Finding Maddox (The Road to Truth Book 3)

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Finding Maddox (The Road to Truth Book 3) Page 20

by Quell T Fox

  ​“You don’t believe it?” Callan turns to me to answer my question.

  ​“I just don’t believe all of it, that’s all. I know things. A lot of things, mostly everything, I guess. And even though we have our powers, it’s hard to believe that someone was put here with the sole purpose of telling other people of their powers, when we very well learn about them on our own.”

  ​“You think she’s a fraud?” I’m both excited and disappointed about this scandal that’s being laid out in front of me. I need answers, but I can enjoy a bit of juicy gossip now and then. “That’s all she does? Tell people about their powers? That seems so… I don’t know, mundane?”

  ​“Not exactly, she gets visions and has powers similar to that of a witch. I don’t necessarily think she’s a fraud, I just think her head is too big.” Callan scrunches his nose, and pushes his glasses back up.

  ​“But you think she can help?”

  ​“She will help.” Callan’s firmness makes me lose any doubts that wormed their way into my brain.

  ​“All right, let’s do this.” I say.


  ​The room we walk into is small and comfortable and looks exactly how it did the last time that I was here. Though, the last time I was here was not all that long ago compared to the last time everyone else was here. I never told them that I came back again, alone. I was ready to give up on everything, but the Prophet assured me that she would come to us when it was time. I don’t need to tell them everything. Everyone deserves privacy. The time before that was when mom died, which I think they do know about.

  There are a few well-loved couches along the walls, a few end tables filled with magazines and books. On one wall is a fireplace that crackles comfortably. There is only one other door in this room – besides the one to leave – and it’s covered in those long beads that get all tangled when you walk through them. The ones that cats go crazy over, that every girl in the 90’s needed to have. Yeah, the 90’s. They’re bright red and shiny as shit. We all take a seat and wait. Callan picks up a book, Lenny and Alec pull out their phones and Friday sits and looks around, taking in her surroundings.

  Seeing Lenny on his phone brings a dark wave of jealousy and anger over me. I reign it back because it’s unnecessary. I have to trust him. He told me that he wouldn’t be talking to her anymore and I have to believe him. I have to trust that he isn’t lying to me and that he’s doing the right thing. I guess if he was talking to her it wouldn’t be the end of the world, but he deserves so much better than that piece of shit. I think that’s what bothers me the most about it. He doesn’t know his worth, and it kills me. I walk to the counter and grab the sign-in book. I write my name down and pass it along to Friday.

  “She likes everyone to sign their own name in.” She smiles nervously and takes the leather-bound book from my hands, along with the blue pen. The same bewitched pen that she’s had since she first opened up shop here, a million fucking years ago. Friday’s handwriting is messier than I expected, and it takes me by surprise. The book moves around the group of us and ends with Alec. He gets up and as soon as he places the book back on the small counter towards the back, she walks out.

  “I knew you all would show up again. How are you boys doing?” Evenia is old, much older than any of us. Not many of our kind live longer than a human’s life span, but the Prophet does. And the husbands that she took, since everyone gains powers when Circles are complete. If one is immortal, they all become immortal. This keeps the Circle together as long as possible – because that’s what the universe wants. If no one in the Circle has immortality or a longer life span, well, then they all live a normal life. Just like the humans.

  Alec walks up to her first, giving her a hug and a kiss on the cheek. “We’re well, how have you been?”

  “Oh you know, same ole’ crap as usual. So, this is her, huh? Beautiful one you got here, huh boys? I told you she would come when the time was right, now didn’t I? You have to trust old Evenia. Always.” She winks, jabbing an elbow into Alec’s ribs and I roll my eyes.

  “All right, you old bat, take it down a notch.”

  “Some things never change. This one is the tough one, you better keep him in line my Beauty or you’re going to want to tear your hair out.” Friday laughs at her remark. “Tell me about it.” She adds, and I’m slightly offended. I give her amazing orgasms, is that not enough?

  “Can we get the show on the road please?” I ask, impatient. My skin is starting to crawl.

  “Of course, of course.” Come on in then. “Let’s go, everyone in.” She waves us into the backroom.

  Alec walks in first, then Lenny and Callan. Friday walks in front of me and single file we walk into the back room. The moment I enter the dark room, I know something is wrong. That smell. I know that smell. It’s familiar, but I can’t place it.

  I keep calm, not wanting to let anyone know that something is wrong. I watch as everyone takes a seat around the round glass table. I’m the last to sit, getting a look from Lenny, silently asking me what my problem is. I don’t make it obvious, but I glance around the room, making sure that everything is as it should be. It looks the same that it did last year, and all the years I was here before. The walls, floor and ceiling are all dark shades of reddish-brown. It’s small, only enough room to walk around the table to get into the chairs, not a single window in this room. A chandelier hangs from the ceiling above the table. Golden candlesticks provide the only light needed for Evenia to work.

  We sit and wait quietly, I’m on edge but everyone else looks okay. I’m waiting for her to put on this big show of things. Sometimes I agree with Callan, and sometimes I don’t. But everyone knows Evenia is a bit of a drama queen. There’s no hiding that. All seems okay in the moment, so I settle back into my seat. Evenia hasn’t taken her eyes off of Friday, a grin plastered on that old, wrinkly face of hers. She reminds me of Yzma, if Yzma was a real person, and not just a cartoon character.

  “Tell me your name, dear.”

  “Friday.” She says shyly. When has she ever been shy?

  “Friday? Hm, what a lovely and interesting name. How long as it been since you’ve found the boys?”

  “Uh, about three weeks, I think?”

  “Three weeks today,” Callan adds. Friday gives him a thankful smile. That smell. That smell. That fucking smell.

  Then it hits me. Where I know that smell from. Fuck. I look to the guys, trying to get someone’s attention. If anyone will know something is up, it’ll be Evenia, so I need to stay calm. You can’t keep anything from that crazy bitch. This isn’t good. Not good at all.

  Does she know? Is she part of it? That doesn’t make any sense. Why? Why?

  “Wonderful. See, normally I would know these things, however, I can tell that your Circle is not yet been complete. Only then is my magic able to work in such ways. May I ask what is stopping you?”

  “Alec.” I state, trying to get the ball rolling. I no longer want to be here, at all. It’s not safe. Friday isn’t safe.

  “Ah, yes. Well, that does make a bit of sense. No rush, this old bat, "she gives me a look,” is just being nosey. So, what can I do for you all? Why have you come to Evenia?”

  “Friday is our One. We know this and Maddox knew this from the first time he saw her, yet, she had no idea that she was one of us. She was raised as a human and she is unaware of any powers that she may possess.” Callan explains, taking the lead as usual. Him and I fight for the lead, but in different ways and for different reasons.

  I’m listening to what is going on, but the scent is making me crazy. I think it’s getting stronger, but I know it’s just me. I need to relax. I focus on Lenny. If this is going to work with anyone, it’ll work on him. I heard his thoughts earlier, after all. I put all my focus and mental power on him. I think his name. Hard and loud… silently, loud. Loud in my brain, but not out loud loud. Finally, after what feels like 67 hours, he turns towards me, displeasure written all over his face. He thinks I�
�m being rude for shouting his name. Little does he know, he’s the only one that heard it. I meet his eyes, with my silent plea.

  Lenny. I say again, so that he’ll understand what is going on. His bright blue eyes drop to my mouth and he realizes that my lips are not moving. He understands. His eyes move back to Evenia as he pretends to pay attention to what is being said.

  The Whisper has been here. I smell him. I don’t know why. I just know that he’s been here. Be extra cautious and ready to fight if we need.

  He nods slightly, only enough for me to see. I turn my own attention back on the group, jumping back into the conversation.

  “–cheated on me…” Oh, that douche. Still one of my proudest moments was sending that limp dick a selfie. I wish I could have seen his face when he opened it up. Don’t ever tell me I’m useless.

  “I ended up at the same hotel that they were at and that’s basically how it happened. We’ve been together ever since.” Friday is bouncing in her seat. Under normal circumstances I’d think that was cute, but there is no time for cuteness right now. Fuck it, it’s still cute as hell.

  “So, your mother? You don’t speak with her anymore. You said, not since you left, right?” Evenia looks at Friday over her glasses that’re pushed down to the very tip of her pointy nose.


  “Okay, my Beauty. As I mentioned, I am not able to do as much as I could if you were already bonded to these fine gentlemen here, but that doesn’t mean I cannot help. It will just take longer. I’m going to mix you up something that you will need to drink before bed tonight. I will also give you a simple incantation that will need to be spoken before and after the drink. And lucky for you, you have your very own Warlock here to help you along.” She winks at Lenny before continuing. He settles back into his seat proudly, easily playing the part. “After you have completed those steps, you will go about business as normal, there are no restrictions. When you wake up in the morning, your powers should be awakened. They may not come out right away, but they will fall into you as they would if you were young. If you have not noticed any change by next week, please come back. No appointment needed.”

  “That’s all? That seems so…”

  “Simple? Yes, magic can be so simple at times. I should also add in that mating will absolutely bring your powers to you quicker. This is the luxury of having a Circle. Gaining and strengthening your powers.”

  “Why didn’t my powers come when I was young?” Friday’s tone a bit accusatory. If Evenia is lying about something, she’s covering it up well.

  “Seems they were stifled, Darling. That much I can tell. There is something there, very deep under the surface. Sometimes Supers that are born and raised as humans don’t fall into their powers. We still aren’t entirely sure why that happens, but it does. It could be as simple as that.”

  “Then they would have showed when she came to us, right? Our Circle isn’t complete but, things have, uh, happened. With more than one of us.” Callan asks. He knows something and suspects she’s lying. I know him.

  “Not necessarily. Have you boys noticed any changes in your powers yet? I know she’s bonded with you all accept Alec. I can tell, sweet Callan.” Evenia changes the subject quickly. Making me believe that she knows more than she’s saying.

  “No.” I answer quickly, Callan shoots a look my way but quickly disguises it. “We haven’t. It hasn’t been very easy for us, you know that Evenia. It’s taking us a bit of time to get to know one another again and fully bond. Sex is just sex sometimes, am I right?” I let out the fakest laugh in the history of fake laughs.

  Callan nods hesitantly. “Sure is.” Lenny adds while Friday smiles sweetly. I narrow my eyes at her and either she’s completely stupid, or she’s smarter than I thought. And I’m going with the latter, because I know my girl is not stupid. I’m the first one to stand. I hug Evenia and tell her that I hope this works and that I hope we won’t need to see her again. Ever. She laughs, but I’m not kidding. I take Friday by the hand and lead her back to the car, the guys trailing behind.

  “What the hell was that about?” Callan asks, holding the mason jar full of whatever it is that Friday needs to drink. It looks like a toilet bowl after eating too many burritos.

  “Get in the car.” We all get in and I take off before speaking, checking my rearview mirror more times than normal. My hands are sweaty on the steering wheel, and I didn’t notice how nervous I actually was inside there.

  “Something about her isn’t right. She knows something. More than she’s admitting. The Whisper was there, I could smell him.”

  “What? And you let us go in there?” Callan shouts.

  “I didn’t know until we were in the back room. And it’s official. I have a new power. I can telepathically talk to Lenny.”

  “And me,” Friday adds, with a smirk on her face, raising her hand up slowly.

  “Really?” My eyes meet hers in the rearview mirror. A smile slides across my lips.

  “Yeah, I heard what you were saying to Lenny. It was hard to hear, more like a whisper, but I definitely heard it. Why do you think I was going along with how weird you were being? She definitely knows something, by the way. I could tell. I also could tell that something was wrong as soon as we got into that backroom. I don’t know how I know, it was just a feeling.”

  See, I knew my girl wasn’t stupid.

  I’m happy to hear that, so happy to hear it, but I feel like I can’t be happy yet. I don’t feel like we’re safe. “I think coming here may have put us in more danger. Why is she helping us if she could be behind this?” The question is rhetorical, but of course Callan has an answer. He has a fucking answer for everything.

  “Either she isn’t really helping us, or she isn’t helping us enough. She’s leading us right where she wants us. If she is a part of this, she needs to know what Friday’s powers are. That would make the most sense, out of all the scenarios that I’ve come up with.” He says.

  “Lenny, I want you to check out that potion before Friday drinks it. I’m not entirely sure that it’s safe.” I say as I put on my blinker.

  “Aye aye, captain.” He mock salutes me. I roll my eyes at his antics, but he wouldn’t be Lenny without them.

  “Are we sure that we want to trust it at all?” Alec finally contributes to this conversation.

  “What? You don’t trust me to check it?” And now Lenny is offended.

  “It’s not that. She’s more powerful than you, what if she put something untraceable in there?”

  “Nothing is untraceable.” Callan adds. “If something is wrong, Lenny will know.”

  “I have a question.” Friday raises her hand again. “If all I needed is like a potion thing and a spell, why couldn’t you do it, Lenny?”

  “Potions aren’t really my thing. Yeah, I’m a Warlock but we all aren’t good at everything. Spells and potions aren’t what I’m good at. I’m better at the magic stuff. Potions are like chemistry and the magic is like gym. Gym is easy for me, chem is not.” He shrugs.

  “Good way to put it. That actually makes sense. But my question is, why didn’t Callan know that it was so simple?”

  “Going to the Prophet is like going to a doctor. If you’re home, you could probably diagnose yourself, and you could be right, or you could be very wrong. You could get simple medications that may help for a bit, but never get to the root of the problem. But, go to a doctor and they will have the answer and the best possible medication. Most of the time, of course. There are exceptions to every rule.” Callan says. His nerd always shows more in tense situations. “I thought going to the Prophet was best. I’d hoped that there was a better answer, one that I didn’t know yet. Plus, Lenny is right. Not only is he not the greatest at potions, but this type of potion is way out of his skill level. That is mastery level potion. Sorry, Lenny, but I don’t think I’d trust him to get that right. And the ingredients? Who knows what is in that, I’m sure things that we’d never be able to get our hands on. As mu
ch as I don’t agree with the Prophet, going to her was our best option.”

  “Do you automatically know everything, or do you have to learn it first?” She asks to Callan, getting off subject.

  “A bit of both. I gain my knowledge from everything. From conversations, day to day life… books. Especially books. My brain puts relevant information together automatically. Humans take a long time to put two and two together. For me, all information is like a magnet. It pulls toward other information that will teach me something that I don’t already know. Similar to the Property of Equality, but on a much larger scale. I learn without knowing that I’m learning. I learn the rules and then I know the answers. It’s constant and unconscious. My brain is taking in and learning every second of the day, without my permission. Factual stuff of course. I can’t tell the future, but I can figure out the probability of it.”

  “That kind of makes sense.” She sounds so fucking lost.

  “It is a bit confusing, I have trouble explaining it.” Figures, the smartest one in the bunch and he has serious social skill problems.

  “Yeah, it’s easier to just let him do his thing.” Lenny says, resting his head back against the headrest, taking Friday’s hand into his.

  I pull into the driveway and park on the side of Callan’s stupid Tesla. Yeah, the cars are cool but way too fancy for me. Show off.

  “It’s funny,” Callan turns to face Friday before letting out a small laugh, “after meeting you it seems I don’t know much of anything.”



  ​“Are we going to discuss the mind talking… thing? Because I think we should talk about that. Also, about that Whisperer guy and how much we think Evenia is involved.” It’s late in the evening, we’re hanging out in the living room, with full bellies and drinks – alcohol included – in our hands.

  ​“There is nothing wrong with that potion, it’s legit. Callan and I both checked.” Lenny says before taking a long pull from his purple-ish drink. I have no idea what it is – I’m no bar tender, and clearly neither is he. Lenny closed his eyes, picked a bottle and poured. Yeah, that’s how he made his drink. Once the glass was about 70% full of alcohol, he added different juices and soda. I mean, if this is how they run their bar… good for them. Some of the best inventions happened on accident, right?


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