Grave Signs (Hellgate Guardians Book 4)

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Grave Signs (Hellgate Guardians Book 4) Page 35

by Ivy Asher

  With Ire leading our shift, the four of us pop into an entryway of Tazreel’s house. It’s as grand as anything I’ve ever seen in a movie. My father apparently has a taste for golds, creams, and decadent well as sculptures and portraits of himself. I guess I shouldn’t be surprised. He clearly takes pride in his whole package. I look around wide-eyed until a tall, lanky demon greets us and announces that he’ll escort us in.

  Before we can take even one step to follow our escort, Delta and her mates pop in behind us. My gray eyes land on my sister, and then we’re both pushing our way past our mates to get to each other before wrapping each other up in a tight hug that I don’t want to end.

  “I missed you!”

  “I missed you too!” I declare, unapologetically squeezing the crap out of her as she squeezes me back just as hard. It’s like we didn’t know how much we needed this, to just be near each other again, until now.

  “Hey y’all, can the other third of this triplet sandwich get in on the action too?” Medley asks, suddenly shifting in behind us.

  Delta and I both squeal and pull her in, quick to show her what it feels like when you’re put into a vise as she strains to take a breath. I never saw myself as the squeal and hug kind of girl before, but that was before I found them.

  My sisters are both as dressed up as I am. Delta is in a floor-length electric blue dress that makes her bright hair and wings pop even more, and her hair is parted down the side and swept over one shoulder. Medley is pretty in pink, with a knee-length dress and a sweetheart neckline that compliments her lilac-purple wings and hair that’s all gathered up in a high ponytail.

  Once our squeeze sesh is over, we all pull apart slightly just to start shooting off rapid-fire questions and you look so gorgeous compliments at each other. I hear several chuckles around us, as well as our guys exchanging greetings of gruff heys and back slaps, but then we get interrupted by a stern throat clearing that demands our attention.

  Delta looks over my shoulder. “Lanky! How’re you doing, you old asshole?” she greets, holding her arms out like she expects a hug from the demon.

  He looks at her outstretched arms like he’s appalled. I giggle at the look he shoots her and the fact that it falls right off his face when Jerif growls at him. He quickly straightens up. “Your Sire is waiting.”

  “We’re early, he can wait a little longer,” Delta replies with a wink. Lanky looks like he wants to argue, but with a quick glance at Jerif’s fiery eyes, he wisely turns on his heel and walks away.

  With a happy hum, Delta turns and threads her arms through mine and Medley’s. “We need a little girl talk.”

  Delta walks us a few feet away, and then the three of us lean together in a little huddle. “Wing circle,” she says, and then she flares her wings out. Medley and I catch on and quickly follow suit until all three pairs of our purple wings are flared out like our own little feathery clubhouse we can hide in.

  “Really?” I hear Flint drawl. “What are y’all gonna be whispering about?”

  “Yeah, why the secrecy?” Echo calls, and I can hear some of the guys start walking over to us.

  Delta peeks her head out from between our wings with a glare. “Any of you take another step and we’ll go full Annuli on your asses and make a darkness dome right here in the entryway.”

  The footsteps stop.

  “You wouldn’t,” Ire challenges.

  I roll my eyes. “We definitely would!” I call back.

  “Yeah, don’t test us,” Medley says, though she’s smiling so widely I’m surprised her cheeks don’t ache.

  We wait for a beat to make sure the guys don’t try to butt in, and then we hear them begin to talk amongst themselves. Delta re-enters our wing circle and grins in victory. “It’s a tough job keeping those hotties in line, but we’re owning this shit.”

  “I agree,” Medley says.

  “So,” Delta goes on as both my sisters’ eyes land on me. “How was your first week in Nihil with your new mates?”

  “Oh, it was good. Nice to be out of a dungeon at least, and sleeping in an actual bed,” I say at a poor attempt at humor.

  Delta winces a little, while Medley gives me an understanding smile. “And your mates? Y’all adjustin’ okay?” Medley asks.

  “Yeah, how many times have they jumped your bones?” Delta says, wagging her brows up and down.

  All of my earlier frustration comes boiling back up, and I let out a puff of air. “That’s the thing. They haven’t.”

  Delta looks taken aback. “Really? Huh. I thought for sure you’d be bow-legged by the time you walked in here tonight.”

  I reach over and pinch her on the arm, making her jump. “Ouch!” she hisses.

  “Sorry,” I tell her, a little surprised at myself. “The pinch thing just happened.”

  She rubs a hand over the red spot I left on her arm and shrugs. “Don’t worry about it. I tried giving Medley a noogie earlier. I think all of our repressed triplet angst is coming out. Anyway, back to what’s important. Are you guys just waiting? Taking things slow?”

  “I mean, me and know. But that was the first night, and since then, nothing,” I confess, chewing on my bottom lip. “I know this is all quick, but I thought…” I let out a sigh. “I don’t know what I thought. I know Vudu and Toreon have a lot of adjusting. We all do. But I just worry.”

  I blow out a breath. Maybe this is ridiculous. Maybe I’m being ridiculous. It’s only been a week. I should stop being so crazy about this and just let things happen when they want to happen. But then why do I feel like something is missing?

  “You just worry about what?” Medley presses.

  I lift my eyes to hers. “That they don’t want me?” I say with a grimace.

  Both of my sisters gasp. It might be comical if we weren’t discussing my love life. They both start immediately shaking their heads, talking at once that there’s zero chance of that. And as nice as that is to hear, I’m not hearing it from the right people.

  “They’re crazy about you,” Medley assures me. “I could tell Toreon wanted you when we were in the dungeon. And that was when you had greasy hair and BO,” she adds seriously. “They’re probably just gettin’ to know you. Takin’ things slow. That’s what Flint and Alder did for me.”

  “Yeah, babe. I seriously doubt they don’t want you,” Delta adds. “You and Vudu practically got it on like Donkey Kong in the cellar, remember?”

  “That was the mating pull from giving him my blood,” I grumble.

  Delta snaps in my face, making me jump a little. “That’s it!”

  I frown. “What’s it?”

  “Give them a little blood. Jump-start things,” she says with a mischievous glint in her gray eyes.

  “Or, you know, maybe just talk to them before you go and slice into your arm,” Medley says, rolling her eyes.

  I wrinkle my nose. “Honestly, the blood sounds better.”

  Medley elbows me. “Oh, stop. Those three boys adore you. I’m sure they’re just feelin’ things out.”

  “Yeah, well, I want them to feel me out,” I mumble, and Delta snickers. “I know I’m probably being way too sensitive about this, it’s just...I don’t know, it’s like I feel unsettled. Like I can’t unknot all this tension in me until I know my mate bonds are solid.”

  My sisters listen to me, both of them giving me sympathetic looks. “This multiple mate thing is hard.”

  “It is,” Medley says. “But you’re gonna be okay. This is gonna work out, I can feel it.”

  “I have an idea,” Delta says, but when we both give her a look, she holds up her hands. “No blood this time, I promise. But I have it on good authority that there’s some very nice bedrooms upstairs, and we’re early.”

  “Oh my gosh, I am not having sex in Taz’s house!” I say, partly horrified.

  “First of all, this place is a fucking castle, so it’s not like he actually goes in any of those rooms. Second of all, why not? Go seduce your mat
es. Medley and I will stall for you.”

  I bite on my bottom lip. “You really think I should?”


  “Are you guys finishing up anytime soon?” Crux asks. “I’m hungry.”

  Delta snorts, and the three of us drop our wings to turn back to our mates who have made their own huddle, although theirs is much bigger.

  “So? What did you guys talk about?” Alder asks as he toys with the flower stuck behind his ear.

  Jerif smirks. “I bet they talked about how big our—”

  “Egos are,” Delta cuts in.

  He scoffs. “Sure, Warrior Princess. If that’s what you wanna call it, I think it’s very fitting.”

  She groans at his joke.

  “What were y’all talkin’ about?” Medley asks as she goes to step between Flint and Alder. They tuck her between them, each of them wrapping an arm around her middle, and my heart pangs. I want that.

  My eyes move over to my three mates where they’re standing across from me, and I find that they’re already looking at me.

  “Yeah, were you talking about what great...personalities we have?” Delta quips. She gets a swat against her butt by one of Echo’s shadows that makes her laugh.

  “No, actually, we were talking about the Guardians who died,” Rafferty says, the blue demon looking very debonair in his suit and slicked back hair that somehow complements his horns.

  “Oh, right,” Medley says, our group instantly sobering. “I feel so bad that Morax got his followers to attack that portal. Those poor Guardians.”

  “Has Luce found anyone to replace them yet?” Delta asks.

  Rafferty hesitates for a moment but then shakes his head. “No. Not yet.”

  When it’s silent for a beat, Crux speaks up. “So, can we go to dinner now? Because I really am hungry.”

  Delta chuckles and shakes her head at her tanned surfer dude demon. “Alright, alright. Let’s go.” She stops before they can start walking out. “Oh, Sable, what was that you were asking me?”

  I blink at her like a deer caught in headlights, because I know what she’s going to do. I try to shake my head and give her the don’t do it look, but she ignores me with a smile. “The bathroom, right? Yeah, this place is just so big. I bet your mates can help you find it?”

  Oh my God, I’m gonna kill her.

  Toreon frowns. “You need to use the bathroom?”

  “No,” I answer, just at the same time that Delta answers, “Yes.”

  Our mates look between the two of us in utter bewilderment, and I briefly consider making a solo Annulus dome just so I can hide in embarrassment.

  “I’m confused...who needs to go to the bathroom?” Flint asks with a frown.

  “Sable,” Delta and Medley answer together.

  Now I’m gonna kill both of them. I should’ve pinched Delta harder.

  As if she senses my thoughts, Delta tugs on our connection, giving me a telepathic go seduce your sexy mates and stop being such a wuss shooing motion.

  I give her a glare, not because I don’t want to do it, but because I’m terrified that they’ll reject me.

  But, since Delta and Medley have basically shoved me onto the stage, I guess it’s time to sing.

  “Umm, yeah,” I begin awkwardly, looking quickly between my mates. “I need to go. Pee, I mean.” My three mates look at me like a crazy person—and believe me, I know the look—but I soldier on because dammit, I want them. “But this place is huge. Lots of hallways and things. I was hoping you guys could umm, go with me? So I don’t get lost?”

  “Of course,” Vudu says, as if I didn’t even need to ask. Knowing him, I don’t. His protective mode is on maximum strength.

  Toreon watches me. “Would you like just Vudu, or…?”

  “No!” I quickly blurt before I tamp it down because now I really am acting crazy. “I mean, if you all could come with me, I’d appreciate it. Besides, I’d like to go into the dining room together,” I add, hoping that I saved face. Unfortunately, the snicker I hear coming from one of my sister’s mates tells me that I’m not doing a very good job at stealth. “So, uhh, can you guys come with me?” I finish in a hurry.

  Ire cocks his head, eyes narrowed on me like he’s trying to figure what I’m up to. Before he can say anything though, Wrath comes stomping through the entryway. “Ire, there you are,” she says, stopping in front of him. Instead of formal wear like the rest of us have on, Wrath is in full battle armor, her chest plate gleaming so much I could use it as a mirror.

  “Matron,” Ire says in greeting.

  “I need to discuss the third battalion with you. The Lieutenant Colonel has put in a request for a new position.”

  Ire’s mouth thins in that way it does when he’s thinking, and then he looks over at me with regret. “Sorry, Snarls. I need to speak with my Matron.”

  I have to swallow down the huge lump of disappointment. “It’s fine,” I say, waving him off.

  Ire nods to me before he and his Matron walk toward the dining room, Wrath already talking animatedly about her army.

  My sisters give me encouraging winks and smiles before they too start walking away. I turn to Vudu and Toreon, feeling nervous all over again when I find them standing beside me, waiting expectantly.

  I nearly call the whole thing off right then and there, but then I realize I actually do have to pee.

  I sigh. Operation Seduce has failed before I could even get it off the runway.


  “Do you want to try the stairs?” Toreon asks, and I look where he’s indicating, noting the wide marble staircase at the back of the entryway.

  “Yeah,” I say, my emotions warring inside of me. Part of me thinks I should just throw in the towel. I couldn’t get all three of my mates to come with me, so maybe this just isn’t meant to be. But the other part of me thinks, to hell with it. Two out of three isn’t so bad, right?

  Together we walk up the steps, and the guys keep me between them, matching my climb. I’m going a little slowly since Lousen put me in heels, but at least they’re not so high that my ankles are wobbling.

  When we get to the top, I glance left and right, but there are matching corridors all lined with closed doors, so it’s really a crapshoot. Shrugging my shoulders, I pick left and go with it. Together, the three of us just start opening doors as we make our way down the hall. The first few I open are bedrooms, but the fourth one is the jackpot. “Found it!” I call before I quickly go inside and do my business.

  Before I go back out, I give myself a little pep talk in the mirror. “Come on, Sable. You can do this. Just seduce your mates. You already grinded all over them. How hard can it be?” Mirror Sable just looks at me like I’m an idiot.

  Exhaling slowly, I walk out of the bathroom only to find Toreon and Vudu talking. As soon as they see me, they immediately straighten up. “Ready?” Vudu asks.

  I hesitate, my steps faltering as they look at me with an inscrutable expression on their faces. “Can we talk?” I blurt.

  They turn to face me with frowns on their faces. “Right now?” Toreon asks.

  “Yep,” I say, and then I start opening doors down the hallway again. The first one is a bedroom, but…gross. From the quick cursory glance I give it, I count seven head busts in Taz’s likeness. I cannot seduce my mates under those kinds of conditions. With a firm shake of my head, I close the door and then try the next one. I strike out there too because there’s a giant portrait of his face hanging over the mantel. I shudder before quickly moving to the next door.

  “Finally,” I say, breathing a sigh of relief when I find that this bedroom is Taz-free. “Come on,” I urge my mates, and they come inside, looking around the cream floor and the gold bed near the balcony on the other side.

  As soon as they come in, I shut the door behind us and lean against it. Toreon and Vudu turn to look at me expectantly, and my heart thunders in my chest, my feet caught between wanting to turn around and run and to rush forward and jump them. />
  “Why do you look terrified right now, Little Mate?” Vudu rumbles, his face unhappy.

  Crap, do I? I quickly school my features, trying to go for seductive rather than scared, but I think my face gets screwed up into a grimace instead. Oh, well. I’ll practice in front of a mirror later. For now, I just need to roll with it.

  “Not terrified,” I say, in the world’s worst saucy tone. I tried to drop my voice way too low from what my vocal cords are capable of, and it’s like I’m just mimicking a seventy-year-old smoker.

  Both guys are still standing there looking at me like they don’t know what the hell is going on. Even when they seem bewildered, they really are so handsome. Toreon looks good dressed up in a suit, and already, his lean body is growing stronger and filling out. Vudu is the type of male you can’t look away from because every part of him is fascinating with his bulging muscles and red eyes and bat wings.

  Like always, when I look at my mates, my body immediately responds. This intrinsic pull just calls to me, and I use that to bolster my resolve. Straightening up, I start walking toward them. Slowly. Seduction is all about the tease, right?

  I try to pop my hips out left and right to add more flair. I’m not actually sure why. I have no clue what this really does for the female body, but that’s what women in the Mortal Realm seemed to do, and the guys seemed to like it, so why not?

  One foot in front of the other, I start really getting into it. In my head, I’m Julia Roberts in Pretty Woman. I don’t know why my head goes for a prostitute’s walk, but I don’t have time to try and think of another character to base my sway on. By the fourth step in my heels, I have the hip pop down. Vivian Ward would be so proud.

  I’m halfway there.

  The guys are watching me, though they still have a little bit of frown action going on. I can fix that. Straightening my spine, I pop out the girls, making sure to really showcase my cleavage. Like I just activated a homing beacon, both of their eyes immediately drop to my breasts, and heat flares in their eyes. Bingo!

  I’m three steps away. Gotta bring it home.

  Shoulders thrown back, hips popping like balloons, I pout my bottom lip and then, to really round out the whole effect, I let my wings flare behind me in all their purple glory.


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