For a general introduction to the history of the Futa Tooro, see David Robinson, The Holy War of Umar Tal (Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1985). The bibliography on Fulbe history and oral traditions is considerable; see Stephen Belcher, Epic Traditions of Africa, pp. 142–63, for references.
The story of Malick Sy is well known. It was reported in the late nineteenth century by J. L.-B. Bérenger-Féraud, Recueil de contes popularies de la Sénégambie (Paris: Ernest Leroux, 1885; Nendeln: Kraus Reprint, 1970), pp. 141ff., and later from local sources by M. G. Adam, Légendes historiques du pays de Nioro, pp. 47–55, and H. Lanrezac in Le Folklore au Soudan (Paris: La Revue Indigène, n.d.), pp. 38–9.
The First Queen, retold from Boubou Hama, Recherche sur l’histoire des Touareg sahariens et soudanais (Paris: Présence africaine, 1967), p. 124, and from H. T. Norris, The Tuareg: Their Islamic Legacy and its Diffusion in the Sahel (Warminster: Aris and Phillips, Ltd., 1975), pp. 14ff. Children of the Jinns, retold from Norris, pp. 101–2; see also Hama, p. 125. The Origin of Matrilineal Succession, retold from Henri Duveyrier, Les Touareg du Nord (Paris: Challamel aîné, 1864), p. 398. The First Ihaggaren, retold from Jeannine Drouin, ‘L’Origine des Ihaggaran dans la tradition orale des Kel Dinnig’, Littérature orale arabo-berbère, 12 (1981), pp. 59–101. Ali Guran and his Nephew Adelaseq, adapted from Dominique Casajus, ‘Une série de mythes touareg’, Tisuraf (Paris: Groupe d’études berbères), 3 (1979), pp. 83–98; much the same cycle of stories is given in Mohamed Aghali Zakara and Jeannine Drouin, Traditions touarègues nigériennes (Paris: L’Harmattan, 1979), pp. 50–83.
The Tuareg groups of the Sahara have fascinated outsiders for some time, and the literature treating of their customs, traditions and origins is very uneven. There is now also an Islamic overlay on many of their traditions. Henri Lhote provides a good example of an early study of the Tuareg peoples in Les Touaregs du Hoggar (2nd edn., Paris: Payot, 1955), as does Lloyd C. Briggs, Tribes of the Sahara (Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 1960). But for a comprehensive (indeed, encyclopedic) modern discussion of Tuareg society and material culture, see Johannes and Ida Nicolaisen, Pastoral Tuareg (2 vols., New York: Thames and Hudson; Copenhagen: Rhodos International, 1997). Dominique Casajus also offers analysis of Tuareg oral culture in Gens de parole: Langage, poésie et politique en pays touareg (Paris: Éditions la Découverte, 2000).
Abalissa 447
Abatama 288
Abd el Tukruru 357
Abdullah (Sow) 355
Abdurrahman 360
Abecher 355
Abena 328–9
Abomey 100, 320, 323, 325
Abraha 360
Abrapimon 354
Abu Derday 433
Abu-bekri bin Amer 433–4
Abydos 121
Achebe, Chinua 286
Ad 334
Adam 145–7
Adamawa 253, 282, 436
Adamites 145
Adansi 330
Adelaseq 454–6
Adi-bu-ma 293–6
Adja 101–103, 323–4
Adjahuto 324
Afo 288
Africa xi–xiii, xvii, xx–xxii, xxv–vi, 49, 74, 119–20, 253–4, 303, 308, 372
central xii, xxiii, 18, 215, 347
eastern xii, xxiii–xxv, 49, 59, 69, 104, 142, 162, 195, 233
northern xxv, 119, 437
southern 3, 6 ff., 75, 96, 223, 237 ff.
west xii, xxii, xxiv–xxv, 5, 34, 38, 40, 42, 53, 74, 104, 303, 341, 394, 436–38
Afrikaner 237
Afro-Centrism xix, 120
Agasu 323–4
Agbe 321
Agbigbo 98
Agé 39
Agriculture xvi, xxiv, 3–4, 18, 49, 88, 150, 159, 162, 168, 182, 196, 227, 261–2, 290, 298, 304, 320, 327, 334, 348, 359, 385, (415), 428
Agwa-Gede 325
Ahe 355
Aido-Hwedo 320–21
Aissa Kili 363–4
Ajapa 97
Akan xxii, 303, 326 ff., *480–81
Aki 292–3
Ako Manoya 140
Akurengan 265
Akwa Boni 331
Akwamu 327–8
Akwammu 328–9
Ale 286–7
Alela 158
Alena Kiri 266–7
Ali Ghaji Zeimani 363
Ali Guran 454–6, *491
Ali Kolon 372–3
Aliada dynasty 323–4
Allah 296
Almahaw 377
Almine 375
Almoravids 385
Alzuma 379
Ama 292–3
Amamfi 327
Amara 379
AmaZulu (see Zulu)
American 320, 425
Amhara, -ic, 136, 143, 145, 148
Amina Coulibaly 429
Amma 342–3, 345–6
Ananse xi, xvii, 104–116, 326–7, *464
Angola xxiv, 223, 225, 237, 253–4
Ankole 169
Annabi 318
Anokye 329–30
Anubis 129–32
Anushirwan 318
Anyi 326
Anzuru 378–80
Aovi 101–2
Arabia 136, 145, 166, 319, 433
Arabic xx, xxii, xxiii, xxv, xxvii, 55, 133, 162, 318, 333, 341, 357, 359, 372, 382, 423
Arabs 88, 145, 150, 233, 385, 422, 437
Ark of the Covenent 138
Aro-Chukwu 286
Asantemanso 327–8
Asara 315
Ashanti xi, xxii, 104, 107, 111, 303, 326–30, 334, 464, 480–81
Askiya Muhammad 454
Assabu 330
Assibu 327
Athens xiv
Ati-Idah 288
Atiko 158
Atlantic xxii, xxv, 53, 253–4, 257, 284, 303, 320, 332, 370, 392, 433
Atum 121
Axum 136
Ayesha 360
Baba 172–3
Babali 19
Ba-Bito (see Bito)
Bachama 298–302, 318, *477
Ba-Cwezi 169–70
Badibu 422
Badr (battle of) 382
Baenga 211
Baful 282
Baganda 154
Bagauda 368–9
Baghdad 360, 365–6
Bagirmi 357–8, *483
Ba-Haya (see Haya)
Bahr el-Ghazal 354
Baka 158
Bakindiki 425
BaKongo (see Kongo)
Ba-Kuba (see Kuba)
Balafasa 208
Bala Faseke Kuyate (see also Jankuma Doka) 406, 412, 424
Balumbe 211, 213
Bamako 393, 413
Bamana xvi, 21, 333, 370, 413–21, 423, 436, *487–8
Bambado 56–8
Bambara (see Bamana)
Bambuk 370
Bambuti 18, 19
Bamun (or Bamum) xx, xxvii, 253, 282–3, 292, *475–6
Bananas xiii, xxiv, 4, 18, 20, 66, 168, 176, 189, 196, 200
Bandiagara escarpment 340–41
Bandiagara (town) 341
Bani river 371, 382
Bankim 283, 288
Bantu (see under language)
BaNyanga 268
Baol 422
Barbushe 368–9
Barma 357
Barozvi 241
Bata (Egyptian) 129–32
Bata (Nigerian people) 298–302, *477
Bathsheba 138
Ba’tonu 318
Batswa 196
Batta 258
Batwa 213
Baufre 125–6
Baule xxii, 303, 326, 330–31, *480–81
Baushi 231
Bawo 368
Bayajida 365–8
Bayna Lekhem 138–9
Bega 191
Behanzin 325
Belgian 257
Bella 447
Bemba 179, 228, 233–6, *471
Bemba Nyakh
ate 391
Bena Ngona 235
Benin (city) xvi, xx, 288, 303, 304–7, 312, 317, *477
Benin (Republic) xvi, 38, 100, 303, 318, 332
Benue river 284, 292, 298, 301–2, 365
Berber 446
Berending 427
Beti 261–2
Bible 315
Bida-serpent 386
Bight of Benin 284, 320
Bilal (see Jon Bilal)
Bini 304–5
Bintou Doucure 437
Bio 319
Bito 153, 170
Biton Koulibaly 4, 6, 418–21
Biung 336
blacksmith 89, 185, 226, 240, 287, 291, 309, 334, 342–3, 346, 375, 393–94, 403, 408, 424
Boers 237
Bokele (Pygmy group) 196
Bokele (Mongo) 197–201
Bolenge 211–13
Bolumbu 198–201
Bondu 422, 441–4, *490
Bongenge 213
Bongolobokyakonga 208
Bono 328
Bonsela 213
Borana 145
Borgu 303, 313, 318–19, 371, *479
Bornu xxiii–iv, 282, 292, 296–7, 319, 347, 348, 355, 359–64, 369, *483–4
Boswe 208
Botswana 6–7, 51
Bozo 21, 383, 413
Braima 315–16
Brazil 320
British 304, 320, 365
Bubu 427
Buganda xvi, xxiii–xxiv, xxviii, 64, 168, 170, 176–181, *468–9
Buha 193–4
Bu-Haya (see also Haya) 176
Buka Phangu 254–5
Bulala 359, 363–4
Bulanda 220
Bulu 261–2
Bunyoro xxiii, 64, 153, 168, 170–75, 180, *468
Bure 370
Bureng 426
Burkina Faso 53, 338
Burundi 64, 169, 185, 187, 192–4, *469
Busa, Bussa 318–19, 371
Bushmen 3, 6
Bushong 215, 217, *470
Busoga 168, 181
Bwilile 288
Byeeng 217
Byekela 208
Byzantines 319
Cameroon xxiii, 18, 53, 253, 261, 268, 282, 284, 286, 298, 365, 436
Campbell, Joseph xvi
Caribbean 100, 303, 320
cattle xvi, xxii–iii, 49–73, 142, 153, 168, 170, 176, 178, 187–8, 190, 238, 248, 298, 371, 436–7, *461–2
Caxer 429–30
Cayor 422
Central African Republic 88
Ceygooru 379
Chad, Lake xx, xxii, 49, 53, 253, 292, 347–8, 353, 357, 359
Chagga 69–73, *462
Chaminuka 239–40
Chari river 354
Cheops 123, 125–28
Chi (see Chukwu)
Chibinda Ilunga 224–5
Chido 292
Chilufya 236
Chilufya Mulenga 234–6
Chilumbulu 235–6
Chinese xxv
Chinyama 223, 225
Chiti 234–6
Christians xviii, xix, 136, 147, 76, 257, 315
Chu-fu (see Cheops)
Chukwu 287
Chunburburai 368
Chwa Nabakka 180–81
Cogaz 7–9
colonial xix, xxvi, 239, 244, 92, 298, 309, 382
colonization xiii, xxi, xxvi, 119, 68, 233, 237, 248, 257, 86, 348
colony 68, 237, 248, 257
Comoe river 330
Congo (Brazzaville) 18, 253
Congo (Democratic Republic) 18, 82, 88, 195, 215, 219, 53, 257
Congo river 18, 197, 253–4, 257
cook (-ed, -ing) xiv, 13–14, 16, 22, 41, 43, 71–2, 76–7, 79, 86, 89, 151, 155, 165, 171, 177–8, 198, 202, 208, 219, 227, 240, 249, 270, 310, 336, 343, 353, 407, 410, 426, 441
Coptic 150, 315
Côte d’Ivoire 34, 303, 326, 330, 334
Dã (or Dan) 325
Dabi 406
Dada Segbo 323
Dagbon 334
Dagomba 333, 334–7, 338–9, 342, *481
Dagoye 145, 147
Dahomey 100, 303, 320–25, *479–80
Dak 151–2
Dakar 428
Daken 330
Dako (see also Hwegbadja) 324
Dala (Hausa) 368
Dala Birni 358
Dala Ngumani 361–2
Daman Gille 389–91, 439, 442
Dañ 39, 42,
Danish 104
Dankaran Turnan 403–7
Dan Mansa Wulanba 398–402
Dan Mansa Wulanden 398–402
Darassa 13940
Daura 365, 367–8
Daussahane 375
David 138
Death xix, 4, 35–36, 45, 62, 67–8, 87, 97–8, 114, 120–21, 126, 129, 133, 137, 144, 148, 151, 153–4, 172, 178–9, 181, 184–5, 187, 189, 201, 211, 213–14, 225–7, 230, 238, 241, 245, 251, 272, 291–2, 296, 298, 301, 306–7, 315, 320, 327–30, 338, 343–4, 355, 360, 363–4, 386, 394–5, 412, 416–17, 426, 431, 437, 447–8 (see also Aki, Rufu, Walumbe, Wun)
Dedi 126–7
Demsa 302
Dendi 371, 376–8
Deniyanke, –obe 422, 439, 441
Denkyira 327–30
Diabate 392, 40
Diakite 438
Diallo 438
Diaobe 439
Diara (see also Jara, Soninke kingdom) 442
Diarra 416–18
Diawara 391
Dim 151
Dinga (see Mama Dinga)
Dinka 49, 142, 150, 153
Diop, Cheikh Anta xix, 120
Djabe 386–8
Djadjaemonkh 125–6
Djenne xvi, 304, 371, 382–4, 413, *486
Djenne-Jeno 382
Djilof 432
Djimon 283
Do (or Du) 397–9, 401, 405
Dodo 367
Dogon 334, 340, 341–6, *482–3
Domaa 329
Dongo 442–3
Dorobo 59
Drums 38, 78–9, 100, 103, 113–14, 165, 194, 221, 226, 291, 321, 343, 374, 388, 393, 397, 430–1
Du (see Do)
Duala 253, 268–81, *475
Du Kamisa 397
Dumogo-nya-Mogo 397–8, 401
Dutch 237
Duwat 151
Dzivaguru 239
Ebuli 288
Edegi (see Tsoede)
Edo 306
Egharevba, Jacob xx
Egypt xix–xx, xxii, 119–135, 136, 150, 282, 304, 308, 318, 360, 365–7, *465
Ekaladerhan 305
Èke 288
Emecheta, Buchi 286
Eminia N’Zima 257–8
English 176, 237, 359
Engome 280–81
Entonto 211, 213
Ere 304
Eri 286–7
Erla 358
Esagho 305
Esau xix
Eshu, Eshu-Elegbara 97–100, 314, 316, *463–4
Esinmirin 314
Es-Sadi, Abdurrahman 372
Ethiopia xx, xxii, 119, 136–41, 142–3, 147–8, *465
Europe (and Europeans) xxi, 50, 145, 237, 257, 268, 284, 304, 308, 320, 326
Evian 305
Eweka 306
Ewuare (see also Ogun) 306
Fa divination (see also Ifa) 38, 100–103, 303, 320, 323
Fabekondoro 28–9
Fakoli 406, 410
Fang 253, 261–7, *474–5
Fante 326
Fara Makan 21, 30–33
Fare 301
Farimonzon 376–7
Farin Tunkara 405, 408
Faro 393–4, 414–16, 419–20
Fati 372
Fetefete 209
Fezzan 363
fire xiv, 9–10, 12–14, 20, 40–41, 46, 52, 61, 70, 76, 84, 86, 89, 90, 93, 111, 144, 146, 151, 155, 160, 174, 184–6, 190, 192, 199–200, 202, 204, 213, 217, 226–7, 231, 240, 251, 278, 295–7, 299, 314, 323, 343–4, 357, 398–9, 411, 425–6, 434; –arms 371; –drill 251; –place 398, 403; –side 407,
418; –starter 71, 202
firewood 10, 46, 52, 63, 80, 106, 140, 144, 155, 177, 206, 222, 249, 270, 316, 398
Fogny 425
Fon 38, 97, 303, 320–25, *458, 464, 479–80
Fono 30–33
Foumban 283
French 320, 325, 341–2, 392, 413, 428, 439
Freud, Sigmund xiv
Fula, Fulani, Fulbe 49, 53–8, 253, 282, 298, 302, 341, 347, 357, 359, 365, 371, 374–5, 379–80, 413, 428, 431, 433, 436–40, 461, 490
Furies xiv
Futa Jallon 53, 423, 436, 438
Futa Tooro 53, 422, 431, 433, 436–40, 441, *490
Gabon 18, 253, 261
Gabou (see Kaabu)
Gabra 145
Gadiaga 441
Gafomo 64–5
Gakanisha, Clement 182
Galla 143, 159
Gama-Gorib 250
Gambia 34, 385, 392, 422–5, 428, 433, 436, 439
Ganda 181
Gao 370, 376, 447
Garo 152
Gasani 183
Gashubi 65, 187–8
Gaunab 252
Gayna 378
Gaza 138
Gbadu 100
Gbeso 301
Genesis xviii
German 69, 166, 258,
Ggulu 176–7, 180
Ghana (empire, see also Wagadu) xxiv, 370, 385, 392
Ghana (Republic) 104, 284, 303, 326, 332, 334, 370–71
Ghuna 333
Gibe 145
Gifol 154–7
Gihanga 64–5, 185–8
Gikuyu 142, 159–61, *467
Gilgamesh 145
Gipir 154–57
Gitanga 193
Gobir 301, 379–81
Gogobiri 315
gold XXV, 114, 124, 128, 237, 310, 326, 329–30, 333, 347, 350, 353, 370–71, 382, 388–90, 392, 395–98, 400–401, 408–9, 420, 423, 429, 442; –en age xvii, 392; –en stool 329
Gold Coast xx, 104, 284, 326
Gondar 149
Gonja 333, *481
Good Hope, Cape of 7, 237
Goulfeil 353–4
Gow 21–30
Gragn, Ahmed or Mohammad 136, 147–9
Greeks xiv, 120
Griaule, Marcel 341, 345
Gu 321
Guidimakha 385
Guinea 53, 104, 370, 392, 406–7, 423, 436, 439
Guinea-Bissau 422
Guji 139
Guma 145–7
Gurunsi 334
Gwandu 319
Haal-Pulaaren (see Fula) 422, 436
Hadramaut 334
Hamabulki 301
Hamagenin 301
Hamitic thesis 51, 168
Han-gai-gaib 250–51
Hardedef 126
Harrar 148
Hathor 123, 130
Hausa xxiii, 53, 284, 290, 303, 315, 318, 326, 347, 359, 365–9, 378–9, 436, *484
Haya 66–8, 169, 176, *462
Heitsi-Eibib 51–2, 248–52, 461, 473
Herodotus 133
Hindu xviii
History of the Yorubas 308
Hoggar 347
Homer 18
Horus 120–23
Hottentot 248
Houdas, O. xxvii
hunters, – ing xvi, xxii–iii, 3–48, 168, 196, 201, 268, 293, 296, 298, 304, 309, 315, 334, 338, 348, 378 ff. 398 ff., 404, 418–19, 423–4, *458–60
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