Bred by the Mafia Monster

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Bred by the Mafia Monster Page 10

by Sam Crescent

  Klaus climbed out of the car, and without a backward glance, he made his way inside. Guards were stationed everywhere, just where he wanted them. Ignoring them all, he made his way toward his wife.

  He found her in the kitchen, heating up some milk.

  The moment she saw him, she frowned and checked the time. “Klaus?”

  He didn’t give her a chance to say any more as he closed the distance between them, cupped her face, and slammed his lips right down on hers, kissing her.

  She gripped his arms, and he held her even tighter.

  “What’s the matter?” she asked.

  “Nothing’s the matter.” He stroked her hair back.

  “Did you…”

  He shook his head. “No.”


  “I will.”

  “I know.”

  “I won’t let anything happen to you,” he said. “Rules have to be followed. I can’t risk your safety.”

  She cupped his face. “I love you, Klaus. I know how things work. I’m here for whatever you need.”

  “I need you.”


  Isabella took his hand. “Then you can have me.”

  She turned off the milk and walked through the kitchen, going toward the stairs. The guards kept their gazes averted, which she was thankful for. Having more men around the house was a little disconcerting. She didn’t want to be surrounded by the opposite sex. It reminded her of her childhood home, armed men always patrolling the hallways and property.

  All she cared about now was her husband.

  She went straight to their bedroom and right after she closed the door, Klaus pinned her against it.

  “I need to be inside you. I need to spunk deep in your pussy and get you pregnant, Bella. Tell me you want that, too.”

  “Yes, I want it. I want you.”

  He kissed her hard and she moaned, loving his passion. He grabbed both of her hands and pinned them above her head.

  “Hold them right up there. Don’t move.”

  Klaus let go of her hands, and she did as he asked, keeping them above her head. She’d been wearing a robe, and he worked the tie open so it fell open. He pushed it back, showing off her crop top and shorts. The robe was long enough to cover everything above the knee.

  His hands went to her thighs, and he skimmed his fingers up, gliding over her shorts to cup her pussy. “Do you want me?”


  “Good girl.”

  He pulled her away from the door long enough to strip her of her clothes. Klaus was able to do it within a few seconds and then he had her back pressed against the door.

  She watched him as he stepped back.

  Slowly, he peeled away each layer of his clothing, tossing it aside. Seeing him now made her ache to touch him. His body was chiseled to perfection, all male.

  When he was naked, he was on her. His body pressed flush to hers. She cried out as his teeth sank against her neck, sucking right over her pulse and biting down.

  He tongued her flesh. “I want everyone to know who you belong to.”

  “They all know, Klaus. I’m yours. I will always be yours.” She cried out as he cupped her tits, then his tongue licked and sucked at her nipples. With her hands still above her head, she craved to touch him, but he needed this control.

  She cried out as he worked her body for his pleasure, driving her even more out of this world.

  “Please, please, please,” she said.

  He growled against her neck. “You want me to touch your pretty pussy?”


  Klaus went to his knees before her and he spread her thighs, making her open up to him. Staring down, she didn’t know what to do as his hands slid up her thighs, going to her ass. He moved around to the front, spreading her apart, keeping her open for his tongue.

  He played over her clit, sucking the bud into his mouth as he started to work her body, driving her even wilder than before. He pressed his face right to her pussy, sucking her clit into his mouth, then moving down to plunge his tongue inside her, making her cry out from the pleasure. “Come all over my face, Bella. I want it.”

  She clenched her hands into fists, trying to gain some control, but with the way Klaus held her, it was next to impossible.

  He threw her into a climax that made her spineless. She couldn’t control herself. Screaming his name until it echoed off the walls, she came against him, and if it wasn’t for him holding her tightly, she’d have fallen to the floor.

  Klaus finished with a final kiss to her clit and stood, keeping his grip on her. He went from her ass to her hips, holding her up.

  “Touch me,” he said.

  She cupped his face, kissing him, tasting her cream on his tongue and not caring. He lifted her up and took her to the bed, but once she hit the mattress, he flipped her right over until she was on her knees in front of him. He grabbed her ass, spreading her cheeks.

  Isabella looked behind her and she gasped as he put the tip of his cock to her entrance.

  He didn’t rush. He took his time, slowly, inch by inch, sinking inside her pussy from behind.

  “So tight. I fucking love how tight you get.” He groaned, going back to her hips. He held her tightly as with the last few inches, he slammed in balls deep.

  For a few seconds, he held himself deep within her and she felt her own pleasure start to build again. Her orgasm hadn’t even stopped, and now he was inside her.

  She loved to feel him. Craved his touch.

  “I can’t be gentle tonight, Bella. I need you. I’ve got to come.”

  “I just want you, Klaus. I need you.” She finished the last part with a groan as he fucked her harder than he ever had before. There was no holding back.

  The speed at which he took her drove her own pleasure higher. She could scarcely catch her breath. She craved him, wanted more, begged for him, and she couldn’t be without him.

  Klaus unleashed his energy, and she thrust back to meet him. The sounds he made, the feelings he inspired. He used her body, taking his pleasure, and she gave it to him.

  He was a beast. Her beast.

  It wasn’t enough. He pulled out of her and flipped her back over. Then he plunged back into her pussy and she cried out.

  “Put your hands on me. Touch me, Bella. I need you.”

  She stared at his ripped abdomen, and the moment she touched him, he closed his eyes and groaned.

  “So perfect, so fucking perfect.” He slammed into her and she held on tight as he took her.

  He took possession of her mouth. So strong that their teeth clashed together, but she didn’t care. Running her hands up his body, she wrapped them around his neck and he growled.

  He fucked her hard, his cock pounding inside her.

  “Who do you belong to?” he asked.

  “You. I’m yours. I’m all yours.”

  “Yes, that’s fucking right. You’re mine. I won’t let you go.”

  She cried out as he pressed his face against her neck, biting down hard, sucking on her neck.

  He thrust harder, and when he came, she felt the kick of his cock as he pulsed within her.

  She closed her eyes, holding him close. “I’m here, Klaus. I’m here and I’m alive.”

  He didn’t let her go. His tongue stroked over her pulse and he kissed her neck, trying to soothe the bite of his teeth.

  She didn’t care. He could bite her anytime, anywhere.

  After several seconds, Klaus lifted up and stared into her eyes. “I can’t lose you, Bella.”

  “You won’t. I’m here. I’m not going anywhere.” She cupped his cheek. “Tell me what happened.”

  He gritted his teeth. “Fucking politics is what happened.”

  She stroked her thumb across his cheek. “Tell me.”

  With his cock still inside her, Klaus wrapped his arms around her, holding her close while he told her everything about what happened after he left their home. The conversation he had with his father, Renzo, and
the risk of killing her father. The lies.

  She listened. “What do you want to do?”

  “I want to do whatever it takes to make you safe. Your dad thinks you’re dead, so until the next big get-together, you’re safe. That’s all that matters.”

  “I don’t want you to risk your life for me. I’m not worth it.”

  He smiled. “Bella, you need to know that you’re worth everything.” He kissed her again. “I will move heaven and earth to make sure you’re protected.”

  “I don’t know how I got so lucky.”

  “I will kill your father.”

  Isabella looked at him. “But what if you can’t?”

  “Are you questioning my ability?”

  “No. I mean, my dad has a lot of power,” she said. “What if you can never kill him?”

  Klaus smiled. “That’s not going to happen. The lies he spread. How much information he knew about what happened. There’s no way he can be saved. Your father will die at my hand.”

  “I already gave you my blessing. I will do whatever you need me to do. I’m yours.”

  “And I’m yours.”

  She smiled. Pressing her head against his, she finally felt at peace. Her father would never love her, and she was starting to accept that, but Klaus was all hers.

  “I don’t know what I did to get fucking lucky with you, but I count my blessings, Bella.”



  “Do you think I’m pregnant?”

  His cock twitched inside her and she gasped.

  “You like the thought of that, don’t you?” she asked.

  “You have no idea how fucking hot it makes me thinking of you pregnant with my child. I want it all with you, Bella. And I’m going to get it.”

  “I know you are. I have no doubt.”

  Chapter Ten

  Klaus entered the banquet hall, and the drone of numerous conversations meant the attention wasn’t on him. Usually, he liked to stay out of the spotlight—not tonight. The beauty on his arm kept quiet. He was surprised she could even walk in those stilettos and skintight red dress. But she was experienced and knew exactly how to command the attention of men. Renzo ensured she knew exactly how to behave tonight.

  They proceeded into the center of the grand foyer, the standard place for the initial meet-and-greet at these events. Klaus saw Lastra for brief seconds as guests passed left and right between them. His blood pressure rose, but he played his part. Carmello was standing next to his brother, Nicholas, a big smile on his face for the day of his niece’s confirmation.

  His mind was everywhere at once. He factored in the exits, the security, and thought about the collateral damage—especially the ten-year-old guest of honor.

  As the people ahead of them said their piece, they continued to move forward. Within minutes, it was Klaus’s turn to congratulate the Lastra family.

  “Klaus Accardi. Welcome,” said Nicholas.

  “Who is your guest?” asked Lastra, glaring at his date.

  This charade would be tricky. No one was supposed to know Isabella was dead except her own father. Was Lastra expecting a grieving or vengeful husband? One thing for certain, Klaus couldn’t reveal the fact she was alive and well if their plan was to be successful.

  Nicholas was probably in the dark about the crime. Klaus doubted Isabella’s father would share what he’d done with anyone. The Catholic church would castrate his family name if he’d signed his own daughter’s death warrant.

  He was going to use all the information to his advantage. Firstly, pissing off Lastra by moving on from grieving at record speed.

  “Veronica,” she said, holding out her hand.

  “Where is Isabella?” asked Lastra, staring at him without blinking. The old bastard wanted him to admit her death publicly so he could shame Klaus. Not protecting your own house was the ultimate emasculation.

  “She couldn’t make it.”

  “Shame,” said Lastra. “No one has heard from her in some time.”

  “I’m sure you’re very concerned.”

  Lastra shrugged. “She’s married to an Accardi. A match made for peace. What could I be worried about?”

  Klaus smirked. “I’m sure you have plenty to worry about. If not, you should.”

  He took his date’s arm and led her into the banquet hall. His brother was having a drink at the bar, his eyes on the room. A few of his men mingled with the guests. The atmosphere was tense because he was surrounded by the enemy. Klaus grabbed two champagne flutes, passing one to Veronica.

  She licked her lips, continually flirting with him. “Where are we going after the party?” she asked.

  “I’m going home to my wife. I don’t know where the fuck you’re going.”

  She frowned. “Renzo paid me for the whole night.”

  “Then don’t complain,” he said. “Keep your mouth shut and play your role. Don’t disrespect my wife again.”

  He’d reluctantly agreed to this charade with one of Renzo’s whores. Klaus liked the idea of making Lastra’s blood boil. With everyone thinking Isabella was still alive, except her father, he’d be feeling the shame of his son-in-law showing up with a mistress.

  Even worse, thinking she was dead and believing her husband had moved on without a respectful mourning period. Either way, he was good. Klaus’s only goal was to stir shit up. Lastra could think whatever the fuck he wanted to think.

  As soon as he spotted Isabella’s mother, he separated from his date and headed directly over to her, weaving around the throng of guests. “Mrs. Lastra.”

  “Klaus, good to see you here. Where’s Isabella?”

  He took her by the elbow, a bit firmly to make a point. She walked with him as he led her away from the crowd. “You know more than you let on. Who do you know that would want to humiliate me? Who do you know that would send an assassin to my home to kill my wife? I know everything happening in my house. Shouldn’t your husband know his, as well?”

  She looked up at him, horror in her eyes.

  “You’re just as much to blame as him, Mrs. Lastra. Turning a blind eye all these years led to this. Look at him over there smiling and greeting guests. He loses no sleep knowing his daughter is dead. She always disappointed him, didn’t she?”


  He walked away from her before she could mutter another word. She knew damn well who was capable of the murder. Her husband was a monster.

  Now he just needed to bide his time. He watched her scamper off to the foyer, pushing through people with disregard. Watching her animate with her arms as she spoke to her husband guaranteed she was giving him a piece of her mind. They disappeared into a room behind the main entrance.

  He made eye contact with Renzo.

  His brother jutted his chin to the left. As soon as he looked over his shoulder, one of Lastra’s soldiers approached him. He clapped Klaus on the shoulder, but he shrugged him off.

  The prick leaned over and whispered in his ear. “Shame about your pretty wife. I wonder what will happen when the world finds out what you’ve done.”

  Klaus whirled around, grabbing him by the neck, ignoring the gurgling sounds and hands clawing at his wrists. How dare he even suggest he’d kill his own wife. His beautiful Isabella.

  “There are no enemies here tonight,” said Renzo, shoulder butting him. Their father always called him the peacemaker. “This isn’t the place, Klaus. We have plans, no?”

  He came to his senses, releasing his grip on Lastra’s soldier. It went against his better instincts, but he had to keep his wits if he wanted to outsmart Carmello tonight. The guy ran a hand over his throat, then adjusted his jacket.

  “Watch what you say. I have a good memory,” said Klaus.

  The other man opened his lapel just enough to brandish his handgun.

  “Is that supposed to scare me, you piece of shit?” He bolted forward, only to hit Renzo’s outstretched arm. “You can’t hide in here all night.”

backed off, walking away with his brother, checking over his shoulder every few steps. As he noted the Accardi presence in the hall, his nerves calmed slightly.

  “What are you doing?”

  “He knew about Bella. I killed everyone who came to my house that night. How many others think she’s dead?”

  “Doesn’t matter. Keep to the plan.”

  “Lastra’s in the back with Bella’s mother,” said Klaus.

  “Good. Where’s Veronica?”

  He ignored his brother, his eyes on the prize. Klaus wasn’t the only one who’d noted Mario drinking and laughing with his friends. His own soldiers were closing in, the little shit oblivious to their presence. They moved like a pack of wild cats, entrapping their prey, closing in foot by foot.

  “We should wait, Klaus,” said Renzo. “If the mother makes a big enough scene, none of this will be necessary.”

  “It’s necessary. I want to see that bastard squirm. He needs to know what it feels like to have something valuable snatched away from him.”

  He watched, like a lion holding back, waiting for the kill. Then he nodded. Once.

  Klaus’s men would handle the evacuation, so he headed to the rear entrance of the parking lot with Renzo, keeping his eye out for any overzealous security.

  They waited outside. Within minutes, the rear metal door burst open, a thrashing Mario Lastra being dragged out by three of his men.

  “Where’s your daddy now?” he asked. Klaus stood in front of Carmello Lastra’s oldest son, the heir to his empire. He looked nothing like Isabella. Even at twenty-six, he was tall and lanky, lacking the bulk of a mature man. He was cocky, but he was also afraid—Klaus could see it in his eyes.

  “What do you want from me? What’s this all about?” asked Mario.

  “Don’t tell me you don’t know about the hit your father put on your sister. You’re not that naïve, are you?”

  “I don’t know what you’re talking about. Where’s Isabella?”

  “Ask your father. He’s the one who sent his assassination team to my house to kill my wife,” said Klaus. “Is that what the Lastra name has come down to? None of you have any honor left.”

  Mario shook his head. “No, he gave her to you to create peace, not war. Killing her wouldn’t even make sense.”


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