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Nightbooks Page 1

by J. A. White


  For Jack Paccione Jr.—

  partner in imagination



  Title Page



  The Wrong Floor


  The Voice at the Door


  The Thing Inside the Backpack

  “Lost Dog”


  A Room of Dark Wonders


  The Other Prisoner


  The Misting Room

  “Mr. Boots”


  The Girl Who Followed a Unicorn


  Beautiful Darkness

  “The Shape in the Mirror”


  What Grows with No Light




  The Kind of Shadows with Teeth

  “The Playground”


  Yasmin’s Story


  Writer’s Block


  The Missing Ingredient


  Dangerous Lies



  A Pair of Red Eyes


  Problems and Solutions

  “The Top Bunk”


  The Other Side


  Natacha’s Story


  Aunt Gris


  Unexpected Magic


  The Gift


  Back Ad

  About the Author


  About the Publisher


  The Wrong Floor

  After his family had finally fallen asleep, Alex slung the backpack over his shoulder and snuck out of the apartment, easing the front door gently home so it didn’t slam shut. The eighth-floor hallway looked drearier than ever without any sunlight coming through its small windows. Alex lingered on the doormat, fighting the urge to return to his warm, comfortable bed.

  If you do that, he thought, you’ll still be the same old Alex Mosher tomorrow.




  Is that what you want?

  “No,” he whispered.

  Before he could change his mind, Alex started toward the elevator at the end of the hall.

  During the day, snippets of his neighbors’ lives leaked through the thin doors: muffled conversations, the loud blare of televisions, Ms. Garcia’s son practicing his violin. At this time of night, however, the hallway was nearly silent. The only sounds were a grimy lightbulb that buzzed like an angry hornet and a soft rustling from Alex’s backpack, as though its contents were struggling to escape their fate.

  Sorry, Alex thought, feeling a wave of guilt. I wish I didn’t have to do this. But it’s better this way.

  He reached the elevator and pressed the Down button on the cracked panel. Far below him, ancient gears squealed away the silence. Alex winced and peeked over his shoulder, hoping that the sound didn’t wake any of his neighbors. The stairs would have been a quieter option, but Alex wanted to reach his destination as quickly as possible so he didn’t have an opportunity to second-guess his decision.


  The elevator doors jerked open with a pained squeak. Smudged mirrors paneled the walls.

  Alex stepped inside and clicked the B button.

  The basement was his favorite place in the entire apartment building. It was spooky and weird and packed ceiling-high with towers of knickknacks left behind by former tenants, like a graveyard for unwanted items. The most amazing part, however, was the boiler, an iron monster built nearly sixty years ago. Alex called it Old Smokey.

  It was his destination tonight.

  The elevator doors closed, and the car began to descend in slow, jerky increments. Alex tapped his foot impatiently. Though his backpack was far lighter than usual, it seemed to weigh him down like an anchor.

  I’ll feel better after they’re gone, he thought. Just toss them in the flames and walk away. Don’t even stick around to watch them burn.

  Of course, Alex could have just dumped the contents of his backpack down the trash chute and been done with it, but that seemed cruel. Cremating them in Old Smokey felt more honorable, like setting the body of a fallen warrior aflame. Alex figured he owed them a good death, at least. After all, he was the one who had created them.

  The elevator stopped. The doors creaked open.

  Alex tilted his head in confusion.

  Instead of the basement, an unfamiliar hallway stretched out before him. He checked the digital display at the top of the elevator: 4. Must be broken, he thought, jabbing the B button with his index finger. The elevator didn’t move.

  Alex sighed with frustration.

  Looks like I’m taking the stairs after all, he thought.

  He stepped off the elevator and headed toward the stairwell. The fourth floor had the same basic layout as the eighth, but it was noticeably darker. Alex glanced up at the lightbulbs, wondering if a few of them had burned out, but they seemed to be working fine. For some strange reason, however, their glow didn’t radiate as far as it should, as though the darkness of this particular hallway was harder to penetrate than the ordinary kind.

  Just my crazy imagination, Alex thought, ignoring the cold sensation creeping down his spine. The bulbs are probably just old or—

  He heard voices.

  They were coming from the apartment at the end of the hall. At first, Alex thought it was just the people who lived there. As he got closer, however, creepy music rose in the background, and Alex realized that the voices belonged to characters from a movie. He broke into a big grin as he recognized the dialogue.

  That’s Night of the Living Dead! he thought.

  Alex had been four years old the first time he saw the movie. He was supposed to have been asleep, but the strange sounds coming from the living room had piqued his curiosity, and so he had crept out of bed to investigate. His mom and dad were cuddled up on the couch, sharing a bowl of popcorn. Alex hid behind his dad’s easy chair and trained his eyes on the television.

  He had never been so terrified—or exhilarated—in his life.

  By the time that his parents realized they had an unwelcome visitor, it was too late. Alex was in love. At the end of the month, his Thomas trains had been exiled to a bin in the basement, replaced by toy monsters, plastic fangs, and a stuffed ghost named Boo. He dismantled his Lego fire trucks and rocket ships and used the bricks to build a haunted house. At the library, Alex insisted on borrowing only the picture books with little Halloween labels on their spines, despite the fact that it was June.

  Night of the Living Dead had been his introduction to the world of creepy things, and for that reason it held a special place in his heart. Hearing it now, an overpowering desire to watch the movie again fogged all other thoughts. Alex approached the door of apartment 4E, the static-filled soundtrack reeling him in like a fishing line, and pressed his ear against it. It was one of the earliest scenes in the movie, just before Barbara and her brother are attacked by a zombie at the graveyard.

  I’ve barely missed anything at all, Alex thought with excitement. He had, for the moment, completely forgotten about his backpack and his reason for coming out tonight. All he could think about was the movie. He was desperate to see it. If Alex had been thinking clearly, he might have realized that this didn’t make any sense. After all, he could watch Night of the Living Dead anytime he wanted to on his iPad—surely that was a better choice than knocking on strangers’ doors
in the middle of the night. Unfortunately, Alex was not thinking clearly. His green eyes, usually so sharp and inquisitive behind their glasses, had gone uncharacteristically flat, and his mouth hung open in a baffled expression, giving him a striking resemblance to one of the zombies from the movie.

  Alex knocked on the door with three quick taps. A woman answered almost immediately, as though she had been expecting his arrival.

  “Well, look at this,” she said, peering down at him. “A visitor!”

  The woman was in her late twenties, with dark skin and short, spiky hair. She wore all black and a lot of makeup, especially around the eyes.

  “I’m sorry,” Alex said, his mind swirling. What am I doing here? “I don’t know why I knocked. I just heard . . .”

  “What did you hear?” she asked, leaning forward with an eager expression. “Tell me.”

  “The movie.”

  The woman smiled. There were tiny gaps between her narrow teeth, giving her the look of one of those weird, glowing fish that prowl the deepest part of the ocean.

  “A movie?” she asked, with genuine curiosity. “That’s new. Which one?”

  Alex gave the woman a strange look. He could still hear the television blaring behind her—the zombie now banging on the window of Barbara’s car—yet she was acting like she heard nothing at all.

  “Don’t you know?” Alex asked.

  “Why should I? The movie’s for you, not me.” She opened the door wider. “You want to watch it?” she asked. “I bet it’s one of your favorites!”

  A beam of fear cut through the fog of Alex’s thoughts.

  It’s the middle of the night and I’m having a conversation with a total stranger like it’s the most normal thing in the world, he thought. What’s wrong with me?

  He took a step back, intending to leave as quickly as possible . . . when he smelled something wonderful coming from the apartment.

  Freshly baked pumpkin pie. His favorite.

  He breathed in the comforting smells of nutmeg and cinnamon and all his fear instantly evaporated.

  This woman isn’t a threat, he thought. She’s just a nice lady who likes horror movies, like me!

  “The movie’s Night of the Living Dead,” Alex said. “1968. Directed by George Romero.”

  “Ahh,” said the woman. “How intriguing. And was I right? Is it one of your favorites?”

  “Top ten. Right between Let the Right One In and The Ring.” Alex shrugged apologetically. “I like scary stuff.”

  “You sound like my kind of kid,” the woman replied, grinning. “It’s crazy—I was just about to kick back and watch the movie, when I thought, ‘The only thing missing is someone to share this with, someone who really appreciates it,’ and here you are!”

  She opened the door all the way, allowing Alex a view of a comfortable-looking couch and a coffee table piled with oatmeal-raisin cookies and pumpkin pie. Across from this cozy setup, a huge TV played the black-and-white images he longed to see: Barbara staggering toward the farmhouse, where she would be trapped for the rest of the movie, with zombies in hot pursuit. Alex took a step forward, entranced.

  “Well, don’t just stand there gawking, silly boy,” the woman said. “Come inside.”

  Even later, when Alex knew that he had been under the influence of a powerful spell, he found it hard to believe that he had entered the apartment so easily. At the time, it was like his body was not his own but a moth drawn to the flickering lights of the television.

  He crossed the threshold. The door clicked shut behind him.

  “Gotcha,” the woman said under her breath.

  She slipped a cold hand around his wrist and all the energy seemed to leave his body. Alex sank into the cushions of a nearby couch, barely able to keep his eyes open.

  The woman eased into the chair across from him. The smile had faded from her lips.

  “What’s your name?” she asked.

  “Alexander. Alex.”

  “Which one?”

  “Alex,” he said.

  He looked around the apartment in confusion. The television had vanished, along with the coffee table and pumpkin pie.

  “Where did the TV go?” Alex asked.

  “It was never there.”

  “No,” he insisted. “I saw it.”

  “The apartment does what it can to get you inside. Different for everyone. A movie is an odd choice. Traditionally, it’s some sort of food that draws them. Kids are always thinking with their stomachs, you know.”

  “I smelled pumpkin pie.”

  “There you go.”

  It was becoming harder for Alex to focus. The room kept tilting back and forth, like when you first step off the pirate-ship ride at an amusement park. He felt like he might be ill.

  “I want to go home,” he said.

  “Obviously that’s not going to happen, Alex.”

  He turned in his seat, moving impossibly slow, hoping to make a mad dash for the door. Except the door had vanished. The place where it had once stood was nothing but a blank wall.

  “Where did the door go?” he asked groggily.

  “Away,” the woman said. “Don’t worry. You won’t be needing it anymore.”

  “But that’s not possible,” Alex said. “Doors don’t just . . . they can’t . . .”

  “Haven’t you figured it out yet?” she asked, grinning with pride. “I’m a witch! Just like in a storybook.” She touched a single fingernail to his forehead. “And you, little mouse, have fallen right into my trap.”

  Alex tried to stand, but his legs had turned to jelly and he collapsed to the floor instead. A wave of darkness crashed over him.


  The Voice at the Door

  Alex woke up in the lower half of a bunk bed. He had no idea where he was or how he had gotten there. He lay perfectly still, his body frozen with fear.

  Gradually, the events of the previous night returned to him.

  The elevator. The apartment.

  The witch.

  Except she’s not really a witch, Alex thought, his mind racing. Witches aren’t real. She’s just some crazy lady who thinks she’s a witch. But then why did I see a TV that wasn’t really there? Did she hypnotize me or something?

  Alex clutched his blanket as a question of more immediate concern popped into his head.

  Who’s sleeping on the top bunk?

  He stared at the iron bars holding the mattress in place above him, listening carefully for breathing sounds. When he didn’t hear anything, Alex slid to the floor and gently placed his foot on the bottom rung of the ladder connecting the two bunks. In one swift movement, he popped his head over the upper railing. There was no one there, just an old mattress without any sheets or blanket. Alex let out a sigh of relief.

  I never knew a bunk bed could be so scary, he thought.

  The rest of the room was small and plainly furnished. There was a standing mirror in the corner and two doors. The first one Alex opened led to the closet, which was mostly empty except for some children’s clothes hanging from the rod. Flipping through shirts, pants, and dresses of various sizes, Alex remembered something that the woman had said the previous night: “Traditionally, it’s some sort of food that draws them.”

  Them, he thought, with a sickening feeling of dread. I’m not the first.

  Of course, if he accepted what the woman had said at face value, that meant the apartment was capable of reading children’s minds in order to lure them with the appropriate bait. Like a smarter version of the candy house in “Hansel and Gretel,” Alex thought. In my case, a scary movie did the trick. He stared at the clothes before him. But what about these other kids? What brought them here? The smell of chocolate? A friend’s voice?

  “No,” Alex said. “That’s impossible. There’s no such thing as magic!”

  He slammed the door shut with such ferocity that the empty hangers tinkled together in response. Even if he rejected magic as a factor, it still left the disturbing possibility that he w
as just one of a long line of children who had slept in this room. And, if he followed that train of thought to its final stop, Alex found himself facing an even more disturbing question: If he wasn’t the first kid that she had taken, what had happened to the rest of them?

  Before his overactive imagination could supply any morbid answers, Alex crossed the room to the second door, nearly tripping over his backpack in the process. This door was normal in every way except that it had two keyholes instead of one. The upper keyhole was the usual kind, but the second bore a strange crescent shape.

  Probably a special lock, he thought, to keep anyone from escaping.

  Alex was so certain that attempting to open the door would be a dead end that he gasped when the knob turned in his hand.

  She must have forgotten to lock it, he thought with a faint glimmer of hope.

  Sucking in his breath, Alex opened the door as slowly and quietly as he could. The next room looked identical to the first: simple bed, single closet, standing mirror in the corner. Alex stepped inside, wary of squeaking floorboards, and gently shut the door behind him.

  The moment he did, the door vanished and became a regular wall.

  “What?” Alex asked, backing away in shock until he tripped over something on the floor.

  His backpack.

  “It can’t be,” he said, shaking his head. “That’s still in the other room!”

  After he checked the contents, however, there could no longer be any doubt. Either his bag had somehow teleported from one room to another, or something even stranger was happening. Trembling slightly, he opened the closet door.

  Children’s clothes hung from the rod. They were identical in every way to the ones that he had been examining just a few minutes beforehand.

  “It’s the same room,” Alex said in astonishment.


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