Sweet Agony: A Collection of BDSM Erotica

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Sweet Agony: A Collection of BDSM Erotica Page 8

by Jolynn Raymond

  Mia went downstairs and made her way around the house, marveling at the sheer number of candles scattered about. She lit them and soon a sensual blend of their fragrances filled the air. Five minutes left. Mia hurried to the couch and perched on the edge, her stomach a bundle of nerves. Every inch of her skin was alive, dying for Ethan’s skillful touch. She licked her lips and pinched her hard nipples, moaning softly. Two more minutes. She made one more quick pass through the house to make sure she hadn’t missed any candles and was just returning to the front room when she heard Ethan’s key in the lock. Mia turned, eyes bright, biting her lower lip as her wicked lover came through the door.

  Ethan looked her up and down, eyes raking over every inch of her, peeling away the flimsy dress and boring into her soul. She felt the trickle of her arousal wet her thighs, along with the sensations from the mixture of spices she’d rubbed into her skin. He tossed his jacket over the rail of the stairs and strode towards her slowly, eyebrow cocked, tongue pressed behind his top teeth curling in that oh so lewd way, before stopping just out of reach.

  “You look positively luscious Mia. I might have to eat you. Come give me a kiss.” Mia gave him a flirtatious smile and twirled on her toes once more, causing the skirt of her dress to flow up and out, exposing her bare bottom and cunny for the briefest of moments.

  “Now I know I’m going have to eat you, pet. Did you do as you were told?”

  Mia nodded, biting her lower lip as she trailed her fingers down her neck; then lightly danced them over her nipples before cupping her breasts, outlining them beneath the thin silk, offering them up for her lover as her hips swayed. Ethan’s eyes darkened, the deep brown becoming almost black, and a low growl of possession erupted from deep within him. He caught Mia by the hips and roughly pulled her to him, his hardening cock pressing into her stomach.

  “Were you good my little Mia? Were you a good girl who did as she was told?”

  Mia smiled but didn’t reply; instead she slipped a finger into his mouth. Ethan suckled it, his talented tongue swirling around and around the single digit like it was his last meal causing a powerful heat to build between Mia’s thighs. Her eyes became hooded, and a little moan of desire slipped from her lips. Ethan went on leisurely licking all traces of the honey dust off before backing up a bit and holding her finger trapped between his teeth. He bit softly and smirked at her around it.

  “Do I taste like I was a good girl Ethan? Perhaps you need to sample some more of me?”

  “Such a teasing little slut. Perhaps I need to warm your backside.”

  Despite his words, Ethan took her hand in his and proceeded to suckle each finger. “You taste like honey and Mia, pet. Sweetness, passion, and naughtiness; the nectar of the Gods.”

  Mia never dreamed that his mouth on her hand could be so incredibly erotic. He laved each finger, lovingly, thoroughly, building her passion from just this small touch. When his tongue began to trace circles on her palm she moaned out loud and threw her head back, baring her neck, inviting her lover to bite, to taste her completely. Ethan, seeing the tantalizing flesh of her throat, had to rein in his desire. He wanted nothing more than to lick and nibble his way from her fingertips to her delicious neck then down her entire body, but that could wait. She would be his again tonight, just as she would be for a thousand nights to come, and he had other, more sensual ideas.

  “As much as I would love to strip you bare and devour you right here on the floor, I have other plans pet. Come sit.”

  Mia sighed and stuck her lower lip out in a pout. Ethan gave her a swat on the bottom in response. “Only naughty girls pout, love. Perhaps you are in need of a spanking before we continue. Shall I toss you over the arm of the sofa and paddle your lovely ass?”

  Mia paused to consider his words with a mischievous look in her eye. Spankings were yummy as long as he wasn’t truly punishing her. She crooked an eyebrow and gave him a smirk that rivaled one of his, as her pink tongue darted out to lick her lips. Spankings really could be good, they could be very good.

  “Mia” The word was said with a warning growl. Mia responded by mumbling under her breath about the bossiness of lovers. Ethan’s eyes flashed fire as he shook her fiercely. “There had better be only one lover on your mind pet. You’re mine.” His teeth latched onto her neck, biting hard, stilling her as she gasped, his strong arms wrapping tightly around her, letting her know without a doubt just who she belonged to.

  “Now behave yourself, or there will be no cumming later, my little minx.”

  The words were said against her skin, and Mia had to pant for breath. Ethan suckled his way up her neck, then licked and nibbled behind her earlobe, making Mia shiver. Her legs turned to putty as warmth spreading through her, spiraling in her lower belly. He bathed the sensitive spot until she was mewling and weak, then took her by the hand and led her to the dining room table. Pulling out her chair, he seated her quickly, running his hands down her bare shoulders and arms before standing back to admire what was his.

  Her cheeks were flushed, and her nipples shown like hard little pebbles under the thin silk of her dress. Ethan wanted to taste them, to rub in more cherry oil and blow soft kisses upon her sensitive peaks, knowing the oil would heat up the delectable little berries until she was crying out for him to touch her. Golden wisps of hair tumbled loose down the slender column of her neck, enticing his mouth yet again. Her eyes had darkened with passion into a deep shade of moss green, her lips were glossed and kissable. Ethan knew every inch of his beautiful girl would burst with flavor under his tongue before the night was over.

  “You look stunning love. Are you hungry?”

  “For you.”

  “Patience Goldilocks. You have many things to savor tonight. I’m only one of them. Besides, you’re going need to keep up your strength.” The smirk he gave her was one full of wicked promises and Mia opened her mouth to question him, but Ethan silenced her with a finger to her lips. “Ah, ah, ah, I told you to be patient. Close your eyes.”

  Mia did as he asked and felt the whisper soft caress of a silk scarf being tied over her eyes. Her eye brows shot up in question again and Ethan chuckled as they hovered over the scarf before once again disappearing.

  “Ethan; what?”

  “I have many surprises in store for you tonight Mia, and they’ll be more fun this way. Now just sit here and think wicked delicious thoughts. No moving, or I’ll tie your hands. I’ll be back in a few minutes.” She felt his breath blowing a cool breeze upon her neck moments before he nibbled her ear, then shivered as his tongue curled around her earlobe. “Umm, sweet as honey, and all for me.”

  Mia expelled a breath, and shifted in her chair, her teeth working her bottom lip, desire and curiosity flooding through her. Ethan placed a quick kiss on her lips then went into the kitchen while Mia sat still as stone, listening intently, trying to figure out what he was doing. The back door opened and Mia heard Ethan bringing in bags from the porch much as she had done earlier. The refrigerator was opened and closed several times as were various cabinets and drawers. The microwave hummed, then dinged, ice clinked and a bottle of champagne popped.

  “You being good Goldilocks? Not peeking are you?”

  “No, I’m not peeking. Would you hurry up?”

  “All in good time pet. Rub your nipples for me Mia. Make them hard while you wait.” Mia could just imagine the smile on his face and the mischief in his eyes as he called out to her. God he was evil. She reached up and cupped her breasts then rolled the nipples between her thumbs and forefingers. “Are you doing it pet?”

  “Yes” Her reply was breathy and full of need, making Ethan smile. God he loved her.

  “Good girl. Now pull up the hem of your dress so it’s at the top of your thighs, and spread your legs just a bit. Stroke those petal soft lips. No going in now, just stroke the outside.”

  Mia’s moan told him she was doing as he asked, and Ethan rubbed his hard shaft in response. He could hardly wait to start the evening’s activit
ies. His little Mia would be well and truly fucked before the night was over.

  Mia lightly rubbed the smooth skin of her now swollen cunny lips, delighting at their baby softness. It was an incredible turn on to be touching herself while blindfolded. Her lack of sight made everything seem more intense; more centered on that one little finger rubbing softly over her pussy. The need to slip it inside, to delve deeper or focus on her clit was almost overwhelming but Mia refrained. She wasn’t about to vary from what Ethan had planned. So far she loved the way things were going.

  If Mia had been in the kitchen to see Ethan moving about, she probably would have jumped his gorgeous ass right there on the island counter. He looked incredibly sexy in his form fitting black dress pants and crisp white shirt complete with stud cuff links. Mia always longed to leave a trail of red lipstick kisses on his collar when he looked so distinguished and formal. Yes, Ethan looked hot and rugged in his usual clothes; it always turned her on just to look at him then too. Those tight jeans that accentuated his perfect ass and tee-shirts that outlined every muscle in his shoulders and abs always got her going, but dressed up, now that was when he shined. There was just something about Ethan when he was all spit and polished like a gentleman that made her weak in the knees.

  Tonight his erection was painfully obvious as he moved about, and Mia wouldn’t have been able to resist running her hand over his hard shaft and tugging his zipper down with her teeth if she’d been in the kitchen. As it was, just the thought of what he might be up to, and the fact that he was going to all this trouble just to please her, made her thighs quiver and a trickle of moisture dampen her dress.

  “Still rubbing that pretty pussy for me kitten?” Mia heard Ethan’s footsteps coming from the kitchen and turned towards him smiling.

  “Umm... yes. You’re evil.”

  “And you love it.” Suddenly he was there before her and his lips captured her mouth. Mia opened hers and tilted her head back, a small sigh escaping her as Ethan’s mouth claimed hers. His tongue slipped in and softly caressed the insides of her cheeks before sliding around and around her tongue, stroking it underneath then sucking it into his mouth. He paused and pulled back to nibble on her bottom lip, suckling it too before teasing it with his teeth, then captured her mouth again. Mia’s hands came up to run through his hair and hold his head still so she could devour him but Ethan nipped her and backed off.

  “Uh, uh Mia. No hands.”


  “I’ll tie you pet. Need me too?” Mia quickly shook her head. She could feel his eyes ravishing her, sliding over her skin like a hot caress, and she wasn’t about to do anything to stop their game. She heard him set some things down on the table and move them into place before walking away again.

  “Peek and you’ll be one very sorry Mia, Mia.”

  “I won’t.”

  Ethan laughed at her quick reply. He knew the suspense was killing her. “Just another minute pet, then I’ll be all set.”

  After a moment Ethan returned to the dining room and set a few more things on the table. He looked down and saw that Mia was again stroking the lips of her cunny. God he loved how her pussy looked, the lips puffy and shiny with dew, all pink and baby soft. She kept her quim shaved bare for him, and his mouth watered at the thought of dipping his tongue between the delicate folds. Ethan reached down to cover her hand with his, briefly pressing one of her fingers and his own into her very wet channel. Mia moaned, moving her hips forward and covering their hands with her other one, pressing hard, but Ethan pulled her hands away after only a moment.

  “As delightful as this little activity is pet, it’s time for dinner. Hands back on the arms of the chair. You’re sweet puss will get all the attention it needs later on. Now you just sit there and relax. I’ve got some special things for dinner, all of them fabled aphrodisiacs. Want to get you warmed up good and proper for tonight.” They both grinned at Ethan’s statement, like either of them ever needed extra incentive to be turned on when they were around the other.

  “Do you trust me love?”


  “Then open up. The first course is oysters. Let them slide across your tongue before you swallow them.” Mia did as he asked, and Ethan spooned an oyster onto her tongue. Mia swallowed it quickly and made a face.

  “Not to your liking kitten?”

  “They’re slimy.”

  “Not to me. Know what I think about when I have an oyster on my tongue?” Mia shook her head and Ethan pressed his mouth to her ear. “They remind me of your hard little nubbin when I’m running my tongue over and around it. I push on it just so with the flat of my tongue and you wiggle your hips, making your clit slide around just like that oyster, pet. Then I press that sweet bundle of nerves under my top lip, sucking it in while I stick my tongue in your tight wet pussy. Your clit gets all slippery with your juices and it tastes better than anything else in the world.”

  “Oh God.”

  “Want another?”

  Mia let out a whoosh of breath and nodded quickly, oysters suddenly becoming her favorite food. She opened her mouth hungrily, like a baby bird. Her lips parted, tongue darting out. Ethan spooned another oyster into her mouth and Mia slowly savored this one.

  “Now you know what your clit feels like on my tongue. Imagine how I stroke that slippery little nub until you scream.” He fed her a few more while his fingers teased her breasts, and Mia was in heaven, feeling the link between the oysters on her tongue and the throbbing in her pussy. When Ethan was through, she sat obediently, mouth open, wondering what was coming next.



  Ethan held a glass of champagne to her lips and let the bubbles tickle her nose before tipping it. Mia tilted her head back a bit, trying to be careful because she couldn’t see, but Ethan wasn’t interested in her drinking neatly, far from it. With a flick of his wrist he splashed some champagne into Mia’s mouth, spilling some down her chin. She sputtered and he quickly moved in and licked the droplets away with his talented tongue, tickling her right under her chin. He then repeated the action before dipping his fingers in the champagne and dribbling it behind her ears and down her neck.


  “Guess I spilled some pet. Have to clean you up.” Ethan lapped at her neck and suckled her earlobes over and over, splashing the champagne and licking her clean until Mia was panting from the sensation of the cold champagne running down her neck followed by the tickling of his tongue as he licked her. Her hands gripped the arms of the chair tightly. The urge to pull him to her, to hold his head while he nibbled and sucked her neck was almost overpowering, but she kept her hands still, obeying his order to keep them down. She tossed her head back, barring her throat, needing him to bite her. Ethan complied with little nips, and Mia squirmed and mewled. Her neck was an extremely sensitive erogenous zone, and it drove her wild when he played there.

  “Oh God.”

  “You’re delicious, kitten. Ready for something new?” She eagerly nodded and opened wide. Mia felt Ethan slide a slice of something slightly bumpy and cool onto her tongue. “Bite” Mia bit down and the sweet taste of strawberries filled her mouth.

  “Ummm” She chewed slowly, savoring the berry’s juicy goodness, while Ethan painted her lips bright red. Juice dribbled down her chin and Mia’s tongue darted out to whisk it away.

  “Don’t you dare, pet. That’s for me.” He rubbed the strawberry over her lips again, wetting them before kissing her hard. The mingled taste of Ethan and strawberries filled her mouth as Mia’s tongue entwined with his. He pulled back and fed her another, holding it so she bit it in half, leaving a juicy end with which to paint her skin.


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