Blue Motel Room [Suncoast Society]

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Blue Motel Room [Suncoast Society] Page 25

by Tymber Dalton

  He scanned the courtyard, the modern bar up at the front, near the entrance to the main office and made up of glass blocks lit by multi-colored LED lights. The gaggle of Tops over by the smoking area and the entrance that led to the leather bar and where they held the drag queen shows.


  Nothing he was looking for, anyway, despite the guys he sensed trying to catch his eye, the wolf-whistles, the winks and blown kisses tossed his way.

  Ivan now had a definite…type. And he wouldn’t be happy until he found a guy who totally met the bill.

  Not finding what he was looking for, he sipped his drink and slowly crossed the courtyard, heading toward the tiki bar. In the deepening shadows of the overhang there, he sized up the men sitting at the high tops and the bar, most of the latter who sat with their backs to him, their focus on the hockey game on the TVs over the bar.

  Ivan circled around, to approach from the far end and better catch someone’s eye. The third guy from the end, a tall, hunky blond, shirtless and broad-shouldered.


  The blue eyes locked onto him, hungry, following his progress, the owner swinging around on his stool as Ivan stopped in front of him and blew him a kiss. Then Ivan took a sip of his drink and licked his lips.

  “Hellooo, Daddy. What’s someone like you doing in a place like this?”

  The man smiled and leaned back, sipping his drink. “Hey, there, Papa.” He spread his thighs and Ivan accepted the invite, stepping in close between them. “Aren’t you adorable?” the hunk noted, looking him up and down.

  “I could be a lot more adorable.” Ivan rested his left hand on the man’s thigh.

  The man’s finger traced the wedding band on Ivan’s ring finger. “Looks like you’re taken, hon.”

  “I am.” He smiled. “Married to a very hot and hunky territorial Viking who has the axes and swords to prove it.”

  The man’s blue gaze narrowed, his own wedding band flashing in the tiki bar’s lights as he took another sip of his drink. “Hot and hunky territorial Viking, huh? Tell me why I should risk getting my balls handed to me.”

  Ivan leaned in, pressing between the other man’s thighs and feeling the man’s cock harden in his shorts. “You can spank my ass as hard as you want before you fuck me.”

  “Mmm.” The man laid his hand over Ivan’s on the guy’s thigh. “Keep talking.”


  At the sound of his name, he whirled around, instinctively pressing back against the man at the bar for safety. In front of him stood Porter.

  “Um, hey.” Now Ivan felt incredibly naked and exposed. Which was ironic, considering he’d once asked Porter to spank him and then had one of the better fucks of his life with the man.

  The man at the bar had set his drink down and reached around Ivan with his left arm, finding Ivan’s left hand and lacing fingers with him.

  “How are you?” Porter asked. “Haven’t seen you around in months. You doing okay?”

  Ivan could practically read the man’s mind. Simultaneously, Ivan felt shitty that he couldn’t be more for the nice guy, and a slight jolt that the fingers laced through his were now gently but insistently squeezing, asking a silent question, wanting to know if he should take over or not.

  “I…I’m good. Sorry, it’s been crazy.” He laughed. “Really crazy. Good crazy. This is my husband, Ron. Ron, this is Porter.”

  Ron reached out with his right hand, around Ivan, to shake with the man. “Hi, nice to meet you. Ron Mercado.” He chuckled. “Or Mr. Dr. Mercado, as our friends sometimes call me.”

  Ivan didn’t fail to notice that, with his left arm, Ron was holding Ivan’s body pressed even closer to him now. Ron’s hard cock rubbed against Ivan’s lower back through their clothes.

  Yes, technically the Speedo counted as clothing.


  “Congratulations to you both,” Porter said.

  “Thanks,” Ron said, taking over. “Kind of caught us both by surprise.”

  “How’d you meet?”

  Ivan and Ron both burst out laughing, but Ivan let him answer. “We got two wives pregnant.”

  The stool next to Ron’s became vacant, and Porter settled onto it as Ron told him the story. When Ron finished, at least Porter didn’t look quite so…disappointed.

  Ivan couldn’t blame him. Who’d willingly walk into that kind of tangled situation as collateral damage? The man had dodged a bullet he hadn’t even known was fired at the time.

  Even more reason Ivan was glad he hadn’t taken Porter up on his open-ended offer for more. It would have doubly sucked falling for Ron while entangled with Porter.

  At least this way, it was slightly more tidy.

  “Wow,” Porter said. “That’s…crazy.”

  “Tell us about it,” Ron said. “So this is our weekend off. We make sure each couple gets a break together at least once a month. We haven’t really had alone-alone time since before the kids were born, so Kimbra made us a reservation here for the weekend and basically kicked us out the door. Told us to come have fun.”

  “How old are they now?”

  “Five months,” Ron said. “Three months post-due dates. But all three of them are healthy and happy and the pediatrician said they all look like they’re on track to have no lasting effects from being born early.”

  Before Ivan knew it, Ron had whipped out his cell phone from his back pocket and was showing Porter pictures.

  He was fucking adorable, that hunky Viking husband of his.

  When Ron finished showing the guy about ten gazillion photos of the babies, he surprised Ivan. “Have you had dinner yet? Let us buy you dinner, please?”

  Porter smiled. “Sure. Thanks, I appreciate that.”

  Ron patted Ivan on the ass and leaned in for a kiss. “Go throw on a pair of shorts and shirt, and bring me a shirt, please.”

  “Yes, Sir.”

  Ivan didn’t need to be told twice and hurried off to do it.

  * * * *

  Ron waited until Ivan was safely out of the tiki bar to slip his phone back into his pocket. Then he offered the other man his hand again. “Thank you, by the way.”

  Porter shook with him. “You’re welcome. For what?”

  “When we first got together, he told me about you. About the evening you spent together. You have no idea how much it helped him at the time. I won’t get into details why, but I appreciate it. That’s why I want to buy you dinner. It’s the least I can do.”

  The guy seemed to be appraising him. “You’re not jealous?”

  “Why would I be jealous? You helped my boy—although he wasn’t mine then. That’d be like me being jealous because he slept with my best friend before he and I were together, or him being jealous of Eve for us sleeping together before I met him.”

  “That is, no offense, a crazy fucking situation.”

  “Yeah, you ain’t kidding. Finally got moved into the new house together. Now we’re all able to relax and enjoy being a family.”

  Ron took another sip of his drink, a very weak rum and Coke, ordered that way on purpose, and the only alcohol he’d have tonight. Ivan wasn’t allowed to have any alcohol this weekend, just in case something came up and they had to hurry home unexpectedly. Ron wanted one of them completely sober to drive.

  “You ever get down to Sarasota?” Ron asked.


  “We’re members of a munch group there, and a BDSM club. Venture. They’ve got a wicked-good group of matchmakers there. Excellent track record. If you’re ever tired of looking, we’ll hook you up with them, introduce you around, and let them try to find you a special someone.”

  Ron watched as the guy glanced at the TV, then down to his hands, which lay clasped on the bar. “Lakeland isn’t exactly full of hot gay subbie guys. I’ve heard about Venture before but I’ve never had a chance to go.”

  Ron pulled his wallet out and handed the guy a business card after borrowing a pen from the bartender to write his person
al cell number on the back. “I mean it. No bullshit. I’m sure Kimbra and Eve would love to introduce you around to their friends, too.”

  Porter studied the card for a moment before tucking it into his own wallet. “Thanks. I might take you up on that.”

  Ron patted him on the shoulder and leaned in, dropping his voice. “I love him, and I know he loves me. We have three beautiful babies together, and I’m the luckiest guy on the face of the planet. But I’m not kidding when I say you shouldn’t envy me too much. I happen to be a fixer, personality-wise, soo…” He shrugged. “It worked for us in this case, where it might not have worked for him with someone else.”

  “This have to do with the scars I saw on his legs that night?” He finally met Ron’s gaze again.

  Ron nodded. “Yeah.”

  “Is he safe now?”

  Ron nodded again. “Yeah. He’s in a much better place now. He’s finally healing, inside and out.”

  Porter slowly nodded. “I had a friend who was a cutter. He had a lot of childhood trauma he never worked through. He ended up killing himself a few years ago. Ivan reminded me a lot of him.” He sadly smiled. “I’m glad he found you.”

  “Me, too.”

  “I’ve been worried about him. Always kept an eye out for him when I came here. I didn’t want to harass him through e-mail, but he never replied after our first exchange, and when I sent the follow-up, I didn’t want to keep after him if he was done.”

  “Literally the Monday after he met you, Kimbra tracked him down and told him she was pregnant. He and I met that Tuesday. He’s been with me ever since. As soon as I saw his legs…”

  Ron realized he was saying too much. “He’s safe, and he’s happier now than he’s ever been in his life. Not just because of me, but because of our kids, and Eve and Kimbra and their families. He’s done a lot of hard work for himself. He finally has a healthy life and a reason to focus outward and on the future, instead of inside and on the past.”

  Porter sadly smiled. “Good. I’m genuinely happy for both of you.”

  They chatted about BDSM and other stuff, until Ivan returned a few minutes later. He’d donned denim shorts and a pullover shirt, and brought Ron a T-shirt.

  Ron thought Ivan looked even more adorable than he had in the Speedo. He held hands with him for the walk across the courtyard to the restaurant, where they ate on the patio.

  By the time they finished dinner, Ron knew he liked Porter and hoped they could find someone to hook him up with. He felt he owed the guy, even though he knew the man wouldn’t feel that way.

  Such a close call. Ivan could have already been taken by this guy by the time he’d met Ivan.

  Except while Ron didn’t mind chatting, he also couldn’t wait to get his boy back to their room and fuck his brains out.

  The original plan had been for them to flirt and pretend they’d just met, let Ivan try to pick him up, convince him to go back to the room, where they’d play a while, then order a pizza or something to be delivered so they didn’t have to leave the room. Ron had wanted a happy ending for Ivan—literally and metaphorically—a good memory to replace all those other ones in his brain about the Toucan.

  Then Porter had shown up and fubared the plan. Except Ron didn’t begrudge that. He was glad he could finally put a face to the name and the story.

  He’d always feel gratitude toward Porter for taking good care of his boy that night, even before Ivan was actually his.

  Once they said their good-nights to Porter and headed upstairs, Ron led the way, holding Ivan’s hand. “I know someone who needs a good spanking and fucking tonight.”

  Ivan playfully batted his eyelashes at Ron. “I can’t imagine who, Daddy.” Ron’s cock, which had softened a little during dinner, rose up and said howdy, now throbbing and hard and ready to be taken out and played with.

  Ron stopped and pulled Ivan in for a kiss, pressing Ivan’s hand to the front of his own shorts to show him. “That is so fucking dirty and sexy, all at the same time. How do you manage to do that to me just by calling me that?”

  “Well, I kinda have the whole playing doctor thing down pretty good already. I figured it was time to branch out into other sexiness.” He grinned.

  Ron smacked his ass and smiled. “Come on, Doctor. I think I have a boy in desperate need of a prostate exam.”

  * * * *

  Dinner with Porter had been fun, but Ivan wanted his alone time with Ron. Time where they didn’t have to be Daddy and Papa, and could be Sir and his boy.

  Time alone to get as loud and dirty as they wanted with each other.

  Although with the kids at this age, it was actually the easiest time to sneak in fun around them and their schedule. It’d be as their daughters grew older that they wouldn’t be able to take weekends off like this.

  Another reason Kimbra had kicked them out the door tonight.

  “Stop thinking about the kids,” Ron gently chastised as their room door swung shut behind them and he threw the safety bar and deadbolt.

  Ivan turned. “What?”

  He wore that adorable, sexy smirk that could always coax interest out of Ivan’s cock. Except tonight it was more than mere interest, it was like his cock had a hotline directly to Ron’s brain and was already anticipating what was going to happen and begging for it to get started already.

  “You’re thinking about the kids. This is us time, babe.” He pulled Ivan into his arms.

  “I don’t want to miss any time with them.”

  “You’re not. We’re not. We need this time together, alone. It’s healthy. That’s why next weekend it’s Kimbra and Eve’s turn.” Eve had given up trying to breastfeed and the twins were now on formula. Kimbra had been pumping and freezing breast milk, but they were also supplementing with formula, so it was all good.

  Ron’s hands settled on Ivan’s ass and he used that grip to grind his hips against the other man. “You’re an absolutely fantastic dad. We’re allowed to be a married couple every so often without feeling guilty about it.”

  Kimbra had actually been feeling guilty that she’d been so busy with court cases lately, after another spate of DNA testing that’d been performed on old cases, and clients she was working to exonerate based on that new evidence. She and Eve both had been looking forward to putting cases and work aside this weekend and focusing on being moms.

  Before Ivan could even react, Ron had scooped him up and tossed him onto the bed, pouncing on him and pinning him down.

  “Brain disengaged. Now.” Ron slanted his lips over Ivan’s, the long, hard kiss shoving in the mental clutch so Ivan’s brain could freewheel for a few moments. Grinding against Ivan, Ron knew exactly what buttons to push.

  It shocked Ivan to think how far he’d come since the night he’d approached Kimbra and changed his world forever, even though he hadn’t realized it at the time.

  If he hadn’t, he never would have met Ron, or Eve, or their families, or—

  Ron reached between Ivan’s thighs and cupped his hand around Ivan’s cock and balls. “You are wearing way too many clothes for a man who wants to get fucked, baby.”

  “You’re the one who threw me onto the bed, Sir.”

  Ron smirked. “Get naked.” He sat up and stripped off his T-shirt.

  Moments later, they were both naked, except for their wedding rings and the Thor’s hammer amulet Ivan wore, and Ron was slowly working a lubed dildo into Ivan’s ass. Ivan knew what else was on the menu, because he’d asked Ron if they could try it.

  A few weeks earlier, Ivan had been perusing a sex toy site—which catered to gay men and had great preview videos—and an idea had made his cock stand up and beg. The idea had first crossed his mind one night at a party at Cali, Max, and Sean’s house, while watching Justin and his Sirs playing together.

  Ivan had no interest in being shared, or inviting another guy into their bed. Fortunately, neither did Ron.

  That didn’t mean there weren’t…fantasies floating around in Ivan’s brain. />
  Including what it might feel like.

  Ron, being the obliging sadist he was, had quickly added to their sex toy collection and had been working Ivan up with larger butt plugs and dildos, with this night being the goal.

  Dubbed the “gangless bang” by the unrepentantly puntacular sadist, Ivan had been looking forward to their original plan of him “seducing” Ron up to their room, while Ron promised Ivan that he’d bring some of his “friends” to the party.

  Friends he could guarantee were neg and would obey any and all safewords, as well as stay hard all night long, and he could even fuck them raw, if he wanted, with no fear.

  Okay, sure, it was corny as hell, but Ivan hadn’t exactly had a lot of experience in this area, and developing the fantasy had turned his crank. And Ron’s.

  Right now, Ron was deviously fucking Ivan with the large dildo, which was a little larger than Ron’s cock. As horny as Ivan was, he knew it wouldn’t take Ron long to loosen him up.

  Especially when Ron slowly started blowing him, just the head of Ivan’s cock inside his mouth.

  Ron held up one of the toys, a small dildo, and arched an eyebrow at Ivan, who nodded.

  Ron held it upright, on Ivan’s abs, and slowly “walked” it up Ivan’s body.

  Ron lifted his mouth from Ivan’s cock. “Say hello to my leetle friend.”

  Ivan burst out laughing.

  * * * *

  Ron thought the smile might be permanently etched on his own face as he watched Ivan laughing. So many miles from the sad, fragile man he’d first met, Ivan’s deep, rolling laughter made Ron’s cock throb and beg to be buried inside his boy.

  That was kind of the plan anyway, right?

  Except Ron loved making him laugh, loved every smile and playful eye-roll he coaxed from his boy.

  Didn’t take a single damn one of them for granted, either.

  He pulled the big dildo out and set it aside on a towel. Then he slathered his own cock, and the small dildo, with lube.

  He was going to breed his boy right tonight.


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