Scorch (Midnight Fire Series)

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Scorch (Midnight Fire Series) Page 2

by Davis, Kaitlyn

  Kira swallowed.

  Her hours of peace stowing away in Tristan's hospital room were about to come to an end. It was almost time to face the world and its consequences again.

  "When are they supposed to get here?" Kira asked.

  Luke didn't need clarification. "Soon, really soon."

  "And what did the Protector Council say?"

  "They won't let anyone hurt you—I won't let anyone hurt you. But they are concerned about how the Punishers will act, what they'll demand. This goes against everything they know. For hundreds of years, Punishers have been fueled by their belief that vampires can't be saved, that their humanity is gone, and what you did completely negates that."

  "And there's more," Kira said. Luke continued wringing his hands together and looked at her questioningly.

  "More than that?"

  "Well, that's their argument for why Tristan should die—that the evil will still call for him. But what's their argument for me? I told you what that Punisher in the dungeon said. About how he thinks I'm an angel that's falling and becoming an original vampire, an unstoppable force. They'll want to put an end to me before I have the chance to make that transformation."

  Luke leaned back and waved his hand unconvincingly in the air, dismissing the idea. "Come on, Kira, that's insane. Anyone who looks at you can see what side you're on."

  "Anyone who looks at me can see my blue eyes, or are you that used to them now?"

  Luke scooted his chair closer so his knees touched hers. "I see them. I see two bright and beautiful and warm cobalt blue eyes that look like the sapphire heat of a burning flame and nothing at all like the dead cold eyes of a vampire."

  Kira looked away, her heart melting a little under his scrutiny. "Yeah, well, too much sun exposure might have affected your brain cells. Besides," Kira continued, not letting him retort with any more compliments—she could already feel the blood rush to her cheeks a little, "they'll say I'm too sympathetic to vampires because I was with Tristan. Maybe they'll twist it around so it seems like I wanted Aldrich to go free. I don't know."

  "But you've never once acted like one of those things or felt any sort of calling like the Punisher described, have you?"

  "Of course not," Kira retorted, trying to look angry that he even asked and not at all guilty.

  Because, of course, she had.

  During her fight with Aldrich, Kira had lusted for the kill, a prolonged painful death, and maybe even for Aldrich's blood. And that was why he had slipped free—why he had the moment he needed to escape—because Kira had started battling the demon inside of her instead of the one burning at her feet. Since leaving the castle, nothing new had happened. But still, she felt the change within her, the slight taint her flames now carried.

  "So that's that," Luke slapped his hands together, jolting Kira out of her thoughts, "they have nothing, no argument that makes any plausible sense against you."

  "I'm just nervous, I guess." She shrugged.

  "The Flaming Tomato is nervous? I'm shocked!"

  Kira smiled. "I haven't heard that one in a while. I was sort of hoping you had somehow forgotten about it…"

  "Forget The Flaming Tomato? You can't just forget The Flaming Tomato—it's too good." Kira raised her eyebrows in his direction and he responded by raising his hands up. "What? I'm just saying…"

  "So I have Demon Witch and Flaming Tomato? I seriously need some new nicknames… or some new friends," Kira muttered the last part.

  "Would you prefer something more normal like… Kiki?" Luke asked, his face a blanket of innocence.

  "Call me that again and I may kill you…" Kira sent over her best death stare.

  "See, that might have actually scared me when your name was Demon Witch, but with Kiki it's just not nearly as menacing." He folded his lips together to keep from grinning.

  Kira launched herself across the room, going right for his ribcage with her hands. The benefit of being best friends was Kira knew all of his vulnerable spots and it took about two seconds to have him rolling around on the floor begging for mercy.

  Tickling—it was totally underrated.

  "Kiki… come on… I can't breathe," Luke gasped between giggle fits. Kira pushed even harder.

  He grabbed her by the wrists, finally using his strength and size to overcome her. Without her hands to ground her, Kira's balance slipped and she landed on his chest with an oomph. When she opened her eyes, the laugh had disappeared from Luke's face and in an instant the air felt thicker. She licked her lips, unable to look away.


  Kira rolled off of Luke immediately, jumping at the sound of an unfamiliar voice in the doorway. She looked up to see a well-dressed blond man who she remembered seeing around Sonnyville before.

  "The Punisher Council has arrived. We request your presence at the Council dais immediately."

  "Thanks," Luke muttered while he stood up and brushed his clothes off.

  "I'll meet you there in a minute," Kira said, looking back at the still unmoving Tristan. Luke nodded and dragged the protesting Protector from the room.

  Kira walked back to the corner of the hospital room where she had left her handbag and took out the shabbily wrapped present resting inside. Hastily, she scrawled a note on the blank card.

  "Dear Tristan, I'm sorry I won't be here when you wake up again. Remember what I said and please try to stay calm. Here's a history book I think you'll like—it'll get you caught up on everything you've missed. And there's a little extra too. I couldn't find the charcoal you like, so I got some soft graphite pencils instead. I know how much drawing relaxes you. Please don't worry, I'll be back soon. Love always," she erased that, "yours truly," she erased it again, "your friend, Kira."

  Kira left the package at the foot of his bed and walked out of the room, hoping she could keep them both safe from the Punishers now waiting just a short walk down the street.

  Chapter Two

  While making her way toward the town square, a strange sense of déjà vu overcame Kira. Spotting a sea of blond heads surrounding the archaic wooden platform that served as the Council's meeting center was a reminder of the first visit she had made to Sonnyville. More so, it was a reminder of how much could change in such a short amount of time… and how much could stay the same. Whereas before Kira was an outcast for the color of her hair and the source of her powers, she was now an outcast for her loyalties and her supposed softness for vampires.

  When she reached the top of the long hill, every head in the crowd turned toward her. Weeks before, their gazes had been filled with interest, awe and a slight sense of fear. Now, some of the conduits had added disgust to that list.

  But Kira had been through too much to really care what anyone thought about her, so she just walked through the people, not making eye contact with anyone until she reached the wooden steps of the raised platform and saw Luke waiting for her. Grateful for his warm smile, Kira took the hand he offered and climbed the steps ready for whatever faced her.

  Sitting in their wooden thrones were the seven members of the Protector Council. Kira cautiously glanced over at her grandfather, who sat in the center of the group. Like Luke, he offered a warm greeting. The wrinkles around his eyes crinkled in a subtle smile meant for Kira's eyes only.

  The other six Councilmen were stoic in their formal suits, staring beyond Kira, back toward the top of the hill where their guests would be arriving shortly.

  "Have they mentioned anything?" Kira whispered to Luke, who still hadn't released her hand. But she didn’t mind.

  "No," he replied under his breath. "Can't you feel how anxious everyone is? I think they're too nervous to break the silence."

  "I know this meeting is a big deal, but I don't get what the Council is so afraid of…" Kira looked behind her again, taking note of the stress lines on the Councilmen's faces. Their eyes were narrowed and their hands were white with the force of the grips on their chairs.

  "Peace with the Punishers is fragile as is, and t
hey want to keep you safe, but not if it costs us our truce. We need to be able to work together."

  "So you're saying they're nervous for me?" Kira glanced incredulously at Luke. It was hard to believe this judging crowd was actually rooting for her. He squeezed her hand, but continued looking at the top of the hill, waiting for the Punishers.

  "Some people might not agree with your relationship with Tristan, but in the end you proved the Protectors right—you proved that vampires can be saved—and that is something to root for."

  "I guess, but—"

  "Shh," Like shushed her and gripped her hand even tighter.

  Kira followed his gaze to the black car pulling to a stop at the top of the hill. The whole town of Sonnyville seemed to hold its breath, pausing together until, in one large exhale, the door opened and a red head slipped out. Six more men in well-tailored suits followed the first older man out of the car and they waited, talking quietly to one another until a second car pulled up.

  Now it was Kira's turn to be shocked because she recognized the next face to greet the crowd—her adoptive mother. Tugging nervously on the bottom of her dress, her aunt surveyed the vast lawn, searching for Kira.

  "Mom?" Kira said aloud, recovering only when Luke shushed her again. Kira glared at him. "But—"

  Luke interrupted by nodding toward the car where another Punisher was emerging. Kira recognized him too—the man from Aldrich's dungeon, the one who had first told Kira she was falling—falling into evil.

  "What are they doing here? I thought it was just the Council!" Kira hissed into Luke's ear. Her heart started beating at an even faster pace. The Punisher Council was one thing. But the mother she had lied to and hung up on the day before, and the man who had accused her of turning into a vampire? Kira was not prepared to face that tribunal. "My mother? I mean, that is low…"

  "Kira, relax." Luke rolled his eyes. "If anything, you should be happy your mom is here. She'll do whatever it takes to protect you."

  Kira raised her eyebrows at him. "Hey, you weren't on the phone yesterday when she was ready to punish me for all eternity. Hell hath no fury and all that jazz."

  "Enough." The deep rumble of her grandfather's voice silenced Kira and she turned quietly back toward the Punishers, now a wave of flaming red hair making its way through a golden sea.

  Stay cool, Kira chided herself as nerves shivered down her limbs. More than anything, Kira was anxious about her own response. When she felt cornered, she had the tendency to act out and that was the last thing she needed—to give them another reason to think she was out of control.

  So as the Punisher Council walked slowly up the steps, making their way to the seven extra chairs set up opposite from the Protectors, Kira took a deep breath and forced herself to relax.

  Of course, her semblance of calm went pretty much out the window when her mother broached the top of the platform. They finally made eye contact and Kira knew the meaning of that singular raised eyebrow and titled head—it meant lecture time was near. No, it meant: I am so happy you are safe, but now I am going to make you wish you had died doing whatever stupid thing you were doing.

  Kira attempted a weak smile in her mom's direction.

  The glare only deepened.

  Fantastic, she thought and gripped Luke's hand hard enough to make him wince, I'm a dead girl.

  "Welcome," her grandfather spoke, directing the greeting to the Punishers but projecting his voice enough to include the entire crowd below. "Today marks a momentous occasion in our two histories. Not only have the Councils come together in full to discuss the future of our great species, but we have in our midst a girl who has forever changed what it means to be a conduit. My granddaughter, Kira, signifies the best of what we all do. She has punished a great many evils, but protected the thing we all wish to save: humanity. And that is what we are here to discuss: a newly resurrected human life, a vampire who was good enough to be saved—a Mr. Tristan Kent."

  Kira breathed a sigh of relief at her grandfather's introduction, noticing a few heads in the crowd nod in agreement. But not everyone was satisfied with his words, Kira thought as she looked around at frowning Punishers and Protectors alike.

  "That is all well and good, Councilman Peters, but we have other things to discuss," the Punisher opposite her grandfather spoke. He too sat in the middle of the row and Kira could tell he was the leader. His red hair was untainted by white or grey strands, but the wrinkles around the corner of his eyes and the slight droop to his skin gave away his age. His features were hard—sharp cheekbones, an angled nose, a sliver of pink lips—and he moved his razor like eyes in Kira's direction. Already, she could see the difference in the two cultures.

  Protectors were strong, but there was room for lightness and love. Punishers were just tough. Like her mother had said months before when Kira first learned of her powers, they honored mercilessness with vampires and weeded out the weak—a major reason her mother had left the culture so long before.

  "Whether this vampire lives or dies is of little consequence to us. What we came here to discuss is the fate of this mixed-breed—her life is a danger you have never truly come to understand. When we found her as a child, the deal was struck to let her live so long as her powers never came to fruition. But when they manifested only a few short months ago, we were never informed, and already her soul has twisted just as we had feared."

  "Whoa," Kira interjected, shirking Luke's hold and stepping into the middle of the circle. So much for poised aloofness. "I may be a mixed-breed conduit, but that doesn't mean I'm deaf and can't hear exactly what you're saying about me. My soul isn't 'twisted'" Kira said, unable to resist the urge to use air quotes around the word. "It's perfectly straight, like yard-stick straight. You could measure other souls against it."

  Even though she couldn't see it, Kira felt Luke roll his eyes behind her and a sense of amusement funneled into her mind through their connection.

  "Miss Dawson, with all due respect, you are the least qualified person to make that assessment. Which is why, according to tradition, we brought your only living Punisher relative here to speak on your behalf. I present Ellen Dawson, sister to your father Andrew Dawson." He signaled her mother, who stepped forward with a curtsy to show her respect.

  "We have also brought one more with us as you have all noticed. May I present Mr. Noah Thomas, the Punisher who witnessed this half-breed's questionable behavior and first alerted us of her possible threat."

  The man, who Kira noticed already looked well recovered from his ordeal in Aldrich's castle, stepped forward and nodded to the crowd. For a moment, he caught Kira's stare and his eyes trembled, almost as if it pained him to be there. But his gaze shifted away, downcast at the wooden planks below their feet.

  Her grandfather leaned forward in his seat, looking strong despite the frailty of his age. "And what is it exactly that you are accusing her of? Other than saving Sonnyville from a crippling attack only a few weeks ago," he looked at the crowd, forcing them all to remember how Kira had destroyed the vampires who had swarmed this town and broken through their defenses, "other than freeing conduits from the imprisonment of a deranged vampire," he looked pointedly at the red headed man who was still looking at the floor, unable to meet her grandfather's steely gaze, "other than bringing a human soul back to life?"

  Kira planted her feet on the ground, resisting the urge to run up and land a kiss on his cheek. Protectors one, she thought, Punishers zero.

  "All the proof we need is written in her eyes," the Punisher said, pointing at Kira as though she were some monster. A thousand gazes landed on her and, hard as it was, Kira refused to back down. She looked around the crowd and met the stare of every single person on that platform. There was one thing she could promise them, she would never stop fighting.

  "And before you interject, let's discuss her other actions as well," the Punisher continued, cutting off her grandfather. "Did she not partake in a willing relationship with a vampire? Did she not stay as a gues
t at a vampire's estate? Did she not freely offer her blood to these creatures?"

  The entire crowd gasped at the same time.

  She might have failed to mention that little blood sharing part before. But it wasn't like he made it sound. Tristan had needed entry into the Red Rose Ball. Kira had traded blood for information from Pavia. And, she had basically been undercover at Aldrich's castle.

  Turning toward Luke, Kira searched for some words to defend herself without sounding guilty. But as soon as she looked into his face, Kira closed her mouth. Through the bond, she felt his fear—a deep burn singing his heart. The tide was turning against her, she could feel the shift as golden heads bobbed in agreement with the Punisher's words.

  "Did she not bring a human back to life?" Her grandfather stood, purposely leaving his cane on the ground—only the strength in his conviction kept him standing. "What sort of vampire supporter would risk her own life to do that?"

  "And I will speak to Tristan since my daughter cannot," her mother stepped forward, looking beyond the Punishers to the demanding crowd below. "He is a kind hearted and gentle soul—I allowed him to date my daughter and to play with her younger sister. I allowed him in my home and into our lives. His humanity was so intact that I at first didn't even recognize that he was a vampire."

  She turned a slightly softer gaze toward Kira, who guessed that her mother had never suspected Tristan was a vampire until the Punishers came knocking on the door demanding an explanation.

  "My daughter," she continued, the pause unnoticed by anyone except Kira, "fell in love with the human trapped inside of a vampire's body, and all she did was what we have all wanted to do—she killed the vampire and brought the human back to life."


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