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Destiny Betrayed: JFK, Cuba, & the Garrison Case

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by DiEugenio, James

and Schroder, 385

  Dulles, John Foster, 5–7, 14, 23, 25, 32

  Duran, Silvia, 349–350, 360–361

  Dymond, F. Irvin, 169, 230, 241–242, 269, 274, 277–278, 286–288, 295

  Eardley, Carl, 299, 303–304

  Eastern Air Lines, 83

  dismissal of Ferrie, 86

  Eastern Europe, 4, 193

  Eisenhower, Dwight David, 4, 5–6, 11, 16, 17–19, 20, 23, 28, 75, 84, 127–128

  El Paso, Texas, bank robbery, 98, 183

  El Toro, California, Marine base, 127, 135

  Electric Windmill, The (Bethell), 437n24

  electronic surveillance, 145

  Epstein, Edward Jay

  and DeMohrenschildt (George), 153, 194, 335

  Inquest, 304

  Esquire magazine, 178

  Escobedo decision, 308

  Estonia, 3

  Evergreen Advertising Agency, 232

  Evica, George Michael, xi, 134, 196

  extradition, 182, 235, 271

  Fair Play for Cuba Committee, 96, 102, 118, 158, 162, 332, 355

  fascist paramilitary groups, 4

  Fatter, Esmond, 219, 244, 247, 297

  FBI (Federal Bureau of Investigation),

  and autopsy, 299, 340

  Aynesworth as informant, 213

  ballistics tests, 299

  and Banister, 103

  Cuban exiles, 80, 110

  and DeBrueys, 80, 109, 292

  Division Five, 356

  documents, xv, 87, 189, 245, 265, 266

  and Ferrie investigation, 103

  and Garrison, 104, 109, 110, 177

  Hoffa investigation, 256–257

  in Mexico, 183

  and Newman, 102

  and Oswald, 80–82, 94, 103, 109

  and Oswald as suspected informant, 109, 158, 160

  and Paines, 156, 198

  Sheridan and, 238

  on Tippit, 122

  and Warren Commission, 102, 109

  See also Hoover, J. Edgar

  FCC (Federal Communications Commission), 259, 261

  Federal Bureau of Investigation. See FBI

  Federal Republic of Germany, 4

  Fensterwald, Bernard (“Bud”), xii, 94, 112, 209, 396

  Fenton, Cliff, 328

  Ferrie, David W.

  and Andrews, 260

  and Arcacha, 86, 92, 106

  autopsy, 226

  and Banister, 81

  Bay of Pigs connection, 84, 86, 105

  Broshears on, 209

  death, 175–176

  and del Valle, 85, 96

  dismissed from Eastern Air Lines, 86

  and Gill, 115

  instructor at CIA camp, 105, 115

  and Kimble, 209

  and Lardner, 224

  library card, 88

  and Martens, 106

  Martin on, 81

  in Montreal, 289

  and autopsy, 299, 340

  Aynesworth as informant, 213

  ballistics tests, 299

  and Banister, 103

  Cuban exiles, 80, 110

  and DeBrueys, 80, 109, 292

  Division Five, 356

  documents, xv, 87, 189, 245, 265, 266

  and Ferrie investigation, 103

  and Garrison, 104, 109, 110, 177

  Hoffa investigation, 256–257

  in Mexico, 183

  and Newman, 102

  and Oswald, 80–82, 94, 103, 109

  and Oswald as suspected informant, 109, 158, 160

  and Paines, 156, 198

  Sheridan and, 238

  on Tippit, 122

  and Warren Commission, 102, 109

  See also Hoover, J. Edgar

  FCC (Federal Communications Commission), 259, 261

  Federal Bureau of Investigation. See FBI

  Federal Republic of Germany, 4

  Fensterwald, Bernard (“Bud”), xii, 94, 112, 209, 396

  Fenton, Cliff, 328

  Ferrie, David W.

  and Andrews, 260

  and Arcacha, 86, 92, 106

  autopsy, 226

  and Banister, 81

  Bay of Pigs connection, 84, 86, 105

  Broshears on, 209

  death, 175–176

  and del Valle, 85, 96

  dismissed from Eastern Air Lines, 86

  and Gill, 115

  instructor at CIA camp, 105, 115

  and Kimble, 209

  and Lardner, 224

  library card, 88

  and Martens, 106

  Martin on, 81

  in Montreal, 289

  and Novel, 106

  and Oswald, 81, 82–86, 92, 112

  and pills, 226

  planning of assassination, 116

  proclivity for boys, 113

  Russo on plot, 217–218

  and Shaw, 91, 312

  Tadins on, 312

  Finck, Pierre A.

  background, 299

  cross-examination by prosecution, 292

  fingerprinting, 307, 308

  Fisher, Russell S., 305

  Fitzsimmons, Charlene (Charlie), 98–99

  Fitzsimmons, Robert (Bob), 98–99

  Flammonde, Paris, 235, 312

  Florida, 14, 18, 61, 77

  See also Miami, Florida

  Fonzi, Gaeton, 68–69, 71, 227–228

  Foreign Policy Association, 330

  Fort Worth, Texas, 27, 120

  Fortune, 46, 54, 99

  France, 21, 22, 25, 127

  Frazier, Robert, 299, 344

  Freedom of Information Act, xv, 251

  French Quarter, 83, 103, 113, 210, 247

  French intelligence cover, 281

  French Resistance, 5

  Friends of Democratic Cuba, 109

  Fritz, Will, 79, 329

  Fruge, Francis, 78–79, 182, 185

  Gallery, 336

  Galveston, Texas, 79, 176

  Garner, Jessie, 162, 309

  Garrison Case, The (Brener), 427n11

  Garrison, Jim

  acquittal in cases, 173

  with Alcock, 182

  Alcock’s summation, 293

  and Alpha 66, 214

  Andrews perjury, 86–87, 181

  assistant District Attorneys, 93, 169

  Bethell’s role against, 276

  Brener on, 382

  bribery allegations, 173

  Clark and, 91

  death of Ferrie, 175–176

  as District Attorney, ix, 167

  extradition requests denied, 182, 235

  on Finck, 292

  on Frazier, 311

  Fruge testimony, 182

  and Gervais, 174

  and Gurvich, 182, 229

  and Habighorst, 307

  and House Assassinations

  Committee investigation, 189

  on Huey Long, 277

  and Johnson, 215

  and Justice Department, 270

  kickbacks trial, 316–317

  and Kimble, 209

  Kirkwood on, 246, 247

  in Korean War, 130

  law and order stance, 173

  Lemann attack on, 241

  Marachini subpoena, 157

  and Marcello, 171

  and Martin, 175–176

  National Guard service, 168

  Newman Building, 110

  and Novel, 106

  and On the Trail of the Assassins, ix, 209, 322

  Playboy interview, 238

  and Ramparts article, 230

  in San Francisco, 220

  Santana testimony, 217

  with Sciambra, 80

  state Supreme Court decision, 171

  support from Truth and

  Consequences fund, 233, 286, 321

  Tadins’ testimony, 312

  Townley on, 231, 239

  at Tulane, 168

  U.S. Supreme Court decision, 171

  and Ward, 236

  and Whalen, 320

  and witness resistance
, 238

  in World War II as pilot, 168

  and Zapruder film, 289

  Gatlin, Maurice, 107–108, 183, 196

  Gaudet, William, 112, 342

  “gay Mexicanos”/Latinos, 87, 211, 236

  Gehlen Organization, 4

  Gehlen, Reinhard, 3–5

  Geneva Accords, 7, 23

  Geneva, Switzerland, 30, 281

  German military intelligence, 4

  Germany, 4, 282, 381

  Gervais, Pershing, 174, 316–317

  Gestapo, 11

  Giancana, Sam, 15

  Gill, G. Wray, 115, 209, 216

  Golden Triangle, 376

  Goldwater, Barry, 218, 369

  Gonzalez, Henry, 333

  Goodwin, Richard, 39, 50, 57

  grassy knoll, 299

  Greece, 1, 2, 377

  Gremillion, Jack, 288

  Groden, Robert, 325, 327

  Guatemala, 35, 36, 51, 116, 385

  Guinn, Vincent, 344

  Gulf of Tonkin incident, 370

  Gurvich, William (Bill), 182, 229–231, 247, 252

  Habighorst, Alyosius, 211, 294, 306–308, 387

  Habighorst, Elsie, 438n99

  Haggerty, Edward, 171, 259, 271, 288, 297

  and Finck testimony, 303

  and Habighorst testimony, 306–308

  Haiti, 153, 155

  Hall, Loren, 265–269, 281

  Hammond, Louisiana, 218

  “Hands Off Cuba” leaflet, 102, 190

  Hardiman, James, 297

  Hart, Gary, 327

  Harvard University, 2, 99

  Harvey, William, 59, 60–61, 65–66

  Havana, Cuba, 10, 39, 217

  “He Must Have Something” (documentary), 221

  Helms, Richard McGarrah, 59, 60, 70, 143, 150, 228, 270

  Hidell alias, 94, 158

  Hillenkoeter, Roscoe, 3, 6

  Hilsman, Roger, 448n4

  Hinckle, 281

  Hitler, Adolf, 5, 63, 369

  Ho Chi Minh, 21–24

  Hoffa, James (Jimmy), 256–257, 258

  Hoover, J. Edgar, 2, 102, 103 134, 201–202, 236, 262, 264–265, 352, 357

  Hotel del Comercio, 348

  Hougan, Jim, 165, 238, 257

  Houma arms raid, 106, 182

  House Select Committee on Assassinations investigation

  on Arcacha, 109

  on Banister, 116

  Billing’s role, 350

  Bishop’s role, 68

  Blakey’s role, 339, 350

  on Camp street address, 110

  and CIA, 143, 294

  on Clinton trip, 209

  on De Mohrenschildt, 153

  Downing’s role, 326

  Fenton’s role, 328

  on Ferrie, 81

  and FBI, 85

  Final Report, 258

  Fonzi’s role, 68

  and Garrison, 93, 294, 334

  Gonzalez’s role, 333

  and Justice Department, 258

  Marchetti on, 228

  on Odio, 186

  on Oswald, 116, 136

  Sprague’s role, 334, 350

  Stokes’s role, 333

  Veciana’s role, 68

  Houston, Texas, 79, 175, 352

  Howard, Larry, 159

  Howard, Lawrence, Jr., 186

  Howard, Lisa, 70

  Hughes, Howard, 383

  Humes, James, J., 300–305

  Humphrey, Hubert, 18, 368

  Hungary, 6, 122

  Hunt, E. Howard, 10, 37–40, 51, 53, 191, 336

  Hurt, Henry, viii, 27, 129, 154

  hypnosis, 219, 247, 297

  immigration work, 87

  Indochina War, 21, 22

  Information Council of the Americas(INCA), 105, 157

  Inn of the Six Flags, 204

  Inquest (Epstein), 304

  International Investigators Incorporated, 256

  International Trade Mart, 91, 112, 161, 236, 294

  Inverchapel, Lord, 1

  Iowa, 168, 271

  Iran, 385

  Irving, Texas, 156, 163, 196, 204–206

  Isle of Pines, 43, 351

  “Issues and Answers” (TV program), 259

  Italy, 65, 385

  Ivon, Lou, 178, 182, 190, 215, 225, 234, 247

  Jackson, Louisiana, 78, 88–89, 182

  Jackson, Richard, 297, 306

  Jaggars-Chiles-Stovall, 153, 154

  James, Rosemary, 220–221, 259

  Jenner, Albert E., Jr., 188

  Jewish refugee racket, 386

  JFK and Vietnam (Newman), 371

  JFK (film), xi

  JM-WAVE (CIA Miami station), 59, 61, 65, 71

  Johnson, Louis A., 83

  Johnson, Lyndon Baines, 20, 27, 29, 31, 75, 228, 251, 357, 358–359, 365, 368 –372

  Joint Chiefs of Staff (JCS), 29, 57, 63

  JURE, 351

  Justice Department, 69, 255, 261, 298, 304–305

  KGB, 64, 95, 97, 98, 134, 140, 141, 144–146, 148–50, 166, 354, 355, 357, 360, 362

  Katzenjammer Bar, 80

  Kemp, Karla, 439n107

  Kennedy family, 254

  Kennedy, Jacqueline (Jackie), 26, 152, 196, 377

  Kennedy, John Fitzgerald

  assassination of: arrival in Dallas,

  66, 67; autopsy evidence, 300,

  327; ballistics evidence, 293,

  300, 343; and Cheramie, 181,

  212, 216, 272; CIA link, 380;

  conspiracy theory, x; Cuban

  exiles’ role (See Cuban exiles);

  Ferrie connection, 81–88,

  91–94, 97; FBI investigation,

  160, 181; grassy knoll, 299;

  Mafia theory (See Mafia); medical

  evidence (See autopsy); Oswald

  as patsy, 77, 99, 185, 194, 336;

  researchers, xii, 310, 324, 343,

  345, 392–3, 431n.116, 437n25;

  single bullet theory, 293, 300,

  327, 344, 345, 391, 394; Stone

  movie, xi; Thompson on, 305,

  381; and Underhill, 77, 98–100;

  Zapruder film, 289, 292, 299, 301, 306, 322, 325, 327, 381;

  See also autopsy; Garrison, Jim;

  House Select Committee on

  Assassinations investigation;

  Warren Commission

  and Bay of Pigs (See Bay of Pigs invasion)

  and Cabell, 42

  and Castro, 17–19, 66–76

  as Cold Warrior, 28, 364

  and colonialism, 21–27

  compared with Johnson, 365

  and the Congo, 28–9, 33, 371–3, 377, 381

  and Cuba, 34–56, 62 (See also Bay of Pigs invasion)

  and Cuban exiles, 67, 97, 110, 111

  and de Gaulle, 282

  and debate with Nixon, 18

  dismantling of Operation

  MONGOOSE, 61, 67–9

  compared with Eisenhower, 19, 29, 33

  election as president, 16¬–19

  and ExComm, 64–65

  foreign affairs background, 20

  and France, 22, 25, 26

  Groden on, 327

  and intervention, 61

  and investigation of labor, 18

  and Joint Chiefs of Staff, 61, 63

  and Laos, 375–7, 381

  and Mafia, 68, 258, 381

  and missile “gap,” 18

  and National Security Action

  Memoranda, 52

  and Nixon, 18, 19, 24–26, 30, 39

  and Nuclear Test Ban Treaty, 67

  and paramilitary operations, 52

  rhetoric, 19

  compared with Roosevelt, 202

  and Soviet Union, 62

  and Vietnam War, 31, 366

  and Vietnam withdrawal, 65, 366–9, 371, 395

  and Why England Slept, 20

  Kennedy, Regis, 80, 109, 110, 292, 294, 298, 318, 342, 386

  Kennedy, Robert, 21, 33, 42, 48, 53, 58, 62, 63, 65–7, 69, 73–4,
258, 266, 339, 374, 393, 395

  Khrushchev, Nikita, 63–7, 70, 74, 127–8, 358–9, 378

  Kimble, Jules Ricco, 209, 240, 289, 292

  King, Martin Luther, Jr.

  assassination, 266, 326, 343

  Kirkpatrick, Lyman, 35, 38–41, 45, 46, 50

  Kirkwood, James, 382–3, 244, 246, 309, 322

  Kohn, Aaron,173, 239, 241, 265, 267, 288, 312, 313, 316, 340

  Korean War, 3, 95, 130, 168

  Kostikov, Valery, 354–7, 360

  Krock, Arthur, 380

  Kurtz, Michael, 116, 248, 343

  LaBiche, Albert, 286

  Lacombe, Louisiana, 115, 116, 180

  Lake Pontchartrain training camp, 115

  Lakefront Airport, 83, 231, 310

  Lamont, Corliss, 102, 111, 158, 159, 161

  Lane, Mark, 129, 132, 178, 181, 243, 267, 337, 387

  Langley, Virginia, 197, 213, 262, 263, 272, 274, 277, 278, 293, 313, 361

  Lansky, Meyer, 9

  Laos, 29–30, 33, 54, 375, 376, 377, 381

  CIA in, 375, 376

  Lardner, George, Jr., 224–6

  Las Vegas, Nevada, 245, 247, 276

  Leemans, Fred,240, 241, 267

  LeMay, Curtis, 57, 63, 302

  Lemnitzer, Lyman, 29, 42, 43, 52

  “Leopoldo,” 351, 352

  Lesar, James H., xii

  Levy, Michael, 429n57

  Lewis, David, 108, 113

  libel, 212, 262, 263

  Liebeler, Wesley J., 87, 88, 123, 155, 178, 181, 201, 202, 269, 273, 305, 352, 353

  Life magazine, 72

  Lifton, David, 188, 189, 382

  limited warfare, 99

  Lithuania, 3

  London, England, 138

  Long Island, New York, 98, 152

  Long, Huey, 277, 288, 313, 316

  Long, Russell, 177

  Look magazine, 71

  Lopez, Edwin, 227

  Los Angeles, California, 17, 95, 96,

  134, 266, 267

  Los Angeles Times, 332, 382

  Louisiana, 14, 15, 77–9, 83, 86, 88, 103, 106, 115, 171, 172, 175, 178, 186, 208, 217, 235, 272, 288, 295, 314, 321, 232

  law of, 289

  Louisiana Intelligence Digest, 104

  Louisiana State Hospital, 89, 92, 93, 181

  Louisiana State University (LSU), 78, 103, 232, 295–6

  Luce, Henry, 55, 99, 195

  Lumumba, Patrice, 7, 28, 29, 372, 373

  Luxembourg, 2

  Mack, Gary, 251

  Mader, Julius, 417n149

  Mafia, 15, 68, 116, 172, 188, 211, 212, 215, 239, 257, 258, 276, 312, 324, 333, 339, 340

  Maheu, Robert, 15, 257, 258

  Mancuso, Marlene, 239, 248

  Mao Tse-tung, 399n14

  Marachini, Dante, 157

  Marchetti, Victor, 166, 228, 271, 294, 363, 385

  Mardi Gras, 236, 307

  Marine Corps, 120, 125, 126, 129, 187, 191, 341

  Marrs, Jim, 441n56, 443n57

  Marshall, George, 1

  Marshall Plan, 2, 399n5

  Martens, Layton, 106, 382

  Martin, Jack, 20, 102, 108, 112–4, 119, 175, 177, 180, 341, 389

  Matsu,18, 20, 402n16

  McCarthy, Joseph, 18, 19, 38, 103, 130, 306

  McCloy, John J., 3, 4, 148, 349, 383, 394

  and Barbie, 4, 400n22

  as High Commissioner in occupied Germany, 400n22, 417n149


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