And in Time...

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And in Time... Page 25

by Jettie Woodruff

  Alexis and Cory groaned and got up to dress for church, both with frustrated sighs.

  It wasn’t so bad. They sat with her mom and dad and then Lola invited them over for dinner. Alexis had to admit, she loved carrying on that tradition with Cory and Riki, too. Going to church with her family had always been a big part of her life, and Riki loved it.

  Cory rolled the windows down and left Riki asleep in the car when they returned. The driveway was right by the porch they were getting ready to tackle. It was best to get as much done as they could before waking her. That was a mutual agreement. They did manage to get the majority of it done before she woke up, but the constant flirting, touching, and kissing held them back a little.

  Riki interrupted another make-out session from the window. “Hey, me not wike a car.”

  “Keep, painting. I’ll go change her.”

  “Wait, do that with your hand again,” Cory coaxed, tugging on the back of her shirt before she could escape.

  “What? This?” Alexis asked with a sexy tease, sliding three fingers down the front of his jeans while dipping her tongue between his lips.”

  Cory jerked away. “Jesus, no. I was talking about with the paintbrush.”

  Alexis laughed and went to retrieve Riki.

  “Wexis, you can get me?”

  “Yeah, baby, I’m coming.”

  Alexis changed Riki into somewhat old clothes. They were still nice and stain free, just too small. If she was going to ruin cute clothes, they may as well be too little. She didn’t have to worry about it, though. Riki had been more interested in picking up sticks and following Mr. Dog than painting.

  “I love it. I am so glad you suggested the red,” Alexis commended exactly two hours after they’d started. The red looked amazing with the gray siding, and brick-red roof.

  Cory pulled her to his side and kissed her forehead. “I have good taste.”

  “I’m going to run out to the barn and get some rope to tie off the steps until it dries.”

  “Are we done with the brushes?” Cory called while walking toward the spout, wanting to clean them up.

  “I think so. Riki has her shoes off again,” she called, walking across the yard. “It’s your turn.”

  “Riki, come here.”

  “Me not wike a shoes.”

  Alexis laughed and left her to Cory. She’d already put them on her feet ten times. Alexis twisted the rope around her finger, humming while she walked. She was sure she wasn’t gone five minutes. She stood at the bottom of the steps and shook her head. “You’re not a very good babysitter,” she accused with her hands on her hips, observing the dog prints followed by Riki prints going up one side of the steps, into a big circle, and back down the other side.

  “Did you walk on the wet paint?” Cory chastised in a stern tone, turning to Riki’s guilty face.

  “No, Misser Dog did it,” she fibbed.

  Alexis picked her up and looked at the bottom of her painted red feet. “What am I going to do with you, Missy?”

  “I’ll get the paint,” Cory said with an exhausted tone.

  “No, just leave for now, I told my parents we would be over for supper. Do you guys want to walk?”

  “Me do want a walk,” Riki answered with a thumb to her chest, wiggling her little red toes.


  After the week Alexis had with school pictures, she decided to take Monday off, something else she never did. She was meeting Sam and Emily for preschool signups, lunch, and then some shopping. Riki was over the moon excited to be going to school with Emily. She needed a backpack and an umbrella in case it rained. Alexis listened to her chatter from the backseat, agreeing that she indeed needed those things.

  Once both girls were signed up for preschool, Alexis strapped Riki’s seat into Sam’s SUV. Her Jeep wasn’t what you would call “car seat friendly.” Getting that damn thing in and out of the backseat was a pain in the ass. Alexis had never really done anything with Sam, other than hang out at the bar a couple a few times. Sam was so much older they never really had the chance to be close. This was a bond that she felt pulling them together. The conversations with Sam about her life now, compared to two months ago, were like salt and sugar. She got it. Alexis finally understood why moms talked about their kids, and the silly things they said and did. It was like she’d learned a whole new language, one that she understood. They spent the afternoon in the Canterville mall, shopping for clothes. This one topped her list of loves. Riki was a shopper and she had an eye for fashion. Alexis loved the things she picked out. She couldn’t wait to see her in them. Not to brag or anything, but she knew Riki could have been a mini supermodel on the cover of any magazine. She didn’t even care what the price tags said. The little brown vest with the knee-high boots would look adorable on Riki.

  “Here, here’s some dollars. Keep them busy on the rides for a little bit. I’ll be right back.”

  Sam looked down at the handful of ones and stopped her. “Wait, where are you going?”

  “I’ll be right back. I just want to get something for Cory.”

  “What? Tell me. I thought we were bonding.”

  “We are, Sam, but I don’t want to take you in Victoria’s Secret with me.”

  “Oh, yeah. I thought you were buying a watch or something. Get something white, you look really good in white.”

  “I do?”

  “Yes, go white.”

  Remarkably, Riki stayed awake until they were two minutes from home. Alexis decided to take advantage of the warm day and Riki sleeping. She once again left her sleeping in her Jeep with the windows down while she touched up the porch. It took a lot longer than she anticipated, and Riki slept way longer than she wanted her to.

  “Hey! Why you weave me in a car?” Riki called. Alexis turned to see her neck stretched, trying to see her squatted at the last of the footprints.

  She hadn’t even realized it was after five until Cory pulled in.

  “Hi,” he said with a kiss to her lips.

  “Hey, handsome. You’re just in time. We went shopping.”

  “Oh, and you need a bellhop?”

  “Would you?”

  “It might cost you.”

  “I’ll pay.”

  “Me want out!” Riki yelled while kicking her feet.

  “Are you done?” Cory asked with a nod toward the porch.

  “Um, sort of,” Alexis replied with a half a smile, freeing Riki from her seat.

  “Can we walk on it? What the hell did you buy?”

  “It was Riki. You can walk around it.”

  Cory stopped at the bottom of the painted steps, arms full, and smiled over at her.

  Alexis’s smile was as broad as his. “Do you like it?”

  “I love it.”

  “I had the red paint ready to paint over them, but I just couldn’t do it.”

  Cory looked down at the meticulously painted prints. Alexis didn’t paint over them at all. She painted them white. The Riki and Mr. Dog tracks stuck out against the red paint like a sore thumb. “I love you.”

  “Dat my feet,” Riki pointed and then looked up with a gasp. “What dat?”

  “That was the timer on the oven, supper’s ready. Are you hungry?”

  “Me have a dwess up.”

  Alexis knew that was going to come up, sooner than later. She had hoped to hide the Halloween costume without her remembering it. That was like hoping she forgot about the umbrella. Riki didn’t forget anything.

  “Please tell me all of this isn’t just for her,” Cory pleaded. He dropped the bags to the loveseat and shook his head.

  “No, the black bag there is for you.”

  Cory opened the one bag Alexis bought for herself with a smile. He didn’t have to pull it out to feel the anticipation of Alexis being in this white, lacy thing while he drooled. He didn’t care what it was. The only thing that matter was the twitch in his slacks and the thought of how hot she would be in it.

  Riki showed him everything she go
t as soon as she put her puppy costume on, shoes, pants, shirts, socks, panties, boots, a backpack, an umbrella, a vest, and a new winter coat.

  “Next time warn me. How much do I owe you?” Cory teased. Riki dropped to her knees to follow Mr. Dog around. Luckily he was a good big brother and led her around the living room with her trailing behind, barking after him.

  Alexis didn’t reply to the money comment. For whatever reason, it pissed her off.

  “Oh no, don’t, Lex. You’re not paying for all of this.”

  “It’s time to eat. Get Riki,” Alexis ordered without looking, leaving him to set the table.

  “I mean it, Alexis,” he started again as soon as they were all seated.

  “Cory, it wasn’t that much, and the fun that I had with her today was payment enough.”

  “Fine. I’ll just write you a five hundred dollar check and deposit it into your account.”

  “It wasn’t that much, how about we just take it out in trade.”

  “That’s not going to work. I’m not letting you pay for all of that.”

  “We’ll see. Eat, Sam gave me this recipe. It’s really good.”

  Alexis and Riki told Cory about their day while he bragged about the new smoked sausage casserole. And then Alexis left him to soak in a bubble bath with Riki.

  “Hey, where you going?” Cory questioned.

  “To take a bath, remember? The trade thing?”

  “What do you mean?”

  “We’re taking it out in trade.”

  “I don’t get it.”

  “The dishes. That’s our trade off.”

  “What? Dishes? You didn’t say anything about dishes.”

  “Did you think I was referring to something else?”

  “I was hoping so.”

  A laugh trailed behind Alexis, carrying Riki off to the tub.


  Life flowed like the river current. Hours turned into days, and days into weeks. The fall foliage colors of oranges and browns, blanketed the ground with crisp leaves. Trying to keep them raked away from the house was a never-ending battle. Especially with Riki trying to help. Impossible. Cory and Riki hadn’t gone to their own home once, and Alexis didn’t care who judged. She would have been lost without Riki following her, around asking why, and trying to talk her way into any everything she wasn’t allowed to do.

  Halloween night was spent with Bernie, Travis, and a whole slew of McKinleys, all walking through the town neighborhoods. Knocking on doors and begging for candy. Riki ran as fast as her little legs would carry her to keep up with Taylor and the twins.

  “What’s wrong with you?” Cory asked with a bump, turning to Alexis while they waited on the sidewalk for Riki to return and tell them what she got. A description was needed after every house.

  “I don’t know, I don’t feel very good, and I’m sleepy,” Alexis explained while leaning into to Cory. She yawned and he kissed her forehead.

  “You don’t feel warm.”

  “I’m fine, busy week, but we should stay back with this next house.”

  “We should?” Cory questioned with a frown, turning to see the clan of dressed up McKinley kids, walking to the next door.

  “Yes, Beth Regal’s house.”

  “We’re taking that candy away from her.”

  Alexis laughed and agreed. It wasn’t actually too far from the truth. Riki gave it to them.

  “Me no wike bwown apples.”

  Alexis took the caramel apple on a stick and slipped to Travis. He’d eat it. He loved those things.

  “Come on, Lex, Sam said she would keep Riki for the night. Come to the Line with us,” Bernie complained.

  “No, Bernie, and she won’t stay. We’ve tried it half a dozen times. As soon as she’s ready for bed, we have to go get her. We’re not going. Why do you want to do that anyway? We’re going to be drinking at the farm tomorrow night.”

  Travis wrapped his arm around Alexis’s waist. “Yeah, we’re doing shots…right, buddy?”

  “Don’t make me pull out my F word,” Alexis countered. Hell no she wasn’t doing shots. “The only shot I’m doing with you is with a target or clay pigeons,” she assured him.

  “Me wegs are too tired,” Riki whined while reaching her arms to Alexis.

  “Here, come to Daddy,” Cory offered and scooped her up.

  “Me wide a hay farm wif Pawpaw Kinney.”

  “A hay wagon. You’re going to go for a hayride tomorrow.”

  “And me sweep at Aunt Sam’s.”

  “No, you’re going home with me and Wexis. You won’t stay.”

  “Me will this day.”

  “We’ll see you tomorrow, Bernie,” Alexis said as they walked away, ignoring her plea for the bar again.

  “You suck. I’m finding a new friend, not a boring one that only wants to go home and be old.”

  “I love you, too, and just for the record, we’re not sitting at home being old. You have no idea how many worlds are rocked while we are being bored at home. I’ll see you tomorrow.”

  “You still suck.”

  Alexis said goodbye to her family and followed Cory to the car, carrying way too much candy. It would take her a year eat all the plastic pumpkin full of candy. The ride home was spent listening to Riki talk about the hay farm she was going to ride the next day. Alexis stared out the window while Cory engaged in three-year-old conversation.

  “Give me your hand. You okay?” Cory questioned.

  “Not really.”

  “What’s wrong?”

  “I’ll tell you later.”

  “Wait. You can’t do that. That’s like a girl code or something. I’ve heard Bernie yell at you for it lots of times.”

  Alexis snickered and spread her fingers to entwine with his. “You’re not a girl. It’s just something on my mind. We’ll talk about it in a little bit.”

  “But you’re fine?”

  “Yes, I’m fine.”

  Alexis sat on the toilet with her head in her lap while Riki played in the tub and Cory showered upstairs.

  “Will you tell me what’s up with you?” Cory asked with a serious tone, startling Alexis from her deep thought.

  She looked up and swallowed the sudden pool of saliva. “Holy shit! Why do you have to look like that?”

  “Howey shit.”

  Alexis snapped her head from Cory’s jeans, riding low on his hips and his distinct, sexy as hell abs. Holy shit was right. “Riki, don’t say that.”

  “You did say it.”

  “Lexis was bad. Daddy should spank her.”

  “Jesus, Cory, stop it. You take over. I’m going to shower.”

  “Are you okay?” Cory questioned again while pulling her to his naked chest.

  “Yes, now let me go before I say something else Riki repeats.”

  Alexis thought about a long, scented bubble bath, but decided against it. She wanted Riki to go to sleep, talk to Cory, and get this out on the table. Procrastinating was never her thing. Once she was dressed in her warm flannel pants and baggy hoodie, she tiptoed past Riki’s door and down the steps. Cory answered the same question about the parrot that Alexis had answered the night before when she read the book. His answer was the same as hers.

  “Because that’s what birds do, they fly.”


  Alexis shook her head with a crooked smile and descended the steps. She dialed her dad while she separated Halloween candy and washed up the few dishes in the sink. They didn’t really talk about much, small talk about trick or treating, the barn gathering the next day, and Riki’s excitement of riding a hay farm.

  “I’m going to turn in, Dad. I’ll see you tomorrow. Tell Mom goodnight.”

  “I will, Sputter Bug. I love you.”

  “Love you, too, Dad. Night.”

  Cory covered his lips with his finger when Alexis met him in the hall. He took her hand and walked her to their room. Normally, the first thing Alexis did was pull the covers down and undress. She didn’t do that. Sh
e took a deep breath and plopped to the bed, sideways.

  “Lex, what the hell is going on with you?” Cory questioned, worried, moving beside her. His hand went up her shirt and rested on her lower stomach and he stared at her concentrated face, propped on one elbow.

  “You’re supposed to be a doctor.”

  “Um. I am.”

  “Cory, how long have we been seeing each other?”

  “A little over two months? Riki turned three about a week before I had lunch with you at April’s. Why?”

  “Over two months, Cory.”


  “How many times have we had sex?”

  “I can’t count that high, but I still have no clue what the hell you’re talking about.”

  “How many periods have I had?”


  “Oh shit, but I see you take your pill every day, religiously.”

  “I know. That’s what I keep telling myself. I’m just late.”

  “How late?”

  “I don’t even know. I got sick this morning as soon as I smelled Riki’s maple syrup, but it didn’t even dawn on me until I felt the same queasiness while we were trick or treating. Oh God. What if I’m pregnant?”



  “Did Dr. Brock give you antibiotics when you had your cyst?”

  “Yeah, I know. I thought about that, too. Lisa got pregnant with Paige while on antibiotics. Jesus, Cory. How could I be so stupid?”

  “Do you want me to go get a test?”

  “No, you’re not going to find anything open this time of night, not unless you go all the way into Canterville.”

  “I’m a doctor. I have tests at the office.”

  “Oh yeah. Would you?”

  “Of course.”

  “No, no, let’s just wait. We’ll take Riki to Sam’s in the morning and run into the office. There’s nothing we can do about it tonight anyway.”

  “What does that mean, Lex? What do you want to do about it?”

  “No, I didn’t mean it like that. I would never get rid of it, not even if you wanted me to. I’m one of those, you know? I’m not playing God.”

  “Do you think you are…I mean, going with your gut, do you think you’re pregnant?”

  Alexis snorted and took in a deep breath. “Yes, all the signs are there. I should have picked up on them sooner. You distract me too much.”


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