Southern Romance

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Southern Romance Page 3

by Smith, Crystal

  here a bit longer. And besides apparently it was necessary to get you out of that room."

  “Necessary! Necessary! You are a real piece of work you pompous jerk.”

  “You know for a grown woman you sure do have a nasty little mouth.”

  Sara looked up at him and Jade couldn't help but to notice the devilish little grin on her full,

  voluptuous lips. Jade looked away trying to regain his senses. After all, she didn't come here to get mixed up with him.

  She had just been through a lot and well he wasn't going to let her pine away to nothing, all though he didn't know how much more weight she could lose without it killing her. Sara looked anorexic. She was pale, her hair a dull color. Her eyes sunk in and grey. He could tell she hadn't been eating.

  "Ok, help me out of here." Jade looked back to see she still had that same smile on her lips.

  "Ok princess, I don't know what you’re up to, but you’re in no shape to be pulling any kind of tricks."

  Jade reached out a hand to help her up, Sara pulled with all her might, Jade simply let go and sent Sara falling right back down into the same place she was before. "I told you princess, don't try it." Jade turned to walk away and heard Sara cursing him beneath her breath. "There goes that womanly mouth of yours again. Come on boy. Let’s leave the princess alone." Jade fought laughing hysterically at the sight of her as he and Juggar kept walking.

  Sara finally managed to get herself out and back into the house. To everyone's amusement, and amazement, that incident was exactly what she needed to snap out of it. She didn’t stay hid out in her room anymore. She helped Emmy Jean out around the house, took long hikes, and played a lot with Juggar.

  Marie didn't necessarily like hearing Jade and Sara argue, which is exactly what she thought would happen eventually, but at this point, there was life again present into Sara's fragile little body. She had begun eating again, she even put on a few pounds, color returned to her skin. She was changing again before them all.

  Jade began to notice all the changes himself. It was hard not to. She was absolutely beautiful. He was beginning to have some deep feelings for Sara. He had never allowed himself to feel like this before. He didn't want to like her like he was beginning to. She had too much temper to Jade's liking. Everything that came out of her mouth was simply to just piss Jade off and he knew it. Was she taking her anger out on him? Maybe so but still he didn't have to like it and he wasn’t going to.

  "Where's everyone at?" Sara questioned Emmy Jean.

  "If you mean by everyone, Jade is out doing his chores. I think he said something about fixing some fence on the north side."

  "I don't care where he is. Where are Justin, and Jacob? I have been here nearly a month and I haven’t seen them since I’ve been here." Emmy Jean knew better, she was watching the very thing that had unfolded between her and George. They hadn't hit it off right away either. Everything that came out of her mouth was just to get a rise out of him. And she was watching history repeat itself again.

  “They have their own lives now. They both have moved on to bigger and better things. Justin is practicing law in Houston now. Jacob is still modeling. He goes all over. Every once in a blue moon they will call and let me know they are still alive. JT was the only one who wanted anything to do with our ranch. They are supposed to come in this weekend for a visit. They should be getting here anytime as a matter of fact. It’s not often I can get all three of my boys in the same place. We are going to have a BBQ and small little gathering. A dance, complete with dressing up to. It’s also the only time I get to feel like a woman.” Sara chuckled at Emmy Jeans words.

  "I think I am going to go lay out by pool and get some sun for awhile. I finished unpacking everything Mom packed for me and apparently she thought I needed some sun. Amongst other things. Do you need anything before I go?"

  "No dear you go on. Enjoy, relax. Holler if you need anything.”

  “Do you know if they have heard anything? I talked to Mom this morning but she wouldn’t tell me anything.” Sara looked at Emmy Jean hoping that the police at least believed her now.

  “No honey. I’m sorry. Your Dad keeps calling them, but he keeps getting the run around. No body knows anything.”

  Sara felt herself sink down. No! She would not do that to herself again. She was away from there, away from him and no one would put her back to the way she was. “Ok, come get me if you need me.” Sara told Emmy Jean before heading out the back.

  Sara thought this was a perfect opportunity for her to just relax. And besides she had no intentions of Jade seeing her in a swim suit. He would be gone for hours and it would give her the perfect opportunity, to give her pale skin the much needed heat and tan from the sun. She had to agree with what everyone had kept telling her. She was definitely pale.

  The sun felt so good on her skin. She laid there in the folded out chair and relaxed. She cleared her mind and just took in the sun. She was startled by a cold nose nudging on her side. She looked over to see Juggar standing there. "What do you want?" Juggar nudged some more. Finally Sara thought she would test the idea and slid over slightly. Juggar got into the lawn chair with her and lay down.

  "I can tell right now you’re spoiled rotten." Sara laid there rubbing his neck. She questioned how he had gotten that scar on his back. "I guess both of us have been through something terrible haven't we boy. Poor thing." As if Juggar understood everything she had said, he looked at her and then laid his head back down. Sara laid there rubbing Juggar’s head.

  Back in the house Emmy Jean was beginning to ready the food for the evening festivities and what was about to start off the wild weekend that usually occurred when all three of her boys got together. The sound and words at the front door was enough to make Emmy Jean drop the potatoes she was peeling and run with tears in her eyes.

  Justin was the first to arrive. “Oh Justin how I have missed you! What in the world? Don’t you ever eat? You’re as skinny as all get out.”

  “Hi Mom it’s nice to see you to but I would hardly say I am skinny.”

  Justin hugged Emmy Jean again and started up the stairs. “Justin you’re gonna be in the room on the end.”

  “Ok, do I wanna know why?”

  “Sara has your room.”

  “Sara as in that scrawny little girl Sara that belongs to Marie and Rick’s?”


  “Should be interesting this weekend.” He went on up to the room she had instructed him to. He

  took a look in the mirror at himself thinking about what his Mom had said. Justin was far from skinny. Tall, lean, abs that looked like they were painted on. Deep blue eyes. Dark brown hair he kept short. Definitely a sight for sore eyes.

  After unpacking his bag he changed out of his suit. It wasn’t very often Justin wore jeans and a T-shirt but he sure did like being out of the formal life. Just back to relax where you look your best in what’s most comfortable to you.

  He made his way back to find Emmy Jean. He saw her staring out the window. Immediately he didn’t like the seriousness in his Mother’s stance. He heard a sniffle and then seen her wipe a single tear from her eye.

  “Mom, what’s wrong?” Quickly he was behind her wrapping her in his arms.

  “Justin you’ve been gone for a while. It’s Sara. Poor thing, I just can’t imagine, just can’t.”

  “Isn’t she the one that JT used to chase around with a frog. Whoever thought someone would be scared of frogs. Just weird. So what about her? She sick or something?”

  “She’s been staying here with us for a while. The most terrible thing happened. She wasn’t safe at Marie and Rick’s so she is here now.”

  “What happened? What do you mean she wasn’t safe?”

  “It’s too terrible to talk about. If you gotta know go talk to JT. I just can’t talk about it. But you be careful. You don’t wanna even try to force it out of him. I haven’t seen him that mad since Amanda. I think it bothers him just about as much as it does her
.” Marie lost it. Jade wrapped her tighter in his arms and tried to calm her.

  “Ok, it’s ok. You don’t have to. Is she ok?”

  “Ok as she can be anyways. She’s getting better with each day. But it hasn’t been an easy road. I swear her and JT are gonna come to blows sooner or later.”

  Justin went to the window and looked out. “Wow! I don’t remember her looking quite like that. It don’t look like she isn’t doing well. She looks rather well in fact.”

  “Justin Levi! I didn’t you teach you to be like that. And you don’t let JT here you talking

  about her like that! He’s rekindled his liking to her I do believe. All though he probably won’t admit it.”

  “Who won’t admit what?” JT walked in patting his brother on the back and questioned what they were looking at but the subject was quickly changed to what city life was like and anything else they could come up with. Jade talked with Justin for a few moments and then politely excused himself and went straight upstairs and showered.

  When he came down stairs Emmy Jean was waiting on him. "JT do you have a minute?”

  “Yep. What’s on your mind?” Jade walked by the window capturing a glimpse of Sara. He froze in his tracks. There she was, laying there, wearing a hot pink two piece, soaking in the sun. Jade couldn't help but to notice how she was filling back out. The weight she had put back on had done her body good. Really good.

  Her legs were long and muscular, like a gymnasts, waist was small, abdomen was flat with slight appearance of muscle, her breast, oh how he couldn't take his eyes off her breast. They were full. Jades mouth began to water. "JT, what are you looking at?"

  Jade pulled himself back to reality as if he was dreaming and sat down at the bar. “My traitor of a best friend. Have you looked out there? Juggar is lying with her. Hm-mm guess he's throwing out the old and it's in with the new. What did you want to talk to me about? Where did Justin go?"

  "Justin is out riding. He said it had been a long time since he had been on a horse so off he went. Well you know that me and your father's anniversary trip is coming up. We have had a trip planned to Hawaii, Australia and then Paris for a long time now. When we get done with that, we thought we would go and visit with some of your Dad’s old friends. You know this trip is supposed to last like a month. I think that everything is going ok here. I would still like to go."

  "Go I can handle everything here."

  "I know you can handle the ranch son, I don’t even question it.”

  “Ok so what is it that you question then?”

  “Can you handle Sara?"

  "Oh she's ok. She gets under my skin a little but other than that. Just like when we were kids." He smiled a fake smile trying to reassure his mother.

  "Yeah, I could tell from the way you were gaulking at her and have been since she got here."

  Jade flashed one of his gorgeous smiles perfectly correct with snow white teeth. He couldn’t help it. She was right. He might not like her attitude but he didn’t have an issue with her new appearance.

  "When are you guys leaving?"

  "Something in your tone makes me wonder if we should but we are supposed to leave tomorrow."

  "Ok then its settled."

  "I called Marie and she thinks Sara would be ok with it to. She thought it would be a good idea to let you two catch up." Emmy Jean smiled and brushed his shoulder as he walked by.

  It wasn’t long and Jacob was making his way in and just like Jacob, he had made his way around the ranch before coming in. He had already seen the new addition in the back yard by the pool and taken a liking to the view. Coming in the back door standing there to view the scenery one more time before finding Emmy Jean and the rest of the gang.

  JT seen him first. “Hey what are you staring at?” He knew damn well what his brother was staring at. Hell if he could, he would still be staring at her himself.

  “Who the hell is that? Not that I’m complaining. She’s hot. Or at least her body is anyways. Haven’t seen her face yet. But give me time.” He smiled over his shoulder catching the look on JT’s face.

  “That’s Sara and it would do you good to stop gaulking and go find your Mother.”

  “Touchy much.” He smiled and walked around JT.

  It wasn’t long and just as Emmy Jean had remembered the good ole days, everyone was sitting around talking and laughing about old stories.

  Sara could hear laughing and music playing. She got up, wrapped a towel around her and went inside. She could see everything going on. Justin and Jacob were sitting there talking while Emmy Jean looked on and readied the food. It’s was ironic, but the first thought that came to Sara’s head was just like when she was a kid. Sara attempted to sneak in without being noticed but it didn’t work.

  “Sara where you going in such a hurry?” Justin called.

  “I thought I would get ready.” The words were like someone had a hold of her shaking her while she spoke.

  “You look great to me.” Called out Jacob.

  “Boys let her go! I won’t have you making her feel uncomfortable. Go ahead dear.” Sara smiled briefly at Emmy Jean and headed upstairs. She met Jade at the top of the stairs. Jade tried not to stare but it was a mission impossible. It was as if someone was making him look at every visible part and wonder what he couldn’t see would look like if he could.

  As if Sara knew exactly what he was thinking about, heat surged to her cheeks. She quickly squeezed by him practically running on down the hall and quickly entered her bedroom. Total relief sunk upon her as she closed the door and sank into it.

  Jade made his way downstairs. “Jade why don’t you and your brothers run into town and pick up this list of things I need for the party. People will be showing up soon and I won’t have time to finish cooking, run to town, and get ready.”

  “Ok, where’s Dad?”

  “Don’t go there, he’s out back chopping wood the old fashioned way. Getting it ready for the bon fire. I can’t wait.” Sarcasm wasn’t one of Jacob’s strong suits and his mother didn’t have time to listen to it. She reached down grabbed the newspaper and swatted his head. Jacob jumped up and without hesitation, “I’ll drive?” As he smiled an innocent smile. Well as innocent as he could anyways.

  The way into town was spent mostly catching up on every exciting thing missed and laughing about old times. On the way home Justin couldn’t help but to bring up Sara.

  “So what’s the story with Sara. Mom told me that something had happened but didn’t specify what it was.”

  Justin and Jacob both noted the tense expression that crossed Jade’s face.

  “It must be bad if it silenced his mouth.” Jacob tried to make light of the situation but it only added gasoline to the flame.

  “Not that it is any of your business, but after being almost raped and left for dead after being beaten and shot, the son of a bitch had the balls to contact her by mail and threaten her. So now she is here with me,,, us.” Jade wasn’t much for letting his temper show, so when it did, everyone who knew him knew it was bad.

  “Sorry JT, we didn’t mean any harm. We just thought.”

  “Yeah, I know what you thought.” Jade snapped back at Jacob.

  “So while we are on the subject of Sara, she sure did grow up well didn’t she.” Justin let out.

  “Easy there Justin, I have a feeling this one is already off the market.” Jacob added.

  Jacob and Justin gave each other a look and waited for what kind of response they would get.

  “Well I guess I was wrong. I don’t hear anyone saying otherwise so if you’re interested Justin, I’ll wait and see if she goes for you. If she doesn’t then I make my move.” Jacob was winking the whole time he was talking to Justin. Jade slammed on the brakes, shut off the engine, jumped out and called them out.

  “Ok who is gonna get it first. Wait don’t pick. I will beat and I do mean beat both of you right now.” Justin looked at Jacob and Jacob looked back. As if it had been practiced both of th
em made the exact same statement. “Jade’s in love.” Jade ran his fingers through his hair and stomped his boots in the dirt.

  “That’s it isn’t it. You’re in love aren’t you?”

  “I can like or love any woman I choice to. She has had a rough time and I won’t let you two

  thug wanna be’s mess up her progress here.”

  “Look, no one said anything about messing anything up. Be honest to yourself for once.”

  “I don’t know what I am. All I know there is something.” Jade was being pulled in two different directions. His heart towards Sara. His mind told him no stop, she’s damaged, mentally she doesn’t operate right anymore. And he couldn’t blame her. He didn’t know anyone who might be strong enough to overcome what she had been through and then live a normal life again.

  Hell it had taken him almost three years before he was even interested in anyone. Meeting Lois opened his eyes to what he wanted out of life again. Amanda had taken that away from him, the minute she left. The minute she left and had an abortion without telling him she was even pregnant. Sure she came back. But the thought of her killing his baby was too much. He broke it off with her.

  “Just be safe J, you obviously know what she’s been through but you don’t know what is going on in that head of hers. She might not be ready for anything yet. She may not ever be ready.”

  “I know all of this. Don’t you think I have thought about it? That’s all I think about. Damn I don’t wanna scare her! I don’t wanna hurt her either! I really don’t know what the fuck to do.” Everyone involved at this point, thought that it would be best if they didn’t mention anything else about Sara on the way home.

  When they pulled in there she stood wearing a white sundress with brown boots. Her long blonde hair blew in the warm breeze. Her blue eyes lit up and shined in the sun. She made country look really good, hell, Justin was ready to go country, Jacob was ready to feel country, and well Jade was just ready to make her his.

  “Hey guys need some help?” No one could ever accuse Sara of being impolite. After standing there waiting for them to answer her, she walked up shaking her head as if saying what got into you guys and walked inside.


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