Bred by the Mafia Monster

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Bred by the Mafia Monster Page 3

by Sam Crescent

  She gasped.

  Klaus didn’t move, he only looked down at the man’s hand on his shirt as if the simple touch insulted him. His jaw twitched.

  “Let’s go, Bella.” He took her hand and led her away.

  “Hey! I said stop right there.” The man grabbed her free arm.

  Within seconds, Klaus turned, reaching into the front of his suit jacket to brandish the butt end of his gun. “Stay the fuck away my fiancée.”


  Some other men in suits approached from the other end of the lot. Accardi men.

  Her heart began to race. The entire reason this unorthodox wedding was taking place was to create peace and end the constant bloodshed between the two biggest crime families in the state.

  When the Accardi men were a car length away, Klaus winked at her father’s men and continued on his way. He didn’t look back. His men would likely die for him, the son of their kingpin.

  Once inside the church, she pointed out her grandmother’s priest in the near distance. The foyer was crowded, multiple conversations taking place, echoing in the elaborate cathedral.

  “Father Basil,” she said. “Can we speak to you for a few moments, please?”

  “Isabella. A pleasure to see you.” He gave a sideways glance to Klaus. “What do you need from me, child?”

  “Your blessing.”

  If he refused to bless their upcoming marriage, it would break her grandmother’s heart. But she had her doubts. If Father Basil knew Klaus’s reputation as she did, he’d banish him from the church forever. Maybe condemn him to hell.

  “My blessing?”

  “We’re due to be married by week’s end,” she said. “This is my fiancé.”

  “I have no record of an upcoming wedding for you this week, Isabella.”

  She wet her lips. “The final arrangements are still being made. I understand you’re booked up for the year, but I’d still love your blessing. It means a lot to our family.”

  “Where will you say your vows?” he asked.

  “Right here,” said Klaus, garnering both their attention. His voice was deep and gruff, confident and authoritative.

  “Excuse me?” asked Father Basil.

  “My father will be in contact with the exact day and time. I’m sure it will be a memorable ceremony.”

  What was Klaus doing? There was no way they could get into this church in less than a week. It was unheard of, even for most elite members of society.

  “I hope marriage will be your turning point, Klaus Giovanni Accardi.”

  Her priest knew Klaus?

  “You have my blessing, Isabella. I look forward to marrying you both.” He glared at Klaus, somewhat discreetly, then turned to the next couple beckoning for his attention.

  “You know Father Basil?” she whispered.

  “He baptized me.”

  Her mouth parted. “Then why does he hate you?”

  “I’ve been a bad boy.”

  Chapter Three

  After dropping Bella off at home, Klaus didn’t see her for the remainder of the week. Instead, he’d gotten immersed in his work. If he even allowed himself the pleasure of going to see his woman, he wouldn’t be able to leave her with her father. Lastra had been waiting for her. Bella had shaken in his arms, but one glance at his own father, and he knew he had to bide his time.

  If he did something to mess up this union, there would be more bloodshed, and he wouldn’t get Bella all to himself. In the last few days, she was all he could think about, and now as he stood inside the church with Father Basil a few feet away, he was more than ready to get this show over with.

  The Lastra family took up one side of the church, while his own family took up the other. There was no mingling, no pleasantries being given. Two divided families who were still separated by their mutual hatred of one another.

  Running his fingers through his hair, he caught sight of a couple of women his father had introduced him to earlier.

  “A virgin on the wedding night is necessary, but don’t worry, my son, I have required entertainment for you.”

  The women weren’t necessary. There was only one woman he wanted to be with tonight, his wife. She had arrived an hour ago, but for some reason, was being held up. She was close, in the church.

  Staring out across the ground floor, he wanted to kill every single last one of the Lastras. To have their blood flowing on the ground.

  Without them, there would be no Bella.

  He didn’t know Isabella. Had only spoken to her that evening at the restaurant, but this intense feeling toward her wouldn’t fade. Women were nothing more than a passing fancy to him. They amused him, and at the end of the day, he loved to fuck. Even when he lost his virginity, one of his favorite hobbies was to bring a woman to orgasm and have her begging for more before he was done. He loved to push them to the limit, to see how much their bodies could take.

  Now, all he wanted was Bella. He wanted her virgin blood on his cock. Knowing she hadn’t been with any other man brought out a new possessiveness in him.

  Bella would belong entirely to him. He’d make sure no one else ever got to taste her sweetness.

  His father came toward him. “How are you holding up, son?”

  “Where is she?”

  “She’s getting ready and will be yours very soon.”

  He still wasn’t happy. Staring out across the church, he saw the women both staring at him. “I want those sluts gone.”

  “You’ll need them, Klaus. Don’t fight me on this.”

  “I don’t want those women here. On my wedding day. The only woman I want today is Bella.”

  “You forget your place. You are my heir—”

  “And I’ve all but taken your place but for the title, Father. Don’t forget who’s really running the show here. You can’t keep these men in control, but I can. I do your job for you.”

  It was only going to be another couple of years, which was a respectable timeframe for his father to officially hand over the family empire. Klaus had taken over from him long before now. His father had made several bad decisions, including fathering at least six children with different mistresses. They all cost a small fortune. Not to mention his recent mistress had him addicted to drugs as well. Things had been going downhill ever since his mother’s death and keeping that from their enemies had been a struggle. The moment he forced rehab and a constant companion on his ass, he knew his father’s days were over. The business was all his. Now, he just needed to make sure there was something to actually have at the end of it.

  His brothers didn’t know the true extent of their father’s failure, and they never would. He’d be sure of it.

  The commotion within the church stopped, drawing his attention to the church doors. Six bridesmaids in total stood waiting. The music began to play, signaling the wedding was about to start.

  The women were beautiful.

  What he’d come to see from the Lastra family was that they only believed in money and beauty. They were greedy assholes. He despised them all, apart from Bella.

  Once the bridesmaids were all lined up, he didn’t bother to look in their direction again. It was now his bride. Her face was covered by a veil, dressed all in white. The dress molded to every full curve and was cinched in tight at the waist. He had to wonder if she could even breathe. In her hands, she carried an elaborate bouquet of roses.

  His gaze went to the arm her father gripped tightly. Too tightly.

  He wanted to fucking kill that bastard. He was tempted to reach for his gun here and now, but instead, he held himself back.

  First, he had to marry Bella, to get her safely away from her family. Then, once everything had settled, he could do what he wanted to do and annihilate them all.

  Peace. He didn’t believe in the word. There was no peace in war.

  Once Bella was close, her father held her hand out to him, but he wasn’t interested in taking her hand. Lifting up the veil, he heard the resounding gasp
through the church, but none of them saw Bella’s face, nor the heavy makeup hiding what he saw.

  His woman sported a black eye.

  The makeup tried to conceal it.

  So had her father.

  She visibly shook.

  Rage took over. He glanced at her father and within his gaze, he let the man know that there would be justice for this.

  As he took her hand, Bella shook within his grasp. He rubbed her knuckles with his thumb, trying to offer her some level of comfort. She didn’t even smile at him. Damn it. After their dinner the other day, he thought she was opening up to him. Her father was the problem, but that wouldn’t be an issue for much longer as he intended to take Bella away from all of this.

  Facing the priest, he stared at Father Basil, waiting for the older fucker to cause a problem. If he so much as made this union difficult, he’d live to regret the day. Most of this religious empire was funded by dirty Accardi money, and he damn well knew it.

  The ceremony began and Bella’s tremble didn’t settle down. This wasn’t how he envisioned his wedding taking place.

  Neither of them made any vows, so there was no wasted time. After the declaration and kiss, his rage was at an all-time high. Pushing all the murderous thoughts to the back of his mind, he cupped her face. She flinched.

  Each negative reaction was just another notch of pain he intended to inflict on his brand-new father-in-law.

  They called him a monster for a reason, and he was going to make sure the head Lastra felt his wrath.

  Rather than take the kiss he wanted, he brushed his lips against hers, being gentle, which wasn’t part of his repertoire. The church was silent until he turned to face them, then an echoing round of applause began.

  Bella was now his wife.

  Leading her out of the church, he tolerated the standard bullshit of taking pictures. This wasn’t a day he wanted her to remember. Each time the photographer requested she smile, it was like another hit he intended to unload on her father.

  Finally, when he couldn’t take the crap anymore, he led her to the car, ignoring the complaints from the guests.

  He opened the door and helped her, shoving the layers of tulle inside. Her dress was billowy and had a great deal of crinoline underneath. She looked stunning as it showcased her huge tits. The mounds pressed against the front, begging to be touched.

  Klaus sat beside her, watching her hands shake involuntarily. Only now, she wore his ring. Things were going to change.

  Covering her hand with his, he gripped her tightly. “No one will ever hurt you again.”

  “It was a lovely wedding,” she said. Isabella was a master of diversion, but he wasn’t falling for it.

  “The eye?”

  “It’s nothing. I fell.”

  Klaus gripped her chin, not too tightly as to hurt her, but firm enough to warn her not to fuck with him. “Do not lie to me. There’s a lot of shit I’ll put up with, but lies are not one of them. Don’t try to test me on this.”

  Tears filled her eyes. “I don’t … please.”

  “Tell me.”

  “I…” The tear escaped and he waited. “My father. He was angry with me. We were watched at the restaurant. I’m not allowed to eat dessert. This was my punishment. I earned it.”

  He captured her tears, wiping them down his pants. Klaus would have rather licked them off her face, but with the amount of makeup she wore, he’d only have tasted the cosmetics.

  “Your father will never touch you again, Bella. You’re mine now.”

  “He’s still my father.”

  “And I’ve told you what will happen. I’ll protect you. Don’t you ever fucking lie to me again.”

  Lastra had bruised his wife. There would be consequences.

  He carefully removed the veil from her head. It took some finesse with all the pins in her hair. Slowly, being careful not to hurt her, going against his nature of that of a monster, he released her hair, running his fingers through it. He loved it long and loose. “Beautiful. You’ll do everything to please me, Bella. Only me. I will give you the world if you’ll only let me.”

  “I’m not very good at all of this.”

  “I don’t care. I don’t need a robot, nor do I want one.” He kissed her hard, gripping the back of her neck. Sliding his tongue across her lips, he plundered inside as she gasped. Perfection. His beautiful virgin bride was highly addictive.

  Her hands went to his chest and he expected her to throw him off her, but instead, she gripped his shirt even tighter.

  Stroking her cheek, he smiled. “Mine.”



  The word kept echoing around her head.

  She’d never belonged to anyone else before. Never thought it possible.

  Isabella’s lips tingled from his kisses, and her head felt so much lighter with him removing that damn veil and the sharp pins. Her mother had spent so much time trying to get her hair trapped beneath the veil, and it was anything but a pleasant experience.

  Now that her hair hung down and her lips were swollen, she felt … better. There was an answering tingle between her thighs from his touch.

  The drive was quick since they’d planned the lodgings near the church. Once they got to the hotel where the main reception was being held, she was surprised to see some guests had already arrived. Her father waited with her mother at the main door.

  All her life, they had ordered her around, told her what she could or couldn’t do. When she arrived home after her dinner with Klaus, her father had been so angry, he’d punched her in the face. He said she was a fat whore determined to humiliate him. What Klaus didn’t know was there were bruises across her ribs as well. If it hadn’t been for her mother and brothers talking some sense into him, she’d have been killed.

  Klaus climbed out of the car first. The power he exuded was highly intoxicating. Even with a full tux, she could tell he was muscular beneath the expensive fabric. Strong legs, powerful shoulders, and thick biceps. She couldn’t believe for a second that he actually wanted her. He must want the peace that was supposed to come from this union.

  Her mother had told her she was to do what was necessary to make him happy. Men like Klaus demanded submission, obedience, and silence. From the little interactions they’d had, the Klaus she knew was the opposite. He’d tried to make conversation with her.

  Stepping out of the car, she chanced a look toward her parents. Their disapproval was clear. She held her breath, the usual dread flooding her veins. It seemed she couldn’t do anything right by them.

  She no longer held her hair up and the veil was gone.

  Klaus gripped her hand, locking their fingers together, shocking her even more as he lifted up part of her dress to help her walk up the steps toward them. His fingers brushing her inner thigh sent shockwaves of need rushing through her despite her predicament.

  “Klaus,” her father said. “I’d like a word with my daughter.”

  “Not happening,” Klaus said, to which her mother gasped.

  “Excuse me. She is my daughter.”

  Klaus stepped up to her father. He was taller by several inches. “And she’s my fucking wife. By law, she’s now my property, and you don’t get a say anymore. This is our wedding.”

  Her father cleared his throat. “Isabella, you’re unseemly. Go and do something with your damn hair and get the fucking veil back on.”

  Isabella cried out. With his free hand, Klaus wrapped his fingers around her father’s tie, pulling him forward.

  “You must have a death wish, old man. She looks radiant. I like to look at her. She’s pleasing to me and only me.” Klaus tightened his grip so her father’s face turned red. “Don’t you think?”

  Isabella squeezed his hand, wanting to end this. She didn’t want to see this kind of violence and conflict.

  Klaus released him. “We’ll see you inside.”

  Without another look toward her parents, she followed Klaus toward their waiting guests. All o
f them had arrived. Even her grandmother.

  “I made sure our driver took as long as possible. You’re the star of this day, and you look ravishing.” He took two flutes from a passing waiter, handing her a glass.

  It was on the tip of her tongue to refuse, but the look he sent her way had her pressing the liquid to her lips and taking a small sip.

  “You will not be dancing with your father. You won’t leave my side. Understood?”

  “But I thought—”


  She nodded her head.

  “Good. I’m the only one who matters to you now.”

  He finished his champagne, took her glass, and put it on the table.

  In the next moment, she was in his arms. People stared.

  “We’re not doing this right, are we?” she asked. “There’s speeches and cake and all of that stuff.”

  “There’s something you need to know about me, Bella. I don’t conform to what’s expected of me. I do whatever the fuck I please, and I’m starting to think you need to do the same.”

  She frowned as she looked at him. “There are always rules to follow.”

  “I don’t give a fuck about the rules, and neither should you. All that matters is what we want. You’ve spent way too much time under the thumb of someone who only wants to squash you.” Klaus’s hand moved to her lower back. “There are a lot of pleasures to be had.”

  “For a man. You can go and sleep with women. Us women, we’re expected to be nice, obedient, sweet, kind. You wouldn’t have wanted me if I wasn’t a virgin.”

  Klaus leaned in close so his lips were right beside her ear. “You’re wrong. I want to fuck you, Bella. I want to feel your tight pussy wrapped around my cock as you come so hard. I want to see your cunt dripping with my cum. I would have wanted you without your virginity. Now, I get to have you all to myself and to mold you into a woman who will love my dick. There’s so much for you to learn, and I can’t wait to teach you.”

  The dancing didn’t stop and the anticipation of the coming night was nearly too much. When her father approached, Klaus told him no, breaking tradition. He turned every single man away from her, including her brothers, from dancing with her. Once they cut the cake, he made sure to serve her a large slice, feeding her from his plate.


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