Mending Scars

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Mending Scars Page 23

by Rivers, Brandy L

  “I’m not. It was all her choice. All of it since the very beginning. Why? I don’t have a clue. She could have done so many things differently. Why let him take her? Why let him hold her? Why pretend she was unconscious? I have more questions than answers.”

  “Maybe there’s something else going on. You could call Toryn. Maybe Remus did something.”

  “You’re right.” He pulled his phone out and kissed her softly before pacing away to stare out the window. Toryn answered immediately.

  “How’s Priscilla?”

  “In a coma. The healers can’t wake her. Dacia thought maybe it might be a spell or something. Know anything that could do that?”

  “Are you at headquarters in Seattle?”

  “Yeah, in the medical wing.”

  “Mind if I come visit? I might have an idea, but I’ve got to have more information. Getting what’s required might be hard. First, I want to confirm my suspicions.”

  “Okay. Call when you get here, and I’ll meet you in front.” He hung up and moved back to Dacia. “Do you need to get back home or anything?”

  She shook her head. “Nope. I’m here for you.”

  * * * *

  “Still mad at me?” Toryn asked Isa as he came back to their bedroom.

  She snorted. “Not mad. I get it. You didn’t want me near Remus. You even told me what you were doing. I am peeved I didn’t get a hand in taking him out.”

  “Oh, Princess, I love that vicious streak of yours.” He strode toward her and took her into his arms. “Now, I have to do something, and I want you to come with me—if it’s not too weird.”

  “What’s that?”

  “Well, two things really. The first might be awkward. The second, not so much.”

  She huffed impatiently. “Spit it out already.”

  He laughed, then ducked his head. “Preston’s mother is in a coma. Keep in mind I haven’t actually seen her in ninety years. We were never—”

  “I’ll go. That isn’t weird. I’ve been around people you’ve been with. Nothing new there.”

  He rewarded her with a kiss. “Thing is, I think Remus did something that is keeping her unconscious. If he did, I’m going to want your help. Your parents will have access to what we need to bring her back.”

  “You’ve got it.”

  “Then we need to finally destroy the contract promising Dacia to Gebiet. Remember that earth dragon who chased us down the freeway?”

  “Oh,” she frowned. “Yeah, gladly. It’s time. Though I can’t say he seemed all that bad.”

  “Only because you haven’t come face-to-face with him. He’s as bad, or worse, than your uncle was.”

  “Don’t have to ask me twice. Hand that parchment over and it’s ash.”

  Chapter 33

  Dacia chewed her lip as she massaged Preston’s shoulders. He sat in a hard plastic chair beside Priscilla’s bed. His elbows on his knees, head in his hands. Tension knotted his shoulders and no matter how hard she worked, she didn’t seem to be easing it.

  One thing kept spinning through her mind. It would either bring him back to her, or shut him down. He showed her she was first for him. Now she hoped to do the same. Even if the timing blew chunks.

  “Ember, I was thinking you might move in with me. You really haven’t settled in to your apartment, and you’ve been at my place every night. I’m not sure I can handle not waking up with your arms around me.”

  Preston stood and spun toward her. His crystal blue eyes delved into hers. “You want me there, always?”

  “Yeah. I really do.”

  “You’ve got me.” He leaned in to taste her lips. “I meant what I said about never letting you go, Minx.”

  His phone buzzed and she pulled back. “Go get Toryn. I’ll stay with your mom.”

  He dipped his head. “Be right back.”

  She nodded. He walked out of the room and she sank into the seat, taking Priscilla’s hand. “I don’t know if you can hear me, but thank you. You had reason to hate my father, and I wouldn’t have blamed you if you judged me by his many crimes.” A tear ran down her face and she wiped it away.

  “Come back to us. For Preston. And so I can thank you. You could have let me die, but you saved me.” Dacia wished with her whole heart that Priscilla could hear and find her way back.

  “Anyway, I’m Dacia. I’m in love with your son. Took me a while to let him in. I was so scared, but he’s mended my scarred heart. No matter what happens, I’ll be there for him. And I’ll do everything in my power to make him as happy as he makes me.”

  A gust swirled through the small room, ruffling the chart, and bedding. Sniffling, Dacia wiped her eyes, and squeezed Priscilla’s hand.

  She squeezed back. “That’s all any mother could ask for,” she answered softly.

  Dacia’s eyes blinked open to find pale blue eyes staring back at her. Priscilla sat up slowly, a smile pulling at her lips.

  “Were you faking it?” Dacia asked.

  Priscilla shook her head. “No. During the fight, Remus cast a spell, intended for you. I was able to intercept the magic, keeping you safe.”

  Wiping at her eyes, she took a slow breath.

  “You brought a side out of my son I’d never seen. He was ready to go to battle for you. I didn’t want him to lose the woman who captured his heart.”

  Dacia nodded, blinking back more tears.

  “Don’t cry. You brought me back. There were other ways, but it might have taken weeks. You broke your father’s spell.”

  “Not sure how.”

  “Doesn’t matter. You’re the one who brought everyone through this ordeal. I saw what you did to save my son, to save Robert. Your heart is pure.”

  * * * *

  Preston came through the doors the same time Toryn and Isa strolled up. “Thank you for coming. Sorry to bother you.”

  Toryn put a comforting hand on his shoulder. “Not to worry. If we can help, we want to.”

  Isa nodded. “When we’re done here, I want to see what I can do about that contract.”

  “With Remus dead, isn’t it null and void?”

  “Should be, but better safe than sorry,” Toryn answered.

  “If you can’t do anything for my mother, I’ll understand. I appreciate you trying.”

  “Never hesitate to ask. I’ll do what I can.”

  “So will I,” Isa promised.

  He led them into the building and back to his mother’s room. As he stepped through the door, he froze.

  Mom sat up and touched Dacia’s scarred cheek with a smile. “Don’t cry. You brought me back. There were other ways, but it might have taken weeks. You broke your father’s spell.”

  Dacia wiped the back of her hand over her face with a sniffle. “Not sure how.”

  “Doesn’t matter. You’re the one who brought everyone through this ordeal. I saw what you did to save my son, to save Robert. Your heart is pure.”

  Preston’s heart thundered in his chest, a smile pulling at his lips as he crossed the room. “I keep telling Dacia she’s an amazing woman.”

  They both looked up. Mom smiled at him. “I can see that.”

  “You’re awake.”

  “Dacia broke Remus’ curse.”

  Preston hugged his mom and kissed her head before pulling Dacia to her feet to crush her in his embrace. “Thank you. I don’t have the words, but thank you.”

  “Not even sure what I did.” She squeezed him back. “I only wished she would come back to you.”

  “Toryn?” Priscilla said.

  Preston looked over to find Toryn and Isa standing by the door. Both looked amused. “Hey, Pris. Good to see you awake.”

  Priscilla laughed softly. “Hi, Toryn. No doubt you’re here to help if you can.”

  He nodded. “I owe you. It was the least I could do.”

  “Sorry for keeping my secret.”

  “I understand why. Now I can make up for not knowing.”

  A smile graced her lips and Priscilla n

  “This is Isadora. Isadora, Priscilla Emrys. A strong woman and great ally.”

  “Pleasure to meet you.” Isa smiled. “We’ll be right outside. Preston, when you’re ready, I might be able to help with a certain piece of paper.”

  He nodded. “We’ll be right there.”

  Toryn and Isa stepped outside.

  “Mom, you okay?”

  “Yeah, but bring back the healer to check me out. Then I want to know what paper a fae princess needs to help with.”

  Dacia cringed. “Contract promising me to a dragon.”

  Preston squeezed his mother’s hand. “I’ll call Emily. She’s the one watching over you.”

  Preston and Dacia stepped into the hall. Emily looked up from another chart. “She’s really awake?”

  “Yeah. Wants you to check her out.”

  “I’ll be right back.” Emily slipped past him, into the room.

  Dacia turned to Toryn and Isa. “The contract is still at Preston’s. Maybe you two would like to come to dinner at our place in a few hours? He can bring the contract there.”

  “Sounds like a plan,” Isa agreed.

  Chapter 34

  Preston packed up his figurine collection as Dacia watched him from the coffee table she perched on. “I didn’t mean you had to pack this moment,” she told him with a smirk.

  “No, but we had to come by here, and really there isn’t much to throw in a few boxes.” He frowned, then sighed. “Might have to call someone with a truck to help me move them, but at least everything will be ready.”

  She laughed out loud. “Yeah, we really don’t have room for much in either of our cars.”

  Liz and Robert appeared between them.

  Dacia jumped, then smiled. “Thanks for coming.”

  Liz grinned. “It’s no problem.” She strode to the kitchen and opened the drawer. After mouthing a few words, she reached in only to pull out a handful of dust. “Um, doesn’t look like anything is left.”

  Dacia breathed a sigh of relief. “Means he’s dead and gone for good. His soul was exiled to the abyss where he can’t be brought back by anything.”

  Robert frowned. “What do you mean?”

  Preston sighed. “Old fae legend. Some people who die can be brought back, but not if they are in the abyss. Contracts and deeds are destroyed when their soul is sent there.”

  “That’s grim.”

  Preston gave him an apologetic look. “Sorry I made you come out. Figured it was better to be sure.”

  “Anytime, Preston, anytime. I’ll always be there for you.”

  “Same to you.” He turned to Liz. “And thank you.”

  She nodded. “Don’t worry about it. I hear you are having dinner with your father. We’ll let you be.”

  * * * *

  Preston pulled the tray of lasagna out and turned to her with a smile. “You are an extraordinary woman, and you’re all mine.”

  A blush colored her cheeks as she moved to him. “Stop with the praise. I did what you would have done. Nothing more.”

  “I love you.”

  She pressed her lips to his, leaning into him. He wrapped his arms around her and deepened the kiss.

  The doorbell rang and they both jumped. “I could get lost in you,” he told her before going to answer the door.

  Isa and Toryn stood there with a bottle of wine. Toryn pointed to his mouth with a knowing grin. “Did we interrupt something?”

  Laughing, Preston wiped the lipstick off with the back of his hand. “It’s okay. I have forever to enjoy Dacia. Come in.”

  He led the way back to the kitchen. “I invited my mother.” Preston shrugged. “She thought it would be weird, so she’s not coming.”

  Toryn nodded. “Understandable. Other than the time we travelled together, I’ve never been around her, before or after. She’s had you to herself all this time.”

  “She’s sorry about that.”

  “Ah, but dwelling in the past doesn’t get you anywhere. So let’s move forward. One day, it won’t be weird with all of us in the room together.”

  Preston paused. Then he shook his head and decided he wouldn’t think about it. He was glad he hadn’t received the gift of prophecy.

  “Dinner’s ready.” He grabbed the potholders—while he was immune to heat, the furniture wasn’t—and brought the dish to the table. “I hope you like Italian.”

  * * * *

  Dacia traced a circle around Preston’s heart. “I had fun tonight. It was nice to just talk.”

  Preston rolled to his side and caressed her hip then traced the outline of her rose tattoo. “It wasn’t weird having my father here?”

  “Nope. Feels like family already.” She frowned.

  “Hey, Isa is your cousin. And you’re mine, therefore, you can have a claim on my father.”

  She sighed. “I wish mine could have been half as caring as yours, and Toryn didn’t even know about you until a few days ago.”

  “If there is any way I could change that for you, I would. All I can do is promise you a better future and deliver it.”

  “My future looks pretty bright.”

  “I’m glad you finally let me in.”

  “Me too, Ember. You burned away all the doubt, and filled me with love.”

  He reached out to dry her face. “Please tell me that’s a happy tear, not a sad one.”

  She nodded. “Ecstatic.”

  “I can handle that.”

  “Oh, I told Lincoln he could have us over soon. I hope you don’t mind I agreed when he asked.” She couldn’t avoid the blush. “You and my brother are really the only people who’ve ever invited me anywhere. I may have jumped at the chance to go.”

  “I’m happy to go anywhere you want me.”

  She took his hand and guided it between her thighs. “Even if it’s inside me?” she purred.

  “Oh, definitely there, as long as I can reside in your heart.”

  “You are my heart, Preston.”

  “And you’re mine.”

  About Brandy L Rivers

  Brandy L Rivers is the author of the Others of Edenton and Others of Seattle series, and a standalone novel, Heart on Fire. The ideas keep coming to her, and she has no plans to stop writing anytime soon.

  As an avid reader, Brandy has always loved writing. She became serious about it as a stay-at-home-mother. She has a file full of manuscripts she plans to edit and put out there eventually.

  She lives in western Washington with her husband, three kids, and one pound puppy, where she is already working on future stories in each of the series, and several other projects.

  If you are interested in receiving emails about future book releases, please sign up for her email distribution list by visiting her site at:

  You can also find her on Facebook at:

  And on Twitter:

  Also by Brandy L Rivers

  Others of Edenton

  New Beginnings

  In Too Deep

  Shadows Fall

  Shadows of the Past

  Falling Into Place

  Fated Love

  Breaking Free

  Mending Scars

  Others of Seattle

  Nights Embrace

  Storm Mistress

  Stand Alone Contemporary Romance

  Heart on Fire

  Coming Soon

  Others of Seattle

  Accepting Fate

  Spring 2015

  Others of Edenton

  Light in Darkness

  Summer 2015

  For upcoming releases and news visit me at:

  Reference Guide

  Abyss – Faerie version of hell. It is a dark, desolate wasteland.

  Air Faerie – A fae descended from
the Air Kingdom in Faerie. They mainly cast air or electricity based spells. Some can dematerialize, scattering their cells. They can watch without being detected in this form, and travel great distances rapidly.

  Awakening – Faeries come to age after their first sexual release with another faerie. This process brings their power to the surface. It will strengthen what might have previously shown as a weak power, or produce new ones to the individual fae.

  Bond – Faerie’s can form a bond with another. It is similar to werewolves mating. The two faeries’ magic mingles, strengthening each other. It is a slower process but once it forms it can’t be broken.

  Compulsion – Sirens and nymphs can force a suggestion on someone during sexual release. Spells can be cast to have the same effect without sex.

  Dragon – Ancient creature of the elements. Most can shift forms from lizard-like beast to human at will. They possess elemental types of magic.

  Earth Faerie – A fae descended from the Earth Kingdom of Faerie. Their powers include superhuman strength and super-sensitive hearing, smell, and sight. Most can manipulate the earth itself, or create compounds of rock from dust or dirt. Some are able to communicate with animals.

  Elder Guard – Fae chosen by the Elder Guardians to serve as their guard and be their eyes and ears outside their secluded fortress. These fae can be controlled by the guardians, but are generally left to their own devices.

  Elder Guardian(s) – The fae who oversee fae royalty. They only intervene in the event one royal raises a complaint against another.

  Faerie – Both the physical realm on the other side of the veil, and the people who come from there. There are many different forms of fae.


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