Beasthood (The Hidden Blood Series)

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Beasthood (The Hidden Blood Series) Page 33

by A. Z. Green

  Alf's grip tightening on her arm brought her back to reality. “No way Kain. You've already violated enough laws and it's not even lunchtime. What makes you think you deserve that honour?”

  “Honour!?” Kain scoffed.

  In less than a second, Alf sprang forward, sweeping Jaz behind his back protectively and backhanding Kain with the other so hard, the ground vibrated. Or perhaps Jaz's hearing was becoming even more acute. Either way, the look on Kain's face as he touched his tender bleeding mouth and cheek was very satisfying.

  Alf and Kain glared back at each other; thunderbolts shooting between them from their eyes, but neither one of them backed down.

  Instead without any signals from Kain that Jaz could see -with the only warning being Skye's choked yelp- Jaz was yanked back, her spine smacking into a solid chest. Before she could wriggle away a muscular arm wrapped around her throat cutting off her air. The strangled cry that came out of her mouth alerted Alf and he whipped round ready to attack.

  “Move and she dies! Brutus can snap a tree trunk like a toothpick.”

  Jaz saw the fierce look in Alf's eyes as he considered his next move.

  She tried to cry out to him -to tell him not to listen to them- but Brutus felt her resistance and only tightened his lock on her. She gasped. The feeling of her lungs starved of air was horrifying. Her vision became blurred as the oxygen was being slowly cut off from her head. She tried to fight consciousness, wheezing on what little air she could breathe.

  “Stop, okay! Stop you'll kill her!” Alf snapped.

  “Take us to Driver,” Kain coaxed threateningly in a higher voice.

  Brutus smiled, enjoying the sensation of literally holding a life in his hands.

  “D-don't-”Jaz croaked before Brutus gripped even tighter. Her inhale sounded so painful and loud even those in Kain's Pack shifted uneasily.

  She scratched at Brutus's hands wishing she hadn't cut her nails so damn short. Brutus's hot breath was on her neck and if she wasn't focusing all her attention on trying to live she'd have shivered with revulsion.

  She felt her hand tingling and knew instantly what it meant. She forced it back. If they saw her turn it into a claw she'd be dead. She might be able to cause serious damage to Brutus but then what?

  She had no doubt in her mind that if they weren't with the Cur Hunters, they most likely supported them. If they even suspected what she might be, she'd be dead before her feet touched the ground. To emphasize her mental image, at that moment in Brutus's grip, her toes were inches off the floor.

  I'm going to die if this side-of-beef doesn't stop. The thought was eerily matter-of-fact. She tried not to panic. She needed the air. Time had slowed down, so what felt like ten minutes to her, was less than five seconds.

  Alf was about to speak, his frowning eyes still fixed on Jaz and Brutus, when a disturbance distracted him. The rival Pack stirred warily and then Jaz saw them become guarded, their bodies poised, ready to attack. Alf's expression showed just a hint of relief. Jaz couldn't summon enough air to catch the scent so it was only when she heard his voice that all thoughts of dying were smashed to pieces. Inside she was dancing and squealing with delight.

  “If you wanted to see me... all you had to do was ask.”

  Nik came into view on Jaz's left side and she couldn't help the moan that escaped her suffocated throat. His eyes flickered in her direction as fast as a blink before he was focused on Kain. An unpleasant smile brushed Nik's lips.

  Brutus's grip loosened only slightly.

  “Nice to see you, Nikolas,” Kain grunted. It clearly wasn't.

  Nik smiled wider.

  Jaz tried to keep herself lucid, forcing her eyes to stay open. Her throat was on fire.

  Please, make it stop. She moaned in her head.

  As soon as the thought passed through her sluggish head, Nik's eyes were on her at that exact moment. The look in his eyes. The glimpse of pain at the sight of her suffering, and the determination in them that told her she was safe, made her think just for a moment, that he had sensed her thoughts.

  No. He couldn't have. But it was as if, he'd known exactly what she was thinking. Something she'd thought to herself more than once.

  “That's enough Kain. Get your mutt's hands off my Pack member,” Nik barked.

  Kain eyed Nik and then blinked towards Brutus's general direction saying casually,

  “Let her go.”

  He released her and Jaz collapsed to the floor like a sack of potatoes, coughing and choking, taking the deepest breath she could until it was unbearably painful.

  It hurt so much.

  Like a knife dipped in liquid fire was gouging a hole through her lungs. As she gasped for air, she sounded like someone who'd been moments away from drowning, shooting their head up above the water, inhaling their first life-saving breath.

  Skye put her arms around her. Edda swept in from behind her, tucking her hands under Jaz's shoulders and lifting her up and away from the heated tension of the circle.

  They moved as far as they could without drawing attention and Jaz flopped back against a tree, wheezing, touching her throat until -she prayed- it stopped hurting to breathe.

  It didn't. Her lungs still ached but it didn't feel like she was being stabbed anymore. Her throat was so raw and bruised it hurt to do anything so she just sat there, unable to speak or swallow, barely able to breathe. Helpless.

  She looked around at Nik's Pack. Her Pack. It was strange for her to think of them that way. But that's what they were, especially when an enemy Pack was snooping around.

  Garik was there. He was standing at the back on her left side, his arms folded, leaning against the tree as if the two Pack Leaders were discussing the weather. She frowned at him. She still didn't know what to make of him, and she didn't like that.

  She scanned over her Pack counting their numbers. Thirty- nine. Some she recognized by name, others by face, a few she'd never seen before.

  Kelda and Kenna were both there. Kelda's bangs were all over the place, damp with sweat. Her face was scratched and bloody and tired, her eye liner smudged to a panda-like state.

  Kenna's wavy hair was windswept and bedraggled, her grey t-shirt was muddy and dark under the armpits. She glanced Jaz's way managing a weak smile before turning to look at the two Pack Leader's.

  Jaz could barely focus on the tense exchange until Kain bellowed, “I challenge you to the title of Pack Leader of Deer Creek!”

  Jaz's eyes darted at the two men. Only half of their heads were visible above the thick curtain of people. Her muscles tensed, the weight of this announcement settling in her clouded brain.

  “I accept,” Nik challenged.

  She jumped up, Edda grabbed her arm. At first to restrain her and then to keep her standing as Jaz nearly fainted.

  “Sit down,” Edda grunted. Jaz strained to catch every word, even though her hearing was exceptional.

  “On the grounds that you never ever trespass on my land again or I will take this to the Head Council of Northern Packs and appeal for your immediate execution,” Nik said with finality.

  Kain looked thoughtful and then smiled victoriously. “Done. You'll hear from Isaac. He'll set the date.”

  It is customary for the two Pack Leaders to bow to one another, even more so when they've accepted a dual. Nik bowed his head, one arm across his chest. Kain halfheartedly bobbed his head and turned on his heel. He was insulting and arrogant, but Nik didn't let that get to him as he thought to himself, I'll kill you, real soon.

  The momentary smile was wiped off his face at the sight of Jaz, who's eyes were fixed on him in horror.

  ~Chapter 36- Swollen~

  Monday, June 27th, 2:04 p.m.

  I can't believe he did that... She shook her head, the shock of what Driver had just accepted was overwhelming. As were the feelings she felt when she imagined him getting hurt... or killed. How could he willingly accept a fight to the death!? “And for what?” she muttered. “Land? Alliance? To boost his a
lready gigantic ego?”

  Or to keep us safe, she countered.

  Why not just kill that prick then? Why all the faffing about with 'moral' etiquette? She used her mental fingers to add speech marks to 'moral'. Puh! She scoffed, Moral? If that's morality then I'm the Queen of Uranus.

  Jaz was sitting in the exam room in the small outer building on the left hand side of the main building. She'd never been in here before. It was a simple but modern Doctors Surgery. The kind you'd expect in a small village.

  The exam room was clean, organized, stocked full with medical supplies and equipment, giving the impression of a professional establishment. After only seeing the pharmacy it was still difficult for her to take the place seriously, even with a reassuring appearance.

  She'd been brought here because Skye confirmed her jaw was most likely fractured and there wasn't anything she could do herself. This place was meant for more serious to deadly injuries. Skye was brilliant, but even her herbs and magic potions -she referred to them sometimes jokingly- wouldn't do much good for broken bones.

  As she waited for the doctor she surveyed the light grey-green room, which oddly reminded her of Maria's eyes when she smiled. This observation gave her a lot of comfort. It was the only thing that stopped her shrieking aloud when the door opened and she was face to face with the female doctor she'd had the displeasure of meeting the first day here. The same one who had poked around her vagina without her consent. The same one who had haunted her dreams for many weeks. Even now the memory brought her out in a cold sweat.

  She hunched up her knees wrapping her arms around her legs. The doctor stepped in, not making eye contact when she saw Jaz's reaction. To Jaz's surprise, someone else she'd also not seen since her first few days here, entered behind the doctor.

  “Aunt Erica?” Jaz said aloud, so stunned by her appearance she forgot she'd ever been angry with her. The knowledge soon returned to her when her aunt gave her an uncertain look as she forced a gentle smile.

  She shut the door behind her and took a seat to the left of the exam room bed. The doctor had moved to the right of the room. Jaz was very uneasy having them both either side of her.

  “Hello Jaz,” Erica replied. “How are you? Your jaw looks swollen. Does it hurt?”

  Jaz's eyes darted to the doctor, suspicious of her, but her back was turned. Her choppy, dark brown bob exposed her slim neck as she leant over her desk and appeared to be busy filling out some forms.

  “It hurts to speak.”

  Erica bobbed her head, expecting this. “Any movement can't be comfortable for you. I'm here to sit in whilst Doctor Astrid takes a look at your jaw. That okay?”

  Jaz read between the lines. Erica knew how little Jaz trusted Doctor Astrid, and she was making sure she was okay. Jaz felt an overwhelming sense of guilt for how she'd treated her aunt.

  Doctor Astrid took that a sign that she could continue and turned. She examined Jaz's jaw, asked her the usual question in a polite, low voice without thoroughly meeting her gaze. She then took an x-ray of Jaz's jaw, confirming that it was indeed fractured. But it was minor, and considering her ability to heal faster than a human (though not as fast and as efficient as a fully Changed Were is able) Doctor Astrid recommended a soft diet. She also tied a bandage around her head and recommended her to wear this for a few days, at least until the pain had reduced enough that she could move her jaw.

  It was only near the end of the examination that Jaz realized her aunt had left the room.

  Doctor Astrid, as if on cue, turned to her and with a solemn expression said, “I'm sorry, for how we first encountered each other that day. I know what you must think of me...” Jaz was too shocked to speak so Astrid continued. “I know Nik must have told you the reasons but I don't imagine that changes how traumatic it must have been for you. And I don't want you to see me as Doctor Evil or something.”

  Jaz actually snorted, and in embarrassment clamped her hand over her nose and mouth. Astrid raised a brow, her lips forming into a smile.

  “With a bald head, eye scar and a high, funny voice?” came her muffled reply through her hand. “Don't worry, I don't see you like that.”

  Astrid was grinning now. She had a lovely smile, with bright, pixie eyes the shade of a warm, milky hazel. “Joking aside,” she began, squeezing in her lips to try to appear serious and only just succeeding. “I hope you understand why I did it, and that you know I'm truly sorry for scaring you. I want you to trust me and feel comfortable around me. Do you think you could ever do that?”

  Jaz looked up and around, as if thinking it through. But she'd already made up her mind. “I think so.” Astrid smiled again. “And for the record, I'm sorry too. I've been neglectful of people. Of their feelings. Being so distracted with my own. Not just you but, but my aunt as well.”

  “You're a good girl, you know that?”

  Her aunt was listening on the other side of the door, tears in her eyes as she felt the burden of Jaz's anger lifting off of her.


  Two days later...

  Wednesday, June 29th, Morning.

  Jaz lead-front-kicked Carr's focus pads in a burst of adrenaline.

  “Nice!” Carr praised. “Again!” He ordered her five more times to repeat it before she exhaled with exhaustion. And anger. Irritation. Frustration. Carr could practically smell it off her. “Something bothering you, Skin?”

  And yes, her nickname had gotten around. From her friends and into the gym. Nik had raised a quizzical brow -his mouth curved up in his usual barely visible smile- the first time Carr had used it on her. Jaz had bitten her lip, then smiled like a teenage girl on crack and avoided his eyes the whole session with Carr. Carr had found it all a little too amusing.

  But now after two weeks, the nickname, the banter, it was commonplace. The norm. Except for the fact that Nik wasn't there.


  Jab! Her left fist hit the pad.

  He's such an idiot.

  Jab! Carr grunted. She inhaled. Exhaled.

  He's gonna get himself killed.

  Thwack! Inhale. Exhale.

  And I can't do a damn thing about it!!!


  “O-KAY! I think that's enough for today.”

  Jaz blinked out of her mad trance, her eyes not seeing Carr's face; not comprehending that he was sweating much more than usual. She still had her fists up, guarding her face; her chin protected by a thick bandage. The moment she thought about it, she felt the aching, throbbing pain that had kept her awake at night for two days.

  And she'd just been clenching her teeth. Not a good idea.

  She released her guard position and exhaled. “Sorry, I was...”

  “Distracted?” Carr joked sarcastically. Jaz shrugged and nodded one after the other.

  “Listen, I get why you need to blow off some steam, but you're still injured. You need to take it easy,” he said as he removed his focus pads. “I wouldn't even be doing this if you hadn't called me this morning.”

  “I know. I'm sorry.”

  He smiled, not looking up as he replied, “Don't be. I'm glad you're enjoying this now. A huge change from a few months ago, innit?” She cocked her head to one side, remembering her attitude that first day with a small smile on her face. “To be honest, I don't think it'll hurt to reduce your sessions. Your boxing in particular. You've already proven you can handle yourself there.”

  She studied him for a moment, unsure of whether to ask or not. “Hey, um... are you mad at me?”

  “What?” He stopped what he was doing and looked at her, intently. The first time since that day.

  “I mean, are you decreasing our sessions because I made you mad?” He looked very confused so she added in a hushed voice, “About the fight with Fraya?” His eyes brightened in comprehension but he said nothing. “I mean you looked...I dunno... upset with me that day. I know what I did was wrong but- I just was a little- confused- I guess. But was it because you...Do-do you like Fraya?”

; Carr grinned and released a chuckle. “You're cute when you stumble all over yourself like that.”

  She hunched her shoulders. “I just felt really bad. Worse than I already did, after I acted that way, and I saw how you looked at me. Like I'd really upset you, hurting Fraya. I've wanted to apologize. I think it would be wasted on Fraya, but not on you.”

  He smiled affectionately. “That's really sweet of you. You know... I've never met anyone like you before. You're always so... apologetic... about who you are. Or more accurately, what you are.” Jaz blanched. “I get it. I do. You don't need to say anything. And, even though it's not necessary for you to say it, if it makes you feel better, I accept your apology.”

  Jaz beamed. She removed her gloves and then Carr began taking off her hand bandages.

  After a moment she asked, “Why are you friends with her?” He laughed out loud. “I'm sorry, I mean, I find it hard to see... her good qualities...”

  He suppressed a smile. “She's had a lot of heartache. A lot of pain. We both have. So I guess we understand each other.”

  Jaz nodded, a ghost smile on her face. She understood that very well. And was glad that despite the fact it was Fraya, Carr had someone who he could share his pain with, and if she was being overly forgiving, she was glad Fraya had him too. Now she felt even more guilty for using her as a chew toy and cracking her jaw. “How is she?”

  He smiled at her gently, sensing her guilt. “She'll live.”

  “I guess she's happy karma came around my way, huh?” She pointed to her jaw for emphasis.

  “I doubt she'd be sympathetic about it when you bump into each other.”

  Jaz didn't like the use of 'when' in that statement. Or 'bump' either. But it was inevitable in a small community. She couldn't hide from her for ever. “Karma is a bitch, huh?” She sighed.

  Carr grinned. “I thought her name was Fraya?”

  Jaz snorted and jabbed him in the gut.

  When they'd packed up their stuff and she was walking away, wiping sweat off her forehead with her towel, he called out, “Oh Skin, before I forget...” he lowered his voice as she turned to meet his gaze, “I have to cut our sessions for the next two weeks, at least.”


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