Death by Betrayal (Book #10 in the Caribbean Murder series)

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Death by Betrayal (Book #10 in the Caribbean Murder series) Page 14

by Jaden Skye


  Tony Beggio’s Villa stood on the edge of a cliff, overlooking the sea. Cindy’s taxi wound up to the top of the rim, and the driver got out to open her door. Cindy felt dazzling with her suntan, hair loose and incredible ruby necklace. She wished Mattheus could have been there to join her for the evening. Their work often took them to separate events, though. Often it was best they were not seen together. Their work also presented endless opportunities for them to meet other people. Cindy was struck with that now. If she were single this would be a perfect venue for her to meet a new partner. Of course she wasn’t single, but she also wasn’t committed either. Or, was she?

  She stepped into the grand entrance of the villa, which was filled with beautiful people, dressed to the hilt, laughing, drinking, drifting around, looking each other over. She’d wanted to meet Beggio when he’d be off guard in a social situation. Cindy wondered for a second if Evan Price would be here, if he ever attended parties run by other hedge fund operators.

  A few moments after Cindy entered, a tall, handsome man of about thirty five, dressed a summer linen suit, immediately approached her.

  “Lou Bradway,” he said, introducing himself without compunction. “I haven’t seen you before, who are you?” his eyes were wide and admiring.

  “Private detective Cindy Blaine,” Cindy appreciated his welcome and was also determined to be clear with everyone who she was and why she was attending.

  Lou Bradway wrinkled his brow slightly. “Detective?”

  Cindy laughed at his reaction. It felt good to laugh and let go of the heavy weight she’d been bearing.

  “I’m here to meet Tony Beggio,” she said lightly, as if it were the most natural thing in the world.

  “Sure, that’s easy. Why do you want to meet him?” Lou became more forthright. “Interested in investing?”

  “I’m down here on a case,” Cindy replied quickly. “I understand that Tony knows lots of people, is involved in many things.”

  “You got that right at least,” Lou answered.

  “At least?” Cindy was ruffled. “What did I get wrong?”

  “You’re right on point about Beggio, but I’m not sure if your choice of a career is right on,” he smiled. “Why be a detective? A woman like you could have anything she wants in the world.”

  Cindy thought about that a second. What was it she wanted most in the world? Right now it was to have her sister back, alive. After that, it was to find out who killed her, and bring them to justice, to never let it happen again.

  “I’m doing what I want to do most in the world,” Cindy replied, lightly. “What do you do, Lou?” She wanted to take the conversation down a different road.

  “I do what everyone does down here,” his eyes smiled at her, “make money – plenty of money,” and he looked at the jewels around her neck.

  “How do you do that?” Cindy bantered back, gazing over his shoulder at the room at large. It certainly did seem as if everyone here lived the good life, skimmed the cream from on top of the coffee.

  Rather than answer directly, Lou took her hand lightly, guiding Cindy through the crowds. “Come on, let me introduce you to some other people,” he said as Cindy walked with him among many dazzling men and women. The women were all decked out in cocktail dresses, showing off beautiful jewelry, legs, arms and smiles. Men of all ages were flocking around them, as a small band played live music.

  “Here,” Lou stopped at a couple in the middle of the room. “This is my friend Penny, and her new beau, Don.”

  “Hi,” Penny said brightly.

  “Penny, this is Detective Cindy Blaine,” Lou remarked, enjoying the reaction the announcement seemed to get from both Penny and Don.

  “Detective? Why are you here?” asked Penny, looking at Cindy directly.

  “My sister was killed a few days ago at the Greenstone, Cindy decided to put it out there straight.” Despite the gaiety of the party she wanted information, wasn’t here just to drift around.

  Penny put her hands up over her mouth in her horror. “My dear, I’m so sorry,” she exclaimed.

  Lou took a step back as well, startled. “You didn’t tell me your sister was killed,” he echoed.

  “I didn’t want to be grim,” Cindy caught her breath lightly.

  “It’s not grim, it’s serious,” Don, Penny’s boyfriend, jumped in. You’re here for information.”“Yes, exactly,” said Cindy, as the music the band played grew louder.

  “Have you heard about the hotel murders?” Penny asked then, in a tiny voice.

  “Yes, I have,” Cindy answered plainly. “We don’t think my sister’s death was connected to them.”

  “Very coincidental that another murder took place in the same hotel,” Don shook his head.

  Cindy liked Don tremendously. She appreciated his forthright manner.

  “Hi, Don,” a beautiful redhead who was circling the room, stopped at their group for a moment.

  “This is Ronnelle,” Don introduced her to Cindy and they smiled at each other.

  “Isn’t this an amazing, beautiful party, the best yet!” Ronnelle proclaimed. “I’ll be back in a few minutes and talk to you all later. There’s Marcus over there, I’ve been waiting to see him all night long,” and she flitted away.

  “She’s a good friend of mine,” Penny told Cindy. “Works down here and also in the States.”

  “Are there lots of people who do that?” asked Cindy.

  “Yes there are,” said Penny, “and some just live here full time.”

  “It’s more unusual to live here full time,” Don filled in. He wanted to help Cindy and she felt it. “The financial opportunities down here are amazing; once people find out, usually they go back and forth.”

  Cindy wondered if that was what Frank had been doing. “All kinds of people come down to work, not just big hedge fund types, right?” asked Cindy.

  They all smiled at that question. “There’s really only some big hedge fund guys,” Lou replied, “the ones connected to Evan Price. Price thinks he runs the island, but he doesn’t. There’s a mix of investors and funds around.”

  “Will Price be here at the party tonight?” Cindy had a sudden desire to see him again and talk to him. She was glad to have the chance to hear about him.

  “Probably not,” said Lou. “Why? Do you know who he is?”

  “I’ve heard of him,” said Cindy.

  “Don’t bother investigating him though,” Don broke in. “The guy has every alibi he’ll ever need all locked up, and law enforcement supports him.”

  Cindy was surprised to hear that. “What about Beggio?” she asked.

  Don smiled. “Tony’s not as rich as Price and not as smart. Gets into trouble once in awhile, too, though nothing to write home about.”

  Cindy smiled back at him. She wanted to meet Beggio more than ever now. “Where is he?” she asked lightly.

  “Come on with me,” Don broke into quickly, “I’ll take you right to him.”

  Cindy was thrilled to be guided through the throngs of people right to Tony Beggio’s side.

  Don stopped suddenly in front of a heavy guy in his fifties, with wavy black hair, and slightly blood shot eyes. He was standing alone for the moment, looking over his grand gathering.

  “Tony, this is Cindy Blaine,” Don introduced them.

  “Good to see you, honey,” Tony swerved in Don’s direction and took Cindy in. “Welcome to the house of cards,” he laughed. “We have the deuces, the diamonds, the kings and queens.”

  “Cindy’s here investigating her sister’s death,” Don quickly filled him in.

  Tony’s mouth opened and his eyes rolled back and forth. “I heard about this recent killing and I heard someone was coming to talk to me about it,” he said to Cindy.

  “Thank you for having me here,” she quickly replied.

  “I don’t know the first thing about what happened,” Tony leaned closer to Cindy and she could smell the liquor on his heavy breath. “And I�
�m sorry your sister got killed.”

  “Thank you,” Cindy flinched.

  “Now, you’re gonna ask me if I know her husband Frank, right?” Tony’s eyes rolled up in his head. “The police already asked me, and I already told them I never met the guy, never even heard of him.”

  Cindy was relieved. She was also pleased to hear that Tony had already been questioned.

  “The police love to question me,” Tony went on, running his hand through his greasy hair. “Doesn’t mean I do anything to deserve it – just that I’m a great target for every nut.”

  “How come?” Cindy wanted elaboration.

  “I got all kinds of people in my funds and who knows what they want or do? That’s not really my business, honey. I invest, pay dividends and throw big parties to keep people happy.” Then he smiled at her broadly. “You know, a beautiful woman like you could have a good life down here.”

  Cindy shuddered.

  “How’d you meet her, Don?” Beggio went on. The two of them obviously knew each other well.

  “Just by chance, a few minutes ago,” Don replied. “She obviously needs some help and she’s a good woman.”

  “What kind of help?” Beggio asked. “What can I do?”

  “I want to know if anyone here might know my brother in law,” Cindy replied.

  “How do I know?” Beggio answered, slightly irritated. “I heard the cops held him

  for questioning, right?”

  “Yes,” Cindy responded.

  “Are they trying to link this guy to me?” Beggio didn’t like it.

  “Not necessarily,” Cindy tried to assuage him. “I just want to know if my brother in law Frank has any fingerprint down here at all? That would help lead me to the killer.”

  “It’s a fair question,” Don backed her up.

  “I have no idea,” Beggio repeated. “Go ask anyone you want if they know him. Show them his picture, do you happen to have one?”

  “Yes, I did,” said Cindy, taking a photo of Frank out of her slim, sparkling, evening bag.

  Just then Penny came over to join them, tugging on Don’s arm. He’d been gone long enough and it was clear that she wanted his attention now.

  “I’ll be with you in a second, sweetheart,” Don said. “We’re just looking around, trying to find out if anyone happens to recognize Cindy’s brother in law,” and he pointed to the photo in Cindy’s hand.

  Penny leaned over at looked at it lightly. “Oh yeah,” she suddenly said, “I’ve seen him - I think his name is Frank, right?”

  A long chill ran over Cindy’s arms and shoulders. “Yes, that’s right,” Cindy replied. “Where have you seen him?”

  Penny shrugged lightly. “Not really sure,” she looked more closely then. “I think he’s been to some of Tony’s parties, I’ve seen him around.”

  “You’ve seen him here alone, or with someone?” Cindy shot back immediately, unnerved.

  “I’ve just seen him drifting around,” Penny seemed vague about it. “Never really saw him with anyone in particular. Or, maybe I didn’t see him at Toni’s parties, maybe I saw him at the boat races,” she looked even closer still. “Somehow I thought he once said he liked the races.”

  Cindy stood there in horror for a moment. How could this woman know that Frank liked boat races? Obviously, she’d actually seen him somewhere and what’s more, they’d talked.

  Don quickly picked up on the change in Cindy’s energy and spoke carefully. “The fact that Penny has seen your brother in law, in and of itself doesn’t mean anything. Everyone gets invited to these parties. Lots of people just come for a drink and some company. Did your brother in law work down in Bermuda from time to time?”

  Cindy appreciated Don’s calm, careful observance. He was grounded and fair, sounded as if he were even a lawyer.

  “Yes, Frank did come down and work here, from time to time,” Cindy told him.

  “So, it would be perfectly normal for people to see him,” Don commented. He seemed to enjoy being part of the investigation; would have made a fine detective, Cindy thought.

  “Do you want me to ask my friends, Ronnelle or Linda if they know who he is?” Penny asked. “They’re right over there.”

  “That would be good, thank you,” said Cindy.

  Penny waved over the woman they’d seen before and another leggy, dark haired beauty. They both drifted over quickly, curious about what was going on.

  “What’s up, sweetheart?” Linda, the dark haired beauty asked.

  “Do you know this guy?” Penny pointed to the photo in Cindy’s hands.

  Linda shook her head, “Never saw him before, why? Is he the latest and greatest catch on the island?”

  Penny frowned. “Not at all,” she said. Then she looked over at Cindy as if it were up to her to explain further.

  Cindy said nothing, however, just held the photo up higher so they could all have a good look.

  “What did he do? Kill someone?” Ronnelle threw her head back and smiled, seeming to have no idea what she was saying.

  “That’s not a joke, Ronny,” Penny jumped in.

  “Why? Ronnelle looked confused. “I didn’t offend anyone, did I? I certainly didn’t mean to.”

  “Do you know him at all?” Penny persisted.

  “Never saw the guy in my life,” said Ronnelle.

  “You can go around the room asking people, if you care to,” Don stepped in, speaking directly to Cindy again.

  There had to be at least one hundred and fifty people at the party and Cindy didn’t feel it made sense to go around to each of them.

  “It’s enough that Penny recognized him, for now,” Cindy responded. “That’s definitely something, anyway.”

  “It tells you he’s been here, that’s all,” Don commented slowly.

  “You recognize this guy, Penny?” Ronnelle asked surprised.

  “I’ve seen him around,” Penny answered.

  “There are all kinds of guys who come to the island and drift around,” Ronnelle spoke more sharply, turning to Cindy. “Why are you asking about him, anyway? What happened?”

  Cindy was about to answer and then stopped herself. She wasn’t sure it was a good idea to go into details at this moment. Cindy didn’t want to cast a blanket of suspicion on Frank or create unnecessary rumors.

  “It’s complicated,” Cindy answered quietly.

  “Always is,” said Ronnelle, throwing her a curious glance.

  Chapter 15

  Cindy got back to her hotel room after the party both relieved and distressed. At least Tony had no idea who Frank was, or so he said. He had no reason to lie about it, though. Something like that could be easily traced. Cindy couldn’t shake her upset though that Penny had seen Frank around and had actually spoken to him. She knew that it didn’t mean anything necessarily, but Cindy didn’t like the thought of Frank wandering around Beggio’s parties without Ann at his side. Did Ann know about this, Cindy wondered. If she did, why didn’t she mention it? Could it have been she was ashamed, keeping the whole thing secret?

  It was late and Cindy plopped down on her sofa before taking off her clothes and getting ready for bed. The evening had been strainful and emotional. She could understand why the police regularly checked Beggio and his strange crowd of friends. Why would Frank even go to a party like that? Or maybe he hadn’t gone to the parties at all, maybe Penny had actually seen him at the boat races. That made Cindy feel slightly better.

  She was about to let it all go for the evening and get ready for bed when her phone suddenly rang. It was late for a call, and Cindy’s heart started racing. What happened now? Who was calling so late?

  “I’m so sorry to call this late, Cindy,” Mattheus’s voice sounded pressured and harried.

  “What happened, what’s wrong?” Cindy got nervous.

  “I just needed to talk to you before going to bed,” Mattheus replied. “I just got back from speaking to the hotel owner, Grenfield.”

  Cindy had forgotten for
a moment where Mattheus had been this evening, who he’d been looking into.

  “He’s the owner of the Mermaid Hotel, down from the Greenstone. Grenfield knows Beggio well.” Mattheus seemed to be relieved to be talking. “The cops told me that the two of the pal around together.”

  “And?” Cindy’s mouth felt dry. She expected to hear something terrible next.

  “I’d rather tell you in person,” said Mattheus. “Can I come to your room?”

  “Of course,” said Cindy, “come right now.”

  Cindy hung up the phone, straightened her hair, and got up to go to the door. Mattheus’s room was only a few steps away and he’d be here any second. As she went to the door, Cindy caught a quick glance at herself in the long mirror that hung on a nearby wall. She looked tired, but still lovely, almost radiant actually. Dressed for the evening, her beautiful ruby necklace still glowed around her face.

  The moment Cindy got to the door and opened it, Mattheus approached and entered.

  “My God, you look beautiful,” he said, taking a step back. “I’ve never seen you dressed like this before.”

  Cindy raised her hand to the necklace that had to be what he was referring to. “You mean wearing incredible jewelry like this. Thank you for it,” Mattheus,” she repeated.

  Mattheus drew closer and put his arms around her and Cindy placed her head on his strong shoulder.

  “It’s so good to be here with you now,” Mattheus murmured. “I needed to see you tonight.”

  Cindy felt the same way. Whatever he had to tell her, she could take so much better having him at her side.

  “Mattheus,” Cindy went on, “the necklace you got me,” she didn’t know what to say next.

  “You’re wondering what it means between us?” Mattheus asked.

  “Yes, I am,” Cindy whispered. “And I’m wondering what happened between you and Petra too?”

  “What happened with me and Petra? Absolutely nothing,” Mattheus was aghast. “You’re the one I love Cindy, and always will. I don’t know how to make you believe that.”

  Cindy raised her hand and stroked his face. “I believe it, I feel it, I know it, Mattheus,” she responded as they drew together in a deep kiss. “And I love you, too,” she said as she came up for air.


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