Cruise Control (Cruise Ship Christian Cozy Mysteries Series Book 6)

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Cruise Control (Cruise Ship Christian Cozy Mysteries Series Book 6) Page 9

by Hope Callaghan

  Gloria, who was on the same wavelength, quickly finished her food. She settled in next to Millie as her cousin removed the phone and tape from the selfie stick and placed the stick on the bed. She turned the phone over.

  The other girls huddled around, everyone except for Ruth, whose eyes never left the computer screen, and Margaret and Dot, who had no idea what the others were looking at.

  At first, there was nothing on the screen but as the phone moved along the rail, the screen grew brighter and finally, they were able to see inside Captain Armati’s apartment.

  Millie didn’t recognize two of the men who walked by the open slider, but she did recognize the third person…it was Purser Donovan Sweeney!

  Chapter Thirteen

  “What in the world?” Millie blurted out.

  “That’s Donovan Sweeney,” Danielle gasped.

  “You’re kidding!” Annette peered over Millie’s shoulder.

  “Who is Donovan Sweeney?” Lucy asked.

  “Purser Donovan Sweeney. Donovan is like the ship’s banker,” Millie explained. “He controls all the money onboard the ship, along with handling crew tips, salary and new hires.”

  Millie pressed the button on the phone to replay the recording. She leaned in to study it carefully.

  Donovan walked by the phone once, and then a second time. She studied his expression. He didn’t appear to be under duress. In fact, he looked calm, although Millie had never seen Donovan Sweeney anything but calm. “I don’t know what to make of it,” she admitted.

  Donovan was the only person Millie recognized. She had been hoping to catch a glimpse of Captain Armati and Staff Captain Vitale, to have some sort of reassurance they were unharmed.

  “Did you see Amit?” Annette asked.

  “No,” Millie shook her head. “We can try again.” She secured the phone to the selfie stick, affixed a new piece of duct tape to both the phone and selfie stick and walked back out onto the balcony where she lowered the phone over the side again. She tried twice and both times, the screen was dark.

  Millie turned her head and glanced at Danielle who was hovering in the doorway. “Close the door and pull the curtains so it’s dark out here.”

  Danielle nodded and quickly slid the door shut and then closed the curtains.

  Millie, along with Gloria, Lucy, Andrea and Liz leaned over the side and looked down. There was no longer a dim light coming from the apartment below.

  “They shut the curtains,” Gloria said.

  “Might as well call it a night,” Andrea said as she lifted her arms above her head and stretched her back. “I’m whupped.”

  “Me too,” Lucy agreed.

  The women headed back inside and Gloria quietly closed the slider, clicked the lock and tugged the edge of the curtains.

  Millie carefully removed the piece of duct tape, loosened the screws on the selfie stick and then handed it to Andrea. “Thanks for the loan. I should head out to check on Andy.”

  Annette nodded. “I need to check on the galley and make sure my replacement didn’t screw everything up.”

  Gloria walked them to the door and waited for them to step into the hall. “We’ll keep you posted if we see anything on Ruth’s surveillance cameras,” she promised.

  Danielle headed to the cabin, Annette to the galley and Millie headed to Andy’s office to fill him in.

  She found him hunched over his desk as he studied his daily planner. He looked up when he heard Millie’s footsteps. “There you are,” he said as he pulled off his reading glasses. “I was just about to send out a search party. You were MIA for the second show.”

  “Sorry. I got sidetracked.” Millie eased into the seat next to Andy and leaned back in the chair as she rubbed her brow. “I heard some of the crew took one of the lifeboats and are on their way back to Puerto Rico to get help.”

  “Yeah, that’s what Patterson and the others have been working on. Majestic Cruise Lines is aware of the situation so I’m sure authorities are aware as well.”

  Millie snapped to attention. “How…do you know?”

  “Dave Patterson and the undercover agents were able to briefly get through to the mainland. The hijackers are demanding fifty million dollars in exchange for the safe release of the captain, crew and ship. They gave the cruise line until six o’clock tomorrow night to drop a bag with the unmarked bills on the helipad or they’re going to start killing crew and then passengers every hour on the hour.”

  He went on. “Donovan Sweeney offered to try to negotiate with the captors but I don’t know what happened.” Andy smiled grimly. “I had to get back here. The show must go on.”

  Had Donovan Sweeney somehow managed to make it inside the bridge and was now being held captive as well? Wouldn’t he be a prize prisoner…the purser of the ship?

  Millie’s mind was spinning. Perhaps it was something much more sinister and Donovan Sweeney was in on it. He had certainly appeared calm, cool and collected on video as he casually strolled around Captain Armati’s apartment.

  “I saw Donovan Sweeney a short time ago, walking around Captain Armati’s apartment,” Millie said.

  Andy jerked forward. “You did? How did you…”

  “If you remember, my cousin, Gloria, her suite is one deck up from the outboard bridge wing which means her suite is also directly above Captain Armati’s apartment so I got the bright idea to hook my phone to a selfie stick. I lowered it over the side of her balcony to try to capture some footage of the inside of the captain’s apartment.”

  She pulled the phone from her front pocket, switched it on and then hit play for the video footage before handing it to Andy. “Check it out.”

  Andy studied the footage. “I-I…we need to get this to Dave Patterson.” He shoved his chair back, knocking it over in his haste.

  They walked silently out of Andy’s office, across the stage and out of the theater. The halls were quiet. Most passengers either had turned in for the night or were enjoying some late night entertainment in one of the bars, nightclubs or the ship’s casino.

  There were a few stragglers wandering around and Millie smiled as she passed them. She wondered how many of them had noticed the ship was not moving. Surely, some of the more seasoned cruisers would have noticed.

  “Have any of the passengers asked why the ship isn’t moving?” Millie whispered as they walked.

  “A couple,” Andy admitted. “I’ve blown it off and told them we were ahead of schedule and the captain was running some evening safety exercises in the open water.”

  The lights in the security office were on. Andy lightly tapped on the door, turned the knob and opened the door.

  Dave Patterson was sitting behind his desk. He waved them in. “Come on in. You know the saying, misery loves company.”

  Patterson swiveled in his chair and gazed at Millie, a haggard expression on his face. “The crew attempted to abort the trip to Puerto Rico.”

  Dave Patterson ran a hand through his hair. “The hijackers must have seen them as they attempted to return to the ship. According to one of my men who was on the sky deck, trying to help them make it back, someone from near the panorama deck fired off some shots so the boat took off. Hopefully everyone is okay and they can make it to shore.”

  Millie’s mouth dropped open and she blinked rapidly as she tried to absorb what Patterson had said. “Not only are they hijackers, they’re attempted murderers.”

  Andy placed Millie’s phone on the desk. “You can’t blame yourself, Dave. You did what was best, what you needed to do.”

  “Hopefully they’re alright,” Millie said.

  Patterson nodded. “They were still a ways out from the ship so I’m praying they’re all okay. There’s no video footage since it was too dark to pick anything up on the exterior surveillance cameras.”

  “Speaking of footage, Millie was able to get some footage of the inside of Captain Armati’s apartment. You’ll want to see this.”

  Dave Patterson reached for the phone
, flipped it over and turned it on. His eyes narrowed as he silently watched the video. “Donovan went to the bridge earlier to try to negotiate with the hijackers.”

  Patterson turned the phone off, leaned forward and slid it across the desk. “How did you get this? Rappel down the side of the cruise ship and hang off the side while holding your phone?”

  Millie shook her head. “No. It was easier than that. The suite my cousin, Gloria, is staying in is directly above Captain Armati’s apartment. I attached my phone to a selfie stick and lowered it over the side of the balcony.”

  Patterson drummed the tips of his fingers on the top of the desk thoughtfully. “Their balcony may be our way in. I never thought of it. We’ve been trying to gain access to the engine room, but maybe we need to start with the bridge first.”

  He stood. “I have a skeleton security crew along with several of the FBI agents who have come forward. They’re patrolling the ship and are on standby. There’s not much we can do tonight and my brain is fried from trying to find a way out of this mess. I think I’ll try to get a couple hours sleep.”

  Dave Patterson pointed to a small, narrow cot in the corner of his office, something Millie hadn’t noticed earlier. “Tomorrow is going to be a long day.”

  Andy and Millie made their way out of Patterson’s office and down the long, empty hall to the stairs. They descended the steps and parted way on “I-95,” the nickname the crew had long ago given the crew hallway, which ran the entire length of the ship.

  “I’ll see you first thing in the morning,” Andy said. He turned to go and then turned back. “Try to stay out of trouble tonight,” he said.

  Millie yawned and then covered her mouth. “I’m too tired to get into trouble.” Her steps dragged as she walked down the empty hall to the cabin she shared with Danielle.

  The cabin was dark so she quietly closed the door behind her.

  Millie tiptoed to the bathroom, peeled her clothes off and slipped into her pajamas before brushing her teeth, splashing cold water on her face and heading to bed.

  The hum of the forced air through the ac vents filled the air, along with Danielle’s soft snores.

  Millie lifted the covers and slipped between the cool sheets.

  She clasped her hands and began to pray. “Dear God, please help Dave Patterson and his crew rescue our ship. I pray for the men who were in the rescue boat, that they safely make it to shore. Please protect my family, too. In Jesus’ name, amen.”

  Millie’s hands dropped to her sides and she was out like a light.


  Danielle shaded her eyes and gazed out at the serene waters of Lake Mirror. The backdrop of the mountains glimmered across the deep blue waters of the lake. It reminded Danielle of a painting and she sucked in a deep breath, soaking it all in.

  “Hey knucklehead! I thought you were picking wild berries for the pie you promised to make me!”

  Danielle spun around and beamed at the handsome young man who had come up behind her. He playfully punched Danielle in the arm, his mischievous eyes dancing.

  “I was on my way,” she said as she nodded at the small fishing boat, propped up against a boulder and half hidden by thick, tall grass. “Maybe after I finish picking berries, we can go fishing,” she said hopefully.

  “Right after you make my pie.” He reached up and wiped the droplets of sweat from his brow. “Whew! This day is gonna be a scorcher and the lake looks mighty tempting.”

  “Race you to the water!” He didn’t wait for a reply and quickly took off.

  “Casey! That’s not fair!” Danielle sprinted across the field of wildflowers in hot pursuit of her brother, but Casey easily reached the water’s edge first.

  He knelt down and sifted through the smooth stones surrounding the lake until he found the perfect one. He picked the stone up and studied it as he ran his thumb over the smooth surface.

  “Check this out.” Casey flicked his wrist and sent the stone skimming across the tranquil waters.

  “You still haven’t taught me how to do that,” Danielle scolded when she got close.

  Casey tilted his head and grinned. “Because you’re a slow learner,” he teased and then bent down to find another stone. He picked it up, turned it over and nodded. “This’ll do. Now watch.”

  He demonstrated his stone skimming technique and anxious to try it, Danielle began sifting through the stones, searching for the perfect one.

  She kicked the stones with the tip of her foot and spied one that looked promising. Danielle bent down and picked it up.

  Casey gazed at the rock in her hand. “Not that one!” He pointed at the stone. “Look. This one is special. This side is the color of your eyes.” He flipped it over in her hand. “And this side is the color of my eyes. See?”

  He was right. Each side of the rock was a different shade – one side a lighter blue and the other side a deeper blue. She rubbed her thumb over the lighter side, the one that was more her shade.

  “You have to keep this rock. It will bring you luck. Plus, whenever you look at it, it will remind you of me!” he told her.

  “You’re right.” Danielle nodded as she rubbed the small stone thoughtfully. “I’ll keep it forever.” She slipped it in her pocket and reached for another one.

  “I have a surprise for you,” Casey told her before he spun around and jogged around the edge of the lake. “I’ll be right back.”

  Danielle’s heart began to race and a wave of fear washed over her. Warning bells went off in her head and her blood ran cold. Something bad was about to happen.

  “Wait!” She reached out to grab Casey’s arm. “Don’t go!” She tried desperately to grab his arm, to stop him, but she was clutching thin air.

  Casey had already circled around the edge of the lake as he headed toward the cabin on the other side.

  Danielle chased after him, but it was too late. She watched in horror as her beloved brother abruptly stopped in his tracks. He swayed for a moment and then his body crumpled to the ground.

  “No! Casey!” Danielle raced along the water, her entire body, her mind focused on reaching her brother. It was as if she was moving in slow motion. The faster she ran, the slower she moved.

  When she finally reached Casey, he was lying on the ground, face down.

  Danielle dropped to her knees. “No!” she cried in anguish as she rolled her brother over and cradled him in her arms.

  His eyes were closed, his body lifeless. A small trickle of blood ran down his temple. “No!”




  Millie’s eyes flew open.

  Something had awoken her and then she realized it was a sound and the sound was coming from the bunk above hers.


  Millie sat up in bed. “Danielle?”


  Millie flung back her covers. Something was wrong with Danielle!

  She quickly switched on the small nightlight next to her bed. Millie hadn’t quite managed to clear the bed and whacked the back of her head on the edge as she tried to stand.

  “Ouch!” She held the back of her head and gazed into the top bunk.

  Danielle was sitting upright, staring straight ahead, a blank expression on her face.

  Millie gently touched her arm. “Danielle. Are you okay?”

  Danielle jerked her head and looked at Millie, a flicker of recognition in her eyes. Her shoulders slumped. “I…I was having a bad dream.”

  She flopped back down in her bunk, pulled the covers to her chin and squeezed her eyes shut.

  Millie knew whatever Danielle had been dreaming about was still hovering on the edge of her mind. The young woman began to tremble violently and Millie’s heart went out to her.

  She slowly began rubbing the side of Danielle’s arm, just as she had done for her own children years ago when they woke her in the middle of the night after having a bad dream.

  Danielle started to relax. “I�
�thank you. I’m feeling better now.”

  Millie stayed for a few more moments and then patted the young woman’s arm. “I’m here if you need me, dear,” she said before crawling back into her bunk and shutting off the light.

  Millie lay awake for a long time. This wasn’t the first time Danielle had had nightmares. In fact, she had had several that had awoken both of them in the dead of the night.

  They were always the same where Danielle woke up screaming “No” over and over, except this time, Millie could’ve sworn she had heard a name…Casey.

  Not tonight, but soon, Millie would try to talk to the young girl who was obviously distraught over this “Casey.”

  She closed her eyes, prayed a heartfelt prayer for the young woman in the bunk above her and finally, Millie drifted off to sleep.


  “What are you doing?” Gloria stepped into Margaret, Dot and Ruth’s suite early the next morning and focused her eyes on Ruth, who sat in front of her computer staring at the screen.

  Ruth gave Gloria a quick glance. “Keeping watch. I figured I would take the graveyard shift and then someone else could take over so I can get some rest.”

  “You mean you haven’t slept at all?”

  “Nope.” Ruth shook her head. “Someone has to keep watch.”

  Margaret emerged from the bathroom. “Did Inspector Gadget tell you she has been up all night, staring at the computer screen and drinking Red Bull?”

  Gloria wasn’t surprised. She remembered the time Ruth had been under investigation at the post office and had stayed at Gloria’s farm, monitoring the post office…day and night. “No.” She slid the empty chair close to Ruth. “I can take over now,” she offered.

  “Thanks.” Ruth eased out of the chair and groaned as she placed both hands on her back and stretched. “I’m getting too old for these marathon surveillance sessions.” She shifted the laptop so it faced Gloria.

  “Did you see anything?” Gloria asked.

  “Yeah. A lot of security walking around and some of them even stopped, but no one came out or went in either the bridge or the engine room.”


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