Bred by the Mafia Monster

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Bred by the Mafia Monster Page 7

by Sam Crescent

“Is it about the dinner, Klaus? If you don’t want to go, just spit it out. I won’t be mad or upset. I’ll understand.”

  He shook his head. “Bella, it’s your father.”

  “What did he do now?”

  Klaus scoffed. “He put a hit out on my head. Seems your daddy wants me dead.”

  She froze, a chill running down her body. Her father had forced her into this unorthodox marriage, claiming she’d never get a husband on her own. Now he wanted to murder the man she loved?

  It didn’t completely surprise her after how Klaus humiliated him on their wedding night, but it still hurt. A small part of her heart hoped they could all reconcile and become a big, happy extended family one day. It was all a dream. Like chasing rainbows.


  She couldn’t speak. If she opened her mouth, the floodgates would begin to flow, and she’d promised Klaus she was strong enough to handle anything.

  If she could just get a few minutes to compose herself, she’d be okay … but he wouldn’t allow it. He curled a finger under her chin, forcing her to make eye contact. She knew her eyes were already swimming with unshed tears.

  “I’m sorry,” he whispered. Why did he have to be such a good man?

  She cried into his chest. “I wish for him to be something he’s not. I’ve always wanted his love, but nothing I did was ever good enough.”

  “Remember what I told you? It’s just you and me. We’ll make our own family, our own future.”

  She nodded, still sobbing. “You’re right. I know that. It still hurts.”

  “I wish I could take your pain,” Klaus said.

  Then she leaned away, still holding the lapels of his shirt. “We won’t have anything if my father gets his way. I can’t lose you, Klaus.”

  “Baby, this isn’t the first hit on my head. It won’t be the last.”

  “My father’s different. He won’t stop until you’re dead.

  As horrible as it sounded, she’d choose Klaus over her father. Did she want Klaus to kill him? It may be the only way.

  “So much for peace,” said Klaus.

  She could blame him, tell him none of this would have happened if he’d ignored her father and not pushed the limits. But her heart wouldn’t allow it. Klaus had been protecting her, and Klaus was right, her father had abused her most of her life.

  “What will we do?”

  “Move onward and upward. Let me handle this, okay?”

  She kissed his bare chest. “Promise me you’ll never keep secrets again. Don’t assume I’m too fragile. I hate secrets.”

  “Okay, but promise you’ll trust me, Bella. I know what I’m doing. I’m your husband now, and I’m not afraid of your father.”

  She nodded.

  Of course, he was capable. He was the mafia monster, after all. But once she started loving him, the worry set in. She’d grown up in one of the largest mafia families, so Isabella knew an open contract was not to be taken lightly. Every criminal in their network would be looking to cash out by taking Klaus down.

  “Remember our first date? Remember the cannoli?”

  She giggled. “How could I forget?”

  “Well, at that moment, you forgot everything except raw pleasure—the cream and chocolate and pastry. We have to live for those moments, Bella.”

  His hand cupped her ass, his lips trailing down her neck.

  “I have a feeling you’re going to make me forget all my worries,” she murmured.

  “That’s exactly right, my little bride.” He began pulling her shirt up. “Did you do as I said?”

  “Yes, no panties.”

  “Good girl.”

  Isabella needed this, needed him. He was her drug of choice, and the things he could do to her body transported her somewhere else entirely.

  Klaus pulled off her shirt, then snapped off her bra. He hoisted her up to sit on the kitchen counter. The cold granite chilled her bare thighs. Thighs he immediately pushed apart.

  “I like this skirt,” he said. “It gives me easy access to my wife.”

  “You sure you’re not too tired?”

  He ignored her. “I need you, Bella. You’re my air, the only thing keeping me going.” He kissed her, their lips locking together. His tongue melded with hers, their passion growing by the second.

  She pushed his shirt off his shoulders, loving the feel of his firm, warm skin. His body was ripped and powerful.

  “Put your heels on the counter. Hold open your knees,” he said.

  She knew what was coming. Klaus loved eating her pussy. He was a beast, filthy and insatiable. And all hers.

  He bent down, spreading her lips as he speared her with two fingers. She was already soaked. He played with her, teasing and testing before covering her pussy with his mouth. His tongue went to work, eager and lively, making her squirm on the counter.


  He was bringing her too high, too fast. It was driving her wild. In response, he slowed down, lapped at her folds with a flattened tongue, tasting and licking as he watched for her reactions.

  “We’re in the kitchen. I should have some fun with you tonight.”

  She didn’t know what that entailed exactly, so she kept quiet.

  “Stay put. Hold those fucking legs open, baby.”

  She heard him rummaging around the cupboard and fridge, then he was washing something in the island sink.

  He smirked as he approached her again. “Yummy.” First, he drizzled chocolate fudge sauce on her clit.

  Klaus went down on her again, engorging himself on the chocolate and her ripe cunt. She was so close to coming, her body twitching, her heart racing.

  “Finish it,” she cried. “Make me come!”

  He stood up, his chest heaving, his lips swollen. “Not yet, my sweet. Tonight, I’m claiming more of you.”

  What was he talking about?

  “I’ve given you everything,” she said. He held up something he’d freshly peeled. It was in the shape of a crude phallus. “What is that? A potato?”

  Klaus shook his head. “Ginger root. For generations, it’s been used to help prepare a woman.”

  “For what?”

  “A cock in her ass.” He winked.

  She began to worry, her nerves flaring. At the same time, she was erotically curious, her base desires bubbling to the surface.

  He had lube and poured a gallop on his two fingers before forcing them into her virgin asshole. It was tight and burned, but she gritted her teeth and took it. She knew one day he’d ask for this. And she was ready.

  “Fucking tight.” He grabbed the ginger he’d carved, wiggling it into her ass. She held her breath, falling back onto her elbows as he wedged the narrow root inside her body. “Don’t clench down on this or it’ll burn. Try to relax and let it do its job.”

  He scooped her off the counter and into his arms, immediately kissing her again.

  “You have no idea how badly I want you, Bella. I want to be balls deep inside of you. My dick is rock hard.”

  She loved how hard he got. The man was a sex machine.

  He set her down on her feet by the side of the sofa, pushing her back down so she was leaning over the cushions. He flipped her skirt up, exposing her ass and the phallus protruding from it. It didn’t hurt anymore, but she’d rather have his cock than this foreign thing in her ass.

  “Such a pretty sight.” He carefully pulled the ginger from her, casting it aside. Then the cold squirt of lube again. “And all mine.”

  The thick head of his erection prodded her nether hole. She tensed up, so he slapped her ass in warning. She was breathing so heavily, she swore she’d pass out. But he went nice and slow, breaching her ass with his cock and pushing in slightly. Inch by slow inch, he filled her ass fully. The groans and feral noises he made turned her on.

  “Tell me how it feels to have my dick deep in your ass.”

  “Full. Weird.”

  “Soon, you’ll be begging for this. Give it time, sweetheart.�
�� Slowly, he pulled out and pushed back in. It was such an odd feeling, not painful but completely new. Titillating.

  He kissed her back, reaching around to circle her clit with his fingers. She closed her eyes and savored all the sensations bombarding her. He fucked her ass, the rhythm increasing. The combined stimulation to her clit and ass began to overwhelm her, and she knew this orgasm would be intense. It built and built, pleasure scattering like lightning bolts. She was so close.

  “You look so fucking perfect, baby. I love this beautiful ass.” He slapped her ass again before grabbing her hips with both hands.

  “Klaus, oh, God. Klaus…”

  She came hard, her ass spasming around his erection. Isabella gasped over and over, completely overtaken by the intensity of her orgasm. When Klaus came inside her ass, she felt him throb, filling her with cum. He leaned over her back, filling her to the brink.

  He kissed her neck, then whispered in her ear. “My naughty little bride. I wouldn’t have it any other way.”

  Chapter Seven

  Klaus checked the time as he waited for his wife to join him. They were due at her father’s home in forty minutes. He didn’t want to go and would much rather be at home, screwing his beautiful wife. Instead, he was keeping up appearances.

  So far, he couldn’t help but not be cautious with the information he’d been given. Jimmy had never steered him wrong, however, there hadn’t been a single attack in the past few days. Not since he’d learned of it. No unsuspecting tails, nor any suspicious activity at his place or his father’s. He’d even done several checks on his businesses, and again, all normal.

  There was nothing to suggest there was going to be an attack, which made next to no sense to him.

  Jimmy never fucked up. He was loyal to him. Often overlooked, and no one paid any attention to him, which was why he was able to get so much information without any notice.

  Klaus ran a hand down his face. There was no way it was a setup, and he wouldn’t allow his soldiers to back off. The moment he did, the attack would happen.

  “Are you sure you want to go?” Klaus asked as she came downstairs in a beautiful floral white wrap gown.

  For a few seconds, he was blown away by the sheer beauty of her. Her hair was pinned up atop her head, and with no makeup, she looked like a fucking angel.

  “We’re going to go.”

  “I can see the toll this stress is already taking. I don’t want to add to it, and he’s only going to upset you,” he said.

  She reached out to cup his cheek. “I don’t care.”

  He took her hand, kissing her knuckles. “You’re too kind for your own good. Don’t let him get to you. We’ve come too far.” His gaze ran down her body and he saw her cheeks heat. They had come way too far for her to let anything get to them.

  Each night, he spent a lot of time standing with her in front of the mirror, getting her to see what he did. The beauty, the sexiness. He couldn’t keep his hands to himself, so most of the lessons were spent with him trying to show a certain amount of control. He simply didn’t have any.

  When it came to Isabella, the moment she got naked, he had to be inside her, and now that he’d claimed her ass, he’d come to see she was rather partial to being fucked there.

  He wrapped an arm around her waist, pulling her close. Pressing his lips against hers, he claimed a kiss before trailing down to her neck and biting down. “I want you to think of me all night. Think of me spreading your thighs wide and licking your pussy. I’m going to want you to come all over my face and not keep in any screams.” He trailed his lips down to the edge of her wrap, tracing his tongue against her full breast.

  Tugging on the tie that kept the dress together, he let it fall open and admired the floral pink of her underwear. The sheer lace did nothing to hide her precious tits with her dark areolae and nipples. He cupped her pussy as he took one beaded nipple into his mouth through the lace.

  Her moans filled the air. He wreaked havoc on her body, each touch heightening her need for him. He slid his fingers beneath her panties and touched her clit. He pinched the swollen bud until she cried out.

  Just as quickly as he tortured her body for pleasure, giving her a tease of what was to come, he pulled away. He kissed the tip of her nose after he finished and she released a growl.

  “That wasn’t fair,” she said.

  He put her dress back into place and smiled, smoothing it down. “All through dinner, I want you to think about what I’m going to do to you when I get you home.”

  “Why don’t we skip dinner and stay in?”

  “And be rude? I wouldn’t dream of it.” He lifted her chin with a finger. “I’m going to be thinking about how good your pussy is going to taste as you ride my face. Later tonight, after I’ve filled your cunt with my spunk, I’m going to take your ass again. You’d like that, wouldn’t you?”

  “Please, Klaus.”

  “First, you need to be a good girl for me.”

  She rolled her eyes. “You’re so mean.”

  “And you love it.” He kissed her lips, but it was chaste.

  She licked her lips as he pulled away. Maybe tonight he’d have her on her knees.

  He took her hand and led her out of the house, toward the waiting car. Before he climbed inside, he glanced over at his men. All of them were in position. They were on high alert for an attack. Normally when this happened, they had already felt the sting. Attacks and hits weren’t a waiting game, not when the warning had been given. Klaus wasn’t entirely sure what Lastra was waiting for. He’d even started to leave himself appearing vulnerable and yet, nothing.

  Klaus sat in the back of the car with his wife, and Isabella grabbed his hands. “What’s going on?”

  His instinct was to lie to her, but instead, he told her the truth. “There haven’t been any signs of a hit or anything of concern.”

  “Could your guy have been wrong?”

  “He’s never wrong.”

  Isabella’s hand tightened around his. “What if my father called it off? Is that even possible?”

  “Anything is possible, but he won’t. There’s no way he could do that now.”


  “Too many people are aware of the hit. He’d be seen as a coward.”

  “You shouldn’t have done what you did on our wedding night.” She nibbled on her lip. “He’d leave us alone.”

  He cupped her cheek. “Don’t. Your father doesn’t deserve your hope nor your pity. The man is an asshole of the highest order, and I won’t have you thinking of him. Am I clear?”

  “I’m not thinking of him.” She pressed her face against his palm. “It’s you I care about.”

  “My men are the best. They’d sacrifice themselves for the family.”

  “What if it happens tonight?” she asked. “I couldn’t bear it if anything happens to you. I’d rather we stay at home where I know you’re going to be safe.”

  “Lastra won’t try anything tonight. If he does, everyone will know what happened and before the end of the night, the streets would run red with blood.” He didn’t mind going to war. Isabella’s life would be constantly at risk, but the moment he wiped out the Lastra name and everyone associated with it, the world would be a better place.

  She breathed out. “I’ll never understand this need for war.”

  “You’re not a man, and I’m thankful for that.”

  She chuckled. “I still don’t like this. Please, do not leave me tonight.”

  “I won’t.” He closed the distance and kissed her again.

  In no time at all, they had arrived at Lastra’s vast estate. He held Isabella’s hand tight within his own. The slight shaking of her body had him tense.

  “I’ve got you.”

  “It’s not me I’m worried about.”

  They rode down the long road, coming to a stop at the parking lot. There were several cars parked, and he noticed Lastra standing with his wife at the entrance.

  It would be so easy f
or him to kill the bastard right now and be done with it.

  His driver got out of the car and opened the door. All the while, Klaus was on high alert, and he didn’t let his wife go. Climbing out of the car, he held Isabella’s hand, helping her to keep some level of modesty.

  “I see nothing, sir,” his driver said, whispering to him.

  He nodded, and with his hand on his wife’s back, they walked toward her parents. Klaus didn’t give the asshole the satisfaction of looking anywhere else but forward. He tried to look for any sign, but Lastra’s mask was firmly in place.

  Nothing could be given away.

  “It’s so good of you to come. I take it your journey was pleasant?” Lastra asked.

  “Of course,” he said.

  Isabella’s mother moved forward and hugged her close. “I can’t believe how grown up you are. It’s so good to see you.”

  “Thank you. Hello, Dad.”

  Lastra nodded at her.

  They were frozen on the doorsteps.

  “It’s getting cold. Come on, we must take you inside.” Her mother grasped her arm and urged her forward. Klaus followed, never once breaking eye contact with her father. This was a challenge all right, but Lastra wouldn’t come out the victor. He was a sniveling wife- and daughter-beating piece of shit, and Klaus knew exactly what to do with men like him. Every other man in Lastra’s position would have been killed by now. Instead, he had to play it safe. To play the bigger role.

  “I’m glad you accepted my invitation,” Lastra said.

  Klaus ignored the hand offered to him and pointed for the man to continue. It was a standoff with neither backing down. He could do this all day, and in the end, Lastra backed off, which was exactly what he wanted.

  Stepping into his home, he closed the door, letting the man know he may be in his home, but Klaus was the one who held all the power, and that wasn’t going to be going away any time soon.

  There was no time for pleasantries, and so he found his wife already sitting at the dining room table. She sipped at a glass of water.

  “No wine?” her mother asked.

  “No, none for me.”

  “Are you trying to tell us something?” Her mother started to giggle.


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