Mending Scars

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Mending Scars Page 6

by Rivers, Brandy L

  “I’m not all mage.”

  Hayden sat up straighter. “Then how the fuck are you part of the Silver Council? They let you into their ranks? That doesn’t happen.”

  “They don’t know. Until this morning, only my mother, Opal, and I knew of my parentage.”

  “Your mother is?”

  “Priscilla Emrys.”

  Hayden stood up and paced away with an air of indignation. “Priscilla is your mother? I have great respect for that woman. And you’re her child?”

  “Fuck you too,” Preston grumbled.

  Hayden kept moving, rubbing his thumb and forefinger over his chin. “It makes sense. She was always too confident, always pushing the limits regardless of sense. Her power was extraordinary. There was no one she couldn’t bring in, until Aeremaius. She should have killed him when she escaped, instead of leaving him for dead.”

  Preston shook his head. He still didn’t know the whole story, and wasn’t completely sure he wanted to ask at this point.

  “But the fae believe she’s dead,” Hayden added.

  “The fae with connections to Faerie believe she’s dead,” Preston corrected. “Look, she’s never told me the whole story. I finally got her to lift the damned spell that kept me silent about my father.”

  “And who is that?”

  “Does it matter?”

  “It may.”

  Preston leaned forward, his eyes narrowing. “You really can’t share this news.”

  “It won’t leave this room.” Hayden frowned, wincing. “That may be a lie. I’m not sure I can keep it from Amethyst. That’s it though, and she won’t let me spread it around.”

  “That’s acceptable.” Preston leaned back. “Toryn Flame.”

  “Fucking abyss. You’re... shit.” Hayden pressed his hands to his face. “Do you even realize how much power is flowing through your veins?”

  “Stop, none of it’s true.”

  “Please, Merlin being your grandfather or not, Toryn’s mother is still the oldest living Storm Mistress alive.”

  “I’m more mage than anything. Even if the legends were true, I don’t have their gifts.”

  “You sure about that? I’m not. You may be a cocky bastard, but you have a commanding presence, and your magic—there are things you do that no one does. Merlin lived, and honestly, some of your talents are like his.”

  “Those stories are legends,” Preston insisted.

  “All of which come from a kernel of truth,” Hayden pointed out.

  “I don’t believe in fairy tales.”

  “You don’t? Well you haven’t been around long enough or seen enough then, because I do.”

  “You?” Preston walked away, needing to stretch his legs. When he faced Hayden, he found the bastard right in front of him wearing a look of awe. “Have you lost your damned mind?”

  “Actually, it makes a lot of sense.”

  “Doesn’t matter. If it’s real, which I doubt, the legends have no bearing on me. I have a real problem. My woman is trying to get involved in this case and there’s a contract to sell her to a fucking dragon. One who would take great pleasure in destroying her, and making her into something worse than a damned slave. How the fuck do I stop that?” He was practically screaming by the time he got to the last.

  Hayden shook his head. “It’s not signed. It’s not complete. You need to keep the agreement out of his reach. Destroy it if possible, but I’m not completely sure there is a way to destroy such a contract.”

  Preston turned to Robert. “The document should be safe here until tomorrow. Can you please convince Liz to come by and seal it away in a hidey-hole? I may need access to the document later.”

  “Of course. I’ll keep you posted. However, your wards should hold until then.”

  “All thanks to Liz.” Preston slapped Robert on the back. “It’s been a long day. Go back home. Tomorrow, we can figure out a plan.”

  “Good luck, and call Dacia soon.”

  “Oh, I won’t forget.”

  Robert disappeared.

  “I’m never going to get used to that,” Hayden muttered. He turned back to Preston. “So, Dacia? You sure you can handle her?”

  “Whatever you think about her, you have her wrong,” Preston growled.

  Hayden grinned. “You’d be surprised what I think of Dacia.”

  Preston’s chest heaved. “I can’t imagine any of it is good.”

  “You’re wrong, Preston. She’s a woman in the process of overcoming a lifetime of being put in last place. She tries too hard at times, becomes obsessed, and has a tendency to blindly go after what she wants regardless of practicality. Now, after being shut down too many times, she’s going to keep running until you prove to her she’s first.”

  “I have every intention of doing exactly that.”

  Hayden half-laughed, and shook his head. “You’re stubborn enough. I’ll admit it’s a relief.”

  Preston’s hands balled into fists. “If you think Amethyst would ever betray you, you’re dead wrong. And I may be an asshole, but—”

  Hayden put a heavy hand on his shoulder. “Take a deep breath, because this may come as a shock. I’ve already learned you wouldn’t. And I trust Amethyst completely.” He took a deep breath and let it out slowly. “It’s a relief because as much as Dacia drives me crazy in all the worst ways, she deserves someone who can put her first. There’s a genuinely exceptional woman under the mess. And, even though you’re a pain in the ass, and too damned smug for your own good, you’re a decent guy.” He sighed. “What I’m saying is that you both deserve a slice of something real and lasting. I think you found it, and that’s an amazing thing.”

  Nodding, Preston took a step back. “Thank you. Sorry.”

  “Don’t apologize. You have every right to that attitude. I’ve been a dick in the past. I still am, but you earned my respect when we dealt with the Shadowstalker. If you haven’t noticed, that’s not easy to do. If you need my help, don’t hesitate to ask.”

  “I appreciate that.”

  “Much luck. You may need it with Dacia.”

  Preston chuckled. “I can handle Dacia. Tell Amethyst I said hi.”

  “Later, Preston.” Hayden walked out the door. Preston took the stack of papers, and locked them away in his hidden safe. For good measure, he cast an extra layer of spells on the small vault.

  * * * *

  Dacia turned to Lincoln before she unlocked her office door. “Sure you don’t want to go to her house for this conversation?”

  “Yeah, I’m sure. Once I have my own place I hope to gain the confidence to approach her.”

  “Understood.” She let them in, and moved to her desk where she sat down and pulled out her phone. Lincoln took the seat across from her with a rigid posture.

  Dacia found Victoria’s number. She pressed send.

  Two rings later, she heard, “Good evening, Dacia.”

  “It’s about to be a great evening. I have a buyer for the property adjacent to yours.”



  “It’s his. He doesn’t have to pay a cent,” she said firmly.

  “Unfortunately, he won’t accept a gift. He wants to pay the asking price.”

  “Stubborn man,” Victoria grumbled. There was a faint clicking of heels on stone. “Officially drop the asking price to ten percent.”

  “Hold on a moment.” Dacia pulled the phone from her ear and directed a smile at Lincoln. “Victoria has dropped the price to ten thousand dollars.”

  His eyes narrowed as his chest heaved. “She won’t take the hundred thousand?”

  “She wants to give you the property. I would take the lower offer if you insist on paying. And keep in mind, when she bought the place, she paid next to nothing. She’s not losing money here.”

  He nodded thoughtfully. “Yes. When can I move in?”

  Dacia lifted the phone to her ear. “His only question is when can he take possession?”

if he’s so inclined.” Something seductive entered her voice, convincing Dacia that Lincoln might be in over his head.

  “I’ll bring you the check later, and I would cash it if I were you. He’s adamant he buys this property himself.”

  There was a heavy sigh. “Of course. Give him the keys, and bring me the check. Tell him if he needs a mover, I’m happy to hire one for him.”

  Dacia held back her laugh. “I’m willing to bet he’ll be moving light. He won’t be needing one.”

  “I won’t,” Lincoln answered, correctly interpreting half the conversation.

  “Very well. Tell him it was a pleasure doing business with him.”

  “I will. Have a good night.”

  Lincoln grinned. “I owe you. Thank you.”

  Setting the phone down, she shook her head. “You don’t. It was a pleasure. Victoria says the same.”

  He pulled out his wallet while she started the paperwork.

  * * * *

  Showered, and dressed in fresh clothes, Preston walked back to the living room and grabbed his phone. He dialed Dacia’s number.

  It felt like forever, but she answered on the first ring. “Mmm, the man I’ve been craving all day long.”

  “I like hearing that. Do you still want to go out? I’m not stuck working tonight, but I’ll be back to it in the morning.”

  “I do, though I think a proper date will have to wait until another night. Lincoln bought his first home, and because I wasn’t sure when I would hear from you, I took him to In 2 Deep for a celebratory drink.”

  Her cheery mood put a smile on his face. “I’ll be there soon.”

  “I can hardly wait.” She ended the call.

  Then his phone rang again. He looked at Leon’s number and frowned. He was too curious not to answer as a new question spun up. He’d known Leon since he was a kid. First he seemed like an uncle. As time went on he became a trusted friend. But was he truly a friend or simply watching over him for his mother?

  “Hi, Leon.”

  “Your mother finally lifted the spell.”

  Preston snorted and sat down. “Yeah. So, you know?”

  “All along. Toryn has been a friend for two centuries. He’s the only reason I’m alive. I met your mother ages ago.”

  “Did you only stick around to protect me?”

  Leon chuckled. “You didn’t need protection.”

  “That doesn’t answer my question.”

  “No. You’re a close friend. Same as your father.”

  “Why are you only now telling me you knew?”

  “Same reason you never asked me,” he grumbled. “Priscilla called and released me. Do you plan on telling him?”

  “When the time is right, or I have an idea of what to actually say to him. I need to think that conversation out before jumping in headfirst.”

  “Don’t need to worry, he’ll accept you, and be there if you ever need him. He’s a lot like you, Preston. Loyal and leads with his heart. No, I’m not talking about falling for one woman after another, but he always takes care of his friends.”

  “Yeah, but how do I tell him?”

  “Open your mouth and say the words. With Toryn, it will be that simple.”

  “Thanks man. I need to get going. I’m meeting Dacia at In 2 Deep.”

  “Yeah, how’s that going? I saw you two at the party.”

  “Going great. So far. We have some shit to sort out. Mostly issues with her scumbag of a father.”

  Chapter 8

  Jess put two Heat Waves in front of Dacia and gave Lincoln a dubious look. “You sure he can handle this?”

  Dacia grinned. “Only one way to find out.” She slid his drink over. “To your new house.”

  Lincoln nodded to Jess, picked up the glass and drank it down as his eyes slid shut. “Mmm, that’s delicious. I want another.”

  “Good, because you forgot to toast,” Dacia teased.

  Shaking her head, Jess mixed a third. “Lincoln, if you can’t come in tomorrow morning, I won’t be upset.”

  “I’ll be here,” he promised.

  A smirk lifted one side of her mouth. “We’ll see.” She moved down the counter to help another customer.

  Dacia raised her glass. “To finding your path.”

  “To finding my path,” Lincoln repeated with a grin. They gently clanged the glasses, and Lincoln guzzled the second.

  “Yeah, you may be hung-over in the morning if you don’t go easy.”

  He frowned. “I’m not a kid. I’ve been around alcohol plenty the last couple years.”

  “But never consumed the stuff. I’m not telling you to avoid drinking. However, I’ll give you a ride to your new home.”

  “So will anyone else in this place. If you and Preston take off, I’ll be fine. I promise not to drive.”

  “I’ll make sure you’re taken care of.”

  “You’re sweet.” He leaned over to kiss her cheek, then walked to the dance floor. Another thing she never would have expected from him.

  “What has him looking so radiant?” Amethyst asked as she hopped onto the stool.

  Dacia turned to her. “He bought his first house tonight. He’s coming into his own. It looks good on him.”

  “It does. And you know what?”

  Dacia swallowed hard. She thought back to the night Izackarus first took possession of her body and how he forced her to attack Amethyst. The guilt came back.

  “What?” she whispered.

  “Whatever Preston’s done to you, looks good on you also.”

  She froze, watching Amethyst with wide eyes, trying to process exactly what she meant. “I… uh…”

  Amethyst leaned over to whisper, “Hayden told me about your bond. I’m happy for both of you.” She sat back, beaming.

  Stunned, Dacia nodded slowly.

  “No one else knows, but Preston needed Hayden’s help on something. Your relationship only came up because it was necessary information,” Amethyst explained, then sighed. “He wouldn’t tell me anything more than that. Whatever happens, take care of him. He’ll do the same for you.”

  “I hope I don’t screw up.” Dacia took a sip of her drink to avoid more conversation.

  “Don’t think that will be an issue.”

  “Why do you say that?”

  Amethyst giggled. “Turn around and look at the smile on his face.”

  Dacia turned, finding hope, and something more on her lover’s face. Trust never came easy, but Preston was slowly gaining hers. Everything he did and said was sincere. But how long would it last?

  “I missed you,” he said simply, holding out his hand for hers. She took it and he pulled her into his embrace. His lips grazed over hers, before trailing a path to her ear. “Care to dance?”

  “Mmm, of course.”

  He led her to the dance floor, and wound his arms around her. The song was slow, and they didn’t do much more than sway, but in his arms was the only place she wanted to be.

  The whole world slid away as she fell into his crystal blue eyes. Nothing else existed.

  “How was your day?” he asked in a rumble that ignited the fire inside her.


  He chuckled, low and masculine. “What did you do while I was busy working?”

  “Oh,” blushing, she nodded toward Lincoln who was dancing with Monique. She ran the boutique in Edenton, had her own clothing line, and occasionally travelled for fashion shows. “Showed Lincoln a house, which he bought.”

  Preston’s gaze swung to Lincoln. “That so?” His head tipped to the side. “Interesting.”

  His attention returned and he licked his lips. She couldn’t resist, and pressed her mouth to his for a slow kiss. Gradually the heat intensified until she was all but panting.

  “I want you,” he whispered against her ear.

  “Mmm. Need you.”

  Lincoln leaned over. “I have a ride.”

  Dacia couldn’t hide the smile. “You sure?”

  He nodded, a s
ly smile on his face. “Going to a party.” He glanced over at Monique, lifting a shoulder in a shrug. “She’s going to help me with my wardrobe.”

  “You look fine.”

  His brow arched but his gaze slipped away, embarrassed. “I want to impress someone specific.”

  “Be yourself. She’ll be impressed, Lincoln.”

  “Thank you, but it’s time to start living, for me. New clothes can’t hurt.” With that he disappeared into the crowd.

  Preston chuckled. “Let’s get out of here.”

  “Your house or mine?”

  “Does it matter?”

  “Mine then.”

  “I’ll race you.”

  “Mmm, what do I get when I win?”

  “Anything you want, Minx.”


  “Already got me.”

  “See you at my house,” she taunted.

  * * * *

  Could Preston have beat Dacia? Probably, but he didn’t mind losing. All he cared about was being with her. Knowing her father could throw his daughter away to save his own hide twisted his soul in knots.

  The moment he saw her in the bar, he knew he’d give anything to prevent her from being used by her father, or anyone else. He had a couple ideas on how to destroy the contract, but he needed to make sure it could be done. For now, locking it away in one of Liz’s hidey-holes would all but snuff it out of existence.

  Preston followed on Dacia’s tail lights, grinning and laughing as she hauled ass through the streets of Edenton. She pulled into her driveway and he parked on the street. He was out of the car and making his way to her with a grin when she turned to him.

  Her eyes sparkled in amusement. “I’ll call that a tie, though you could have fought harder.”

  He closed the distance, and settled his hands around her waist. “Only thing I’ve wanted all day is to be with you. If you only want me, we both win.”

  She grinned and pulled him toward her door.

  They barely made it through before he spun her around and pinned her against the wall. He nipped her bottom lip, then licked away the sting before sucking the plump flesh into his mouth.


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