothing to eat, but a very small amount. Don’t

  purchase in large quantities. A purchase in large quantities is a signal, and there are records being kept even today of

  who it is that purchases in large quantities. Those people are being marked to have their goods confiscated in the

  future. They are not being told this. They may even be encouraged to stock up because later someone can come and

  take these stores from them. It is a cruel game of those in control, to encourage stocking while knowing that these

  goods will be taken later. But those who wish to remain in control, who use such power plays, think not of their

  cruelty but only of their ability to get through hard times, and will manipulate whomever stands in their path to

  regaining their power. Even through what we are telling you is known and can be logically surmised, nevertheless

  warnings about punishing those who hoard are not going out, and people will not be alerted to the dangers of hoarding

  or stocking up until they have had the tables turned on them and all their saving put into rice and beans is gone. No

  one will tell them that this is to happen and no one will warn them.

  All rights reserved: [email protected]

  http://www.zetatalk2.com/transfor/t84.htm[2/5/2012 11:14:26 AM]

  ZetaTalk: Growing Food

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  ZetaTalk: Growing Food

  Note: written Nov 15, 1999.

  Anyone who has a stock of food who does not find
themselves at odds with the authorities will still be subject to theft

  from gangs or hungry neighbors. In fact, it is as dangerous to stock up and be traced as holding a hoard of food as it is

  for a rich man to walk with gold jewelry down a dark path known to harbor thieves in the bushes. It is almost a

  welcome sign, saying come take this from me. The word would go out that this person or that person has a stock of

  food. Windows will be broken and people will ccome in with bags over their heads so one doesn’t know who is taking

  the food stores away, and the person who has a lot of stock will find it has been stolen from them. So, in the end,

  hording is not a solution, even for those people who think they are clever and have very carefully hidden their food.

  People who are starving and frightened will aggressively attempt to find where the food has been buried.

  It is much safer to be able to produce food on a regular basis. Those people who have seed, or who know how to and

  are growing algae in water, for instance, will find this cannot be readily taken or carried away. Growing plants, algae

  or fish, cannot be carted away as easily as grabbing a bag of rice or cans of food. Such food stuffs will spoil, is hard to

  catch, is wet, smelly, and takes time. Those who are frightened or those who would steal and rob are not inclined to

  spend the time to harvest. So somebody with algae in a fish tank or gardens in their basement will find that it is not as

  worthwhile for a thug or a hungry person to break into the basement to take a tomato as it is to break into a garage

  where someone has stored many sacks of flour or potatoes, something that is dry, compact, and easy to carry away.

  In addition, the person who is growing their own food regularly will find that even should they be attacked by hungry

  people, that they will be able to recover. Even should their hydroponics beds be ripped out and run off with, with

  someone grabbing their carrots or tomatoes or cabbage or green peppers or the fish in the tanks, they will have baby

  fish on the side to restart their fish tanks and seed and to restart their gardens. The person who has just stored food

  cannot recover, and their food is usually gone. Therefore, we recommend the capability of growing food, in many and

  varied ways to where the cycle of life is at hand and a temporary disruption of a garden is not a devastation. These

  people will not be raided. It will be the hoards that will be raided. Therefore, we have encouraged growing seed and

  helping people learn to grow, and helping people understand the simple things about them with which they can feed

  themselves, such as insects and the foods found in nature, the minimum that they need to survive. This kind of

  knowledge is more valuable than bags of potatoes or barrels of wheat in the garage, because knowledge cannot be

  taken from a person, and it is therefore more valuable.

  All rights reserved: [email protected]

  http://www.zetatalk2.com/transfor/t85.htm[2/5/2012 11:14:27 AM]

  ZetaTalk: Food Riots

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  ZetaTalk: Food Riots

  written April 5, 2008

  Rice Jumps as Africa Joins Race for Supplies [Apr 4] http://www.ft.com/cms/s/0/ Rice prices rose more than 10 per cent on Friday to a fresh all-time high as African countries joined south-east Asian importers

  in the race to head off social unrest by securing supplies from the handful of exporters still selling the

  grain in the international market. The rise in prices - 50 per cent in two weeks - threatens upheaval and

  has resulted in riots and soldiers overseeing supplies in some emerging countries, where the grain is a

  staple food for about 3bn people. India's trade minister, said the government would crack down on

  hoarding of essential commodities to keep a lid on food prices. [and from another] City Dwellers Priced

  Out of the Market [Apr 4] http://www.ft.com/cms/s/0/ Yeshi Degefu stopped eating meat about a year ago.

  Vegetables followed soon and, more recently, chickpeas and lentils. Today, Mrs Yeshi, 50, of Addis Ababa,

  queues for subsidised wheat, the only food she can still afford. Mrs Yeshi is caught up in a food crisis that

  is hitting the urban population rather than the rural poor, the group that has in the past faced the greatest

  threat of hunger. This time, the problem is not a shortage of food but its price. Urban populations are

  more likely to protest, triggering riots which in Africa have already hit Burkina Faso and Senegal.

  Acute food shortages are in the news, as are the rising prices that accompany shortages. We have predicted that in the

  years leading into the pole shift that crop shortages would occur, worldwide. Where this became evident in the year 2000, as documented by Nancy in her Shortage TOPIC within Troubled Times, these shortages did not make major

  headlines because stocks of grain and other staples were on hand. Now, the stocks are depleted, or nearly so. Where

  the price of wheat, corn, and soybeans has been rising in step with shortfalls, riots did not occur until shortages and

  price increases for rice occurred. Rice is a staple for half the world's population, primarily the poorest half, and thus

  this shortage is touching desperation. Rice was one of the cheapest foods for this populace, and now must be replaced

  by more expensive items or starvation looms.

  The reaction of various governments to their starving populace is varied. Some are buying what stocks of rice they can

  secure and forcing price controls among the merchants distributing these stocks. Others are merely reacting to riots

  with traditional riot control. The poor in many of these countries have always suffered at near starvation levels, with

  little sympathy from the authorities who expect the starving to fade away quietly and not make a fuss. Malnutrition

  affects such a populace before birth, creating mental retardation and a poor start in life for the newborn. Malnutrition

  among the young stunts growth, particularly growth of the brain, exacerbating mental retardation. Thus deprived of an

  ability to earn a good living except by manual labor, which their stunted bodies can scarcely enable, those affected by

  chronic starvation hardly notice when their poor diet is diminished further.

  It is the reasonably well fed who are being heard from during the recent food riots. Those who are not retarded or

  stunted, and have been able to enjoy a varied diet previously. The first reaction to rising food prices is to carve

  expensive treats from the menu. The second reaction is to alter the daily fare to emphasize inexpensive staples - a diet

  more dull but affordable. When inexpensive staples like rice rise or double in price these households must trim other

  expenses from their budget - less travel, clothing, and entertainment. In many cases, the household moves from being

  economically viable and in the black to running in the red, running into debt. Arguments ensue, and demands that the

  government do something about the situation is part of the argument. Tempers are at the trigger point, so that some

  trivial argument at the food market can spark a riot. This class of citizen - the formerly well fed - does not slide

  quietly or quickly into the stance of their chronically starved neighbors. They know about the underclass, the

  chronically underfed, but have never imagined themselves forced into these straits. In horror, they see themselves

  unable to afford enough food for good health, despite cutting back all budgetary items possible, so panic is just under

  the surface and explodes into hysteria with every rise in food prices.

2012 11:14:28 AM]

  ZetaTalk: Food Riots

  What are governments to do when a formerly quiet portion of the populace becomes noisy and hysterical? Price

  controls are one avenue, but even with price controls the shortages will continue and increase due to the worsening

  weather extremes we have so long predicted. In the US, soup kitchens are threatened as the US government cuts back

  on handouts of surplus food items. There are no surplus items, or they are fast disappearing. New rules are likely to be instituted everywhere. Those who are obese will be encouraged to diet, perhaps given only vitamin pills and minimum

  protein such as a few boiled eggs per day. Grains fed to cattle will be diverted to human consumption. All idle fields

  will be put into production. And of course price control instituted to prevent panic among those who can no longer

  afford to buy food. But in those countries where such measures cannot be instituted because there simply is not

  enough food to go around, riot control will be used. Those who ignored their chronically underfed neighbors, the

  underclass they took for granted were always beneath them, will now join them, a type of karma, so to speak.

  http://www.zetatalk2.com/index/zeta445.htm[2/5/2012 11:14:28 AM]

  ZetaTalk: Aftertime Religions

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  ZetaTalk: Aftertime Religions

  Note: written by Jul 15, 1995

  After the cataclysms, religions of the world will enjoy both an increase and decrease in popularity. Some humans,

  bewildered by what has happened, will cling to their religions. Some humans will assume that human actions have

  caused the shift, which they will interpret as a punishment. Scapegoats will be selected from their midst, and

  sacrificed. Other humans will attempt to modify their behavior, to placate what they assume to be angry gods. In the

  main, these practices will occur among ignorant or weak peoples, and in truth these practices occur today. Regarding

  religion, whatever trend was occurring within a given human will continue, or exacerbate. Those humans who today


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