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For You I Will

Page 7

by Hadley Raydeen

  “You like that, babe?” he asked, kissing down her neck and her chest, until he found her nipples through the fabric. He used his mouth to pull the sensitive nubs to stiff peaks. She arched her back again, thrusting her breasts in his mouth and cried out her answer. “God, yes. You know I do. Shit… yes… It’s your mouth, Daniel... It feels amazing. Oh my God.”

  “Let’s lose the shirt, baby. I need to see you. You’re way too sexy to be covered up.” He leaned away from her as she pulled the shirt up and over her head as he’d requested, revealing her naked body to him. He growled as he raked a hungry gaze over every curve. “Yes, that is what I wanted to see. You are so beautiful, Callie.” The flush over her body deepened with his words. He re-positioned himself over her, pressing into the soft recesses of her. He dipped a hand between their bodies and found the entrance to her pussy with his fingers again, rubbing over the slick heat. “I think you need this taken care of now. What do you say?” He looked up into her eyes, shining with lust and need. Desire sparked to life, and she reached out and ran her fingers over the back of his close-cropped hair. She didn’t speak, just shook her head in affirmation. He kept eye contact with her as he brought his fingers to his lips again licking each digit clean of her essence. “I didn’t really have a taste for food tonight, Callie. What I needed was this…”

  “Then take it, Daniel. You’re keeping us both waiting. If you want it so bad, then give it to me, dammit.” She moved her hips under him, her wet core pressing into his erection.

  “Yes, ma’am.” He yanked at her thighs, catching her by surprise. She gasped as he linked the backs of her knees over his forearms, lifting her ass from the couch and her vag right to his waiting mouth. The woman on the TV was loud but Callie had her beat. “Oh my God, Daniel. Oh my God… Oh My GOD!” She cried out the mantra as he drove his tongue in and out of her, making sure to strum her clit with his fingers as he did. “Daniel, oh, OH… what are you doing to me?” she whimpered and pleaded for reprieve, but he showed no mercy. She panted and moved against his mouth, guiding his tongue deeper into her need. Her release was quick as she crashed around his relentless mouth. “Holy Fuck! Daniel! Yes, Yes! I’m coming!”

  He lowered her limp body back to the couch and stood above her, shimmying his pants from his body and pulling his t-shirt over his head. He threw the clothes over her nearby chair before reaching a hand out to her. “Come on, Callie. Show me to this happy place your shirt speaks of. I’m not done with you yet.”

  Chapter 9

  Callie woke the next morning naked and sedate. Her body ached in the most delicious way possible and the cause of her satisfaction lay just as naked beside her. She turned her head and looked at him in the semi-dark room. Rays of sun sneaked past her blinds and streaked across the five o’clock shadow of his chiseled jaw. If anyone would tell her she’d be waking next to Daniel Morrow in her bed, she’d call them a liar. Yet, here she lay next to this handsome, sexually attentive man. He’d explored parts of her body she didn’t realize were a turn on. Yet, he’d been able to find each one and put her over the edge with multiple orgasms the night before. She passed out next to him sometime after 4 a.m. and he hadn’t run toward the door to leave her. Instead, he rolled over and wrapped her in his embrace as they both fell asleep.

  Her phone buzzed on the bedside table indicating an email had come in. The loud vibration caused Daniel to stir next to her.

  “Sorry,” she whispered. “It’s my phone.” She reached for the offending device.

  “Good. I thought maybe you’d pulled out a vibrator. Didn’t know if I had to help you out or something,” he quipped.

  She shot him a glance over her shoulder and a sly grin stretched across his face.

  “Funny, Morrow. Saturday morning jokes. How cute.” She turned her attention back to her phone. “Oh,” she said, reading the email subject flashing across her screen.

  “What’s wrong?” he asked behind her.

  “It’s an email from Paul…” she answered, opening the email.

  “On a Saturday? I wonder what’s wrong,” he said, sitting up next to her.

  She read the email. “You are copied on this, too… He wants us to come to his house today for lunch. He wants to discuss ways to impress the board… He says to be at his house by noon.”

  They both turned to look at her bedside clock. It was already 10:00 a.m.

  She turned to Daniel, but his eyes weren’t on the clock. His gaze had dropped below. The comforter had dropped from her body when she’d been distracted by the email. His gaze focused in on her bare breasts. He dragged the tip of his tongue the length of his lower lip before his gaze flicked back up to hers.

  “Daniel...” Her voice took on a husky tone as he wasted not a minute dropping his head and sucking one peaked nub into his warm mouth.

  “You can’t expect me not to do anything about this,” he mumbled around her nipple.

  She arched her back feeding him her breast. “You have to go so you can get ready for Paul’s.

  “I’ll be quick…” He traded sides to her other breast, and she lowered back onto her pillows as he climbed atop her.

  “Don’t be too quick…” she whimpered.

  “Your wish is my command, beautiful…” He complied, pressing the slow ease of his erection into her waiting warmth.

  Thirty minutes later, Daniel dressed in clothes from the night before and stood at her door. Wrapped in a fluffy robe, in her bare feet, she reached for the knob to see him out, but he stopped her reach. “I’m going to go home, shower and change, and I’ll meet you at Paul’s. After—”

  “After, then what?” She looked up at him trying to read the gleam of mischief sparkling in his eyes.

  “I want to spend the evening with you...”

  “Daniel…” She shook her head and tried stepping back but he kept a firm grasp of her arm.

  “Don’t do that. Please. After the time we spent together, we are out of the ‘we are just co-workers, let’s be professional’ stage. I’ve had a taste of you, Callie, and I haven’t had my fill. It seems I’m an insatiable man when it comes to you.” He placed one of his hands on her cheek, cupping the soft skin there. “That hunger can be for more than one thing. I’m not a complete horn ball. Have dinner with me tonight. I’ll cook.”

  “You cook?” She gave him a quizzical look.

  “Don’t look so surprised. I know my way around the kitchen.” He raised an eyebrow at the look of disbelief on her face.

  “Are we talking takeout? You just say you cooked?” She gave him a knowing grin.

  He dramatically threw his head back. “Look at this woman, doubting my skills…”

  “There’s no doubt you have skills…,” she mumbled.

  “What was that?” he sobered, focusing his eagle eye back on her.

  “Oh, nothing. Um, you should really get going. Don’t want to be late getting over to Paul’s.” She leaned past him, this time successful in her attempt at opening the door.

  “Callie, Callie, Callie.” He pulled her into his arms. “Mmm, you feel so good.” He kissed the top of her head and she melted into him. He backed into the hallway pulling her along with him. “You didn’t answer my invitation. What do you say about tonight? I want to see you again. Come over and I'll cook for you.”

  She looked up into his eyes and saw the desire there and she wanted it too. She wanted to be with him again. She didn't want this to end here. She didn't know where it was going with them, but she’d go along for the ride. “Okay… tonight. Your place. Do you want me to bring anything?”

  A naughty grin broke out across his face. “Just bring your fine ass—”

  They both jumped apart when they heard someone clear their throat down the hallway. They turned to see a little old woman watching them with one eyebrow raised and a look of mischief dancing across her features. “Well, my my. Good morning, you two. I assume this is Daniel? Are you going to introduce me to your gentleman caller, Callie?”

p; “Oh my God, it’s Susie,” Callie whispered to Daniel as her cheeks warmed with embarrassment. She’d mentioned the kind, but nosey older neighbor to him last night as her dog sitter for Zeus, but she hadn’t mentioned Daniel to her. How on earth did she know his name?

  “Good morning to you, too.” Daniel didn't miss a beat, leaving her at her door and walking the length of the hallway holding out his hand. Callie watched him with interest. She’d never seen him outside the office and in social settings like this. Yes, he was damn near a tyrant in the courtroom and the office, but to see him flirting with the old woman next door was certainly new and he seemed to be doing it well and with no effort.

  “How are you doing this morning, Susie?” he asked with a bit of sing-song tone. Callie looked at the other woman’s gleaming face.

  “Now don’t be ridiculous,” she said, swatting away his hand. “You, handsome face, can bring it in for the good stuff.” She reached up and pulled Daniel in for a one-handed wrapping her arm around his neck. She looked over his shoulder and winked at Callie. ‘Cute!’, she mouthed.

  When she finished hugging him, a little longer than necessary, she backed away and gave him a once-over. “I'm well. Thank you for asking. And it looks like you are just as well,” Susie patted Daniel’s arm with her free hand, all while holding her small Pomeranian, one of Zeus's buddies, with the other hand.

  “Who do we have here?” Daniel scratched the fur ball on the head and the small canine lifted its head to gain better access to the attention. She darted a small pink tongue out, licking Daniel’s fingers in encouragement.

  Callie’s body immediately reacted as she watched the exchange. She’d done the same thing just the night before. His fingers were very skilled with heavy petting and she’d sucked each one of those digits clean, tasting herself on him. Good Lord, I’m getting turned on by him petting a dog. What on earth has he done to me?

  As if he sensed what she was thinking, he turned and his gaze hit hers. She saw the heat there, obviously remembering the same thing. Susie looked from him to her and smiled.

  “So, are the two of you dating now?” The woman’s teasing tone knocked her back to reality and out of her sexy flashback.

  Callie answered, “No!” As Daniel answered, “I'm trying, Susie.”

  She shot him a displeased look, not believing they were actually standing in her hallway talking to her frisky next door neighbor. Here she was still standing in her bathrobe and fluffy slippers, and him clearly doing the walk of shame from her house. It’s a booty call, Susie! Mind your business.

  A slick grin moved across Daniel’s face as if nothing was awkward at all. “See, she says ‘no’… but I'm trying, Susie. I want her to come see me this evening, and maybe I can work on that.”

  “Sounds like you were working on that quite well last night, Danny Boy.” Susie patted Daniel on the arm again and winked.

  Callie gasped as Daniel belted with laughter. “Thin walls, Susie? Did we keep you up?”

  The older woman chuckled. “They could use some more insulation, that is for sure. Don't worry though. It wasn't a bother. I'm glad Callie found somebody that makes her happy. She's been walking around like a bit of a mope lately.”

  “I have not!” Callie wanted to stomp her foot in protest. This was insane, and from the looks of it, Daniel was getting great joy out of every bit of it. If he smiled any wider, his face would split in two. “Can you two please stop talking about me as if I'm not even standing here?”

  Susie laughed. “Oh, she’s a tough nut to crack, but she's a dear heart. Her little Zeus is my Poochie’s friend.” She scratched at the cloud of fluff.

  If on queue, Zeus dashed from her apartment upon hearing his name. “Oh!” Callie tried to reach for him but he escaped her and ran down the hall toward Poochie. Daniel scooped her dog up into his hands with the greatest of ease and allowed the two pups time to greet and sniff each other. She couldn’t help the swelling in her heart watching the usually rigid man handle two puppies and a little old lady with ease. How freaking cute is he right now?

  “Poochie is a good name. As in the toy dog from back in the 80s?” he asked with such nonchalance.

  Callie raised a brow. How in the world did he know about a girl’s toy? “What? I have sisters. Back then, the damn Poochie dogs were all over the house, among other pink and purple toys.”

  Hearing he had sisters, she realized how little she really knew about him personally. Sure, they’d worked together for a year, but anything outside the fact he was acting managing partner, a lawyer and a day-to-day pain in the ass, she knew nothing. She’d just found out he was killer in bed, and she was counting the minutes before she could get him there again.

  But, if he was really trying to get to know her beyond the workplace and the bedroom, she thought it only appropriate she get to know the real Daniel Morrow. Tonight would be the perfect time to do that, over dinner, wine and who knew what else... While she knew what she wanted, they’d get there. For now, Daniel needed to leave so they could go over to see their boss and stop flirting with the old woman who lived in her building.

  “Okay, you four.” She stepped in the hallway now, shaking her head. “Susie, I hate to be rude, but we have a meeting this morning and Daniel was just leaving.”

  Daniel winked at Susie and gave Poochie one last pat on the head. “It’s been a pleasure, ladies.”

  Susie, looking every bit the little imp, leaned in and hugged Daniel again, this time her one hand dipped low and squeezed Daniel’s ass. “The pleasure was all ours, Danny Boy. See you again soon.” Susie gave Callie a knowing grin and walked, with a skip in her stride, back into her apartment.

  Daniel walked back down the hallway with Zeus nuzzling his face. “Well, she was fun.”

  “Did she really just squeeze your ass?” Callie asked hand on hip.

  “Are you jealous, kitten?” he asked handing her the dog. She turned and let Zeus loose back in the apartment.

  She turned back to him invading her space in the best way possible. He reached out putting his hands on either side of her waist before he leaned down and kissed her lips. She opened her mouth slightly, and he took the invitation, slipping his tongue in her mouth until he found hers, taking her breath away. She wrapped her arms up and around his neck, holding on for dear life as he licked and caressed. Just as she was losing herself in him once again, he pulled away. She looked up into his eyes and saw desire mirrored in his eyes. “See, I told you me and Susie go way back.”

  “You are absolutely impossible.” She burst out laughing, swatting his arm.

  He winked at her. “I've been told. I’ll see you later, kitten.”

  She watched him as he strode away from her down the steps and out of her building.

  Chapter 10

  By noon on the dot, Daniel was driving up his boss’ lengthy driveway. It was like the house had its own zip code. Paul Harmon had done very well for himself over the years and had made a healthy living for him and his family as a prominent and respected attorney in the area.

  It was devastating seeing him not able to go well into his golden years and enjoy it all with the ones he loved. But, Daniel would make damn sure he would keep Paul's legacy alive at the firm. Whatever this meeting was about, whatever the man needed, Daniel would make sure he was there to carry it out.

  As he pulled into the turn-around in the front of the house, next to a water fountain, he noticed Callie's red vehicle already parked out front. Of course she was on time. She was always on time. Even though they had left and did the same thing at the same time, she was still there making him look bad. And since when did she have her car? Wasn’t the damn thing in the shop just yesterday?

  As he got closer to the car, he saw she was still sitting in the vehicle applying makeup. So that is how she saved on time. He wouldn’t get his hopes up that she was still in the car waiting for him. No, she was just putting on her mascara. Should have known.

  But he did notice a smile light
up her face and it warmed his heart and gave a flicker of hope. If anyone would have told him Callie Johnson would be smiling at him in such a way, he wouldn't have believed it. Up until yesterday, he was pretty sure she hated the air he breathed. He knew it, she knew it, hell, everybody in the office knew it.

  But after a night of physically getting to know each other, maybe those things were turning around. Thank God for twenty-four hours.

  He wanted to keep things going and get to know her much better; not just physically but emotionally. He wanted to know what made her tick, and he wanted to continue to make her smile.

  He reached for her driver's side door and opened it as she reached for her handbag on the passenger seat. He noticed the rental tags on the seat. Ahh, a rental. He pushed down the feeling of disappointment that she hadn’t asked him for a ride. He could have easily swung back by and picked her up. Why go out of the way to rent a car?

  She turned back to him taking his hand as he helped her from the vehicle. He kept hold of her hand as he shut the door and turned to look at her. His gaze travelled the length of her body from her black high heels up her toned legs. A flashback of those legs wrapped firmly around his waist as he pumped in and out of her unrelenting heat hit his mind like a ton of bricks. His view of those legs was cut off at her knees by a simple, yellow round neck 3/4 sleeve, solid dress with a wide belt cinched at her narrow waist but accentuated her ample hips and full breasts. His hungry gaze lingered there remembering sucking her nipples to erect peaks in his hungry mouth as she wiggled those hips under him allowing him better access into her pleasure. His dick grew uncomfortable behind his casual fit pants. There was no inconspicuous way to adjust the pending hard on she caused just from the sight of her. His gaze met hers as he went for it and tucked his erection the best he could through his pants. “Nice dress,” he commented, his voice like gravel, rough and course.


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