Margaritifer Basin (Margaritifer Trilogy Book 1)

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Margaritifer Basin (Margaritifer Trilogy Book 1) Page 44

by Gregory Gates

  Heidi glanced at Chrissie with astonishment. “Yours? You’re not even going!”

  Chrissie shrugged and smiled. “I’m part of the team. If it comes to that, I’m perfectly happy to be the mother of the first Martian.”

  “But, would you be the mother?”

  Chrissie laughed. “We’ll split that hair later, if necessary.”

  Heidi frowned. “You guys are amazingly cavalier about this.”

  Jeff shook his head. “Oh no we’re not. This, as you may imagine, has incalculable moral, philosophical, legal, even religious implications that we’ve struggled with for two years, and will continue to do so. But the bottom line is, eventually it will happen. Eventually, someone will do it. We’re gonna be there first, so why not us?”

  A smile slowly came over Heidi’s face. “Forgive the pun but that birth announcement will be the mother of all press conferences.”

  They all laughed.

  “I expect so,” said Jeff.

  “Chrissie?” said Heidi.


  “Job opportunity.”

  Chrissie smiled. “Yeah, I’ve figured all along that one would be mine. To tell you the truth, I’m looking forward to it. Like you said, it’ll set the world on its ear.”

  Heidi smiled. “Um, that’s a lot of diapers.”

  Jeff chuckled. “Would be if we were using disposables, but we’re going old school and using cloth since we have laundry facilities in space and on the surface.”

  Heidi sighed. “Well, okay. Wow.” She looked directly at Jeff. “Any other skeletons in the closet I should know about?”

  Jeff shook his head. “Nope. That’s it. However, there is one thing. I told you when I hired you that I didn’t like secrets unless the knowledge could hurt someone. And that’s still true. Based on just your reaction, you may well imagine what might happen were the news media to get wind of this. There is no way for us to judge what public reaction might be, and it would probably be all over the place. The consequences to us could be disastrous. This is not something we want debated in the court of public opinion – yet. We’ll let the world know when the time comes.”

  Heidi nodded. “I understand. Uh, one other thing, how will you transport the child from the hab to the MAV, and what are you going to do until you’re in space and pressurized? How are you getting the baby back? You having someone build a suit for it?”

  Jeff grinned. “Sue will show you, she has the prototype down in the lab. Remember the two crates I mentioned at the MAV meeting with NASA, JPL, and Grumman?”


  “Well, we had ILC Dover build a couple pressurized capsules for us that will connect to the MAV’s and CM’s life support systems or piggyback off a PLSS. They’ll also serve as cribs on the surface, and provide some additional radiation shielding in the event of high solar activity. We’ve rearranged things a bit in the command module. We removed one of the rear bulkhead crew couches and turned the other around and located it under the center couch to give Sue a bit more room. On the return trip the two kiddy capsules will sit on either side of her beneath the left and right seats. As far as ILC knows, they’re for the purpose of transporting some materials that require temperature and humidity control. They didn’t even raise an eyebrow. When necessary, the little one will ride in one of them.”

  “Huh. That’s ingenious. Whose idea was that?”


  Heidi glanced at Gabe. “So, to smart, talented and beautiful, we can now add devious?” she said with a grin.

  Jeff whispered, “You have no idea.”

  “I heard that,” said Gabe.

  “Why two?” said Heidi.

  “Primary and backup. And… god forbid,” Jeff shook his head, “somebody decides to have twins.”

  Heidi cringed. “That could present problems.”

  “Yeah, big problems. One of them’s already on the way in Columbus, the other will go in Magellan; just more Schedule G stuff. Okay, well, there you have it. Now, as I reminded Gabe a little earlier, this is just one part of a very large plan. Yeah, it’s a significant part that requires a lot of very detailed advance planning, but it’s still just one part. Let’s not get fixated on it, there are a lot of other parts that also require our attention.”

  “Got it.”

  “Okay.” Jeff sighed, “What time is it?” and looked at his watch. “Yeesh, five-thirty. Hey, Abby, we’re missing cocktail hour.”

  “Oh no! Anything but that.”

  “Oh, that reminds me.” Jeff looked at Susan and tapped on his watch. “When you have a chance can you dig out a watch for Heidi? I completely forgot about that.”

  “Sure, I’ll get one as soon as we’re done here.”

  Heidi looked around at their wrists. “I’ve been meaning to ask about that. You all wear the same watch. Is there something special about them?”

  Jeff nodded. “Indeed there is. These are Omega Speedmasters – the original moon watch, worn by the Apollo astronauts. And these are all from that era, the 1960s, though most have been rebuilt for us by Omega. They are known to work on the moon and they’ll be going with us to Mars.”

  “How cool. But, won’t they gain like half an hour a day on Mars?”

  “These would. These with the blue crowns are calibrated for a 24-hour Earth day. We have another set with red crowns that are calibrated for a 24-hour Martian day. We’ll take both.”

  Heidi looked over at Gabe. “That your idea too?”

  Gabe shook her head. “Nope, the boss came up with that one.”

  “Good idea.”

  Jeff smiled. “Well, I’ve still got some functional brain cells, though Abby and I are about to go downstairs and kill off a few more. Y’all are welcome to join us.”

  Heidi grinned and nodded. “Sounds good to me. I think I need a drink.”

  “Well, you’ve come to the right place. Let’s go.”


  The six of them sat in lounge chairs beside the pool, watching the late spring sunset. Abby sighed audibly. Jeff recognized the sigh. “What’s on your mind, Abigail?”

  “Um, well… crap.”

  “Come on, spit it out.”

  “Boss, it’s been two years. Leaving aside Chrissie and Heidi, who are free to do as they please… are two of us, at least, looking at another four and a half years of celibacy?”

  Jeff’s head – and heart – sank. He knew this was coming, eventually. He exhaled loudly and shook his head. “Sue, what are the risks?”

  “Oh gee, thanks. I don’t know. The risk of complications – sexually transmitted disease – resulting from intercourse with other men are, well, I don’t know, but they’re real. Likewise, potential problems with chemical birth control – the pill – are also real. And the potential psychological issues with you having relations with more than one of us? Jeez, Jeff, that’s so far outside my area of expertise I don’t even want to think about it. I just don’t know. But I will say this: Abby does have a point. I mean, you have three women here that are right in the prime of their reproductive lives and the peak of their sexuality. You’re asking an awful lot of us.”

  “Yeah… I know.”

  Chrissie stood. “Hey, Heidi, come help me get supper started.”

  “Yeah, sure. Good idea,” Heidi said, jumping up.

  Jeff looked up at them. “You don’t have to…”

  Chrissie cut him off, “I know. But you guys don’t need us for this.”

  He smiled. “Thanks.”

  As they headed into the house, Jeff pondered his next move. This was the one question for which he had no answer. He turned to Abby and gave her a questioning look.

  “I can’t speak for Sue and Gabe, but up until two years ago I had a very active sex life. Now I’m a nun. God Jeff, I haven’t been laid since the day I met you! I’m 34 and all I can think about is sex. It’s becoming a major distraction.”

  Jeff nodded. “I understand.” He paused, scratching his head. “Sue’s wrong. I�
��m not asking a lot, I’m asking too much. And I should have known that all along. As you said, I’m your boss and, as much as I like you – hell, you’re my three best friends – I do want to keep our relationship professional, at least until we’re done. But, your lives,” he grinned at Abby, “and your sanity, are more important than any harebrained notions I may have.” He glanced at each of them. “I want you all here with me, and on the mission, but you are my friends and, more than anything else, I want you to be happy. So, all of you are free to do whatever you need to do. And for God’s sake, don’t feel that you owe me anything, because you don’t. And, well, we’ll work around it.”

  Sue stood, “I’ll be back in a minute,” and walked into the house.

  Jeff reached out and took Abby’s hand. “Okay?”

  She slowly nodded. “You know I would gladly be the mother of your child on Mars or today.” Her voice quivered. “But this is hard.”

  “I’m sorry, I never meant for it to be.”

  “I know.”

  Jeff looked at Gabe who sat, hands folded in her lap, staring at the paving stones, and wearing a frown. “How are you doing, Gabe?”

  She looked quickly at him. “Oh, um, I’m… uh, I’m fine. Don’t worry about me.” And she returned her gaze to the pool deck.


  A few minutes later, Susan returned, walked by Abby, dropping something in her lap as she passed, then returned to her chair.

  Abby glanced down. “Condoms?”

  Susan nodded. “It’s the only thing I can think of, be sure and use them. And I have lots more.”

  Abby picked up the condoms, stood, and went into the house.

  Jeff leaned back in his chair and closed his eyes. “This isn’t how it was supposed to be. It’s not what I intended, it’s not what I wanted.”

  A couple minutes later he heard the Aston Martin start, and drive off.

  Chrissie came out. “Where’s Abby going?”

  Jeff shook his head. “I don’t know.”

  Gabe started crying, her shoulders heaving with each sob.

  Jeff got up, walked around, knelt behind her, wrapped his arms around her shoulders, and leaned his head against hers. “It’s okay. Come on now, there’s no need for this. We’re all grown-ups.”

  She sobbed a bit longer, then wiped her eyes and leaned back into Jeff’s grasp. “I just don’t want it to be like this.”

  “I know, me neither. But, we can’t always have what we want. It’ll be fine.”

  She sniffed. “Are you sure?”

  “Yeah, we’ll work it out.”

  Monday, June 9, 2014 (T minus 652 days)

  Jeff took a couple of aspirin and sat down to the breakfast table and a cup of coffee. He’d tossed and turned all night and managed to develop a splitting headache. And Abby had not returned. The mood around the table was morose at best, and he was starting to get worried. It was certainly not too late to replace her, but that wasn’t an eventuality he really wanted to contemplate. He looked across the table at Gabe, chin resting on her hand, elbow on the table. “And how are you doing this morning?”

  She shook her head. “Terrible. I was awake all night.”

  “You too, huh?”

  “Is she coming back?”

  Jeff shrugged. “Don’t know. I hope so, she has my car.”

  Gabe gave him a pained grin.

  “This is getting personal, isn’t it?”

  She nodded.

  “It wasn’t supposed to. At least, not yet.”

  “Unintended consequences.”


  Just then Jeff heard the unmistakable exhaust note of the Aston Martin. He sighed with relief but, at the same time, braced for some inevitable heartbreak. Gabe bit her lip and everyone else glanced around nervously.

  Abby came in through the kitchen, looking a bit haggard. “Morning all.” She walked around the table and, as she passed Susan, dropped a handful of unopened condoms on the table beside her. “Thanks, but I won’t be needing these.” She continued around to Jeff. “May I speak with you in private? Perhaps in your office?”

  Jeff nodded. “Of course.” He glanced around the table, “Excuse us, please,” then got up and followed Abby upstairs. He closed the door behind them as she walked to the center of the room, stopped, turned around and faced him. Jeff stopped a few feet in front of her, and waited.

  Abby stood, biting her lip, staring at the floor. “See? I told you I had an attitude problem.”

  Jeff smiled. “Yeah, you did.”

  “I really fucked up, didn’t I?”

  “How so?”

  She looked up at him. “I saw their faces. They all hate me.”

  “Nobody hates you, Abby. Not them, not me. We’ve just been worried about you.”

  “Do I still have a job?”

  “Of course you do. If you want it.”

  Abby nodded, tears beginning to well up. “I do.” She wiped her eyes. “Damn, now Gabe’s got me doing it.”

  Jeff picked up a box of tissue from his desk and handed it to her.


  He motioned toward the sofa. “Would you like to sit down?”

  She shook her head. “Jeff, I’m so terribly sorry.”

  “For what? Being human?”

  “No! For being a bitch. You’re wrong, I owe you everything. We all do. You’ve given me a life and a future beyond my wildest dreams, and this is how I repay you?”

  “I don’t know, Abby. Have I given you a life, or taken yours away? Maybe the price of all this is just too high.”

  “No, it’s not. It’s just that… well…” She returned her gaze to the floor. “Something I didn’t expect.”

  Jeff chuckled softly. “I think we’ve all had a few surprises.”

  “No, it’s not that. I…” She looked up into his eyes. “I just didn’t expect to fall in love with you.”

  Jeff’s jaw dropped. “Uh… wow. Um, I didn’t see that coming.”

  Abby shook her head. “No, me neither.”

  Jeff walked to the bar and poured two large glasses of Scotch. He held one out to her. “I know it’s a little early, but…”

  She took the glass. “Thanks.”

  Jeff took a large gulp. “You know, you have a mighty peculiar way of saying, ‘I love you.’”

  She cringed. “Yeah. Jeff, I didn’t go out and get laid last night. I wanted to, I really wanted to. But I wouldn’t. I couldn’t do that to you. You’re the only man I want.”

  Jeff sighed with relief, and nodded.

  “I just drove around all night, put a bunch of miles on your car. Sorry.”

  He chuckled. “Don’t worry about it.” He took another drink, then looked into her eyes. “So, what do we do now?”

  She smiled. “Well, I don’t know about you, but I’d still like to put my footprints on Mars.”

  Jeff smiled back. “Yeah, me too.”

  “Who knows, maybe somewhere along the way I’ll get lucky.”

  He nodded. “Yeah, maybe I will too. Here, give me that.” Jeff reached out and took her drink, set both glasses on the desk, then took Abby in his arms and kissed her, long and hard.

  When their lips finally parted, Abby panted, “What was that for?”

  “That’s so I don’t lay in bed at night, wondering what I’m missing.”

  She grinned. “You’re missing a lot more than that.”

  “I have no doubt.”

  “Well, there are four women downstairs to whom I also owe an apology. I think I better go do that.”

  “Want some moral support?”

  “No. I’ll do this alone.”


  “Thanks for being so understanding.”

  Jeff put his hand on her cheek, smiled and nodded.

  She clutched his hand, kissed his palm, and headed for the door. “Oh, by the way…”


  “I’m not the only one.”

  Jeff frowned. “The onl
y one… what?”

  Abby smiled. “Watch the way Gabe’s eyes follow you.” She winked at him and walked out, closing the door behind her.

  “Oh lord.” Jeff poured the remainder of Abby’s Scotch in his glass and drained the whole thing. “I should have stayed a school teacher.”


  Saturday, July 12, 2014 (T minus 619 days)

  Jeff awoke and groaned at the pain in his lower back. It wasn’t a sharp pain, just the usual nagging ache. Susan had diagnosed it as a probable compression injury left over from Kuwait. It came and went, and there wasn’t much to be done about it. Surgery could just as easily make it worse rather than better. He got up, took a couple Vicodin and, while waiting for them to take effect, donned a robe, grabbed a towel, and headed for the hot tub.

  It had been unseasonably warm that day, in the low 90s, and just before midnight it was still around 80 on the patio. Jeff fired up the hot tub and settled in where a strong, pulsing jet could hammer on his lower back. He leaned his head back and closed his eyes. “Ah, that’s better.”

  A few minutes later he was mildly startled by Abby’s, “Hi,” from just behind.

  He turned his head slightly. “Hi. You snuck up on me.”

  “I’m stealthy.”

  “No kidding. What are you doing up?”

  “I dunno, I was just awake. I had my windows open and heard the hot tub. Thought it was probably you and that you might like some company.”

  “Yeah, sure.”

  “Back bothering you again?”

  “Yeah. I hate getting old.”

  She sat on the deck behind him, dangled her legs in the water on either side of him and began massaging his shoulders and neck. “You’re not old.”

  “Well, I’m sure not young.” He rolled his head. “Hmmm, that feels good.”

  “That’s the idea.”

  Light from the full moon shimmered on the ocean below and brightly illuminated the landscape.

  Abby took a deep breath and sighed. “Nice night.”

  “Yeah, beautiful.”

  “Sure beats winter, and three feet of snow.”


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