Hot Holida Treats

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  So, what if she’d been bitchy? She’d been processing a helluva lot of information. Information that turned her world upside down, inside out, and backwards. It was no reason to leave her at the mercy of strangers. Sure, Edward was nice enough, but he was basically a stranger. And Bandor—even though she was getting used to his you-bore-me and sometimes smartassed attitude—well, he wasn’t exactly on her list of demons to be her new best friend.

  After fuming alone the first day, the second day she’d demanded to see him. When Bandor said he was out, she figured he was lying and stormed through the entire house, Bandor following her every step, but not trying to stop her. The house was huge. More a mansion. It could house all of D Unit.

  The more she came to accept the truth of her circumstances, the more she thought of the other trainees. They had no idea what they were, how poorly they were being treated and that they would probably be killed when the DEO had no more use for them. It saddened her, sickened her. Some had been her friends. Maybe, if Argoth ever spoke to her again, she could offer to help in search and rescue missions. It would give her new purpose and it wasn’t as if she had anything else to do.

  Today she was taking meals and watching Christmas DVDs—courtesy of Argoth, according to Edward—in the sitting room. When she’d gone down for breakfast, Edward had presented the large stack to her, escorted her to the sitting room and shown her how to work the DVD player. After her outburst and the fact that he’d been avoiding her for three days, his thoughtful action both confused and touched her. He’d bought everything from Christmas cartoons to a story about a silly looking boy with a BB gun, and a grumpy old man visited by ghosts. She loved them all.

  Engrossed in the stories, she only took quick bathroom breaks and Edward, the wonderful man, kept her supplied with snacks. Knowing she had experienced very little food, he reveled in introducing her to as many new foods as possible. Stuffed mushrooms—delicious. Shrimp and cucumber bites—delicious. Spring rolls, tacos, popcorn, sugar cookies. She’d never known she could eat so much or that there were so many creations to be made in the kitchen.

  When Edward entered the room with yet another creation, she paused the DVD, rubbed her stomach and said, “No more. I can’t, Edward. I’m going to pop.”

  Disappointment registered on his face. “But, Miss, it’s only a small midnight snack. Bite size.”

  “Midnight? Already? I’m sorry. Am I keeping you up?”

  He shook his head. “Not quite. It’s just after ten and it’s been my pleasure. If you’ll try this one last item, I’ll retire for the evening and leave you in Bandor’s care.”

  She snorted. “Yeah, he’s a real caring guy.”

  The corners of Edward’s lips twitched as he handed her the last snack. She popped it in her mouth and moaned. “Oh my god. What was that?”

  He smiled, the corners of his eyes crinkling. “A cherry cheesecake bite.”

  “I think it’s the best thing I’ve ever tasted. You’re a freaking wizard, Edward.”

  He flushed at her compliment and when he bid her goodnight, she finished watching the story about the reindeer with the red nose before calling it a night.

  ❄ ❄ ❄

  Staying away from Delia had been more difficult than Argoth had anticipated, but after her last outburst, he figured it best to give her some time away from him. After all, she wouldn’t be dealing with the overload of information if not for him.

  He’d busied himself by going over the reports he’d missed while locked up. They held his attention for a while, but his mind always wandered to thoughts of her. He’d considered having her moved out of his room and into another wing of the mansion, but ultimately decided to leave her be. She’d made herself comfortable and he didn’t want to give her any more reasons to have a meltdown. Besides, he had more rooms than he knew what to do with. He wasn’t angry with her, he just wished he knew how to help her through the hurt and fear. Apparently, the Christmas DVDs were a good move toward doing that.

  He’d texted Edward and Bandor every couple of hours to see how she was doing, if she was enjoying herself. Edward reported she seemed quite happy and at Argoth’s request, Bandor begrudgingly took a few pictures of her smiling and laughing. She’d looked more beautiful than ever. Prior to those pictures, he’d mostly only seen her in fight mode, guarded, on edge.

  When Edward texted him to say he was retiring for the evening but Delia was still watching the DVDs, he held off for a while, but ultimately couldn’t resist going to her and hoped to hell his presence didn’t ruin her happy mood.

  When he arrived, he was disappointed to find the sitting room empty. He rushed up the stairs to his bedroom and found Bandor kicked back in a chair in the hallway.

  “Is she sleeping?”

  Bandor shrugged. “Don’t know. Came up here about twenty minutes ago.”

  His heart sank. He wanted to see her so badly, but when an idea sparked, excitement outweighed disappointment. Tomorrow, he would see her smile. He turned back to Bandor. “Find someone else to keep watch for a few hours and meet me downstairs. I’m going to gather some of the night staff. There’s work to be done.”

  Chapter Six

  Argoth couldn’t wait to see the look on Delia’s face. He’d woken early, too early to wake her, and he was getting antsy. He’d hit the gym, gone for a run, double checked everything he and the staff had arranged late last night, and he couldn’t wait another damn minute.

  Grabbing the gift-wrapped boxes from the nightstand, he quickly made his way to Delia. He dismissed Bandor and rapped lightly on the door. When there was no answer, he opened it and stepped inside. She lay sleeping, curled up in his sheets, her auburn hair splayed across the pillow. As badly as he wanted to undress and slip beneath the sheets, kiss the nape of her neck to wake her, he contained himself. Barely.

  Setting the gifts on the pillow next to her, he turned to leave. He’d force himself to wait as long as it took.

  “Hey.” Her soft, sleep-hazed voice halted him.

  His gut twisted at the sultry sound as he spun around to face her. “Merry Christmas,” he offered tentatively, not sure if she was upset by his presence.

  First, her eyes widened, then the most beautiful smile lit her face. “No one’s ever said that to me before. Merry Christmas to you, too.” She stretched her arms above her head, the swell of her breasts peeking from beneath the sheets. The only thing holding him back was his deep need for her to trust him, to maybe desire him as much as he desired her.

  “What’re you doing here anyway? I mean, I know it’s your room, but you haven’t been around.”

  “I wanted to escort you to breakfast this morning. And,” he nodded toward the gifts, “I needed to drop those off.”

  She shot upright, wrapping the sheet tightly around her, and grabbed one box. “What is it?”

  “Open it.”

  She caressed the ribbon as if it were a treasure and it saddened him that she’d had so little in her life. If only she’d let him, he’d spoil her senseless.

  Once she’d tugged the ribbon loose, she carefully picked at the tape holding the wrapping together until minutes later she’d finally removed it all. She folded the wrapping into a neat square and set it aside. The suspense was killing him, but he wouldn’t rush her, would let her savor the moment. Finally, she pulled the top off the box and gasped as she removed the contents.

  “I’ve never-It’s so…” She laid the emerald green dress on the bed and smoothed her hand across the satiny scooped neck. The awed look on her face and glistening moisture in her eyes told him he’d done well.

  “I thought you might like to celebrate your first free Christmas in something special. You certainly don’t have to wear it.”

  “Of course, I’ll wear it.” She beamed at him and his heart melted. “What’s in this one?”

  He smiled and motioned for her to find out. She didn’t bother with tidiness this time. She dove right in, ripping the ribbon and paper to shreds and pulled
out the matching pair of shoes.

  “Holy crap,” she said, as she gawked at the shoes.

  He laughed at her phrasing. “I’ll wait for you outside.”



  “I’m sorry—”

  He shook his head. “It’s fine. I can’t imagine how hard this—”

  “No.” She shook her head vehemently. “Even as a prisoner, you were always nice to me. When I think back, I feel so damn guilty.”

  He moved to the bedside, sat and cupped her face. “I’m glad you understand now that I’m trying to help and not harm you, but no guilt. It serves no purpose. I want you happy.”

  Her ice-blue gaze searched his. “Why?”

  He didn’t know how to answer. His feelings for her were confusing even to him. “I…care for you, Delia.”


  Argoth almost growled at the loud knock on the door. Whoever dared interrupt, at what he considered a pivotal moment between them, was officially on his shit list. Taking a risk, he leaned in and kissed her cheek. When she didn’t flinch or punch him, he considered it a win. “I’ll get that. You get ready and I’ll be back for you in…fifteen minutes?”

  “Make it twenty.” She squeezed his hand.

  That small action warmed him more than he cared to admit. She made him want so much more than he’d ever wanted from a female. She held a power over him, and if he didn’t win her over, he’d be devastated.

  When he stepped out of the room, Bandor stood there looking grim. “What is it?” Argoth snapped.

  “There’s something wrong with those things you wanted.”

  Argoth panicked. He wanted the day to be perfect for Delia. “What do you mean wrong?”

  Bandor shrugged. “Come see for yourself.”

  ❄ ❄ ❄

  As soon as Argoth closed the door, Cordelia jumped out of bed and showered quickly. She couldn’t wait to put on her first Christmas gift. Three days ago, she’d have refused to wear it just to spite him, but that oddly seemed like a long time ago.

  No one had ever cared about her well-being and showed her as much patience and kindness as Argoth. No one had ever made her so crazy with lust either. Of course, being a sex demon gave him a distinct advantage, but…so what?

  When he’d touched her face and kissed her cheek, she’d come alive, instantly burned for more, but she’d welcomed the knock on the door. She wanted to talk to him about her place there—if she even had one. When would he trust her enough to not station a guard outside her door? What did he expect of her? Did he really care for her? Sooo many questions.

  She slipped into the dress. It fit perfectly and had to be the most stunning thing she’d ever seen. She wondered if he’d picked it out himself and secretly hoped so. The three days he’d avoided her had made her realize how much she actually enjoyed being around him.

  She thought back to the days she’d practiced fighting with him in the compound. Sure, she’d had herself convinced she’d hated him, but the hours spent training with him had always energized her, had been…fun. His sexual innuendo had been exciting even though she’d told herself it repulsed her.

  Feeling guilty on her first real Christmas wasn’t what she wanted and Argoth had told her “no guilt”. For once, she’d listen to him. When she slipped on the green shoes that matched her dress and took a step, her ankle turned and she busted her ass. Who the hell could walk in shoes with three inch heels?

  Argoth stepped through the doorway just as she was pushing herself off the floor.

  “What happened?” He grabbed her around the waist to steady her when she wobbled.

  “Uh…” Her face heated. “It’s the heels on the shoes.”

  He frowned, swung her into his arms and set her on the bed before kneeling down and slipping the shoes off her feet. “I’m sorry. It should have occurred to me. No matter.” He held out his hand to her. When she stood, he stepped back and looked her from head to toe. “Stunning,” he said.

  God, the way he looked at her made her head swim and for once, she allowed herself to enjoy his compliment without shame.

  When he kicked off his shoes and removed his socks, she burst out laughing. Such an odd but sweet gesture. And when he offered her his arm, she gladly took it.

  She gaped as they entered the dining hall. The massive table was covered with a sparkly silver tablecloth, the bright red plates and matching cloth napkins a brilliant contrast. In the center sat a small Christmas tree decorated with multicolor twinkling lights.

  “Wow,” she said.

  He pulled a chair out for her and took the seat next to it. “Glad you like it. It was done for you.”

  “For me? Why?”

  “You—” his brow scrunched together, “I just thought you’d enjoy it.”

  It was obvious he’d been going to say something different and although curious, she decided not to pry and possibly cause awkwardness. He’d done it for her and she didn’t know why, but she definitely planned to enjoy it.

  Denov, Edward, Bandor and some of the other staff members she’d met joined them for breakfast. It was a simple but impressive spread. Silver platters piled high with French toast along with fresh strawberries, blueberries, cherries and even chocolate chips—a kind of build-your-own French toast bar. It reminded her of the day he’d made her French toast for dessert and once again, she knew the breakfast had been planned specifically for her.

  “Is the situation still under control?” Argoth asked Bandor.

  He shrugged. “Sort of.”

  “What situation?” Cordelia asked.

  When Bandor only smirked and Argoth urged her to eat, she knew they were hiding something, but it was obvious neither was going to give up the goods.

  ❄ ❄ ❄

  Cordelia offered to help clear the dishes and left over food when everyone had finished eating, but Edward and Argoth insisted she leave it. Argoth led her to the sitting room. “Ready?” he asked.

  “Ready for what?”

  “This.” He pushed the double doors open.

  She squealed at the sight before her. It was everything and more than she could have imagined. An enormous Christmas tree, decorated with red and white twinkling lights, green ornaments and just the right amount of sliver garland, sat next to the window. Red, silver, and green wrapped boxes with shiny bows and ribbon were piled high beneath the tree.

  But wait. A tree branch shook, two of the ornaments fell and shattered on the hardwood floor. A noise…Holy crap. A puppy bounced around the base of the tree barking and knocking over gifts. More branches shook, more ornaments crashed. Then a kitten sprang from the tree and ran across the room with the puppy chasing after.

  She turned to Argoth. He looked horrified.

  “I apologize,” he said. “I thought, because of your daydream, the animals would make you happy. I know nothing about dogs and cats and obviously, these are defective.”

  For a moment, she only stared at him, confused. He’d done all that for her. The breakfast, the tree, the decorations were more than she could’ve asked for, but he’d even gone to the extra trouble of bringing a kitten and a puppy into his home.

  He did care for her. He’d said as much, but she hadn’t truly understood. He’d always been kind to her. Always. Back at D Unit, she’d assumed he had ulterior motives and he probably had. But all this…there was no reason for him to do it other than to make her happy.

  Her heart swelled, an unfamiliar emotion swamping her. “Argoth,” she touched his shoulder, “this is—”

  She hadn’t known exactly how to put the sentiment into words, but she didn’t get the chance anyway. The kitten barreled toward them, latched onto Argoth’s pant leg and clawed his way up, hanging onto Argoth’s hip. The puppy barked and danced at Argoth’s feet. The look on Argoth’s face made her wish she had a camera. His eyes were saucer-size, his hands in the air, his mouth hanging open.

  Cordelia doubled over, snort-giggle-belly-laughing.

/>   “Delia,” Argoth said, his voice incredibly calm and smooth, belying the horrified expression on his face, “I’m glad you find this amusing, but what exactly am I to do?”

  It took her another minute to semi-contain herself before taking pity on him. She unlatched the kitten’s claws from his hip and hugged it to her. She nodded to the puppy. “Go ahead, pick him up.”

  He frowned. “Why would I do that?”

  “Because, it might calm him down and it’s nice.” The kitten batted at her hair and bit her ear before nuzzling into her neck and purring.

  Argoth gazed from her to the bouncy puppy and back to her several times before reaching down and picking the puppy up. He held the wiggly bundle in front of him awkwardly and she burst out laughing again.

  “Come on,” she said, as she moved to the couch and sat. Argoth followed and sat next to her. “Now, set him in your lap and stroke his fur.” She demonstrated with the kitten.

  Within a few short minutes, the puppy was snoring and a bewildered smile lit Argoth’s handsome face.

  “Now what?” he whispered.

  She laughed quietly. “Just enjoy. It won’t last long."

  A long silence stretched between them before Argoth spoke. “I know this day isn’t exactly as you pictured, but have you enjoyed it thus far?”

  She gently laid the kitten on the couch cushion next to her and did the same with the puppy. They twitched but didn’t wake.

  She moved closer to Argoth and took his hand, her skin instantly heating as it always did when they touched. “It’s perfect. I don’t even know what to say. I feel bad that I’m not able to do anything for you. I have so many questions, so many things to talk to you about, but right now,” she swallowed hard and drew in a deep breath to calm her jitters, “all I want to do is this.”

  ❄ ❄ ❄

  Argoth almost choked when Delia leaned into him, her pretty lips parted. He’d longed for this moment. The moment when she wanted him, wanted him completely of her own accord, no coercion, no tricks.


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