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Carried Home Page 21

by Heather Manning

  Reed returned Emma to Gage as she began to fall asleep, then he bounded off to his father. “Papa, can Mama have a baby soon? I love babies.”

  Eden’s face blossomed to red at her child’s comment. The entire room was silent before they all burst into laughter.

  “What? Are you laughing at me?” Reed frowned.

  “Shush, sweetie.” Eden rested a hand on her son’s as a smile perked up the corners of her mouth.

  Caspian chuckled and ruffled the boy’s hair.

  After a few moments, the group went back to talking and filling each other in on details they had missed. Ivy loved watching Eden. In the past few months she had known her, her cheeks had lost their pretty color, and her eyes, their sparkle. Now she realized the prospect of marriage to that horrible Lord Rutger had tortured her day and night. But now it seemed as if married life agreed with her very well. She was ready with a smile and a laugh. She was happy. And that made Ivy happy.

  Soon, the night grew old. Caspian sat up straight and nudged his wife with his elbow. “Sweetheart, I know this is the first time you have seen your brother in years, but we should probably be leaving soon. Reed is practically asleep and the sun has already set.”

  Ivy glanced down at her friend’s son. Sure enough, he had dozed off against his father’s leg, and a look out the porthole told her the sky had darkened considerably.

  “Can we come back tomorrow?” Eden’s forehead creased.

  “When were you planning on setting sail, Gage?” Caspian turned to his friend.

  Gage stood and stretched his legs out as he rocked a sleeping Emma in his embrace. “Tomorrow afternoon. But I am certain the men wouldn’t mind waiting until the day after that. We garnered some treasure from another ship on the way out here, and they are probably itching to spend all of their money and sleep off their alcohol. We should be able to convince Ivy to delay her journey to get to her little brother by a day as well.”

  “Could we meet tomorrow afternoon, then? Maybe your sister would feel like joining us. Perhaps, at the beach we found each other at today?”

  Gage grinned. “That sounds wonderful. I will see if Addie wants to join us as well.”


  “Oh, you will adore Eden! I really hope you decide to come. She is one of my best friends.” Ivy smoothed out her hair with a brush as she sat in the cabin that night talking to Addie.

  Addie rested her chin on her hands. “How do you know these people?”

  “Eden has been my best friend practically since I was born. We grew up together in London. She recently married Captain Archer, who used to be Gage’s captain.”

  “I know Captain Archer. He was like a brother to me for many years.”

  Hmm. Ivy had not known that. “What do you mean?”

  Addie cocked a golden-brown eyebrow. “Gage hasn’t told you?”

  “Told me what?”

  “When I was around four years old, after our mother had died and our father left us, Caspian’s family took Gage and me in as their own and raised us. Caspian is like my brother.”

  “I didn’t know that.” Ivy finished brushing her hair and began gathering it together in one long braid. “So do you suppose you would enjoy joining us tomorrow? Gage said we could stroll through the city, and maybe stop to eat something at a nicer tavern. I think it will be pleasant.”

  A frown formed on Addie’s face. “I don’t know…did you say Mr. Douglas is coming, too?”

  Well, he was Mr. Trenton now. “Yes. I still cannot believe I didn’t realize he was Eden’s brother. It seems so obvious now that I know he is.”

  “I…I will think about it. I will let you all know tomorrow. I am just not certain.”


  The deck of the Siren’s Call wobbled over a wave the next morning, but Gage stood tall, a grin on his face. The day was going to be perfect. He could feel it. Earlier, he had stopped by the silversmith’s, who had given him the ring. For Ivy. On top of that, his sister had agreed to go along with him, Ivy, Adam, Caspian, and Eden for a walk about the town.

  Gage patted his pocket to make sure the ring was still there and couldn’t resist the temptation to take it out and look at it again. He rolled the smooth piece of silver over in his hand and rubbed his thumb across the small bits of blue and crystal gems circling the top. It would look positively lovely on Ivy’s finger. There was no doubt of that. After pressing a kiss to the trinket, Gage gently tucked it back in his pocket.

  He needed to find a time to propose to the little lady this afternoon. He wanted to make sure the ring fit her properly while they were still in Charles Town, so the silversmith could adjust it if need be. Not that adjusting the ring was his only reason to hurry. Giddy excitement and nervousness raced through him. When he asked her to be his wife, what would she do? Oh, how he wished she would smile and throw her arms around him and assure him she would love to be his wife. And oh, after he made her his…


  Her copper hair had been braided and then wound into a low knot at the back of her neck. Gage longed to run his hands through that silken hair and let it fall from its confines. She held Emma in her left arm, the child’s legs balancing her against the woman. The child leaned against her chest, eyes closed in sleep. And, oh, the pleasure that filled Gage when he caught the expression on Ivy’s face. She was happy to see him. And that made him incredibly happy. Her blue-gray eyes lit up and her pink lips curved into a smile. Why, if Addie wasn’t standing right there next to her and she wasn’t holding Emma, he would have taken her into his arms and…

  “Is something wrong?”

  Blast it all, she had caught him staring at her. His face heated. “No, no.” He glanced about the deck. “Nothing’s wrong. Where is Adam?”

  “Right here, sir.” Adam stepped out from somewhere behind Gage.

  “Ah. Shall we head out, then?” Gage offered his elbow to Ivy out of habit, and then realized that that left his sister out. He flicked his gaze to Adam and nodded his head at Addie. If Adam would escort Addie, then Gage would be left with Ivy. Which he would not mind at all.

  Adam offered his arm to Addie. She looked at it, then at Gage. He nodded. After exhaling loudly, she reluctantly placed her hand on his arm and allowed him to escort her. Gage took Ivy’s hand and tucked it against his side, and the four began their journey to the beach.

  By the time they made it there, Eden and Caspian were already perched on some rocks, waiting. Reed played in the sand with a piece of driftwood. Immediately, Eden ran to hug her brother and Ivy. Gage shook hands with Caspian.

  “Oh, you brought precious little Emma!” Eden rubbed the little one on the back, adoration filling her eyes.

  “There’s no one back on my ship I trust her with.” Gage fingered a tuft of Emma’s hair. Really, it was so much like Ivy’s. When he made them all officially a family, it would look just like Emma had really been born to him and Ivy. He glanced at the woman out of the corner of his eye. Once he made her his wife, they would have lots of beautiful orange-haired babies.

  Reed bounced up from his position on the sand. “May I please hold the baby?”

  Ivy’s face brightened. “Of course you can, sweetheart.” Ever so gently, the woman lowered their baby into Reed’s arms until she was certain the boy had a good grip on the toddler. Emma wrapped her chubby arms around his neck and giggled.

  “The beach here is beautiful.” Caspian nodded at the tall grasses that made up a large portion of their view. The sand was of a fine texture, but it seemed more like dusty dirt than the grainy sand that populated most of the Caribbean. Although it was still late summer, the water was colder by far.

  Eden moved to Caspian’s side and wrapped an arm around her husband’s waist. “Yes, it is.”

  Adam stood next to Eden and she laid a hand on his arm. Gage glanced at Addie. She scowled at Adam.

  What had his first mate done to his sister? Or was it simply that Addie had always been feisty around any man, and he just notice
d her attitude toward Adam? He glanced over at Caspian. No. She had never been impolite to Caspian. The man had been like an adopted brother to her, and she had treated him as such.

  Gage’s thoughts were broken when a soft hand landed on his wrist. He squeezed Ivy’s fingers. This was a good sign. This meant she was still thinking the way he was. Now if he could only find a chance to get her alone so he could officially claim her as his own…

  “So, are we ready to go?” Caspian spun around but kept Eden’s hand on him.

  “Father, I can stay here and watch Emma. So you all can go through the town while we play here.”

  The corners of Caspian’s mouth lifted. Gage had seen him smile more since he had found Eden than he had in years. “Reed, I don’t know if you’re old enough to stay here by yourself.” He looked to his wife.

  “I know Reed. He’s responsible.” Eden glanced up at Ivy. “If it is all right with Ivy and Gage, I think Reed and Emma will be fine. We are just going to be in town for a little while, and it doesn’t seem like many people come through this area to bother them.” She indicated the empty beach surrounding them.

  Gage clenched his jaw. Of course he trusted Reed. But that didn’t mean the two of them would be safe all alone out here.

  “I…I suppose they would be fine,” Caspian offered.


  Ivy paused. Were these people, her friends, truly considering leaving her baby alone with a boy who had probably only seen five years since he was that age himself? She sank her fingernails into Gage’s arm, hoping to give him the impression she did not adore this idea.

  He flashed her a grin.

  Fool man.

  “Excuse me. Would you all mind if I had a private word with Captain Thompson here?”

  “Of course not,” Eden replied pleasantly. Ivy could always count on that woman.

  Ivy grabbed Gage by the forearm and marched him across the beach, stopping only when they were well out of earshot and well hidden from view by craggy rocks and tall grass.

  Another grin lit the man’s face. My, but he was charming. If she was not careful around him, he could get whatever he wanted whenever he wanted with a grin like that.

  Suddenly, he was leaning forward, and he was kissing her. She almost gave in. Almost. But Ivy forced herself to pull away.

  “What do you think you are doing?”

  He leaned his head back and let out a ruthless chuckle. Why, she could just…

  “I believe that is called kissing, my dear. And it is quite the pleasant pastime. Isn’t that why you dragged me back here, out of view?” He winked.

  Her face heated. Wicked man.

  “You know full well that is not why I invited you over here. I wanted to have a word with you.”

  “Yes, dear?”

  Ivy was going to hit him over the head if he called her one of those endearing terms one more time. This was not the time or place for such things. “Are you really planning on leaving Emma alone with the child? Why, he can only be five years old.”

  Gage shrugged, but she saw a shadow pass over his face before he answered. “I believe Reed turned six recently, actually.” Ivy had to restrain herself from making a horrifyingly unladylike snorting sound. “Ah, don’t worry, dear one. Reed has been practically taking care of himself the last few years. Before Eden came, Caspian didn’t know what to do with him. He can certainly take care of himself. He’s a good boy. Besides, we will only be gone for a short amount of time. It is not like it is overnight or anything.” He offered her a reassuring smile.

  Never in her entire time of knowing this man had she ever wanted to smack that smile off his face. Until today. She loved Gage, but what on earth was he thinking?

  “Gage, he may be capable of taking care of himself, but certainly not himself and a baby!”

  He squeezed her hand. “Caspian and Eden seem to think he will be fine. Listen, sweetheart, this should not take a long time for us to decide. Reed will be all right with Emma.”

  Ivy knitted her eyebrows together. “Fine then. You and Eden and your sister and everyone can go. I will stay here with the children.”


  That would never work. When would he get a chance to propose to her if he left her here with the children? Besides, he couldn’t bear to part with her. No, she would be with him and he would be with his friends. And the children would be all right staying at the beach alone. Especially if Caspian and Eden believed they would be safe. There was really no questioning that.

  “Ivy, you are coming with me whether you come along peacefully or if I have to carry you like a parcel.”

  A frown line formed on her forehead. Her steel gray eyes shot fire at him. A becoming blush painted her cheeks pink. Her lips were scrunched together. She was cute when she was angry. “Gage, if I come with you, then who will take care of Emma and Reed?”

  He heaved out a sigh. “Reed can take care of himself and Emma. Really, we should hurry up and decide what we are going to do. The others are waiting for us.”

  Her little hands curved into balls. He couldn’t hold back a chuckle. Maybe Ivy had spent too much time with Addie already. She was turning out to be quite the little spitfire, not the meek caretaker she had appeared to be the first time he had met her.

  “All right. But if anything happens to them…” She raised a copper eyebrow in defiance.

  He grinned. “Nothing will happen to them, milady. Besides, don’t forget about God. He will watch over them.”

  She offered him a small smile. “That is true. Sometimes it is hard for me to remember I am not responsible for everything and everyone.”

  Gage laughed and gathered her into his arms, stealing one last quick kiss.

  Well, he had intended for the kiss to be quick, but by the time they stopped, a large amount of time seemed to have passed. With flushed cheeks, they peeked around the tall grasses they had stepped behind to find the rest of the group waiting and staring at them. Ivy pressed her fingers to her cheeks to cool them off. Gage groaned inwardly. His friends probably all knew what he and Ivy had been doing while out of their view.

  Gage cleared his throat. “The children can stay here.”

  Reed let out a joyous cry.

  Caspian patted his son on the shoulder. “Reed, just be careful not to go into the water. Emma doesn’t know how to swim, and you are not big enough to save her if she accidentally falls in.”

  Ivy’s hand gripped Gage’s. My, but the woman had a strong grip. And sharp nails. He winced.

  “Of course, Papa.” Reed smiled up at the adults.

  “Very good. Well, shall we get going then?” Caspian took his wife’s arm.

  Gage needed a chance to talk to Ivy alone. “Yes. But why don’t you all go on ahead? Ivy wants to say something to Emma before we go. It should only take a few moments. We can catch up.”

  Her nails dug deeper into his arm. He almost allowed a yelp to escape his throat.

  “We can wait. I don’t mind at all.” Eden smiled up at Gage, and then darted a questioning look at her friend, Ivy. Gage glanced at the woman out of the side of his eye for himself. She was staring at him, dumbfounded. And she was angry. And beautiful.

  “No, no. She said she would rather do it privately. I will wait here for her. You all go on ahead.”

  Something hard ran into the side of his ankle, almost causing it to buckle. He glanced down. The blasted woman had kicked him!

  “Oh…all right. We will head towards town, then.” The group set off in the other direction. After they were out of earshot, Ivy tugged him down closer to her level.

  He laughed. “It is not nice to kick people, my sweet.”

  Fury flashed in her eyes as she raised her little foot once more. He jumped out of the way. She huffed. “What was it that I ‘wanted to say’ to the children, anyway?”

  Gage scanned the beach for the little ones. Reed was sitting a few feet away from the water’s reach, digging in the sand with Emma. Just like Caspian had said, they wou
ld be all right.

  “I apologize, milady, but I cannot seem to remember what you were going to say to them.” He winked and flashed her a grin.

  Her lips set into a firm line. “This is not amusing, Captain. What was it you wanted?” She raised an eyebrow.

  “This.” He leaned down and planted a kiss on a tender spot of her neck. Immediately at his touch, she relaxed. And then grew angry again.

  “This is not the time or place for you to…to waste time…kissing me.” She whispered the last two words.

  “You enjoy it, though.”

  She crossed her arms across her chest and mumbled something he could not understand.

  “What’s that, darling?” He drew her close with an arm at her waist. He needed to stop teasing her. That was not why he had stayed behind with her.

  “I may enjoy it, but we must catch up with our friends.”

  Ha! She had admitted she enjoyed it. Gage dipped his face down and kissed her once more. The woman pulled away. “Gage…”


  Egad, but she was beautiful. The wind had battered her hair, allowing some glorious strands of orange to fall loose around her pretty face. Her cheeks were perfectly pink, and her lips swollen from his kiss.

  She leaned down and grabbed something, but Gage could not keep his head clear enough to see it. Oh well. It didn’t matter. He ran a hand along the length of her waist.

  Suddenly, a fistful of sand hit him in the stomach. Ivy’s eyes widened in…amusement? He glanced down. The little rascal of a woman had thrown it at him herself! Well, he could throw sand, too.

  Determined, Gage stooped down low, scooped up a handful of sand, and flung it at Ivy. She stared at him in shock before bursting out in laughter. Gage laughed, too. The woman dove downwards to grab more sand. Smack! It hit him square in the chest. He dodged her next assault, and got some sand in her hair on his next attempt.

  After a few more turns, he caught her by shoulder. She fell into his arms, giggling uncontrollably. Gage loved the sound more than anything he had ever heard in his entire life. Finally, she sighed and leaned her head against his chest. He glanced down at her. They were both filthy. “I’m sorry I got your dress dirty.”


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