Valley of Fire

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Valley of Fire Page 18

by Janelle Taylor

  “I fully intend to take your advice, Nigel. First I owe her an apology, then a few weeks of getting acquainted. I’m canceling the story on her altogether. I only used that ploy to get an invitation here. I wanted to meet the real woman, as you suggested countless times. But I did hope for privacy for my research,” he said, teasing Nigel. “It’s just that when I saw the two of you standing there like that, it blew my mind.” Steven couldn’t bring himself to expose their closeness.

  “Brandy would never relax fully if I suddenly left you two alone. If you put on your best airs, she won’t mind being left alone with you. A word of advice, don’t try to charm her too quickly. She might doubt your sincerity. You do have a reputation as a heartless playboy.”

  When Steven went in search of her, he was told she had gone riding. He quickly changed into western boots and faded jeans. He laced his leather belt through the loops on his snug Levi’s and fastened the large buckle: a brass lion’s head. He hurried to the stables and requested a mount.

  The foreman complied immediately. He also informed the genial, apparently easygoing man of where he could likely find her. Unaware of his slip, the foreman laughingly added, “Anytime she rushes out of here with that look in her eyes, she heads for the pond.”

  Steven grinned as he easily mounted up and headed off in the direction which had been given to him. He rode as agilely and smoothly as she did. He admired the strength and beauty of her excellent, expensive bloodlines. He had never given this breed of horse much thought until he had met her in Las Vegas. Since then he had avidly studied everything he could find about them. It had not taken long for him to understand her interest and her great love for them. But it was evident the Appaloosas were mainly a hobby and that writing was her profession.

  Steven eased back on his reins as he neared the pond. He quietly slipped off of the horse’s back and tied the reins to a bush. He stealthily made his way through the trees until they abruptly ended to form a picturesque clearing with a mirror lake. Sure enough, there sat Brandy on the grassy bank by the water’s edge. She was absently tossing small rocks into the glassy water, watching the ripples which her action created.

  The mischievous Steven leaned over and picked up a large, heavy rock. He threw it over her head into the water. It struck with a loud, heavy splash which sent sprays of water on her. Brandy gasped and jumped in surprise. She whirled to look up into his laughing face. He quickly hunkered down beside her. Between chuckles, he apologized and wiped her wet face with his handkerchief.

  “I only meant to grab your attention, Brandy, not drown you. I’m terribly sorry,” he said, still laughing in unleashed amusement.

  His laughter ceased as he clarified, “Sorry for the water on you, and more sorry for my rudeness at the house. I was irritated at my service for giving Camille this number. I took it out on you. I was only teasing about asking her to come down here,” he confessed. “I see plenty of her as it is. As you once said, she’s one of those necessary escorts who fulfills my social obligations. Using her makes it easier than trying to train a different girl every month or so. With Camille, I don’t have to worry—she knows she’s strictly business. The trouble is, she’s beginning to annoy and embarrass me with her animosity toward other female friends and with her unfounded possessiveness. There’s nothing between us, Brandy. I don’t even like her.”

  Brandy watched Steven closely. “Why did you say those terrible things about me and Nigel?”

  “I was more than a little annoyed when I walked out to find you in the arms of another man. I thought perhaps you were playing some joke on me. I’m sorry.”

  “You said Nigel suggested you do this new story?”

  “Yes, he did. Let’s say it was a cross between a demand and a friendly suggestion. I must admit, the more I saw of you, the more I began to suspect he might be right. I considered assigning you to another reporter, then I decided the only one I could trust implicitly was me. Besides, the idea intrigued me. Not every man gets to rescue a dream and then spend time alone with her.”

  She laughed with him this time. “What’s that old saying about doing it yourself if you want it done right?” They laughed again. “Perhaps I was a bit hasty and rude myself, Steven. Do you suppose we could make another fresh start?”

  He instantly extended his hand. “Steven Winngate at your service, ma’am,” he drawled huskily, his eyes glued to hers.

  She slipped her hand into his and gently clutched it. Smiling warmly into those blue pools of mystery and allure, she murmured, “Brandy Alexander . . .”

  Their hungry eyes locked and fed on the sight before them. “I’ve missed you, Brandy. Why didn’t you phone before you left town?” he asked seriously.

  “I wasn’t sure if you wanted to hear from me so soon. You did act rather cool after Camille’s arrival,” she reminded him.

  “Sometimes I act like a spoiled kid. I was just annoyed with the change of plans. I would have preferred to spend the evening with you,” he freely admitted, eyes glowing.

  His hand captured a curl and savored its softness and vitality, traits which matched Brandy. “You aren’t disappointed that I came, are you?” he questioned.

  “Only disappointed you took so long to arrive,” she confessed shyly.

  His voice grew husky as he leaned forward and kissed her deeply and whispered, “I want you . . .”

  She met his intense gaze and smiled. “I want you too . . .”

  Their bodies sank to the grassy earth as they embraced and kissed greedily. Their senses soared as freely and happily as the hawk overhead. Steven’s roaming hands tormented her aching body. His lips seared across her face and towards her ear, his warm respiration bringing tremors to her weakening resolve.

  “Steven, wait,” she urged him.

  “Why? I need you, love,” he coaxed, capturing her mouth with his.

  When she could free her throbbing lips, she murmured raggedly, “I have men working the pastures today. We can’t, not here in the open. Someone could ride up to water a horse at any moment,” she reluctantly informed him.

  He sighed heavily. “Later?”

  A bright smile flickered over her enchanting face. “Later . . .” she cheerfully and eagerly agreed.

  “If we can only talk right now, then you’d best keep your distance, woman. I can’t control myself if I’m touching you or you’re touching me,” he playfully warned.

  “I know what you mean,” she said and sighed painfully.

  Their gazes fused once more, and they burst into shared laughter.

  Chapter Ten

  Steven and Brandy remained at the lake until a loud bell rang out persistently. They had laughed and chatted with such gay abandon they had forgotten the time. Her head jerked up at the muffled noise which was calling them to lunch. As they mounted up, they exchanged warm smiles, promising smiles.

  “Race you back,” he suggested with a twinkle in his eye.

  “You’re on, Steven,” she quickly accepted his challenge, then kneed her horse into a swift gallop before he could even throw his leg over his saddle.

  Within a few yards, he was at her side. “No fair,” he teased as the wind whipped the laughter from his chest and carried it off behind them.

  The carefree girl laughed at him, then snapped her reins to encourage Wildfire into a faster gait. Steven kept up with her only because of his skill and determination. They reached the stable at the same time. He quickly dismounted and helped her down. Their eyes met and briefly locked as her feet touched the grass and her hands slid down his shoulders and chest.

  “You cheated, Miss Alexander,” he taunted with a chuckle.

  “I did not,” she saucily replied. “Women always deserve a head start. In spite of our past discussions, I am still a woman, and I dearly enjoy being one,” she informed him amidst giggles.

��That’s one fact I certainly won’t argue. May I?” he inquired as he held out his bent elbow to escort her to the house. If the foreman of her ranch hadn’t been standing there, he would have stolen a heady kiss.

  “Yes, you may, kind sir,” she drawled in a feigned Southern accent.

  Nigel watched them as they approached him. He smiled. They certainly seemed to be enjoying each other’s company. He could only hope for the best between them. If only they would stop being so guarded and distant with each other . . .

  “Hello, Nigel,” she said brightly as they spotted him sitting by the pool. Nigel called them over to where he was.

  “It’s about time you two came back,” he gently chided them. “I’m starved! Mary has a fantastic lunch ready. I was just about to give you two up and dig in.”

  Brandy and Steven hastily washed up at the pool house as they chatted. She led the way into the large country kitchen. “You don’t mind if we eat in here, do you, Steven?”

  “Certainly not. It makes a real cozy setting.”

  That meal began their unpredictable and enlightening arrangement. Too unsure of herself and of Steven, Brandy cautioned herself to move slowly and carefully. For things to be right between them, Steven had to make the first move towards something more serious. She dared not allow him to think she was just like all other women—hotly pursuing him.

  On his side, Steven was doing much the same. He planned to close in subtly on her, to avoid frightening her off or making her wary of his attentions. He determined to win her trust and confidence before letting her discover his feelings. If she was not interested in him in the same way he was interested in her, he would never let her learn of his growing love.

  After lunch, Steven and Brandy took a long walk around the grounds. As they strolled along they talked, and talked, and talked. Nigel appeared content to laze by the pool and make notes on his next song. To foster his ploy, Steven questioned and photographed Brandy in various surroundings and on a variety of topics. Enchanted, Brandy cheerfully complied with Steven’s gentle orders or playful suggestions. Steven was dazzled by this bright female, who could sway between an audacious child and a seductive woman. They laughed and joked about their uncanny meeting. He related things about himself and his businesses. They appeared content to simply be together. Nigel’s eyes softened each time they sighted his two friends so engrossed in each other. The afternoon passed swiftly and tranquilly for all three.

  Brandy had given Mary the afternoon off, saying Nigel could prepare steaks on the barbecue. While Nigel was getting the coals hot in the grill, Steven offered to help Brandy with the salad and with setting the table on the screened porch. Mary had scrubbed the potatoes and put them in the oven before leaving early. The kitchen was much too quiet and provocative, and as a needed distraction, Brandy asked Steven to select some music for the CD player, which he did.

  The sultry strains of Harry Connick Jr. drifted into Brandy’s ears as she withdrew the needed items from the refrigerator. When Steven returned to the kitchen, Brandy playfully teased, “Nigel might be offended you didn’t put on his latest CD.”

  “I’ve heard it umpteen times. I financed it,” he cunningly retorted, handing her a glass of wine from her bar. “Besides, we have the real thing, if we care to hear him later.”

  Brandy laughed merrily. She thanked him for the drink. “You take the lettuce, and I’ll do everything else,” she sweetly commanded, enjoying this homey scene.

  Steven accepted the knife, bowl, and green head of lettuce. When Brandy glanced at him, she doubled over with sidesplitting laughter. “You’re murdering my lettuce,” she wailed between giggles. “I can tell you’ve never seen a kitchen before.”

  A rueful expression met Brandy’s grinning face. “You’re right. Care to teach me how it’s done?” he asked with a beguiling look.

  “Like this,” Brandy offered, taking the head of lettuce and gently tearing it apart.

  “Why did you hand me a knife if I wasn’t supposed to chop it?” he asked.

  “To cut off the end,” she purred softly, rising to kiss his cheek. “Think you can handle it now?” she teased.

  “I can handle this,” he murmured, closing his arm around her and pulling her against him. His lips tasted hers then moaned appreciatively.

  “You’d better handle this later. Nigel will be screaming for his dinner soon.”

  “I feel like a phone always being put on hold,” he muttered.

  “Aren’t you glad you don’t have to remain on hold very long?” she boldly retorted, her hands roving over the broad expanse of his chest. “Get busy. I’m starved.”

  “How can you be starved after that marvelous lunch?” he asked skeptically.

  “I didn’t mean for dinner, Steven,” she cooed meaningfully.

  His eyes lit up knowingly. “I’m starved too.”

  They sighed regretfully and parted. Nigel joined them shortly to claim the platter of steaks. “Where’s my drink? And who’s that croaking on the stereo?”

  Steven and Brandy exchanged looks and laughed. “There are other singers besides you, big brother. Get your own drink. You know this house as well as I do,” she teased.

  “Some service! You’d think I was a member of the family or something,” Nigel joked easily, tweaking Brandy’s flushed cheek.

  Steven watched intently as Brandy flung her arms around Nigel and kissed him lightly on the lips. “Poor baby,” she murmured.

  After the food had vanished, both men helped Brandy clear the dishes and clean the kitchen. She glanced over at the two men and asked, “Anyone care to join me for some cream sherry on the porch?”

  Both men accepted. Time passed as they talked and sipped their drinks. When Nigel noticed the way Steven and Brandy kept exchanging longing looks, he assumed they wanted to be alone. Nigel stood up and stretched lazily. “If you two don’t mind my cutting out, I think I’ll turn in.”

  “It’s early, Nigel,” Brandy stated halfheartedly.

  “I know, but I’m beat. I think I’ll get up early and work on the song that is nagging at me. See you two in the morning.” With that, Nigel left them alone.

  Steven didn’t move for a lengthy span but just sat watching Brandy. She suddenly seemed nervous and shy. He understood. Finally he stood up and stretched lazily, much as Nigel had done earlier. “Guess I’d better turn in too.”

  Brandy’s eyes lifted to fuse with his entreating gaze. She didn’t move or speak. Steven walked over to stand before her. His hand reached out in enticing temptation. “It’s late, Brandy,” he whispered softly.

  She smiled, then placed her hand in his. He pulled her to her feet, his hands easing upwards to capture her head between them. He gazed into her softened eyes. They spoke without words. She reached for his left hand and led him to her room.

  Steven walked inside the moonlit bedroom and halted to turn and look at her. Brandy was leaning against the closed door, watching him. He stepped forward. Their hungry eyes feasted; words weren’t necessary at such a moment. His head came down to join their lips. The lock on her door clicked softly before her arms encircled his body.

  The tender kiss became savage and fiery in an overwhelming surge of long-denied passion. His arms tightened possessively and greedily. His lips twisted over hers, parting hers and allowing his tongue to seek hers. His respiration was ragged, and his body was consumed with need. Her name escaped his lips time after time between feverish kisses. His hands frantically roamed her back, wanting to feel her flesh against them. This moment had haunted him for weeks.

  He halted the attack on their senses and led her over to her bed. He slowly unbuttoned her shirt and eased it off her body, tossing it to the carpeted floor. Her bra quickly joined it, then her jeans and panties. She stood motionless while he stripped off his own clothes and boots, as if hypnotized by his presence an
d what was taking place between them.

  Moonlight stole into the room, shedding a soft glow on Brandy’s body. Steven’s eyes leisurely traveled from her tawny head to her bare feet. She was exquisite, desirable beyond belief. “I’ve missed you, love,” he murmured huskily as his body seared against hers.

  The contact was staggering. Brandy swayed and moaned. Steven’s arms imprisoned her, his lips assailing her senses once more. A bronze hand cupped a breast and lovingly caressed it, the nipple responding to his heady touch. Steven halted to pull down the covers, then pushed her gently to the bed. “I’ve been thinking about this all day,” he admitted hoarsely. “Damn, how I want you, Brandy.”

  “Steven . . .” she whispered against his demanding mouth, her arms going around his neck and drawing him to her.

  Steven’s tongue tantalized her as it circled her protruding nipple before hungrily encasing it within his torrid mouth. As if a fierce battle to please her was raging, his hands struggled against his lips to stimulate her to full arousal. Masculine fingers wandered freely over her body, caressing here and enticing there. He found sheer delight in drawing little sighs and groans from her. His hand slipped lower, to stroke her inner thighs, then to taunt her throbbing center within that tawny forest which beckoned him.

  Brandy’s head rolled from side to side on her pillow as she absorbed and responded to his stirring actions. She yearned to experience those wild and wonderful sensations once more. Her body pleaded for his. There was such firmness and strength beneath her roving hands as she explored his body. His body was smooth and hard, a blissful contradiction. It was cool and yet fiery beneath her touch. She craved to know every inch of it. Her hands traveled over his broad shoulders, down his furry chest to play in its black covering. Her fingertips circled his ears and she murmured her great need into them. A brave hand eased over his taut buttocks and around his slim waist. The brazen extension continued until it found a fiery torch which demanded to be encased and explored. He was so silky and warm, as if inflamed from within.


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