Mending Scars

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Mending Scars Page 15

by Rivers, Brandy L

  She took care of me. That deserves a reward, and a good one.

  He slipped out of the room and headed downstairs. On the counter was one of his duffle bags, full. There was a note beside it.


  Didn’t want to disturb either of you. I hope you found a way to make Dacia see she wasn’t to blame. I brought some clothes to make staying here easier.

  Call me when you get a chance. I have a feeling it will be some time before we hear from Remus again. If we ever do.


  He climbed onto a stool and called Robert. It only rang twice before his voice came on, “Hey. I expected it would be longer before I heard from you.”

  Preston groaned. “And why is that?”

  “You were out of it, even after Dacia removed the curse and healed you. I figured you would need more time to recover.”

  “She did an excellent job. I’m good as new.” He rotated his shoulder again, and felt nothing different. “Really, I’m fine.”

  “That honestly wasn’t what I meant. After I’ve been healed from a major injury, it’s always taken some time. And it generally takes you longer to recover.”

  Preston grinned. “She fixed me. Now why don’t you think we’ll be hearing from Remus?”

  “Dacia’s curse was eating through him quickly. He was rotting. When I went back to take a closer look, there was more than blood on the floor.”

  “Well shit, I remember it burning the fuck out of me, but not anything like that.”

  “She healed you right away. Plus, she used the same blade on you before. Maybe whatever Amethyst did the first time helped build an immunity?”

  There was an awkward moment he wished he could scrub from his mind, especially now. Amethyst would always be dear to his heart, but he was glad things never went further.

  “Does it matter? I’m fine now.”

  Taking the hint, Robert changed the subject. “So, what do you want to do?”

  “Fuck if I know. I’m going to call Toryn. See if he can find anything out, but I’m not sure how far his connections go in Faerie.”

  “Call if you need me.”

  “Thanks, man.” Preston ended the call and pulled up Toryn’s number.

  He stared at his phone, trying to determine what the hell he could say that would make a bit of sense. Once again, he’d let Remus slip through his fingers. Which was why he needed help. Asking sucked, it meant defeat.

  With a groan, he pressed send. A ring later, he heard Toryn’s voice. “Evening, Preston. Have news?”

  “Shit, unfortunately not good.” He didn’t hesitate to spit it all out in a rush of words. “I fucking had Remus, and then I didn’t. He had one of our mages. Robert took her to healers. We locked Remus in his own fucking cage. Dacia embedded her cursed dagger in her father’s shoulder. Then he summoned Gebiet, and it all went to hell on a skateboard. I cut Gebiet with my mana-blade, and Remus lost an arm. But then they went through a damned portal and I don’t have a clue where to go from there. At least Remus is, or was, in bad shape, but nothing is going right.”

  “Whoa, okay, take a deep breath. The fucker is wily. It was bound to happen. You said he was cursed?”

  “Yeah, Dacia’s blade—”

  “Wait, I thought you weren’t bringing her into this?”

  Preston scrubbed a hand over his face. “She wants him to pay for trying to kill me, her brother, and others. I couldn’t say no. Shit, maybe if I had it would have gone differently, but I didn’t.”

  “Hey, chill. Where are you now?”

  “Dacia’s. Why?”

  “Well, I was thinking I could come down there and we can discuss your best options to find him. I may have connections who can locate him. If you want my help.”

  “That’s why I was calling. I need it. I wouldn’t have a clue where to start in Faerie.”

  “I have Dacia’s address. I’ll be there in an hour, maybe less. I’m not bringing Isa. She’s with a friend.”

  “I hate to do this—”

  “I get it. Don’t stress. I’ll be there. We’ll come up with a game plan. You may want Robert to join us.”

  “Thank you.” Preston took a deep breath and relaxed slightly. “See you when you get here.”

  “I’ll be there shortly.”

  Preston didn’t wait to call Robert back, and he answered immediately. “What’s going on?”

  “Can you be here in an hour? Toryn’s coming to help figure out what we can realistically do with Remus in Faerie.”

  “See you soon.”

  Fingers trailed down his shoulders before arms wound around him. Dacia whispered in his ear, “Missed you. Everything okay?”

  Turning his head, he captured her mouth in a gentle kiss. “Didn’t want to wake you, Minx.”

  She nipped his bottom lip, and gently sucked. “I don’t know about you, but I’m hungry.”

  “Mmm.” He turned to wrap an arm around her waist and pulled her long lithe body between his thighs as his hand caressed down her smooth stomach. “I’ll always be hungry for you.”

  Laughing, she stepped out of his reach. “For food, Ember. Get dressed and I’ll order us something.”

  “You being nude in front of me is a recipe for a smoking time.”

  She disappeared and he sighed before dragging his duffle bag over the countertop.

  * * * *

  Dacia stood in her room and placed one hand on the wall as she reached down to find herself dripping wet. His plan was very tempting, but food was a necessity, especially with Robert and Toryn coming.

  If she wasn’t leaving him to suffer, she’d relieve her own desire, but that didn’t seem fair. Pulling on a simple tunic dress she hurried down stairs to find a gorgeous sight. Preston buttoned his fly over his boxer briefs and straining length.

  Her brow arched as she crossed the room to reach for the phone. “I’ll help you with that later. For now, what kind of pizza should I order?”

  “Nothing here I can cook?” he asked.

  Shaking her head, she swallowed. “Sorry. My cooking skills are seriously lacking. I always eat out or order in.”

  “I’m no gourmet, but I can cook.”

  “You didn’t grow up with a lot of restaurants, did you?”

  His chuckle was warm. “I spent many afternoons at my mom’s diner. Cooking was a necessary skill to have in my travels.”

  “You aren’t at all what I expected,” she murmured. “So, pizza, what do you want?”

  “Surprise me.”

  “Nothing you don’t like?”

  “Where food’s concerned? Not really.”

  “What about Robert?”

  His smile brightened. “It’s sweet of you to ask. He’ll be happy with whatever as long as you skip anchovies. Toryn should be here around then too. So maybe get two different pizzas.”

  She dialed, watching him as she chewed her bottom lip. His pale blue eyes sparkled as he studied her. He reached out to catch her free hand and pulled her into his arms.

  Her heart thundered in her chest, in time with his. The fact she could have lost him and it was her fault, even indirectly, nearly broke her. Then he took the blame out of her hands and convinced her she wasn’t the one who nearly killed him.

  Talia answered and Dacia put her order in. Preston never broke eye contact, and never let her go. She set the phone aside and his lips descended on hers as he backed her into the wall.

  Leaning back, he whispered, “Wish the world would stop so I could have forever with you.”

  “You have me forever.”

  * * * *

  Unrelenting pain flowed through his veins. Remus lay on a stone slab with a cool breeze dancing along his over-sensitized skin. The iron shackles burned his flesh.

  “Remus, darling, you’re a mess. The dragon didn’t cause this.” Saressa’s sharp nail trailed over his ruined shoulder, and something oozed out of the new cut, the smell putrid. The sharp sting slowly sliced down his arm to the stump. “Or this
charred mess.” She giggled, glee dancing in her expression as he jerked away. “So why did Gebiet drop you on my tower?”

  “Need your help.” His voice was ragged.

  “When don’t you?”

  “I’ve told you for ages I need you.” He finally got his eyes open to find her emerald gaze burning with desire and hate. It was a potent combination, and always made their time together a bittersweet addiction.

  She licked her lips. “What makes you think I need you?”

  “I want my promised bride, and you want her out of the picture. Heal me, and I’ll make sure Isadora never bothers you.”

  “Mmm, now that is an intriguing offer. I want her to pay in blood for taking my dragon. Will I get to play with her?”

  “As long as you leave no permanent damage. She will be my plaything and tool for as long as I desire.” He coughed, and something foul made its way up, coating his tongue.

  He didn’t have long to play her games, and needed her cooperation quickly.

  She dragged her fingernail through the mess that was his shoulder. He was in too much pain to determine if she was hurting him worse. In the past, this would turn him on, but he wasn’t feeling anything downstairs, besides the dull throb that was everywhere.

  “I heard Toryn took away your favorite toy.” She sliced down his chest and stomach to his limp dick. “I wasn’t sure I believed it until now.” One fingertip lightly grazed his cock, and nothing stirred. Her hand closed over him, pulling, then squeezing like a vice.

  Remus screamed out in pain, as his body tried to double over, but the iron bonds held him in place.

  He snarled, “Do you want your bitch niece out of the way?”

  “Your niece too. One you can’t use this on.” She slapped his useless member with an evil grin. “Oh, how I’ll love to play with you later.” She sighed. “What guarantees do I have you’ll let me have my time with Isadora?”

  He lifted his good arm and held out his hand. “An oath. You can have twenty four hours with her as long as there is no lasting damage.”

  “Done, though she will be in bad shape for a long time after I’m finished with her.”

  “Very well.”

  She gripped his arm and he took hers. Water flowed up his arm as his lightning danced up hers.

  Her gaze swept down to his hips. “Such a shame I can’t heal you my favorite way. And this,” she shook her head with a sigh, “I can’t do anything for.” Releasing him, she shoved her hand on the worst of the cursed shoulder and started dark magic to suck the curse from him.

  Pain radiated out from her touch, then intensified before being drawn through the dagger’s entrance point. The burn grew until his vision faded to black with his waning screams.

  Chapter 21

  Preston watched as Dacia moved through the kitchen gathering plates and glasses now that the food had arrived. She was back to being distant. He didn’t like it.

  Stepping in front of her, he took her shoulders and looked into her eyes. “What’s going on in that head of yours?”

  She pulled in a deep breath and let it out in a huff. “Should I go do something else while Robert and Toryn are here?”

  “No. I’d rather you know what’s going on. You’re a possible target.”

  Her face scrunched, and she moved past him to set the table. “You’re the target. Not me.”

  Once her hands were empty, he gently captured her face. “I’m sorry to tell you this, but if you are in the way of what your father wants, he’s going to mow you down.”

  “You’re right about that. And it sucks. My father is only concerned with himself and his goals. I’ve known this for a while. At least I finally figured it out.” She took a deep breath and leaned into his touch. “He needs to pay, for everything he’s done.”

  “I’m sorry.” He caressed her cheek with his thumb. “I can’t imagine your position. I’ll do anything I can to make it better.”

  Turning her face, she pressed a kiss to his palm before leaning against his chest. With a soft smile, he wrapped his arms around her and pulled her tight.

  Closing her eyes, she took a deep breath. “You have. He neglected me. Never put me first. You are.”

  “I want you safe. You’re mine. I’m not letting you go, Minx.”

  She opened her mouth to say something, but the doorbell rang and she merely ducked her head before going to the door.

  His heart slammed against his ribs. Was she going to say the words that are on my tongue every time I look into her eyes?

  Dacia managed a cheery tone. “Thanks for coming. We have pizza.”

  Preston looked up to find Toryn and Robert entering. A single moment more and she might have let him all the way in. He fought back the sigh.

  Robert gave her a smile. “Thank you.”

  Toryn nodded. “Yes, thanks.”

  “Come in, have a seat,” she invited graciously.

  Everyone took a chair and grabbed a couple of slices. After a few minutes of contented eating, Toryn broke the silence. “So, what actually happened?”

  Preston took a deep breath and explained in more detail everything that happened until he’d collapsed.

  Dacia picked up where he left off. “I yelled at Preston to move, but my father was too fast. He hit him with the dagger, and the curse initiated. I countered it, and healed him, but I could have lost him.” Her voice broke and her eyes filled with tears.

  Preston turned to her and dried her face with a soft touch. “Shh, I’m fine, thanks to you.”

  She nodded, but he saw the doubt in her dark chocolate eyes.

  Toryn cleared his throat. “Preston’s right. You healed him. No one else. That blade of yours, the enchantment on it is one nasty fucking spell. If left more than a few minutes the curse rots you from the inside out. Remus suffered, that’s for damned sure.”

  She hissed, “He nearly took Preston from me. I hope he’s still suffering, or better yet—dead.”

  Toryn nodded. “I like the way you think.” Her brow wrinkled but one corner of his mouth lifted in a grin. He added, “Hey, I will go after anyone who intends to harm Isa. I get it, and I like that fierceness.”

  “Thank you.” Her gaze locked on Preston’s. “I will do more than throw a blade when I see him next.”

  Which was why he hoped he could keep Dacia from going after Remus. He wasn’t sure how well that would go over. There was a real chance Gebiet would be there. Whatever that fucker did to her left emotional scars. He knew better than to forbid her going. Eventually, he’d ask her what happened. He wasn’t looking forward to that conversation, because he’d only want to slaughter the dragon sooner rather than later.

  “So, here’s my guess,” Toryn started, “Gebiet took him to his lair, but he wouldn’t be able to heal Remus. There’s only one person in Faerie I can see helping him, and that’s if he has something to offer, which he thinks he does. He’s wrong, he’ll never lay a hand on my mate.”

  Robert cleared his throat. “Who would help him? And is it anyone we would have access to.”

  “Unfortunately, I doubt anyone you can trust has access to Saressa. I have someone who can likely find out if she has him. In the interim, I would highly recommend no one goes to her domain. She doesn’t like strangers, unless they’re stripped, gagged and bound.” He shuddered.

  During his awakening, Preston had gotten glimpses of Saressa holding Toryn captive. All he knew for sure was Toryn managed to escape before anything went too far. However, Toryn’s idea of too far was skewed in his opinion.

  Preston nodded. “Please. It would be good to know if Remus is there. But what does the fire and water queen have to do with anything?”

  “She wants Isadora dead, or at least out of the way. Saressa eventually wants all the kingdoms under her rule, but for whatever reason, she’s biding her time. If she thought Remus could control Isa, she may help him.”

  “So she’ll heal him?” Dacia asked in disgust. “Doesn’t she know what he’s capable o

  Toryn nodded gravely as his jaw clenched. “She does, but she’s worse than he is. Trust me. And he likes her brand of torture. It’s why they work so well together.”

  Preston scrubbed a hand over his face. “So they’d be at the Water Castle?”

  Toryn nodded. “Seems likely. Please, tell me you aren’t planning to go there.”

  “Oh, hell no. I doubt I’d convince the council it was worth the risk. My place is here, and with my luck I’d go, only to have him show up on Earth first.”

  “You’re right about that. It’s going to take him a while to heal, but she’ll find a way to make it fast if she thinks she’ll finally have what she wants.”

  “So it’s wait and see?”

  “For now at least. I’ll do my best to find out where he is.”

  Robert leaned back in his seat. “We’ll exhaust our resources as well. I don’t like having him loose. He’s already blown up a house, and tried to kill too many people in the last two days.”

  “I’ll do whatever I can to help find him, without getting directly involved, until you tell me to join the fight.”

  Preston sighed, and gave Robert a meaningful look before turning back to Toryn. “That’s half the reason I called. Obviously, I can’t do this on my own. You know more about his abilities than we do. So far we’ve been unsuccessful in capturing him. We’ve already promised you could take him to the Elder Guard.”

  Robert nodded. “Preston’s right. More often of late, we bring outsiders into a case. It’s an improvement I hope we continue. It’s opening our communication with more sects of Others.”

  Toryn smiled. “Agreed. You have my number and I’m readily available. The more we communicate, the better we can deal with problems as they come up. Stop douche-nozzles like Remus from doing this sort of shit.”

  “Thank you for coming out.” Preston offered a smile. “Anything I can do to help, call. I’ll be there.”


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