Brandi Whyne and Her Incredibly Erotic Adventures

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Brandi Whyne and Her Incredibly Erotic Adventures Page 5

by Celine Chatillon

  He halted in mid-step. “Pardon? ‘Done it’? You mean, have we slept together yet?”

  I meekly shook my head and closed my eyes. “Yes,” I squeaked.

  He sighed and plopped down beside me on the bed, regarding me seriously as he rested his head upon an elbow. “I assure you, if we had slept together, you would remember it.”

  A pent-up sigh of relief escaped me. “Good.”

  “Good? Good? Good as in ‘I’m glad we haven’t slept together’ or as in ‘Good, I can’t wait until he fucks my beautiful brains out’?”

  “The first one—no, no, the second. I mean… I…” I felt thoroughly flustered.

  “You mean what?” A hurt look flashed briefly across his handsome features and then was gone. “You’d better tell me what you mean because I’m not psychic. My last girlfriend was, and let me tell you, screwing her was interesting in the extreme. So, confess all or I’ll give Vanna a buzz on subspace channels to come and read your mind for me.”

  My chin dropped to my chest. “Sorry. I don’t know what I mean. Forgive me. It’s the drugs in my bloodstream. I’m still having problems concentrating. Robin, I must tell you something very important about me before we go any further.”

  He sat up, cross-legged in front of me and took hold of my hand in a comforting gesture. I did my best to keep my gaze out of his lap.

  “This sounds quite grim, Brandi Whyne. Do you have some lethal, sexually-transmitted disease that even Dr. Kwak’s rat poison can’t cure?”

  I giggled. “No, that’s not it at all. It’s just that I’m… I’m…”

  “A seriously confused young woman?”

  I nodded. “That too. But I’m also a virgin.”

  Robin immediately took his hand from mine and averted his gaze. “Oh. I see.”

  “It’s not what you think—I like men.”

  “That’s good. I do, too. Not too much in the sack, but I do have a few drinking buddies. Will, Tryor, sometimes John Thomas—when he isn’t in the mood to crush somebody, that is.”

  “That’s nice.” I shyly smiled and plowed on with my explanation. “The reason I’m still a virgin is that I made a vow to the goddess.”

  He arched a dark eyebrow and thoughtfully rubbed his goatee. “Ah, you made a vow… About your virginity?”

  “Yes. That’s it exactly. I vowed to the Goddess of Fertility, Fun and Family Planning that I would never give myself to a man until she gave me a sign indicating that he was the right man for me.”

  “The ‘right man’?” Robin shook his head and rubbed his temples. “Thanks for letting me in on that little secret. I may be a thieving pirate with extreme anti-social behaviors and an ungodly disrespect for authority, but I’d hate to ruin a young girl’s vow to the goddess.”

  He rose and walked toward his closet, retrieving a dark purple bathrobe. He slipped it over his magnificent body, then walked toward a small bar in the corner and fixed himself a drink of rum and diet cola.

  I burst into tears.

  “Hey, hey, what’s the matter now?” He crossed to my side and sat down again. “I told you I’d respect your vow of celibacy, didn’t I? Just don’t let on to the rest of the crew. I have my reputation with the ladies to uphold, you know.”

  I cried harder, choking back sobs as I spoke. “No… I don’t want you to respect my vow… I want you to make love to me, Robin Manhood. You’re the man the goddess indicated that I was to give myself to—body, heart and soul.”

  Robin gulped down his drink. “Excuse me?” His voice suddenly went up an octave. He cleared his throat and began again. “You’re saying the goddess gave you a sign?”

  I shook my head and hiccupped. He bit his lip, pensive.

  “What exactly was this sign the goddess gave you, Brandi?”

  I shook my head and shrugged. “I don’t know exactly what the sign is suppose to be. I just know you’re the one.”

  “But you’re not absolutely, one hundred and ten percent sure I am the one, are you?”

  “I…I don’t know. I dream about you—all the time. Ever since you saved me from those hideous creatures who tried to gang-rape me. Isn’t that a sign?”

  “It could be.” He put his drink down on the nightstand and smiled. “But, then again, it could be just a dream of a very sexy, very lonely, very horny young woman who has always dreamed of becoming a space pirate.”

  Robin delicately traced the outlines of my face with a finger. “Maybe the goddess wants you to have a good time with a guy—or ten—before you settle down permanently. And then maybe a really big, really obvious sign will fall out of the sky one day out of the blue and then you’ll know that guy’s the one for you ‘to have and to hold from this day forward’…”

  His lips brushed against my temple, then trailed featherlike kisses down my face until they reached my needy mouth. His hands drifted to my shoulders, tenderly caressing them as he pulled me deeper into his warm embrace. The satiny sheets slid down my on-fire body. His tongue parted my lips to gently probe its inner recesses.

  I sighed and open myself fully to him. My arms twined themselves about his neck. I pressed my pointed breasts against his rock-hard chest, melting against his vital, virile strength.

  “Oh, Robin…”

  I could barely breathe. My heart thrilled to the touch of his hand, his lips, his tongue. The musky scent of his arousal encouraged my womanly juices to flow. My legs parted involuntarily and allowed his fingers safe passage into their hot, dampened depths.

  “Hmm…” Robin sniffed my tresses and sighed. “You smell nice.”

  I laughed. “I smell like stale ale spilled on the floor in a seedy spaceport bar!”


  He stroked my sensitive nub with a thumb. I moaned and arched my back, bringing my clit closer to his eager attention.

  “Still looking for a sign, or shall I continue with what I’m doing?”

  In response I bucked forward, allowing his hands further access to my most secret places. My nipples ached for the touch of his nimble tongue. He gladly obliged, suckling them to new heights.

  I knew this wanton behavior wasn’t what the goddess expected of me, but I didn’t care at this point. I longed to feel Robin’s manhood deep within my core, probing, searching, filling and thrilling me with its masculine magic. He inserted a teasing finger into me and I cried out.

  “Does that hurt or do you like it?”

  “No. It didn’t hurt, really. I liked it—a lot.”

  Chuckling, he lowered his body across mine, rhythmically rubbing his slick cock against the outside of my pussy, teasing me almost to the brink.

  “We can stop anytime you like,” he murmured, kissing me senseless. “Just say the word.”

  But I didn’t know what word to say. And then, suddenly and without warning, the sign the goddess promised literally fell out of the sky.

  “What the fu—”

  The entire ship lurched forward as if it had been thrown out of warp speed prematurely. The head of Robin’s cock, dancing about my womanly opening, suddenly slipped inside me with one great thrust. I threw back my head and shouted at the intense sensation of pleasure-pain.


  “Ow!” A hard, plastic, Parsnip-shaped object from a shelf above Robin’s bed toppled over, landing squarely on his sore spot.

  The sign!

  I had clonked Robin Manhood over the head twice on the same day he penetrated me. It couldn’t be coincidence—it had to be the goddess’s sign.

  “Damn warp brake pads need fixing,” he muttered. He rubbed the back of his head and groaned. “Ooo, twice in one day. I’m surprised I’m still able to function.”

  I suggestively batted my lashes. “But you can still function, can’t you?”

  Robin smiled down at my flushed checks and slowly pushed his cock in an inch further. “Obviously. Are you okay?”

  “Yes, I’m fine. I felt a little pain at first, but it’s gone now. I guess the warp brake pads made up
my mind for me.”

  He chuckled—that diabolically, yet incredibly sexy, chuckle and plunged the rest of his rigid staff into my anxiously awaiting pussy. He groaned. I gasped.

  “Hmm…so blissfully tight you are, my dear. Remind me not to get those blasted brake pads fixed.”

  I nodded and sighed—and hung on for dear life as Robin rammed his rod into me over and over again. My fingers clung first to his strong back and then took up residence on his firm buttocks, my nails practically impaling him as the intensity of his thrusts shook the very sanity from my mind… The smacking of his great balls against my pussy beat a primitive rhythm that matched my wildly racing heart. Suddenly, the tight coil of desire twining inside my belly felt like it had to explode…

  “Ah, I… I think something’s happening.”

  He pulled back, lifted the angle of my ass higher and thrust his cock home deeper and harder still, aggressively massaging my clit with a thumb. “You see the stars and yet my cabin porthole is closed?”

  “Yes…that’s it…I see the…stars—Praise be the goddess!”

  White diamonds detonated before my eyes, raining shards of icy sparks, illuminating my soul and flaming the heat building in my loins. My body shuddered and arched. I thrashed about the satin sheets, arms flailing wildly about my head, shrieks of ecstasy ripping from my throat. Robin held tightly onto my hips and continued his intimate assault until he, too, gave a loud cry, his hot seed gushing into my core.

  As we collapsed into the other’s arms, another Parsnip-like object tumbled from the shelf, clonking him squarely on the head.

  The sign!

  “Ow! Damn dildo collection… Why in the galaxy did I ever choose to display it up there?”

  * * * *

  The next week sped by in a blur. The ship was set on autopilot for the most part as it silently and stealthily maneuvered through the gas clouds to rendezvous with the remainder of the Robin’s gang at his secret planet hideaway.

  I was told that Robin’s base of operations was located on a small satellite orbiting a gas giant within the nebula. But our destination made little difference to me. For I was content to lie hours upon end in my lover’s arms, and he in mine. We barely saw the others at all—we kept to Robin’s cabin and made love day and night and night and day—in every possible position ever explored by bipedal, dual-sexed species. Robin said I had a lot to learn, you see, and he was most anxious to teach me. I was an eager pupil, too.

  And then I made a most momentous mistake.

  Pleasantly exhausted from a rigorous bout of lovemaking I cuddled up next to my man and murmured, “Robin—do you love me?”

  His body suddenly went rigid. “Say what?”

  I pulled up to an elbow and looked down into his clearly frightened face. “I said, ‘Do you love me?’”

  “You’re…you’re not still going on about your vow and the sign and what not about me being the one, are you?”

  “Well, no… It’s just that a girl wants to know for sure. You do have some feelings for me, don’t you? You’re not just using me for sexual gratification only, are you?”

  He swallowed hard. “Of course, I have some feelings for you, Brandi. You’ll make a fine navigator and a loyal member of the crew. And everyone on board seems to like you very much.”

  I frowned. “They like me because all the clothes I have are my matching white lacy bra and undies set and my thigh-high boots… You wouldn’t happen to know what became of my duffle bag, do you?”

  He playfully waggled an eyebrow. “Kwak or Bigguns may have it. They have this thing about women’s clothing…I promise I’ll look into it—eventually.”

  “Thanks.” I sighed loud and long. “I can’t believe the way my crewmates still drool whenever I pass them in a corridor. Willie even pinched my butt when I bent down to retrieve my dinner tray from the food synthesizer in the mess.”

  Robin chuckled. “Ah, that’s Willie for you. He’s a bold one. Has he asked you back to his cabin yet?”

  “Several times.”

  “Good. I’d be worried something was seriously wrong with him if he didn’t.”

  It wasn’t quite the response I was angling for. Disappointed, I sat up and crossed my legs. Robin sat up as well and began massaging my neck and shoulders.

  “You’re not jealous that Willie propositioned me?” I asked.

  “Jealous? Heavens no! I’m just surprised you didn’t take him up on his gracious offer.”

  “What the—?” My eyes bulged with amazement. I twisted around and glared at him. “You really want me to sleep with other men?”

  “Sleep with other men? Hell no!”

  I sighed. “Whew. That’s a relief.”

  “You can sleep here with me. My cabin is large enough to accommodate both of us easily. But what you do with other crewmembers in their beds is entirely up to you.”

  My jaw dropped to my chest. I never would have expected in a million years for my lover to make such a declaration.

  “You don’t mean it—do you?”

  He gave me a puzzled frown. “I always say what I mean. I’m the captain. And what I say goes.”

  I felt deeply irritated now. I crossed my arms and scrunched up my nose in disgust. “That’s not what I was getting at, Robin, and you know it.”

  He rose and sauntered over to the recliner to retrieve his royal purple bathrobe—his favorite daily wear while in deep space. “You are now officially a member of the crew, Brandi Whyne, and as a full-fledged member of the crew you have the right to pursue life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness as you deem fit.”

  “And that means I have the right to screw around with anyone I want to besides you?”

  I noticed a slight nervous twitch of his full lips as he fidgeted with the sash on his robe. “In a word—yes.”

  I still held out hope. “But you’d rather I didn’t sleep around with others, don’t you?”

  He entered the washroom, splashed water on his face and combed his hair. “It’s not my intention as ship’s captain to dictate what you may or may not do with your free time. While you’re at your post, you must obey my orders without question. When you’re off duty, you’re free to do as you please.”

  My heart sank. That evil bitch Marian… She had done this to him. Robin was afraid of being hurt again. She had broken his heart, making it impossible for him to make a commitment to one woman; impossible for him to come out and say he loved me.

  And yet, I knew deep down that he did. Just as I was certain of the signs the goddess sent in regards to Robin Manhood being the only man for me, I was certain of his genuine care and affection.

  But I had to be patient, to wait. I had to hold on and be strong until at last he was ready to face the fact he was passionately and hopelessly in love with me.

  “I understand,” I said simply, rising from the bed, wrapping the sheets about my body. “Can you retrieve my duffle bag for me now? I’d like a different change of clothes.”

  Robin shuffled back into the room. His expression was one of relief mixed with hurt and uncertainty. “Sure thing. You can borrow something of mine to wear until I locate it.”

  “Thanks.” I spied a gorgeous silky, emerald-colored, ruffled poet’s shirt in his closet that I was sure would look super with my thigh-high boots. I reached for it and put it up against my body. “Can I wear this?”

  He smiled and nodded. “That color will look terrific with your reddish-brown hair and green eyes.”

  “That’s what I thought, too.”

  I slipped the shirt on, then retrieved a leather belt from the rack, cinching it about my hips. I stepped into my boots, fluffed my curly locks with my fingers then reached for a tri-corner hat from the shelf and placed it on my head at a jaunty angle before turning around.

  Robin clapped and whistled. “Ready to report for duty, navigator?” he asked.

  One day soon I knew Robin would fall to his knees and declare his undying love to me. I just knew it.

bsp; I winked. “Aye, aye, captain.”

  * * * *

  “I can’t plot the coordinates if you don’t give them to me.” I bit my lip, holding the worse of my cursing under my breath. My first week on the bridge and already I was having trouble with one of my crewmates.

  “What’s the hell is the matter with you?” I whined.

  “Robin’s orders,” John Thomas replied. He crossed his tree-trunk-thick arms and refused to budge from the navigation console. “You can’t know where the hideout is. Nobody knows where the hideout is. It’s a secret.”

  I slapped my forehead in disgust. “Of course it’s a secret. It’s a secret to the authorities and to other outlaws, but we still have to know how to get to it, don’t we?”

  He nodded dumbly.

  “So…I need to know its coordinates in space. It’s that simple.”

  He shook his head. “Uh-uh. No can do.”

  I threw up my hands. “Willie? A little help here?”

  Robin’s red-faced, red-dressed second in command was the only other crewmember on the bridge. He sauntered over from his position in front of the long-range scanners and casually flung an arm about my shoulders, squeezing me tight.

  “How may I be of service, Brandi? You got a little ‘inner itch’ that needs scratching? I got this long, hard pole to rub against if you do.”

  I sighed. In the week since I officially accepted my position with the crew, word had spread like wildfire throughout the ship that Robin had ‘cut me loose’. In other words, he had given the crew freedom to bed me if they pleased. My shipmates promptly began to proposition me morning, noon and night.

  But in my heart I was still Robin’s woman, and I flatly turned every single one of them down. Their flattery and lustful attentions were wearing a bit thin. Frankly, I was downright bored and tired of it.

  “Later, Willie, later. Right now, I need your help in convincing John Thomas here that I’m a perfectly trustworthy crewmember and sufficiently capable of plotting our course for the hideout.”


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