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Soldier Page 4

by Dee Carney

  She winked at them both and walked out of the door towards her car. When Anna called a goodbye, she raised her hand in response without turning around. They watched a little while longer as she backed her silver Benz out of the driveway. She honked once and soon all they could see of the car were the retreating taillights.

  They walked back into the kitchen and cleared the dishes from the table. Anna put the leftovers into the fridge and Nicholas used a cloth by the sink to clean what had been used. She watched him work from the corner of her eye and bemusedly thought of how harmoniously they worked together. When everything had been washed, dried and put away, she started to feel the stress of the day melt into familiar fatigue of her back and shoulders.

  Anna made certain he didn't need anything additional and then said her good night to him. She watched him go into the spare bedroom before turning to go into her own room. She let the door close softly and before stepping away from it, turned the lock.

  Inside the room, Nicholas stripped. He replayed the day's events in his mind with every movement he made. Anna. The name suited her better than Lisa had. He smiled to himself when he brought to mind the look on her face when her real name was announced. When he slid between the cool sheets, he closed his eyes and recalled her voice. Then her face. Then he drifted contentedly into darkness.

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  Chapter Five

  Nicholas opened his eyes and was immediately horror-struck. Gone was the soft yellow paint and cool cotton sheets that had surrounded him. Instead, he lay on the ground, covered in dried blood and damp mud. His body screamed in protest as he tried to sit up. A gash in his side opened and blood began to flow copiously. Clamping a dirtied hand to the injury, he surveyed his surroundings.

  He was home.

  He stood unsteadily for a moment, but then crouched into a stealthier position. Not far from his present location, he could see Once-men scouring the ground for survivors. Any Soldier found alive, some writhing where they lay, was immediately terminated. His mind started to drift towards Anna, but he tried to force his thoughts back towards his present situation. Try though he might, he could not banish the idea that she may have been a figment of his imagination.

  Crawling, he searched frantically for a place to hide. He could feel the injury bleeding openly and he needed to stem the flow. He could recall how he had been sparring with the Once-man and how it had bested him with the jab to the side as if it had happened only moments ago.

  Ahead, he could see an abandoned vehicle standing next to a small building. Eyes furtively darting around, he made his way quickly to the vehicle. He surveyed the building for any signs of movement and seeing none, scurried towards it. Nicholas was panting by the time he was inside.

  Finding an old cloth sack on the ground, he balled it up. He lifted the remains of his shirt and pressed it to his side, wincing as it touched his flesh. There was a scraping noise from outside and his ears perked as his skin prickled. Despair began to gnaw at his mind when he realized that he had no weapons with which to defend himself. Undoubtedly the Once-men had appropriated his fallen sword as the creatures were not capable of manufacturing complex weapons for themselves.

  Desperation setting in, Nicholas searched for an adequate hiding place. The two-room place was almost bare. The first room held only an old stove and pantry. The second room held a small table and two chairs which were off to the side. Grimacing at the noise it made, he turned the small table on its side and crouched behind it. He listened as he heard the front door creak noisily. He then glanced at the table, deciding to pull one of the legs off to defend himself with if it came to that. Today may be his day to die, but he would not go easily or quietly. His mind drifted back to Anna again and he shook his head to refocus.

  He flattened himself to the floor and stifled a shiver as the hair on the back of his neck rose. Even though he could not see it, he knew that a Once-man had entered the dwelling. His eyes closed, he held his breath while trying to follow the beast's movements. It would find him if it walked into the second room, so mentally he prepared himself for the inevitable stand-off.

  The whistling above his head was the only clue in the dim room of a club-like instrument being swung at him. He'd been spared by mere millimeters, but the splinters from the crumpling table sprayed towards him, some embedding themselves in the skin of his face and neck. Nicholas rolled away and struck the wall. His legs were sluggish as he tried to make his way to his feet. The table was out of reach now and he stood before the Once-man with only his hands for weapons. The creature yelled at him in undecipherable guttural speak, but Nicholas only growled in return. All hope sank when he saw the second creature come up from behind. It was followed by a third.

  He clenched his hands into fists, trying to determine a course of action that would spare his life. There were no windows and the three creatures stood between him and the door. His stomach tightened as he realized his rookie mistake. There had been one way in and one way out of the building. He had let them block him in. Despite his earlier resolution, he stood slowly and walked towards the middle of the room. Offering a small prayer of thanks for his life thus far, he closed his eyes as the Once-man closest to him swung the club.

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  Chapter Six

  Anna shook Nicholas's body again, this time rougher than before. He had been crying out in his sleep when she walked past the bedroom to use the house's only bathroom. That had been almost five minutes ago. The sun wasn't all the way up, but she could see well enough inside the room.

  He hadn't said anything intelligible, but he was obviously in distress. His pulse was strong, but erratic. His respirations were even, but fast. Not knowing whether the stories were true, she hesitated on deciding whether or not to wake him. She'd heard more than once from her grandmother never to awaken someone when they were having a nightmare. It could kill them she had been warned gravely. Taking a chance against an old wives’ tale, she called his name again.

  His eyes flew open and, startled, she stepped back. His respirations went from their even rhythm to one that was more labored. She glanced down past his diaphoretic chest and her mouth dropped open. He swallowed several times and then, seeing her expression, followed her gaze. The sheets were streaked with fresh blood.

  She pushed him back down on the bed and demanded, “Where are you injured?” Anna ran her hands over his chest and, not finding the source of the bleeding, threw the sheets back to uncover his groin and legs. The chest pain he was feeling from his erratic breathing subsided and he groaned. He pulled the sheets back up to his waist and stilled her roaming hands with his own. She shook his hands off of hers and tried to resume her inspection.

  "I am not injured,” Nicholas protested. She did not listen and tried to turn him on his side to find any potential injuries there.

  "Dammit woman, I am not injured,” he growled. Anna's hands stilled and her back stiffened. He hadn't meant to sound so severe with her. “I am merely naked,” he offered softly.

  "I've seen you naked before,” she curtly replied. “And besides, I'm a nurse. I see lots of people naked."

  "If you must look, then look. But I assure you, I am not injured.” His hands fell down on the sheets again and he turned so that she could see his back. Not declining his offer, she ran her hands over his backside and satisfied that he was not truly injured, allowed him to turn back over and recover himself.

  "I was worried because there's so much blood on the sheets.” Her eyebrows knitted together. “Where did it come from?"

  "I don't know,” he said, his voice gentle again. She'd obviously been sleeping before she'd encountered him. She stood before him in a t-shirt that fell to her knees. It was wrinkled and her hair was standing on end. He could see a faint silhouette of her body inside the shirt when she moved just so and he started to appreciate the soft material.

  She glanced into his face and went on guard. His green and brown eyes had darkened and were al
most the same color. “What?” she demanded.

  He took one hand in his and placed his lips gently on it. He looked up into her face and whispered, “You are so beautiful."

  Anna's mouth fell open. She closed it again, but it opened on its own again. She immediately felt sticky and involuntarily removed her hand from his and took a step back. When his legs swung from under the sheets over the edge of the bed towards her, she stepped back again. The sheet fell away as he stood and she forced herself to not look below his waist. Continuing to back up, she pressed herself against the wall until she could not move any further.

  "I'm not beautiful,” she stammered. “I have fat thighs and my boobs are too small.” Sweat started to form at the base of her spine.

  His eyes lazily roamed over her from head to toe and he stepped slowly closer. Nicholas stopped just shy of his own body being pressed against hers and brought his arms up on either side of her head and splayed his hands against the wall. “You. Are. Beautiful."

  Each word was succinct and full of expression. Doubtless, he would not be swayed from his opinion. A gentle breeze fanned her cheek with each word. The damned sweat was now all over her back and heading south. She could feel the drops leaping onto her underwear.

  "You're naked.” She couldn't think of anything else to say to him. The obvious seemed the most logical choice.

  "You have seen me naked before.” He sniffed calmly at her hair. “Besides, you are a nurse. You see lots of people naked."

  Anna couldn't believe he could taunt her with those familiar words. She shivered as his lips touched the crown of her head. He trailed the kisses down the side of her face, stopping to play with her ear. When his tongue gingerly flicked at the lobe, her breath caught in her chest. He pulled his head back long enough to look at her again and she tried to stop shivering.

  "Are you naked under there?” he questioned gently. His head dipped down and, with his teeth, he pulled at the neck of the shirt.

  "No,” she whispered back to him, the word barely a croak.

  "Would you like to be?"

  His eyes met hers again and they searched hers imploringly. Her mind raced frantically, weighing the scenarios and trying to choose the best course. His mouth had resumed its journey against her skin and she could barely think while his tongue flickered out for tentative tastes. He licked at the small pool of sweat at the dip in her neck and Anna's thighs screamed for release. Sighing, knowing she was making a mistake, she closed her eyes when she responded.


  Nicholas stilled and looked into her eyes again, but then dropped his hands to his sides. “Try to get some more sleep, Anna. You look tired."

  He took half a step back and gestured that she was free to leave. He watched as she slid against the wall until she was completely free of him and then hurried out of the sweltering room.

  * * * *

  Anna slunk back to her room, her heart racing. She had really, really wanted to give in to him, but could not force her wanton body to reconcile with her brain. Locking the door as soon as she closed it, she crossed the room to throw herself on the bed. Any thought of going back to sleep was banished. As she lay there, her mind replayed the scene over and over. She could feel every burning kiss, remembering every spot that he had touched. Then her mind replayed the sensual words, the turmoil she felt when she had turned him down and his final parting words.

  How dare he?

  Desire quickly turned to fury as she recollected again and again what he had said. You look tired. That was a sorry thank you for his benefactor. Her face grew hot and she assaulted the pillow with a fist. Anna turned on her back and let out a deep breath. In truth, while she was annoyed with those words, she was angrier about the circumstance. Nothing about what she'd done today was conventional and she had shied away from the one thing she had wanted to do without hesitation.

  Anna lay on the bed, trying to figure out how her personal life had gone so wrong. Sure, she had a great career, was able to afford a comfortable house and the occasional all-girl vacation, but when it came to a long-term relationship, she couldn't make the connection. The encounter with Nicholas was the closest she had come to sex, much less a relationship, in almost a year. Despite the stereotype perpetuated by television, she had no intention of trying to set herself up with a physician.

  Sighing again, she turned back over onto her stomach. Half an hour had gone by and she could see light peeking through the curtains. Her mind wandered back to Nicholas again. Maybe her gut instinct was wrong this time. Maybe it was time for him to leave. He knew he was close to home and he chose not to share much with her. They could not live under the same roof if he could not be honest with her. Nor could she have him living there if she wanted to be honest about her desire for him. The very thought was enough to send blood flooding into her cheeks. The sound of him. The smell of him. The touch of him. All were so seductive. Was it really so bad that he did not tell her everything? Anna smiled to herself and her fickle nature. It was like her to want to have her cake and eat it too.

  She rolled across the bed one last time and landed gracefully onto her feet. When he became honest with her, she would allow herself to be honest with her feelings. With this resolution in mind, she strode into the closet in preparation for her second day with him.

  * * * *

  Nicholas could hear Anna moving about the bedroom and when she made her way into the bathroom, he slipped outside to avoid the inevitable confrontation. When she finally came into the kitchen though, he couldn't help but look up occasionally to watch her through the window.

  He saw her pour herself a cup of coffee from the programmable maker, glancing at him with the first sip. Trying to remain inconspicuous, Nicholas continued his work, methodically ensuring the dark soil was tilled. He knew she watched him as he sprinkled grass seed by hand over the earth, covering each area evenly. She poured a second cup of coffee when he started scraping the dirt over the seeds. It was at that moment when he glanced again in her direction that their eyes connected. From where he stood, he tried to convey to her the tenderness in his heart. Either he did a poor job of letting it show or she was ignoring him, because instead of returning the emotion, she turned her back to retrieve some food items from the fridge.

  Seeing this, Nicholas gripped the handle of the rake harder. He redoubled his efforts with the ground work while trying to reign in the anger that boiled within. He had never meant to alienate Anna and he knew his actions had labeled him a rogue in her mind. He wanted to be with her, but it was obviously too much, too soon for the both of them. He could only fathom how irreparable the damage might be. Earlier this morning his actions had seemed so well timed. In the light of the day, however, he felt irresponsible. Instead of resolving how he had even come to be here, he was trying to seduce a woman.

  Reflecting on this, he thought of the bloodstained sheets and of the dream that was no dream. Nicholas could remember the heat of the room. He could remember the sounds the Once-men made. There was even the sound of the Soldiers as they lie on the ground waiting for death. He remembered the sound of the club being swung. He could not remember it making any contact. How had the blood ended up on the bed then? He had checked himself carefully when Anna had gone and there were no open cuts. No evidence of blood anywhere on his person.

  He scraped the ground with the rake again and stifled a yawn. Despite the hours that had passed from the time he went to bed and the time he was woken by Anna, his eyes were heavy and felt as if weighed down by sand. The thought brought him to another realization. While hours had passed here, he had been captured and presumably killed in a matter of minutes in his world. Was there any significance to this too?

  He shook his head and stifled another yawn. When his stomach grumbled in reminder, he contemplated again what would await him inside. Squaring his shoulders, he glanced through the window again and strode inside.

  "Good morning.” She spoke softly and did not look him in the eye, but he was just pl
eased that she spoke to him.

  "Good morning,” he replied. He waited at the door, not moving, but willing her to look back at him. His lack of movement must have served as an impetus because he did not have to wait long. She looked at him from the corner of her eyes, unwilling still to look at him directly. He accepted this as another small step in the right direction and inquired as to how he could help with the morning meal.

  Softly, she asked him his preference for coffee or tea in the morning. When he replied coffee, she sat a steaming mug in front of him. He watched her walk to the fridge and remove a large bowl from inside. She sat this and a fork in front of him as well. He removed the tinfoil lid and was surprised to see a medley of fruits in front of him. He grinned at her.

  "Do you have any for yourself?” Despite the proclivity to begin, he would wait until she had a meal too before delving into the treat.

  "Ack, no.” She scrunched her face. “I just drink some of this stuff in the morning. That's it. Especially until it has a chance to kick in. Eat up."

  He needed no additional prompting and dramatically rolled his eyes as he chewed, hoping he could make her laugh. He mocked ecstatic noises and she looked as though she couldn't decide whether to blush or laugh. Soon she giggled softly and his heart leaped a little at the sound as the initial embarrassment ebbed.

  While he ate, they discussed the plans for building the fence. Nicholas had already reviewed the fences surrounding her yard and was confident in his ability to recreate the same kind for her. The food was consumed quickly and when he was done, they went outside to start the work.

  By midmorning, the full measurements for the yard were complete. Nicholas started digging the holes necessary for the posts while Anna called the lumber company for a delivery of the needed supplies. Less than two hours later, to her surprise, they had stacks of plywood and posts in the yard. He carried the bags of concrete to each hole and she took on the task of opening the bags and pouring the contents into the holes. Often, the concrete ended up on the ground as much as in the hole, but Nicholas didn't criticize or cajole. She added water from the hose and Nicholas mixed the concrete in the ground. A post was stood in the middle and before long, the entire yard was done. Anna begged a break for lunch and Nicholas agreed, the time convenient for the concrete to solidify.


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