Just Tell Her

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Just Tell Her Page 14

by Nicole Pyland

  “Thank you. I’m sorry.”

  “Hey, it’s okay. Let’s talk about something else. What do you want to talk about?”

  “Anything other than Hailey Grant,” Charlie requested.


  Charlie rode back with Hannah and Alyssa. Neither of them asked questions about why. She hadn’t participated in the last round of planning the others had done that morning, claiming she didn’t feel well, which was technically the truth. Hailey hadn’t gone into the bedroom at all, while Charlie sat on the bed and then curled up in it before she got up and started packing her things. She’d waited until Charlie was outside, waiting for Alyssa and Hannah to take her home, before she made her way up the stairs. While they shared a few glances that were sufficiently awkward, neither of them had said anything.

  Charlie had said thank you and goodbye to Hannah and Alyssa and made her way into her apartment. Her neighbor had been taking care of Eddie for her while she was away. When she opened the door, he jumped on her almost immediately, happy to see her, and also probably ready to go outside. She took him for a walk and watched him bounce around, as she laughed at him when they returned. One of the best things about having a pet was their ability to make people happy when they were having a bad day. She tossed her dirty weekend clothes into the laundry pile and made her way to the shower. She decided she wouldn’t shed any more tears over Hailey and her feelings for her. She’d done what she’d always been afraid to do, and it was over. She called Lena, before getting dressed, to see if she still wanted to come over. When Lena said yes and that she’d bring dinner, Charlie dressed for a casual date and waited for her arrival.


  “Hi,” Charlie greeted her.

  Lena looked beautiful. She had her hair down and slightly wavy again, her eyes were bright, and her smile was wide. She held out a bag of food with a bottle of wine and made her way into the apartment.

  “Welcome back.”

  “Thanks. I’m glad you’re here,” Charlie stated and realized she meant it.

  The weekend had been a difficult one. She hadn’t been sure she should see Lena after it, but when she saw her at the door, she knew she made the right decision. Lena walked past her and into the kitchen, where she dropped the food on the counter, turned, and waited for Charlie to approach her, before she held her arms out. Charlie smiled a shy smile and walked into them, allowing the hug and the scent of lavender to overtake her senses. She pressed her hands into Lena’s back and her head into Lena’s neck. It felt good to hug her and to be hugged by her. She pressed the same light kiss to Lena’s neck, that she’d given her before, and pulled back to look into those impossibly teal eyes.

  “I’m glad I’m here too,” Lena shared. “I brought food from this little Ethiopian place near my house. Is that okay?”


  Charlie rested her hands on Lena’s hips and held them in place there. She looked down at them and slid a finger into each of the belt loops of the jeans over the belt.

  “Are you okay?” Lena questioned and placed one hand against Charlie’s chest, while she ran the other one along her jaw.

  “Yeah, I think I am,” Charlie stated as she looked up and smiled at her.

  Lena’s eyes flitted down to Charlie’s lips and then back up to her eyes. Charlie kept her eyes on Lena’s and felt a thumb slide across the lips that she’d just put a small amount of lip balm on. Then, the thumb pulled down on the bottom lip lightly, and Lena moved in another step. She thought about making sure that this was what Lena wanted, but she didn’t think she needed to, because Lena was leading.

  “I-” Lena started and stopped herself, then she leaned in just enough to make Charlie feel like she could match her lean with one of her own and connect their lips, which Charlie did.

  Lena’s lips were tentative. Charlie matched that tentativeness, because she thought it might help Lena get comfortable. Within a few moments, Lena’s mouth was confident and seeking. Her hand was on the back of Charlie’s neck and then playing with her short hair while the other one remained at the base of her back. Charlie’s mouth opened, indicating that she wanted to take the kiss further. Lena granted her entrance to explore her hot mouth with her tongue, which Charlie did and earned a moan from the other woman. Charlie took a few steps forward, moving Lena back against the counter, and ran her hands up and down the woman’s sides slowly and undemanding, while she continued to explore her mouth with her soft tongue that was sliding against Lena’s and then swirling around it. Lena moaned again, and the hand on Charlie’s back moved to lift her shirt and slide under. The feeling of her hand against Charlie’s skin caused Lena to pull back from the kiss, breaking their revelry and leaving them both practically gasping.

  “Oh, wow!” Lena exclaimed after a moment and then brought a hand to her mouth in embarrassment.

  “Wow is right,” she offered and pulled Lena back in.

  “Yeah?” Lena checked unconfidently.

  “Yes, definitely,” Charlie returned. “Want to, maybe, do it again after we eat?”

  She could tell Lena wanted more, but, given her reaction, she could also sense that maybe she could use a little time to let their kiss sink in. Food was probably the best option for them both. Lena nodded, and Charlie pecked her lips gently in reply before moving around her to the counter. What surprised Charlie the most was that the kiss had been amazing. She hadn’t thought of Hailey once since Lena entered the apartment. And given what had transpired between them this weekend, that was a good thing. She smiled as she dished out food onto plates and showed Lena where the wine glasses were.

  They made their way to the couch and ate together while they put on the TV to mainly provide background noise. Lena told Charlie about her week in Evanston. Charlie talked about her work week as well, while they wrapped up their delicious meal. After the dirty dishes had been moved to the sink, Charlie sat back down beside her, and using what was left of her bravery, she asked her a question.

  “So, how was your lunch date yesterday?” she chanced.

  “It was okay.” Lena turned to face her and smiled.

  “Okay?” Charlie lifted an eyebrow.

  “Is this weird?” Lena lifted an eyebrow in a different way.

  “Yes, but I do want to know, if that’s okay.”

  “We had coffee and talked. That was it. She was sweet. I liked her at first, but neither of us committed to another date. I don’t think she’s likely to call for one.”

  “Why not?” Charlie questioned.

  “I told her I’m new to this, and she asked if I was a baby gay.”

  “No, she didn’t,” Charlie said.

  “She did,” Lena confirmed. “I realize that most women are not interested in someone who just figured this stuff out about herself and started dating women, but I don’t like being condescended to.”

  “I don’t blame you,” Charlie replied. “I apologize on behalf of all lesbians worldwide for her comment.”

  “Thank you, but I do want to be honest with you about something.”


  “I like you, and I really liked what we did over there.” She pointed to the counter. “I am definitely a gay lady.” She laughed a little and looked down at her fidgeting hands. “But I’m not ready for a commitment. I think what I found out yesterday was that I do want to go out with women; not just one woman.” She looked back up. “I want to do more of what we did, and go further than that too, if and when it happens with you. I don’t plan on asking anyone else out anytime soon, but-”

  “If it happens, and you like the girl, you’ll say yes,” Charlie completed and felt a little down, having to say it to Lena but understanding it all the same.

  “I guess what I want to know is how you feel about that. I know you said before you’d be okay with it, but I really want to know how you feel about it. If it’s going to be a problem or… God, I don’t know what I’m saying. I’ve never been a dater, you know? I don’t know how to do t

  “Lena, you’re doing fine,” Charlie encouraged. “This is a strange situation. I like you too. I like what we did in there and would like to do more when you’re ready. I don’t want to be condescending, like Mara, but I get the whole coming out thing and wanting to explore a little. I guess, I just want you to be honest with me. I’ll be honest with you if I’m seeing someone else.”

  “Will you?” Lena asked her and seemed a little concerned.

  “I might,” Charlie admitted. “I’m sort of in this new phase of my life too. I’ve cut myself off from stuff in the past. I’m finally trying to move beyond that, and there’s a chance I’ll meet someone and want to go out with them; but for now, there’s you, and I’m good with that too.”

  “Okay.” Lena gave her that shy smile again.

  “I’m going to kiss you now if you’re okay with that,” Charlie said.

  Lena seemed surprised, pleasantly so, but nodded and Charlie captured her lips with no hesitation or trepidation this time.


  Hailey arrived at Emma’s place and knocked. She wasn’t even sure if the woman was home. She hadn’t called or texted first. She’d just dropped her stuff off at her own apartment after a long and awkward ride with Ember and Eva, since she just wanted to sit in silence, and they were happy and in love, talking about their upcoming special day. She’d changed into something more comfortable, grabbed her keys, and headed over to Emma’s.

  “Well, this is a surprise,” Emma greeted with a smile. “I thought you were going to call me.”

  “I just came over. Is that okay?”

  “Yeah, come in.” Emma opened the door all the way for Hailey to walk through. “I see you dressed up for me,” she joked.

  Hailey had thrown on sweats and a t-shirt under her puffy winter coat.

  “Yeah, yeah. It was a long weekend,” she replied and unzipped her coat, while Emma closed the door.

  Just as she was about to remove it from her shoulders, Emma appeared behind her to help her slide it off. She placed it over the back of the sofa, while Hailey smiled and dropped her purse to the ground.

  “You want to talk about it?” Emma asked. “And these are cute, by the way.” She pulled lightly on the waistband of the sweatpants. “Did I ever tell you that I always preferred you like this?”

  “Like what? A mess?”

  Emma chuckled and wrapped her arms around Hailey’s waist.

  “No, like this. Just like yourself. No makeup, hair pulled back, just comfortable. I find that sexy on a woman.”

  “You do?”

  “Especially on you.” Emma kissed her nose with gentle warm lips. “Now, do you want to talk about your long weekend, or do you want to not talk about your long weekend?”

  “I would like to not talk about my long weekend. I’m just over planning a wedding right now.”

  “Understood. What I heard was that you’d like me to put the Wedding Planner on so that we can watch and take notes. That’s right, right?” She winked at her.

  Hailey rolled her eyes at her, finally wrapped her arms around Emma’s neck, and pulled her closer.

  “I think I’d like you to kiss me now,” Hailey said after a moment.

  “I can do that.”

  Emma’s lips met Hailey’s, and there was a second, at first, where she thought about Charlie, but after that second, it was only Emma and how her lips felt and tasted, and then how they pressed to her neck and just below her earlobe before sucking on that earlobe. Emma’s hands stayed still on Hailey’s waist, but Hailey’s moved on their own to Emma’s back and up her shirt to feel that Emma wasn’t wearing a bra underneath. Hailey moaned into the kiss when Emma’s lips returned to her own. She was being moved backward so they could lie on the couch. Emma hovered over her and reconnected their lips. It was still so slow and deliberate that Hailey felt it all over her body and wanted more. Her hands went back under Emma’s shirt and then moved to her sides before settling on Emma’s stomach, eliciting a small gasp from her.

  “I’m not ready for everything yet, but can we maybe lose the shirts tonight?” Hailey asked when Emma’s lips moved to her collarbone.

  Emma didn’t actually say anything, just lifted herself up. Hailey moved her hands to her breasts, covering them fully, while Emma pulled her shirt up and over her head. Hailey’s hands felt the firm breasts and the nipples that hardened in her hands as she squeezed. Emma stared down at her and placed her hands on Hailey’s stomach now, sliding them up slowly to cup the breasts that were also not covered in a bra, because Hailey had forgotten to put one on.

  Hailey hadn’t felt those hands on her in so long, but they felt so good. Emma seemed to remember what she liked, squeezing the entire breast a few times with hard pressure, before using her thumb and forefinger on her nipples, causing Hailey’s breath to quicken and that feeling to return between her legs. She felt herself getting wetter, as Emma’s hips moved unintentionally against her body, while Hailey’s hands continued to play with her breasts. After a few moments, Hailey lifted herself up, and Emma removed her shirt, tossing it to the floor, and reconnected their lips, lying Hailey back down.

  “I want you like crazy, Hails,” she let out and moved her lips to cover Hailey’s nipple. She sucked first, and then played with it with her teeth and then a soft tongue. “God, I missed you,” she said and continued her assault on Hailey’s nipple, while Hailey closed her eyes to try to keep herself from getting to the point where she was so turned on, there would be no turning back.

  She wanted Emma. She knew she did. But after the day she had, and the feelings she’d experienced for Charlie, she didn’t want their first time since high school to be on the same day she’d almost gotten off to the thoughts of another woman.

  “I want you too, Emma, but-”

  “I know. It’s okay. I’m on board.” She lifted her head and met Hailey’s eyes. “I mean, I’m on board with the taking things slow and getting to know each other again thing. I just wanted you to know that I want you.”

  Hailey smiled at her and placed her hands in soft hair, while Emma went back to kissing her breasts, her abdomen, and then her stomach. When they went to the bedroom later, Hailey returned the favor, exploring Emma’s skin with her mouth and hands, and enjoying the sights, smells, tastes, and sounds of Emma Colton beneath her once again.

  Hailey didn’t stay over at Emma’s. She wanted to, but she had none of her stuff there, and she needed to go to work the next day. After midnight, she finally got in her car and drove the short distance back to her apartment, found a lucky parking spot nearby, and went inside to crash onto her own bed, fall asleep, and wake up on Monday not at all rested and in need of a long shower.


  Hailey’s boss had put in her notice and had been phoning it in ever since. This infuriated Hailey, because not only did that mean she had to do her own job, but it also meant that she had to do her bosses’ job at the same time and learn it as she went. Her Monday was not going well, and she knew she’d be working late. Her boss had decided to work from home, which meant she wouldn’t really be working. Hailey got a call from one of the other major VPs at the bank’s corporate office that one of their tellers had gone off on a racist rant at a customer that morning.

  Hailey had been handling the phone calls from media outlets that wanted statements from the bank’s PR department. She’d said no comment at first, until she could meet with HR. They informed her that the employee had been terminated, and the customer had been issued an apology from the bank’s manager. There’s wasn’t a need for Hailey to go to the bank itself, but her job did require her to issue a public statement. She spent time crafting one and then had it sent out to the media and anyone else who might be interested in reading it. Normally, her boss was the one they’d get on camera when that was required, but with her essentially already moving onto her next job, it was Hailey’s turn in the spotlight.

  She was much better at public speaking than she has bee
n as a kid, but she still wasn’t happy about having to do it, when it technically wasn’t her job. She made sure her hair and makeup looked okay, and knew she’d come off somewhat pasty on camera, since she wore only light makeup, but she didn’t have anything with her to adjust her look. She stood on the steps of the bank’s corporate headquarters and delivered a statement to seven waiting cameras and boom microphones. She made it through the brief statement, ensuring the people that the bank had taken the necessary steps to terminate the employee and to apologize to the customer. Unfortunately for the bank, there weren’t many things, outside of an apology, that they could offer their customers. Hailey didn’t work for a giant retail outlet that could issue a massive gift card. She didn’t work for a fast-food restaurant that could offer a year’s supply of tacos. She worked for a bank. The customer, who’d been the victim of this employee’s terrible words, wasn’t seeking anything of monetary value. But Hailey knew that the media searched for things like that in issued statements. Instead, she spoke as eloquently as she could and stepped away from the microphones, because the most important person in this situation wasn’t holding a camera. She was sitting at home, wondering how she walked into her bank that morning, expecting to apply for a loan, and when she asked the bank teller if she could talk to one of their loan agents, he’d returned that the bank shouldn’t give out loans to people like her and followed it with racial epitaphs. Hailey returned to her office, let out a deep breath, and picked up her phone.

  “Mrs. Vincent?” she greeted when the woman answered her phone. “My name is Hailey Grant,” she introduced herself as an employee of the bank’s PR department.

  “Yes, Miss Grant, what can I do for you?”

  “Nothing, ma’am,” Hailey replied. “I wanted to call you because I wanted to personally apologize for what happened to you this morning.”

  “Someone from the bank already spoke with me.”


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