The Kidnapping

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The Kidnapping Page 13

by Aiden Vaughan

  “Good morning, Jason! I see you are attempting to take on my Michael J’s with your red All Stars. Is that possible?”

  “Not only possible, but appropriate. You forget that Converse Chuck Taylors were the original premiere basketball shoes in America. I’m lacing up with the likes of Wilt Chamberlain and Bob Cousey.”

  “I stand corrected. Let’s see how Chuck does against Michael!”

  There was a basketball hoop on the Hunter’s garage. They decided to stay there and began their one-on-one game. Chauncey was a great basketball player, with some very good moves and fakes. But Jason had home court advantage and he knew just the place to hit medium jumpers from his driveway. They played three games of 21, and ended up splitting 2-1, with Chauncey just edging out Jason for the final victory.

  They took a break and sat on the nice covered porch, drinking some cold, bottled water Jason had brought out earlier.

  “You still have some pretty good moves for a white boy,” Chauncey began. “That medium jumper was killing me in these games!”

  “I can’t believe how good you have become, Chauncey. One day I’ll be able to say I knew you when you were only an awesome player.”

  “I see you still know how to flatter people and get them on your side, Jason. Now, why don’t you tell me the real reason you asked me over today?”

  “Chauncey, you’ve played on some great teams in both football and basketball, and played in some great championship games. A few you have won, but you have lost even more. And then you have to go right back and play the same team again that you lost to previously. How do you keep your confidence and how can you look the other team in the eye and make them fear you when they have already beaten you once?”

  “Some of it has to do with motivation, and of course that’s why every team has a coach. Part of it is self-pride. I know if I have trained hard and am ready to play. If I’m prepared for the game, it doesn’t matter what happened last time. Games are won by what happens on the field of play that day, not what happened in the past.”

  “But what if the other team has just totally had your number all along. You are 0-10 against them and now you are about to play game eleven. How can you look that team in the eye and not be afraid of another humiliation?”

  “As the song goes, you got to have heart! You can’t let the other team dictate to you the terms of play. They may be better physically, better coached, and have the great winning streak, but that doesn’t mean you can’t beat them on any given day. When you think about it a little, the pressure is actually on them. They are expected to beat you, and beat you decisively. If you can start out the game and score on them instead of falling apart, you are starting to sow some seeds of self-doubt into your opponents. You don’t want to trash talk on them, because they will then get re-motivated to beat you. Instead, you give them the ‘eye of the tiger.’ You know that look that bores right into their team spirit, their soul. You may still end up losing, but at least you put a scare into them and they are going to have to respect you the next time you play.”

  “And is it possible then to totally turn things around, to go from the cellar to the top?”

  “Oh, yeah, you see it all the time in sports. But what are we really talking about here, Jason? I don’t remember hearing that you were in the playoffs this weekend.”

  “Daniel wants me to help him solve my own kidnapping case. The police still have no idea who is responsible and he thinks the kidnappers are laughing at us. Everyone’s summer is being spoiled because no one feels safe and our parents are keeping a tight leash on us. Also, he feels insulted that someone would do this to a kid like me in our community.”

  “Well that seems like an action kind of idea. I think that everyone would like to know what really happened and what this was really about. These people messed with you and your life. Don’t you want to see them behind bars?”

  “Of course, but here’s the rub, I’m being asked to go back into the viper’s nest again of the very people who gave me the most frightening experience of my life.”

  “What did these people do to you, Jason?”

  “Horrible things like leaving me bound, gagged, blindfolded, and drugged for two days without a break. They took away my clothes for several days, and all I had to wear was a pair of gym shorts and my chucks, and they kept me in a basement cell the whole time, hobbled like a goat.”

  “My God, Jason! I am so sorry that they did this to you. I had no idea your captivity was so brutal. No wonder you are freaked out by Daniel’s plan.”

  “And that isn’t even the worst part. After hearing nothing for five days and totally expecting the worst news, my dad suddenly gets a ransom note that asks for a very small ransom and almost an apology that they put me through this torture for nothing. It was as if they were saying, ‘Sorry, wrong victim. Just pay this service charge and we’ll drop off your son and be on our way.’ ”

  “Talk about adding insult to injury! Jason, I know this is a difficult decision for you and one that you ultimately have to make on your own. You have been roughed up and abused physically and mentally by those bastards. From what you just explained about your captivity, you were treated like an animal for five days. But that was their game and on their terms. You are on a different playing field now. You have resources now that you didn’t before.

  “Let’s start with you personally. I really respect you as a person. You have always been nice to me—for that matter pretty much everyone you meet—color blind about our friendship and never acting as if you were my friend to have a trophy on the shelf since we were little kids. Of all the people I know, you are one of the smartest and most determined I have ever met. I haven’t kept this friendship just because you are another fan in the Chauncey club, but because someday I will be able to say that I knew Jason Hunter way back when. Also, I believe that sometime in my life I will be able to draw on your knowledge and skills when I am in need of some good advice. Now you should put that great mind to work solving this case.

  “Daniel was right, you know. Your kidnapping was an insult to our community and especially the kids of this town. You do have every right to take some time off, lay low, and kick back because of what they did to you. But if I was you, denying what happened would be the last thing I would want to do. Not because it would be easy. You could very well be hurt badly again if you decide to pursue your kidnappers. It would be a great mistake to underestimate your opponents here. They obviously were well-organized and know how to play dirty.

  “Jason, I still believe that good will triumph over evil if given a chance. That might be a naïve thing to say in this situation, but that goes along with what I mean by you having a lot more resources now. By going through this ordeal, you are now aware that the community is behind you. Think of them as part of your team. All of your friends and family will help if you need them. The police are there too. Don’t just blow them off if you do decide to investigate. If you discover a lead that they could help you follow through, use them. They have resources and I’m sure they are as angry as you and me about what happened to you. If you do figure out who the kidnappers are, don’t be foolish and try to capture them on your own. Let the police use their SWAT team to arrest them. I’m sure the cops would love to fire a few rounds into their hideaway.

  “You may try to solve this and fail but even if that happens, I bet you would get all of your self-esteem back, because you did try. So I say, put on your best game face and go get ‘em! Now get off your butt and let’s play another round of 21. This might be my last chance before you become famous!”

  Chauncey and Jason played basketball for another half hour before Chauncey had to leave.

  “Thank you, Chauncey, for speaking your mind. You really helped me to see the bigger picture.”

  “You are always so unfailingly polite, Jason. That’s another thing that I like about you. Just don’t be polite to those kidnappers. And don’t forget my offer from the other day. After hearing what they did to yo
u, I would love the opportunity to do batting practice on their faces.”

  “Take care, Chauncey. You can be sure I’ll call on you if I need to.”



  (Wednesday Afternoon)

  Daniel’s morning had been his usual summer routine. Workout class at the YMCA had been at 9:00 a.m. He had decided to concentrate on using the treadmill and weightlifting machines this morning because he had spent a lot of time in the pool last night at Laura’s party. Then he went over to the music studio for his guitar class, which met at 10:30 a.m. He had just enough time to bike from the Y to his house, pick up his guitar, and then bike to the music studio.

  The classes this week were concentrating on how to make tune lists and prepare lead sheets. With these lead sheets he could play a lot of songs quickly, and without a lot of practice. Daniel was really enjoying these aspects of the class, because he had a real interest in performing, and needed to learn some ways to prepare himself for playing tunes on a real job.

  Around noon, Daniel had lunch with his parents, who were both working at home that day. Usually one or the other parent would be out with clients during the week, so this was a rare occasion. His mom, Melinda, had made a cold roast beef and asparagus salad, served with a couple of pieces of garlic bread on the side and cold lemonade.

  After lunch, Daniel went to his room and got involved with developing set lists, real and imaginary, for his guitar, which he could play on an actual gig. He became totally engrossed in his work and was surprised when his mom called up to him, “Hey, Daniel, you have a visitor. It’s Jason.”

  Daniel perked right up and yelled back, “Coming, Mom!” He looked around at his room and then at himself in the mirror and said aloud, “This must be the moment of truth. I hope I’m ready.” Then he walked into the living room where Jason was standing visiting with his mom.

  His mom had just asked Jason, “How are you feeling and how are you holding up after all you went through?”

  “I’ll tell you, Mrs. Holmes, every day has been a challenge for me.”

  “I’m sure it has, Jason. But you know we’re all here to support you in any way we can. Isn’t that right, Daniel?” she said, giving her son an encouraging smile.

  “You bet, Mom. How are you doing today, Jason?” Daniel asked.

  “It’s been quite a day. We have a lot to talk about.”

  Mrs. Holmes told the boys, “I have to get back to work now. There are some oatmeal cookies in the kitchen if you guys get hungry later.”

  “Okay, thanks,” Daniel told his mom, as she left the living room. Then turning to his Jason he asked, “Would you like to talk in here or go to my room?”

  “Let’s start right here where we can sit in some comfortable chairs.”

  “All right, have a seat. I’m all ears!”

  “Daniel, I’m fourteen-years-old, but I think in the last week I have aged five years. So many extreme things have happened to me, from the very rotten to the very best. You know as well as anyone about the bad things that have happened to me. The more I think about that week, the more I am grateful that I am still alive, in good health again, and free from captivity. I still am paying a mental toll for that ordeal. The twists and turns of what happened to me, my parents, and my friends, weigh heavily on my mind, even as we now talk.

  “On the positive side, I have truly discovered how fortunate I am to have such a great group of friends and how much they mean to me. You have all passed the test of friendship and devotion with flying colors by what you have done for me. Everyone keeps telling me the most complimentary and heartfelt things. I feel like I have been put up on a pedestal and I am not sure that I am deserving of all the flattery and praise that people are heaping on me. Acquaintances in the community have responded in the same way. It’s very humbling when someone I have only met once or twice comes up to me and tells me how devastated they were when I was reported missing and how elated they were when I returned.

  “The changes in my life, due to the events of last week, plus dealing with how the public reacted, were quite a lot for me to handle. Then two days ago my best friend—you—presented me with an even greater challenge. You proposed to me that we shouldn’t rest or leave any stone unturned until we found out who the mysterious kidnappers are and why they chose to target me and my family. You told me how outraged you and our friends felt about the treatment I had received at the hands of the kidnappers and how our whole community of fellow teenagers were and are being oppressed by the fear of their presence. And, that no one can feel truly safe again until the kidnappers are unmasked and put in jail. You challenged me to put all the force of my mind into this project. Others have told me to use all the community resources that are available, including the police.

  “Acting on this idea is a double-edged sword. On the one side I would be working to cast away the nightmares and send the kidnappers who did this to me to prison, but on the other I would be placing myself and anyone who helps me in harm’s way of the kidnappers. They are not nice people and there would be a real danger of you, me, or anyone else trying to help us getting hurt or even killed. If something like that happened, how could I ever forgive myself? And then there is the fact that you and I are complete amateurs when it comes to being detectives. Is it possible to track down your enemy while receiving on-the-job training on how to do so?

  “These are just some of the thoughts and fears that have been going through my head the past couple of days—a lot of turmoil going on inside my brain.”

  “So what was your conclusion about what to do? What did other people say like your dad and your other close friends?” Daniel pressed.

  “Amazingly, everyone seems to think that it is inevitable that I should do this! Chauncey agreed with all of your conclusions and said that he felt good would triumph over evil in this situation. Even if the investigation was a failure, he thought I should do it to regain my self-esteem. At first my dad advised me against it, but by the end of our conversation, we were talking strategy and where to look first. He even showed me copies of the ransom note and the picture the kidnappers took of me that they sent him! We made a pact to burn it someday with a blowtorch.

  “Daniel, as brave as I have tried to sound, I still am scared of reliving the hell I went through as a prisoner. I hope you never have to experience it and I hope that you or any of my other friends don’t get put in harm’s way while pursuing these guys. But the person who helped me make up my mind in this matter was Chauncey. He told me that the odds were different now. It was no longer just me against the kidnappers. Now my team would include not only my friends but our whole community and the police. He said the kidnappers abused me so I couldn’t think clearly and would be too intimidated to respond. But now they don’t control me any more and he felt that I should use every mental resource I have to find and punish the kidnappers. Know what? He even volunteered to do batting practice on their heads. What can you say to that?”

  “I would say, ‘Right on, Chauncey!’ ” Daniel replied.

  “So, Daniel, I hope that I can live up to the expectations that you and my friends seem to have of me. I’m in, partner. The Hunter & Holmes Detective Team is in business!”

  Daniel jumped up and pulled Jason up out his chair. “Yeah! Go Jason! Let’s get those low-life bastards!”

  After a little pounding of each other and some high fives, Daniel grabbed Jason’s hand in a “bro” handshake and exclaimed, “I’m so glad you’re taking charge of your life again. It’s clear to me that my true friend, Jason, is back again. Welcome home, dude!”

  Just about then, Mrs. Holmes opened her office door. “Hey, it’s mighty noisy out there! What’s going on?”

  “Sorry, Mom,” Daniel apologized. “We were just celebrating some good news. We’re going to my room now.”

  “Okay, boys. Don’t forget to have some of those cookies I made for you!”

  “We will, Mom, thanks!”

Daniel said to Jason, “Let’s pick those cookies up on the way to my room. Maybe a little extra energy will help us get started.”

  Once they got to Daniel’s room, by way of the kitchen, Daniel had another surprise for Jason. Against one wall, he had moved some of his belongings out of the way and in their place was a portable, white board. “I asked my parents if I could borrow this for a while. This is what you see investigative teams use to organize their thoughts and the information that they discover. We should start by organizing all the facts we know about your kidnapping. Then we can brainstorm out different ideas to pursue.”

  “Wow, Daniel, you sure had a lot of confidence that I would say yes.”

  “I knew it would be difficult for you, but in the long run I was betting that you would end up doing the right thing. You’ve always done so in the past.”

  “I’m still overwhelmed a little that I actually agreed to do this.”

  “I’m fully committed to getting you whatever support you need to be comfortable doing this, Jason. I haven’t forgotten what was done to you and know that you might not always be 100 percent. But even at 80 to 90 percent, you are still an intellect to contend with. And I think that it is better that you are not alone when dealing with the effects on your head from your kidnapping. If your personal demons are going to come out and haunt you, I really believe that systematically investigating what happened has to help your recovery in the long run.”

  “I sure hope so. But Daniel, I want you to keep in mind some advice that Chauncey also gave me that was good. He said to take advantage of the police if there is a chance of being in harm’s way. That they have resources you and I don’t when it comes to investigating things. Also, he said to let the police actually capture the criminals—you know, use their SWAT team.”


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