And in Time...

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And in Time... Page 39

by Jettie Woodruff

Cory unfastened Riki and then Kinley. He carried her in first and then came back for the rest. Mr. Dog followed and sniffed around the seat while he tried to figure out what it was. Alexis laughed when his ears went straight up and he jumped backward when Kinley squealed. He wasn’t sure what to think. Riki was gut laughing. She found it hysterical.

  “What’s so funny?” Cory asked while unfastening Kinley from her seat.

  “Mr. Dog’s afraid of Kinney,” Riki said with a giggle.

  Cory held Kinley over and let him sniff her. He still wasn’t sure what to think, but like Riki, he never left her side. Walt and Lola stopped over for a few minutes, just long enough to bring supper. Lola wanted to give them space, let them get used to life with their new baby. It was amazing. Cory held the baby at the table while they ate the casserole and then the peanut butter pie. Alexis couldn’t have been happier had her life depended on it.

  Riki insisted on sleeping where Kinley slept and they let her fall asleep in their room next to the bassinet. Mr. Dog did the same thing. He plopped to the floor right beside Kinley. They left them sleeping there while Cory helped Alexis sink into a hot tub.

  “How do you feel?” Cory questioned.

  “Tired and a little sore.” She smiled willfully.

  Cory jumped up and went after the baby when he heard her squeal. They both laughed when Mr. Dog came to the door and barked.

  “Shhh, we hear her. You’re going to wake Riki,” Cory assured him while rubbing the saggy part of his neck. He tried to sit on the toilet with her and let Alexis relax, but Kinley wasn’t having it. Her tummy was hungry and she wanted to be fed.

  Kinley did great, only waking once during the night. It was the flip-flopping Riki that kept them awake. After the third elbow to the eye, Cory carried her to her own bed. He snuggled up with Alexis and slept sounder than he had in the past three days. Kinley was asleep beside him when he woke and Alexis was gone.

  “What in the world are you doing, Miss Alexis?” he asked with his arms crossed and an amused look on his face.

  “Look at my boobs, Cory.” They were huge, firm, and extremely full.

  “Your milk is coming in now,” he explained and wrapped his arms around her naked top half.

  “What do you mean it’s coming in? What the heck have I been feeding her for the past three days?” She wasn’t playing dumb then, either. She had no idea what was going on with her body. She skipped all the breastfeeding parts.


  Alexis turned around to face him and gave him that look of “stop talking doctor terms to me.”

  Cory’s eyes moved to her full breasts. “It’s the first milk that comes in. I like to call it high-octane milk. It’s the transitional milk before the actual milk comes in. Once all of the colostrums are used up your body starts to make the milk.”

  Alexis moved her eyes to her heavy breasts, too.

  “They are undeniably full.” Cory smirked.

  “Do you think this is funny?”

  “No, not at all. I love them myself. It’s just too bad they won’t stay like this.”

  “My boobs full of baby milk turn you on?”

  “Actually, they kind of do.”

  “You’re a sick man.”

  “But I love you so much,” Cory confessed and kissed her. His tongue glided between her lips and she lost herself in his kiss. The bare skin of his chest felt comforting to her enlarged, sore breasts. She kissed him back and for just a moment, let herself feel things she shouldn’t be feeling yet.

  “Jesus, get the hell away from me,” Cory rasped and took a step back.

  “You started it,” Alexis accused as her eyes drifted to the hardness behind his basketball shorts. Damn…


  Alexis fell into a happy routine with her girls. Although she missed the studio and her work, it was easy to forget. Riki and baby Kinley kept her plenty busy and she was okay with that. She loved being a stay at home mom, meeting Cory for lunch, taking Riki to preschool and the reading group at the library. She loved taking them for long walks along the river, going to the park, and picnics by the pond. Kinley was an exceptional baby. The only time she fussed was when she was hungry or she wanted clean pants. She loved Riki so much. Her little face lit up with the brightest smile when her big sister talked to her.

  Before Alexis knew it, she was seeing Dr. Dalton for her six-week checkup. The days flew by and Kinley was doing more and more each day. She wasn’t ready for that, nor was she ready to go back to work. It made her sad to think about leaving them again. She didn’t want to, and although Cory tried to tell her that she didn’t have to, she knew that she did. Alexis wasn’t wired that way. She didn’t care if they were his kids too, she wasn’t taking a free ride. Sure she still made money even when she wasn’t at work, but that was sort of like a free ride to her, too, and she didn’t need a ride. Not when she was capable of working, too. Besides, isn’t that what all moms did? They went back to work after six weeks. Nonetheless, that didn’t make it any easier.

  Cory kept Riki in the hall while Dr. Dalton examined Alexis on the table and then let them in.

  Dr. Dalton assured them of a full recovery. “Everything looks great. You’re free to go back to work if you’d like, and resume your normal bedroom activity.”

  Alexis looked at Cory and laughed when she saw him draw a fist and pull it back to his body, mouthing, YES! Things had been heating up more and more over the last couple weeks, but Cory wouldn’t do it. No matter how much she begged, he wouldn’t touch her in fear of not stopping.

  Kinley looked around, propped on Alexis’s shoulder while Cory and Riki played video games and waited for their pizza. She thought about how to get out of the agreement for Kinley to sleep in her crib in her own room for the first time. She was still too little. Her eyes caught Cory’s and she smiled when he winked, and suddenly, she felt it. They were going to have sex. Kinley bobbled her head when Riki ran toward her and grabbed her little hands.

  Alexis handed Kinley to Cory over the table and he placed her in her seat when the pizza came.

  “I want to sit with Kinley,” Riki whined.

  “Fine, get over here, but no pizza.”

  Riki giggled. “Dad, she can’t eat pizza yet. She can only eat Lexis’s boobie.”

  “Nice, Riki. Excuse her, she hasn’t got this privacy thing figured out yet,” Alexis explained to the waitress.

  “It’s okay,” she laughed. “I have a very honest five-year-old, too.”

  “I’m going to be four.”

  “You are? I thought you were at least five,” the waitress joked. Riki didn’t get it. She looked at her puzzled, but didn’t reply. Alexis distracted her with the bottle of hand sanitizer.

  Cory was ridiculous. Him sitting beside her was a bad idea. Alexis moved his hand multiple times, pushed his lips away from her neck, and told him to behave numerous times with his comments.

  Alexis put both girls to bed and then took special care with her razor and some sensual lotion, something Bernie got for her, black primrose. Why the hell was she so nervous? It wasn’t like it was the first time they’d had sex. For God sake, they had a baby together.

  “Stop, you’re being stupid,” she chastised her reflection. Alexis fluffed her long hair one more time and tightened her robe. She was surprised when Cory wasn’t waiting for her naked and on their bed. After looking in on both girls, she descended the stairs to find him.

  With folded arms, Alexis leaned against the threshold and listened to Cory on the phone. The desk chair moved back and forth and an ink-pen clicked at the hands of his thumb.

  “You should see her, Mom, she’s absolutely gorgeous, and Riki loves her to death. We were worried about her being jealous, but she’s not at all, protective as hell, but not jealous.”

  Alexis listened to the one-sided conversation while the previous physical emotions were replaced with sad ones. How could any family be so aloof to their own son? How could they not want to see Riki and Kinley
every day? Walt and Lola couldn’t go more than two days without seeing them, and Riki wasn’t even blood.

  “Yeah, yeah, okay. Maybe some other time. I’ll talk to you later.”

  Alexis knew by the tone and the quick response that Dianna had just brushed him off. The pen continued to click and the chair stayed facing the window. Damn. Now what?


  Cory spun the high back chair and smiled. “Hey, girls down?”

  “Yeah, you okay?”

  “Fine, come here.”

  Alexis walked toward the fake smile. He wasn’t fine. How could you be fine when your own parents weren’t interested in seeing their grandbaby?

  “I’m sorry, Cory.”

  “It’s fine–besides, there’s something more important on my mind than my political parents anyway.”

  Alexis leaned against the desk and fingered his hair. “We could go there if you want.”

  “Nah, I’m not interested in that. I’ve got other things on my mind.”

  “I’m here, Cory. You know, if you want to talk.”

  “Shhh, I don’t. I want to do something else.” Cory stood and pressed out on her knees.

  “Really, and what’s that?” she teased.

  “I would love to bend you over this desk right now, Alexis,” Cory rasped in a sexy, low tone while his tongue parted her lips.

  “What are you waiting for, Doc?”

  “Come on, I can’t be that rough with you yet. Let’s go upstairs and I’ll lay you down and softly whisper how pretty you are while I make love to you, gently.”

  “Wow, I’m impressed. You should market that one, best pick up line ever. I mean like, epic.”

  Cory swatted her ass as his hands flipped off lights. “Move it.”

  “We have to look in on Kinley first.”

  “I was planning on it.”

  They stopped and covered Riki first, petted Mr. Dog asleep beside her bed, and quietly walked across the hall to Kinley. Damn. Wide awake and kicking her arms and legs, Kinley smiled up at them.

  “You’re supposed to be sleeping, little girl,” Alexis reprimanded in baby talk.

  “Come to daddy,” Cory said while scooping her up.

  “I wanted her.”

  “No, you’ll sit and hold her for an hour. I want your attention.”

  “You do the same thing.”

  “I won’t, I promise. Kiss mommy.” Cory reached Kinley toward Alexis and she kissed her soft baby skin.

  Alexis stood by the window in her room and stared out to the moonlit pond. As soon as she heard the door quietly click, she turned around. Staring him down, Alexis pulled the string on her robe and slipped it off her shoulders.

  “You’re fucking beautiful.”

  The robe dropped to the floor and both of them walked, closing the distance between them. Cory’s lips devoured hers in an erotic, sensual kiss. “Turn around,” he whispered. Alexis obliged, slowly turning her back to his front. Her head fell to the side and Cory consumed her neck. She almost pulled away with the painful suck, knowing he was going to leave a mark, but she didn’t. She didn’t care. She moaned instead. One hand moved in for the reach around and the other cupped her right breast. She moved that one. Baby milk would kill the mood in two-point-five seconds. Alexis felt ready, but she didn’t. Something wasn’t right. It felt good, but it didn’t. She knew exactly what it was, but didn’t understand why. She wanted this. What the hell?

  “Hang on, baby,” Cory whispered and left her standing.

  “What are you doing, Cory?” she asked as he resumed his position behind her.

  “Lubrication,” he whispered. Cory turned her back to his chest and she watched him squirt the clear liquid to his hand. He slid his hand back to its designated position and continued where he left off. Aaah, yeah. Much better. Alexis soon forgot the dryness between her legs and let her body surrender to Cory’s attempt to bring her to bliss. The slippery feel and the way Cory manipulated the throbbing sensation happened quickly.

  “Aaah, yes, baby, right there, Hmm, oh yes, yes, yes.”

  “Shhh, not so loud.”

  “I can’t, help, oh fuck, Cory, Aahhhhh!” And that was her undoing. Cory cupped her and held her tightly to his body while she rode every last wave. As soon as she was capable, Alexis turned and took him in her hand with her tongue exploring his mouth. Her free hand explored his sexy chest until her lips took over.

  Cory moaned next, but he knew he wouldn’t let her keep going. He couldn’t. He hadn’t touched her in almost two months and the way she took him to the back of her throat would have been his own undoing. He didn’t want that.

  Cory pulled his hips back, freeing himself from her mouth. “I can’t, Lex. Come here.”

  Alexis almost came undone again when she watched him squirt the slippery liquid to his hand and lube himself up. She was ready to detonate again just watching him stroke himself.

  Cory walked Alexis backward with his body. He moved her knees apart and moved in. “Promise me you will tell me if I hurt you.”

  “I promise.” Alexis held her breath and waited. She’d be lying if she said she wasn’t afraid of it hurting.

  “You okay?”

  “Yes,” she whispered and he moved in a little more.


  “Yes, Cory, I’m fine,” she said in a low tone. He moved in a little more and she stiffened below him.


  “I’m fine, it was just a little tender.”

  “Then I should stop. You’re obliviously not completely healed yet.”

  “No, don’t stop. I’m fine. I promise.” He moved in a little more and watched her face, looking for any sign of pain. Finally, completely buried inside her, he stopped.

  “Are you—”

  “Oh my God. Shut the hell up and do me.”

  The lubrication helped a lot, and in no time at all, Alexis was writhing her pelvis into his, moaning, kissing, sucking, biting, and staring into his eyes.

  “Roll me over,” she moaned, her voice deep with desperation, wanting to be on top.

  “No, just be still.”

  “You’re such a doctor.”

  “No, I just want to be able to do this again in the middle of the night, in the morning, the afternoon.”

  “Aaah, keep doing that. You do remember we have two kids now, right?”

  “We’ll work around them.”

  Alexis wasn’t even ready. That one came out of nowhere. Her back arched, her knees raised to her chest, and her hands grasped the comforter. Alexis’s moans and the lustful expressions tested Cory’s strength and he ignited with her. He hadn’t even finished riding his waves when she spoke.

  “Where’d you get the lubrication?”

  Cory laughed and kissed her nose. “I love you so much.”

  “I love you, too. Where did you get the lubricant? And why is that so funny?”

  “Because I know you. You’ve been thinking about that the whole time, haven’t you?”

  “No, you made me forget it about pretty quickly.”

  Cory planted one more erotic kiss on her lips before pulling away. “I picked it up the other day. I knew you were going for your six-week check-up. I wanted to have it on hand, just in case.”

  “But why do I need it, I never had that problem before.”

  “You have a decreasing level of estrogen after giving birth. Sometimes breastfeeding makes it worse. Don’t worry, I’ve got your back, babe.”

  “I don’t know if I like not being able to be ready for you all by myself.”

  “You didn’t like the way the KY felt?”

  “I liked watching you put it on,” she admitted.

  “You’re so bad.”

  “You’ve made me this way.”

  “I love it. Sleep naked.”

  “No, I have to get up with Kinley.”

  “Sleep naked until you get up with Kinley.”

  “You just want to wake me from a dead sleep so you can do t
his again.”

  “That’s exactly why I want you to sleep naked. Let’s go check on her one more time.”

  Cory took both her hands and pulled her to him, kissed her lips, and handed her a robe.

  “Or we could bring her back in here with us?”

  “No, we’re not doing that. We agreed. Six weeks. She’s fine in her own room and we can hear every move she makes through the monitors.”

  “We should have gotten the camera ones.”


  “Okay, okay. Let’s go check on her.”


  Going back to work proved to be harder than Kinley sleeping in her own room. Sam made it easier, but not easy. She was so little, and Alexis was still postpartum, golf bat crazy. The promise she made herself about not crying went out the window before she ever made it to her house.

  “She’s fine, Alexis,” Sam assured her while she forced the infant from her arms.

  “Ugh, I can’t do it, Sam.”

  Riki brushed her hand over Kinley’s head and promised to take care of her baby sister. “It’s okay, Lexis. I will keep Kinney happy.”

  “Oh, come here, baby. I know you will. Thank you very much. I love you.”

  “I love you, too. You can go now.”

  Alexis kissed Riki, then Kinley, and then left. She dialed Cory as soon as she had service and he knew without even asking.

  “Cory!” she sobbed.

  “You just dropped her off, didn’t you?”

  “Oh, my God. That’s the hardest thing I’ve ever done. What if she doesn’t have enough milk?”

  “She does. You’ve been a crazy pumper for the last month.”

  “I’m going back.”

  “You can. I told you I’m fine with you staying home with the girls.”

  “No! You’re supposed to tell me to go work. This is what moms do.”

  “Go to work, Alexis.”

  “I don’t want to. She’s so little.”

  “Well, I would love to stay on the phone and go back and forth with you all day, but I have patients. She’s fine, love. She’s in good hands.”

  Alexis let out a grumpy moan. “Fine, I love you.”

  “I love you, too. She’s fine, babe. Go to work and enjoy your day.”

  “Okay, bye.”



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