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Cowboys Page 7

by Tom Graham

  “I’m real sorry about storming in on you like that,” the man said with genuine feeling. “I had to go real bad, and it looked like nobody was around.” He ducked his head and watched Alex from the corner of his eye, grinning slightly. “I surprised you pretty good, huh?”

  “Well, yeah,” Alex stammered. He blushed as his anger drained away and embarrassment rushed to fill the void. “I don’t get a lot of visitors.”

  “I guess not, bein’ set back from the road so far,” the man said. He removed a glove and stuck out his hand. “Tucker Matthews.”

  Alex watched his own hand get swallowed up by Tucker’s huge, hair-covered paw. “Alex Weston.”

  “Nice to meet you, Mr. Weston,” Tucker said as he pumped Alex’s arm.

  “Please, just call me Alex.” He tried not to stare at Tucker as he withdrew his hand. His fingers radiated with heat after being engulfed by the man’s tight grip. “So, you from town or something?”

  “Nope, just looking for work.” Tucker turned his gaze to the property surrounding them. “Nice piece of land you got here.”

  “Thanks.” Alex looked around as well, thinking of all the work he needed to do that day. “I inherited it a year ago from my grandfather.”

  “Really? Just you or is there a Mrs. Weston?”

  “Just me.” Alex looked at his boots, suddenly shy.

  “Lot of land for one man to run,” Tucker stated. “Need some help?”

  Alex raised his eyes. “I don’t have any money, Mr. Matthews, so I can’t pay you.”

  “I didn’t ask for money. And the name’s Tucker.” He looked up at the house. “Just the one bedroom?”

  “Huh? Oh, yeah.” Alex took a breath. “If you’re not asking for money, what would you be asking for?”

  “Room and board. I’ve got nowhere to go and all the time in the world to get there. Just need a roof over my head.”

  Alex considered the offer for a few seconds before saying, “Deal. But I’ve only got the one bed.”

  “I don’t mind sharing if you don’t.” His eyes seemed to pin Alex to the spot, as if daring him to mention a different arrangement.

  Alex swallowed the sudden lump in his throat and shrugged, trying to act as easygoing as his new ranch hand about sharing a bed, while on the inside his stomach clenched itself into knots. “I don’t mind at all. Take your horse to the stable and meet me in the kitchen for breakfast.” As he watched the rugged man saunter away, he forced himself to put all concerns of sharing a bed out of his mind. He could worry about that later; the two had work to do.

  After breakfast, Alex and Tucker decided to split up and work on separate chores. During the day, Alex occasionally caught himself scanning the property for his new ranch hand. He caught sight of Tucker at different places on the ranch, wiping sweat from his brow or bent over repairing a broken fence post, his hands strong and confident, his attention focused. The hours flew by, and when dusk settled on the fields, Alex headed to the house, tired but satisfied with his work. Tucker entered the warm kitchen a short while later, pulling off his boots and setting them by the fire in the living room.

  As the two men prepared dinner they discussed their accomplishments. Alex was impressed with the amount of work Tucker had completed and tried not to stare too long into the man’s bright blue eyes as they talked over supper. He learned a lot about Tucker’s past, how he had left home at sixteen, against his father’s wishes, to live off the land. He felt his cock stir each time Tucker smiled.

  “I’ll wash up the dishes,” Tucker said after they had finished eating. “You sit back and relax.”

  Alex leaned back in his chair and watched Tucker’s denim-hugged ass flex as he scrubbed the dishes. Tucker wore an old long-sleeve undershirt, the neck split, allowing a mass of dark blond curls to spring free. All through dinner, Alex’s cock had been half erect, and now it hardened even more as he watched Tucker move through the kitchen. He regretted now not being able to finish himself off that morning in the outhouse: his balls were aching to release their load.

  After Tucker finished the dishes they sat by the stove, talking about life on the road and around the ranch. Before long, both men were yawning and stretching, tired from their labor and the warm fire.

  “So, where’s this bed I heard tell about this morning?” Tucker finally asked, and Alex’s heart pounded in his chest. He hadn’t thought about the sleeping arrangements since that morning! How could he sleep next to this man with his throbbing erection?

  “Uh, it’s upstairs,” Alex stammered nervously. “I’ll make sure the fire’s okay in the kitchen here. You go ahead and get ready for bed.”

  “Nah, I gotta use the outhouse first.” Tucker reached down and squeezed his bulging crotch. “Gotta drain it before crawling into bed, you know?” He winked and walked into the cold without pulling on his coat or boots.

  Alex stood in the kitchen, his mind whirling with all the possibilities that went with the phrase “drain it.” Was Tucker going to masturbate out there as Alex had been trying to do when he had been interrupted that morning? He made himself busy, trying not to think about what Tucker was doing in the outhouse, where he was touching himself, or how big his cock got when he was aroused.

  He pulled the top half of his all-in-ones off his arms and poured some water he had been heating on the stove into a large washbasin. Trying to keep his mind away from thoughts of Tucker’s body, he began to wash himself, using a washcloth and cake of soap to clean his face, neck, torso, and armpits. The house didn’t have a bathtub, so he was forced to wash up in the kitchen each night.

  Blowing into his hands to warm up, Tucker stepped back inside. He took a seat at the kitchen table and silently watched Alex as he washed himself. With a nervous glance over his shoulder, Alex said, “I’d like to clean my private areas, if you don’t mind.”

  Tucker shrugged, his eyes locked on Alex’s. “I don’t mind at all. Seen a lot of men’s danglers in my day. Go ahead and wash away.”

  Hesitating briefly, Alex saw no way out of the situation without looking foolish and decided to suck up his embarrassment. Apparently men washed before each other all the time on the road. He dropped his pants then shucked his all-in-ones to the floor as well. Turning his back to Tucker, he cleared his mind and quickly washed his half-erect cock and balls then reached around to scrub the crack of his ass. He felt Tucker’s eyes on his body and didn’t know what to think of the attention. It was what he had longed for all his life and yet he was afraid to take the chance. He hunched over and rinsed himself off as well as he could without exposing his erection then dried off and pulled his all-in-ones back up over his body.

  “You know,” Tucker said with a sigh, “I think I’ll clean up too. I’ve worked up a mighty sweat today.”

  “Okay,” Alex replied, and started to leave the room, heading for the stairs and the relative safety of the empty bed. He could relieve his aching boner and possibly be asleep before Tucker made it to bed. “I’ll give you some privacy.”

  “Hell, I don’t need privacy,” Tucker said with a grin. “Stay and talk while I clean up and we’ll head upstairs together.”

  “Oh, uh, all right,” Alex stammered. He turned awkwardly, still trying to hide the tent pole inside his baggy long johns, and sat in the chair Tucker had vacated. The seat was still warm from Tucker’s firm ass, and he swiveled to hide his rising boner beneath the table as they discussed the chores Alex wanted to accomplish the following day.

  He tried not to stare as Tucker stood facing him, casually removing his clothes, but his eyes dropped of their own accord when the man finally stood before him completely nude. Good Lord, he had even removed his socks! Tucker’s body was fantastic. His chest was full and muscular, covered with the dark blond hair that had been poking up from beneath his undershirt. The hair traveled over his flat stomach and gathered in a darker, wild bush at his groin. His cock hung down his left thigh. A husk of foreskin hid the tip from view, but the pronounced ridge of the h
ead was visible through the tough sheath. Alex couldn’t help staring: he had never seen an uncut cock before.

  Tucker slowly washed his face and armpits, his body angled so that Alex saw his long, twitching cock at all times. Raising one muscular arm and then the other and exposing the pale, hairy pits beneath, Tucker washed his entire torso, keeping up a litany of idle chitchat in the process.

  After rinsing out the washrag and soaping it up again, Tucker moved his hand down to clean his crotch. He scrubbed at the hair surrounding his cock and lifted his large hairy balls to wash the area beneath, his actions riveting Alex. The man’s balls looked as big as the bull’s up in the pasture.

  Tucker turned his upper body away and rinsed out the washrag, leaving his hips positioned to expose his soapy cock and balls. While the man was focused on the washbasin, Alex ran his eyes over his strong back muscles and the firm, round silhouette of his hairy ass. God, how he longed to touch him, run his hands over his solid muscles. Alex’s cock was so hard it ached and a spot of precum spread along the crotch of his all-in-ones.

  He shifted his weight in the chair, then dropped his jaw as Tucker turned his back fully and lifted his left foot off the floor to prop it on the counter near the washbasin. Reaching back, he used a hand to pull back one firm globe of his ass and expose his hairy, dark hole. Alex found himself four feet away from this handsome stranger’s sweaty, puckered shithole. He had never seen a man’s anus before. He stared at the wrinkled hole and nearly gasped when the muscle opened and closed as if Tucker were taking a deep breath through his ass. Alex’s cock banged on the underside of the table, filled to bursting with blood, and he hissed in pain. Quickly covering up the sound with a cough, he watched Tucker run the washrag along the crack of his ass, lathering himself up. He couldn’t take his eyes from the man before him, no matter how hard he tried. The muscles in Tucker’s supporting right leg bunched tightly, defining themselves all the way to his foot.

  A stream of soapsuds slid around the curve of Tucker’s ass and down the back of his thigh. Several tiny bubbles were trapped in the thick hair along his leg, and Alex had to work to swallow past a lump in his throat. If he wasn’t careful he’d blow his load just sitting there. As he raised his eyes back to Tucker’s ass, the man reached between his legs and slipped a thick, blunt index finger inside himself. Alex’s eyes widened as Tucker’s finger slid in and out several times, soaping his shithole through and through.

  Tucker slowly removed his finger and, with his leg still propped on the counter, wrung out the washrag in the basin. He reached back and washed away the soap, wetting his finger in the basin and slipping it inside himself again to rinse out his hole.

  Alex finally tore his eyes from the man’s body and stared breathlessly at the tabletop. He watched out of the corner of his eye as Tucker lowered his leg and turned to face him. He could just make out the swinging motion of the rugged man’s thick cock as he dried himself off.

  “Ready for bed?” Tucker asked casually.

  Alex nodded and forced himself to look up at Tucker’s face, averting his eyes from the hairy body before him. Tucker’s eyes were bright and his lips curled into a sexy, secret grin as he said, “Let’s head upstairs then.”

  Tucker bent down to pick up his clothes, leaving the damp towel draped over a chair by the stove. Alex kept his hand over his crotch as he followed the naked man through the dark house to the stairs. Tucker slowly mounted the steps, his high, round butt inches from Alex as he followed behind.

  Halfway up the steps, Tucker suddenly turned around. Alex felt the hot slap of the man’s cock as it brushed across his face. He jerked his head back, his cheek burning from the contact and his breath catching in his throat.

  “Oh, sorry,” Tucker said quietly. “I forgot to get a glass of water.”

  “I’ll get it,” Alex stuttered and turned to run back into the kitchen. With shaking hands he poured out a glass of water from the pitcher and gulped it down, then paused to take a few deep breaths. He refilled the glass and, having regained a semblance of his composure but still sporting a rock-hard boner, ascended the steps, hoping against hope the room was dark enough to mask his condition.

  When he entered the upstairs room he was relieved to find it illuminated only by the low light of the stove in the far corner as well as the waning light of the moon. Tucker hadn’t lit any of the lanterns. He set the water glass on a table next to the side of the bed Tucker had claimed, the side Alex usually slept on, and rounded the end of the bed to sit carefully on the mattress.

  Tucker raised his head and said over his shoulder, “Thanks for the water, Alex.”

  “You’re welcome.” He sat very still on the edge of the bed and stared out the window at the moonlit plains, trying to calm his fevered mind.

  “Aren’t you coming to bed?” The mattress pitched as Tucker rolled over to face him. “You must be pretty tired.”

  “Yeah, I am beat.” He still hesitated. How could he possibly hope to sleep with this man lying buck naked beside him?

  “Come on, buddy,” Tucker coaxed, and turned back the covers. “The bed’s warm. Take off your clothes and get in. You’ll stay warmer if you sleep in the nude.”

  Alex pressed his lips together, knowing this was a deciding moment. A tension within him suddenly loosened and a sense of release spread through his chest as he took a breath and stood up. He pulled his arms from his long johns and let the underwear drop to the floor. After he stepped out of the garment, he pulled off his socks and kept his body turned away as he slid between the sheets. Tucker was right, the bed was warm. Or was it just his flush of sexual tension? Still nervous, he kept as close to the edge of the mattress as possible, his body rigid with anxiety. What if he had misinterpreted Tucker’s intentions? How the hell would he get a moment’s rest lying nude beside the man?

  “Damn, you’re tense.” Tucker squeezed Alex’s shoulder. “You need to relax.”

  Alex thought briefly, longingly, of his attempt to relax in the outhouse that morning. “Yeah, I do.”

  “How about if I help?” Tucker whispered, and reached across Alex’s hip to take hold of his hard cock. Alex gasped as the man’s fingers seared into the flesh of his cock. He’d never had another man’s hand around him before. “Holy shit, buddy, you been sportin’ that boner all day long?”

  “Pretty much.” Closing his eyes, Alex groaned and rolled onto his back as Tucker rubbed his throbbing cock.

  “You must have a massive load saved up since this mornin’ when I caught you pullin’ your pud in the outhouse.” Tucker’s hot breath blew into Alex’s ear as the man slid up against him. He felt the hot line of Tucker’s own hardened cock press against his hip, and he groaned again. The whiskers of Tucker’s beard scratched along his ear and the side of his face, and Alex shivered.

  “You like my hand here?” Tucker asked.


  “You want to come like this?” Tucker slipped his tongue in Alex’s ear and laughed when Alex jumped. “You want ol’ Tucker to get you off?”

  “Yeah, I do.” Alex stretched his head back as Tucker increased the power and speed of his grip. “Oh, God! Yes, that’s it. Right there at the top. Oh, yeah. Uh, uh, uh!” Alex felt his balls pull up, and then his mind soared above the plains outside the house as his seed spurted across his chin and throat. His eyes rolled back in his head, and he moaned his way down from the high of his orgasm, his mind slowly returning to its rightful place.

  “Oh, my God,” Alex gasped. Tucker’s hand steadily slowed its strokes. The man’s fingers squeezed more cum from the head of Alex’s cock, sending another shiver through his spine.

  “You sure got a lot of spunk in those balls.” Tucker leaned over to run his tongue through the cum cooling on Alex’s jaw. Alex turned his head and opened his mouth, taking Tucker’s cum-covered tongue between his lips and sucking it clean.

  Tucker rolled over to lie on top of Alex, their mouths tasting and caressing each other. Alex’s cock hardene
d again and jabbed stiffly up into Tucker’s stomach. The older man moved his mouth along Alex’s hairy body, his tongue gliding through the puddles of drying cum and licking it up. He lightly bit each nipple, earning gasps and moans as he scraped his rough beard across the sensitive points of skin. He nuzzled into Alex’s armpits and suckled the sweaty, soap-scented skin beneath the damp hair. Alex groaned and squirmed beneath Tucker’s probing mouth.

  Sliding lower, Tucker lapped up the cum that had puddled in Alex’s navel, then made his way around the hard, red cock that stuck straight up along Alex’s hairy belly to his large, heavy scrotum. He suckled each of the hairy balls nestled between Alex’s muscular, furry legs, then ran his tongue along the shaft of the hard cock to its blunt head. Opening his mouth he took Alex all the way down his throat and began to suck him off.

  “Oh, God!” Alex cried as Tucker swallowed him whole. He pressed his hands against the back of Tucker’s head and bucked his hips.

  Tucker adjusted himself, getting to his hands and knees over the younger man’s groin as Alex pistoned his cock into Tucker’s bearded face. Tucker increased the suction in his mouth and stroked his own rock-hard cock. Swinging his body around, he positioned his cock over Alex’s face and let the full length of his shaft slap across the boy’s cheeks. Alex immediately opened his mouth and took in the thick, hot cock, gagging as it filled his throat. Pulling back, he readied himself and raised his head again, taking it deep without choking as the foreskin slid back and the head poked the back of his throat.

  Tucker withdrew Alex’s cock from his mouth. “Easy with it,” he coached. “Start off slow and work your way up along it.”

  Alex pulled Tucker’s cock, wet with spit, from his mouth. “Okay.” Holding the base tight in his fist, Alex took half of Tucker’s length down his throat. He pulled it out and slid the glistening foreskin back from the tip. He smiled when the large, pink head eased free of its cloak. He licked up the sweet precum pooling at the slit, then released the foreskin and slid his tongue beneath it.


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