Silly Girl

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Silly Girl Page 10

by Michel Prince

  “I’m not a monster.”

  “I never said you were. People don’t come into his inner circle immediately, it takes time. This is new.”

  Sylvia nodded then turned back to Matthias’ room. She needed a shower and she knew he at least had soap.

  “Langston wait.”

  “Huh?” he said stopping at the door.

  “Shampoo. I get the two in one stuff. Whatever’s cheapest.”

  “Cheapest? You don’t want to owe him do you?”

  “It’s what I’m used to. Don’t you think I should keep to what I know?”

  Langston nodded then headed for his apartment.

  * * * *

  Silly skipped into the bedroom where Matthias was finally reviewing the European film.

  “Whatcha doin?” She smiled crawling on the bed and straddling Matthias. His view was completely blocked and he could care less.

  “Reviewing film.”

  Silly looked at the TV screen then back to him.

  “Who’s that?”

  “Unica versus Enisey, cругойnоборот.”

  “Huh?” She smiled and turned her head to the side.

  “Russian basketball, Enisey tends to turn over the ball a lot, at least that’s what it sounds like to me.”

  “Black guys from the US?”

  “More than likely. If their names aren’t falling off the back of their shirt they’re ours.”

  “What’s with the Ruskies?”

  “Walker’s gone.”

  “Shouldn’t you have been looking last year?”

  “I have been.”

  “Suit me up. I’ll be your wingman.”

  “You can hoop?”

  “Almost as good a third grader with ADHD.”

  “You’re my top contender then.”

  “You can turn me into the next Steve Nash. I’m short so I’ll have to work on my threes or I’ll never make it. It’s gonna be Jimmer, Nash, and Kinder at the top of the arc.”

  Matthias shifted underneath her and she seemed to settle in nicely over his hips. Her body fit with his like a puzzle piece. Instead of forcing his body against hers, Silly’s body melded to his as if it had been made just for him.

  “So, what are you going to teach me?” He teased.


  “If I teach you how to hit a three without the backboard…”

  “Actually any three would be nice.”

  “Fine, we’ll start at the top of the key, but if I teach you to be an offensive weapon…”

  “Because I can already take you off the dribble.”

  “Oh really?”

  “Yep, I’ll take your right hand.”

  Matthias found Silly’s shit talking so adorable. Maybe it was the confidence that filled him with drive, but all he could think about was how wonderful it would be if the world froze over right now and they were stuck in the condo forever.

  “Langston’s gone…” Silly leaned in and kissed Matthias’ neck. “I need an apology.”

  “That is true.” Matthias waited until her lips had made their way to his before he started in on her. Making love slow and sweetly was new, but the only way he felt he should touch her. Long kisses while he glided in and out between her thighs. Anything to make it so he wasn’t rushed and he could take in every curve.

  When they had finished Silly reached for his hoodie as he protested.

  “No, please.”

  “I need to have this on. Last night I passed out and couldn’t fight you on this. But I can’t lie around naked like you can.”

  He didn’t like it, but he respected her. Especially since she curled into his chest and restarted the film he was watching.

  Together they analyzed the film, but he kept going back to who she was. He wanted to know all even though quite a bit wasn’t pretty. It was what made her, her, and that was what mattered.

  Matthias’ alarm went off on his phone. It was not like he hadn’t already admitted to Silly his stupid addiction, but he wasn’t sure if he could share it with her.

  “Is there someplace you need to be?” Silly asked.

  It made sense for her to think that since his phone had gone off three times last night, but due to the weather he didn’t have to do anything except make one phone call to do an interview for the local sports station.

  “No,” Matthias said sheepishly and Silly pulled away.

  “What’s wrong?” She asked, looking at Matthias who could feel his face heating up. “What is it?”

  “It’s eleven.”


  “The Young and the Restless…”

  “Turn it on,” Silly laughed and reached for the remote. “If it’s so bad you have an alarm on your phone to remind you…”

  “It’s only for when I’m at home. I rarely watch it when I’m at the practice facility.”

  “You record it?”

  “You know…” Matthias started as he pushed himself up in the bed.

  “Put it on, please.”

  Matthias’ head dropped as his finger hit the buttons on the remote. Silly slid between his legs and used his body as her chair. They watched the soap together as he ran his fingers through her hair and she dropped her head back exposing her neck.

  It had been a whole day with Silly and outside of her first failed attempt at teaching him to cook rice, it’d been a success. While dinner cooked they lounged on the couch and Matthias learned Silly had her own guilty pleasure—court shows. Never had Matthias felt so relaxed or genuinely enjoyed his day. For the first time, basketball wasn’t the most important thing in the world. The woman below him was.

  “Stop it,” Silly squealed and Matthias knew she didn’t mean it. He tickled her as she wiggled beneath him. “I’m gonna pee. I’m gonna pee.”

  “That’s a twelve thousand dollar couch. Control your bladder.”

  Sharee made them both stop.

  Silly arched her head back to look at Sharee standing over her in a lavender suit. How she walked in heels in this temperature was beyond him. But then again Sharee wouldn’t let a hurricane mess up her hair. Matthias didn’t let this uninvited guest move him from Silly. His body was staying where it was comfortable. On top of Silly with her legs wrapped around his waist. Silly seemed to think she should move.

  “You can’t buy anymore furnishings. Twelve grand? Seriously Sharee?”

  “Does everyone have a key to your house?” Silly whispered making Matthias laugh.

  Sharee glared at Silly and he knew he’d have to move if for no other reason than to make Silly comfortable.

  “Your coach is freaking out, I’d say you caught something in Dallas, but this appears to be local,” Sharee sneered at Silly.

  “Yep,” Matthias grinned. “And I caught it all by myself like a big boy…you wanna know what else I did like a big boy.”

  Matthias was having too much fun getting Sharee worked up.

  “Is she worth ten grand?” Sharee questioned with her arms crossed.

  “Langston!” Matthias yelled while removing himself from on top of Silly. Langston didn’t appear, not that he was surprised.

  “I’m not a hooker,” Silly barked.

  “You’ve missed two practices. Five a piece.” Sharee wasn’t acknowledging Silly. She was talking like they were alone pissing off Matthias more.

  “Yesterday every road in the city was closed, you know he’s not charging for that.” Sharee scoffed then looked out the window. “And as for today…I do get sick days. I took today. So back off.”

  “Rumors have already started. They’re saying you’re looking at other teams, might not be able to play tomorrow. Should I tell them you didn’t get enough in Dallas?”

  “Are you still pissed about that? You picked the girls didn’t you.”

  Sharee shot him a look of shock.

  “Oh, I found out. Didn’t Langston tell you? Guess me kickin’ his ass helped him finally learn to not run his mouth.”

  “You were supposed to ch
oose, not sleep with all three at once.”

  Now Silly pulled away and pretended she needed something from the kitchen.

  “That was foul.”

  “What are you doing?” Sharee asked in a low voice. “Do you even know who you have here?”

  “Sit down.”

  She did, but didn’t stop talking.

  “I had Langston run a check on her.”

  “You had Langston steal her wallet? Crossing the line, Sharee.”

  “Covering your ass. Her parents are crackheads.”

  “I know.”

  “She grew up in foster care.”

  “I know.” Matthias ran his hands over his head and let out a long cleansing breath. “Sharee, contrary to popular belief, I do have the ability to hold a conversation with a woman. Our first evening together, we spent talking as we sat on your overpriced couch because I promised to be a good boy.”

  “Right,” Sharee scoffed.

  “She’s not a blur damn it. We’ve spent more time talking the last few days then doing anything.”

  Now Matthias was feeling the need to protect Silly, but he had put her in his world. And his world had microscopes. Looking over at her he wished he could protect her. Why couldn’t he keep her under wraps and take all the blowback on himself. Looking at Sharee, he felt his stomach cramp knowing to keep Silly in his life her past would be up for scrutiny and need to be spun.

  “She gave up a kid for adoption at fifteen.”

  “Okay, I didn’t know that, but what does that have to do with her now.”

  Damn it he wanted to grab Silly and keep her in his bedroom so no one could hurt her. Everything could be twisted negatively. She might not be strong enough to be his woman.

  “What about her parents? She’s going to bleed you dry.”

  “She hasn’t talked to them in almost a decade.”

  “You want that kind of person around you.”

  “A second ago you were upset about her parents.”

  “She’s in debt.”

  “Most people are, especially when they’re in college. If I sold this couch would that catch her up?” Matthias asked, leaning back and stretching out his legs.

  “That’s not the point.”

  “What is the point? Because you didn’t hand pick her for me?”

  “You don’t have the option to bring home any woman you find on the street. For all you know she’s a bunny boiler.”

  Matthias pulled his legs up and leaned his elbows on his knees.

  “Oh no! You’re right. She has been cooking for me since I brought her home. Hey Silly, what’s for dinner?”

  “Tilapia,” Silly said, while checking the oven.

  “That, was close,” Matthias ribbed.

  “Is your friend staying?” Silly asked, returning the non-acknowledgement to Sharee.

  “I’m sorry, I haven’t introduced you. Silly this is Sharee my ex-wife,” Matthias made sure the ex was accentuated.

  “I figured. Ms. Jessup, are you planning on staying?”

  “No, she isn’t.”

  “Yes I am.” Sharee over powered him then leaned in. “I need to vet her and you and I know it.”

  “You take her away from me without cause, you will pay,” he warned through clenched teeth.

  “How long have you known her?”

  “There are certain things that only take a moment to know they belong in my life.”

  “What is wrong with you? Langston said you’ve been doing half workouts. Are you willing to throw it all away for her?”

  “Langston’s my employee much like you are. Know your place. You’re the one who said I needed something besides basketball.”

  “Not to replace it completely.”

  “She hasn’t. I was hurt and she’s showed me a better workout that doesn’t take as long to do.”

  “What does she know?”

  “She’s…in her last semester at UMKC and is going to be an athletic trainer.”

  Sharee lay back in the chair and smiled like she’d solved the world hunger crisis. “So that’s it. A few blow jobs to get a real job with the Emperors. That’s a sexual harassment suit waiting to happen.”

  “Not everyone uses others.”

  “Has she asked for an internship yet?”

  “She’s already done all her internship hours except a hundred and eighty she’s doing with the Royals for spring training.”

  “We’ll see.”

  “I’m glad I don’t have to be you. I can still live in the world where people are good.”

  “Only because I protect you.”

  Matthias wanted to argue further, but the one issue Sharee and he never had was her ability to protect him.

  * * * *

  Matthias had the same look in his eye that he’d had when he called Langston into the room with them earlier. Sylvia started to question if he was overly possessive of her. He’d been nothing but gentle with her, but that was then. Every time she talked about leaving he seemed upset with her.

  Sylvia shook her head to remove the thought. He liked her, that’s all, and his world was so different than hers.

  “Hey all,” Langston’s voice carried through the apartment.

  “How’s your face?” Sylvia asked, placing her hand on his cheekbone after he entered the kitchen. “Still a little swollen, huh? Let me get some more witch hazel and I’ll work on it before dinner.”

  “What the hell happened to his face?” Sharee shrieked. “Where did you go last night?” She snapped at Matthias who breathed in deep and put his hand up.

  “I did it. Take it as a warning.”

  The color drained from Sharee’s face and Sylvia needed to get out of the cross hairs.

  “Matthias, I have noodles boiling would you watch them?” Sylvia asked.

  Matthias got up and crossed to Sylvia. Taking her in his arms he kissed her like she was leaving forever, not just running down the hallway.

  “Thank you.” Was all Sylvia could muster after she was released from his embrace. “It’ll only take a few minutes.”

  Langston followed her as she shook her head trying to come down from the cloud Matthias had sent her to.

  “Sharee cheated on him huh?”

  “None of your business.”

  “Why else would he kiss me like that in front of her?” she asked as she dabbed the witch hazel on a cotton ball and started to press on the bruise.

  She knew why she didn’t want to think it. Matthias was still in love with Sharee and wanted to hurt her. As doubt swept in Langston was there to add to the conclusions.

  “They have a complicated relationship. I send girls away for their protection, as well as his.”

  Sylvia could understand that. She might be a rebound that would send him straight back to Sharee. The little deflection to help him remember what he had.

  “You fallin’ for him?”

  “I fell for him over twelve years ago. Stop movin’ you pussy.”

  “Hey. I don’t get hit often. I’m sensitive.”

  “Which story is yours?”

  Langston looked at the floor.


  “Pussy ass motherfucker.”


  Sylvia applied more pressure working the bruise.

  “Did he really sleep with three women at once?”

  “Dallas? Plead the fifth.”

  “When he goes out of town—”

  “Don’t ask me to do you any favors.”

  “It wasn’t that. I’m not that naive. Do you think it’ll be over?”

  “Couldn’t say. And no I don’t know how to make him stay with you. That would be a Sharee question. She kept him on the straight and narrow for years.”

  Sylvia kept working on his face. Trying to keep hers straight.

  “I will say you have his nose wide open.”

  “And that means...”

  “Sorry, I’ll whiten it for you. Ebonically speaking, he likes you. You’ve turned him
out. I don’t know what you did in that bedroom last night—”

  “Fuck off.” Sylvia stormed out the bathroom, Langston was right on her heels.

  “Stop,” he grabbed her wrist. She spun around and slapped his face. Langston held his hands up like he was working behind the counter at the local gas station.

  “Never touch me again,” she growled. “No one touches me unless I want them too.”

  “I wasn’t trying to…I’m sorry.”

  “I don’t care if you’re used to rehashing last night’s conquests, but it will not happen with me. I find out you two discuss what I do with Matthias, it will be the last thing—”

  “What’s going on?”

  Matthias had come down the hallway from the scuffle, Sylvia assumed. She dropped her head and started for the kitchen. Matthias threw his arm around her waist stopping her forward motion.

  “Matthias, not now.”

  “What did he do?”

  “Please, let me go,” Sylvia said in a low tone trying to hide the anxiety that was creeping in and taking over her body. Being held against Matthias’ firm torso felt wonderful when she was prepared for it, but right now it was bringing back her claustrophobia and she wasn’t ready to tell him why he couldn’t just hold her like any other girl.

  Chapter Eight

  “So, Sylvia, tell me a little about you.” Sharee had her sweet voice on, but Matthias could hear the dragon behind it.

  “Don’t,” he warned, but Silly put her utensils down and looked across the table at Sharee.

  “What do you want to know?”

  “Where’d you grow up?”

  “The suburbs of St. Paul. Place called Inver Grove Heights mostly. Ever hear of it?”

  “I’m not good with suburbs. Your parents still there?”

  Silly’s lips pulled in and she forked a piece of fish. “Last I heard.”

  “See them much?”

  “No.” Silly’s answers were becoming short and Matthias was a second away from stopping the interrogation.

  “Have any kids.”

  This wasn’t a question and he could tell Silly knew it.

  “That’s enough,” Matthias warned.

  “I don’t think it’s something you can hide.”

  “Sharee…” Matthias’ tone was harsher.


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