The Slaver Wars: Endgame

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The Slaver Wars: Endgame Page 8

by Raymond L. Weil

  “How many AIs did we get?” asked Jeremy, feeling shaken at the losses to so many powerful ships. It particularly hurt to lose two more of his powerful battleships.

  “Nineteen confirmed kills,” Kevin answered as he checked one of his computer screens. “A number of others were heavily damaged.”

  “Their shields have been reinforced,” added Commander Malen, looking over at the admiral. “I strongly suspect all the AI ships we encounter from now on will have better shields and more powerful weapons.”

  “I estimate a twenty-two percent increase in the shield strength of the AIs we have encountered on this mission,” Ariel reported as she studied some of the data she had been collecting. “Their energy beams are showing a fifteen percent increase in power as well.”

  “All right,” Jeremy responded after a moment. “All ships stand down to Condition Three. I want to know as soon as all ships are ready for a hyperjump; the sooner we can leave this system the better.”

  “Rear Admiral Marks is launching some shuttles to inspect the AI wreckage,” Ariel added as she saw the small green icons leaving several of the battlecarriers. “She’s also launching half a dozen fighters as a CSP.”

  Jeremy nodded. He needed to retire to his quarters and prepare a battle summary to be given to Admiral Streth when then returned to New Providence. Of particular interest would be the fact that all the AIs ships they'd encountered had stronger shields and weapons. At the moment, he still felt a little queasy. It pained him to know that his orders more often than not sent brave people to their deaths. He let out a deep sigh and closed his eyes. With any luck, there would be no more combat between here and New Providence.

  Ariel watched silently, wishing there was some way she could take Jeremy’s pain away. She knew it bothered him tremendously to lose ships and their crews. She strongly suspected he wouldn’t sleep well the next few nights. Turning back to her ship duties, she began checking on the damage and what repairs would be needed. Ariel wasn’t happy with the large hole in the hull and decks near Engineering. She would have to speak to Jeremy about putting the ship in so much danger. However, she would wait unit he was in a better mood.


  Fleet Admiral Streth was on New Providence at a recently built restaurant in the capital city of Ashton. It was nice to get away from the ship and all of his duties, even if it was only for a short while. He'd invited Admiral Sheen, Admiral Tolsen, and Senator Arden to join him. They were in a small private dining room with soft music playing in the background. The music was from the old Federation and the menu had food choices that Hedon hadn’t eaten in years. There was a bird similar to an Earth grouse considered a delicacy on New Providence, which Hedon hadn’t eaten since they'd fled the colony all those hundreds of years ago.

  “Grayseth will be arriving tomorrow,” Hedon told the small group after placing his order. “There will be a Darvonian and Kessel fleet with him as well.”

  “It’s good to see the Federation’s allies stepping up in this war,” Senator Arden commented her eyes focusing on Hedon. “If only we had such during the first war with the Hocklyns.”

  “Grayseth will be expecting to see Admiral Strong when he arrives,” Amanda said her voice sounding concerned. “Still no word from him?”

  “No, nothing,” admitted Hedon with a worried look in his eyes. “Something must have gone wrong, but Fourth Fleet is a powerful force with six battleships and a full squadron of Alton battlecruisers. Admiral Cleeteus is in charge of the Alton battle group, and I can’t see at least part of that fleet escaping if they ran into trouble. We’ll give them a few more weeks and then we’ll send out probes in the general direction they're expected to return from.”

  “I’m still a little confused as to why you sent such a powerful force to the center of the galaxy to check on the AIs,” spoke Arden with a frown on her face. “Shouldn’t we be focusing more on the Hocklyns? They seem to be the more immediate threat.”

  Hedon met Senator Arden’s questioning gaze. She didn’t know about the threat the Altons had discovered in the galactic center. As a matter of fact, only a few key people were aware of the impending danger.

  “We need to keep a watch on the AIs,” responded Hedon, carefully. “They have withdrawn from Hocklyn space for now but they may return. It is essential that we check on them from time to time.”

  “We’ve also been focusing on the Hocklyns’ shipyards and main bases,” added Amanda, recalling her most recent battle at the shipyards. “The Hocklyns, for the most part, have been driven back to an area around their home systems.”

  They’ve been pulling their fleets back and are massing them around their home worlds,” Race added. “From what I understand, they’re strengthening the defenses in the remaining systems they control in their immediate area of space.”

  “A region about five hundred light years across,” added Hedon, nodding at Admiral Tolsen. “There are about two hundred slave worlds in that section of space, which provide the Hocklyn home worlds with much of the materials they need to build new habitats. Twenty of those slave worlds furnish the Hocklyns with most of their food.”

  Hedon paused as several servers brought them their orders. The smell from the roasted andrik caught Hedon’s attention immediately. He wished Janice could have come down; it would be nice if the two of them could get away for a while.

  The four ate their meal talking about New Providence and the other old Federation worlds. Amanda even spent some time describing her parents’ vacation home on Aquaria at Krall Island and the pristine white sandy beaches that made the island so popular as a getaway. She spoke about the night dives she'd taken with her father and how she'd brought Andrew there several times.

  Hedon talked about his brother’s cabin on Maken and the times he'd spent fishing and staying with his brother and Lendle. He bragged about how good a cook Lendle was, recalling all the wonderful meals she'd cooked for the three of them.

  As Hedon and Amanda spoke, Senator Arden was surprised to be reminded that the two actually were old Federation citizens. She'd known that in the back of her mind, but hearing them speak of their time on Aquaria and Maken made her realize just how much they still cared for the old worlds. She also realized that the two still considered the old Federation their home.

  Chapter Six

  Hedon was in his quarters on the StarStrike talking to Janice over a glass of tea. With every passing day, he was becoming more concerned with Jeremy’s continued absence. Fourth Fleet was now four weeks overdue and Hedon was wanted back on Earth for a meeting with President Kincaid and the Federation Council. He'd been delaying his departure, hoping that Fourth Fleet would put in an appearance. In addition to that, Grayseth and his fleet had arrived along with the Darvonians and the Kessels. Grayseth had been coming over to the StarStrike daily, requesting that he be allowed to take his fleet and go searching for Jeremy. With each passing day, it was becoming more difficult to tell the large Bear no. Hedon was worried that if Jeremy didn’t show up soon Grayseth might strike out on his own.

  “This is bad isn’t it, Hedon?” spoke Janice, knowing that Hedon was growing more concerned over the continued absence of Fourth Fleet. She knew him well enough to be able to tell when he was upset about something.

  “They’re four weeks overdue,” sighed Hedon, reaching for his tea and taking a deep drink. He'd tried Earth coffee but had never developed a taste for it. A good cold glass of tea helped to relax him, though Janice preferred hers warm or nearly hot.

  “How much longer are you going to put President Kincaid off?” asked Janice, looking deeply into Hedon’s eyes. “He's the Federation President!”

  Hedon laughed and shook his head. “I’m heading back at the end of the week. That’s four more days. If we haven’t heard anything by then, I’ll send Admiral Tolsen out in the general direction Jeremy should be coming from. I’ll allow him to go halfway toward the galactic center. If he finds nothing then he’ll turn around and return to New Providence.

  “That may not be necessary, Admiral,” Clarissa said as she popped into existence in front of Hedon and Janice with a big grin on her youthful face. “We just received a short encrypted message from Fourth Fleet. Admiral Strong reports they’ll be in the New Providence system tomorrow.”

  “Did he say why they’re so late?” asked Hedon. He felt immensely relieved that they'd finally heard from Admiral Strong.

  “Only briefly,” Clarissa responded her voice sounding more concerned and her face changing to a more somber look. “The Deep Search was destroyed by the AIs, and Fourth Fleet had to fight off attacks from two AI fleets. They’ve suffered a number of ship losses and numerous ships will need some serious repair bay time.”

  “Then the mission failed,” said Hedon, disappointedly. It was bad enough to lose the Alton research ship, but from the sounds of it Fourth Fleet had been mauled as well. At least they hadn’t lost the entire fleet.

  “No,” replied Clarissa, allowing a smile to cover her face once more. “Jeremy said they got the information and that’s why the AIs were after them. He will have a full report ready for you when they arrive. He also mentioned they dared not send us an FTL message any sooner in case the AIs were waiting for them.”

  “Sounds like they stirred up a Hornets’ nest,” Janice commented, sitting up straight and gazing at Clarissa. The AI was nearly back to her old self. “This information must be very important if the AIs responded as they did.” She looked over at Hedon, cocking her head and waiting for an explanation.

  Hedon was silent as he thought about what might be in that data from the galactic center. “Yes, they probably did.” He was glad that Jeremy and Fourth Fleet were returning. “Clarissa, contact Grayseth and inform him that Jeremy will be in system tomorrow. At least now I won’t have to worry about that crazy Bear rushing off on a rescue mission.”


  Jeremy let out a deep breath of relief as the Avenger exited hyperspace inside the star system of Holden, which held the inhabited planet of New Providence. They'd dropped out of hyperspace twenty million kilometers from the planet.

  “I think everyone’s here,” Kevin said, surprised at the myriad of green icons appearing on his sensors indicating Federation ships. “I’m even detecting some Carethian, Kessel, and Darvonian ships in orbit.”

  “I’m getting a hail from the Carethian battleship, Warrior’s Pride,” Angela said, and then she started laughing. “It’s Grayseth and he’s demanding to know where we’ve been.”

  Jeremy allowed himself to smile. It would be good to see the huge Bear again, but first he needed to report to Fleet Admiral Streth and then go find Kelsey. “Tell Grayseth I’ll come see him as soon as possible.”

  “He’s brought his new mobile shipyard,” added Kevin, gazing at the large yellow icon in the center of the Carethian fleet formation. “That thing’s huge!”

  Admiral Sheen and Rear Admiral Tolsen are present, also,” Commander Malen added as she spotted the WarStorm and the WarHawk.

  “Sounds like a council of war,” commented Kevin, thoughtfully. “I wonder what’s going on?” It'd been awhile since he'd seen such a large gathering of ships.

  “Clarissa says Second and Third Fleet just returned from completing their missions and haven’t sortied back out yet,” Ariel reported as she talked to her fellow AI over a secure com channel. They were transmitting information back and forth at a speed nearly incomprehensible to a normal Human. “They've been waiting for the return of Fourth Fleet in case it was necessary to mount a search and rescue operation.”

  “Guess we got home just in time,” Jeremy said with a nod of his head.

  “I have Fleet Admiral Streth on the com,” Angela reported suddenly in a more serious tone of voice.

  Jeremy nodded as he activated his mini-com so he could speak to the commanding admiral. They'd have a lot to talk about once they went aboard the StarStrike. From what the Alton scientists had told Jeremy about the AIs construction activity around the black hole, the news wasn’t good.


  Kelsey and Katie were excited. Clarissa had just informed them that Fourth Fleet had arrived and Jeremy and Kevin were safe. She also told them the fleet had been in some heavy fighting and lost some ships.

  “Jeremy must be filling terrible about the ships he lost,” Kelsey said, feeling worried about her husband. She knew how hard he took losing personnel under his command. Jeremy felt as if it was his personal responsibility to keep every member of his command safe from harm.

  “At least they’re back,” Katie said her light green eyes showing relief at Kevin being so near. She was already planning something special for that evening. There would be a very large do not disturb sign on the hatch to her personal quarters.

  “Ariel said that Jeremy would be reporting to Fleet Admiral Streth and the meeting would probably last quite some time,” Clarissa added.

  “I wonder what they found?” spoke Katie, referring to the AIs at the galactic center.

  “It’s not good,” Clarissa said. She was standing next to the two women with her arms folded across her more than ample chest. “Ariel told me what they found and the two Alton scientists were right in their original beliefs of what the AIs are doing.”

  “They still want everyone dead,” Katie spoke in a low voice. She shuddered at the thought of the trillions of innocent lives the AIs were planning to wipe out. It was literally beyond comprehension.

  “We must stop them!” Kelsey uttered her eyes growing wide. She knew from what the Altons had said originally that the AIs were building a weapon to wipe out all organic life in the galaxy.

  “I’m sure that Fleet Admiral Streth will find a way,” replied Katie, trying to sound confident. However, in her heart she was worried. What if the venerated Fleet Admiral couldn’t save them?


  Jeremy, Admiral Cleeteus, Rear Admiral Marks, and the two Alton scientists, Garen Mikow and Tanith Leeth, were in the large briefing room in the StarStrike. Also in the room were Fleet Admiral Streth, Admiral Sheen, Rear Admiral Tolsen and Grayseth. Grayseth had let out a big guttural yell when Jeremy walked in and had ambled over to give Jeremy a huge hug. Grayseth resembled a large grizzly bear except he walked on two legs and had hands instead of paws. His fur was a dark brown in color and he towered over Jeremy.

  “About time you got back, Jeremy,” uttered Grayseth, baring his teeth in a big Carethian grin. “I was about to come looking for you.”

  “I see you have your new ships as well as the mobile shipyard with you,” Jeremy said, taking a deep breath after the bear hug.

  “Of course, I think you will be impressed by what my people have built. We have come to join you in the fight against the Evil Ones.”

  “Have a seat please,” Hedon said, wanting to get this briefing started. “We have a lot to discuss.”

  Everyone took their seats and looked expectantly at the Fleet Admiral. Reaching forward, he pressed a button in front of him, which would allow the two AIs to attend. Instantly both Clarissa and Ariel appeared in their holographic forms.

  Hedon had a small computer pad in front of him as he turned toward Jeremy, Admiral Cleeteus, and Rear Admiral Marks. “I’ve read your action reports and from the look of things, all three of you handled your fleets well. You destroyed nearly two AIs for every ship you lost. What concerns me is the fact that the AIs have obviously strengthened their energy screen as well as their weapons. They undoubtedly will continue to do so over the coming months, particularly since they know we saw what they’re building at the galactic core.”

  “Is it as bad as it sounds?” asked Admiral Sheen, looking intently at the two Alton scientists. She'd hoped that they were wrong in what they believed the AIs were building.

  “Tell them,” Admiral Streth instructed the Altons, leaning back, closing his eyes, and letting out a deep sigh. He'd already read the report and spoken briefly to the two Alton scientists.

  Tanith Leeth stood up and gazed at the o
thers assembled in the room. “It is as we feared.” She nodded at Garan, who stood up and inserted a computer chip into the holographic table at the front of the briefing room. Instantly, a large metallic structure became visible. It was circular and covered with what looked like giant collector dishes. The entire outer surface was bristling with various mechanisms and constructions.

  “We believe this is an energy collector,” Tanith explained as she walked over and taking a laser pointer, began going over various areas of the construct. “These large dishes are collecting energy from the black hole, which is being stored inside. There are twelve hundred of these in orbit around the black hole at one tenth of a light year. Each one of these is one hundred and twenty kilometers in diameter and is probably capable of storing a tremendous amount of energy.”

  “Energy?” spoke Rear Admiral Tolsen, looking confused. “How can a black hole emit energy?” I thought the gravity was so intense that nothing, not even light could get past the Event Horizon.”

  “It’s the accretion disk and how it reacts to the matter being drawn into the black hole,” explained Tanith. “It generates a massive X-ray signature just outside of the Event Horizon. It’s that energy that the AIs are capturing.”

  “Why do they need so much energy?” Tolsen asked still feeling confused. “Also, why aren’t they being drawn into the black hole? Even at a tenth of a light year, the gravity attraction on them must be tremendous.”

  “They’re in a stable orbit around the black hole,” Garan explained. “Their orbital speed is well over two million kilometers per hour. Their speed and orbit prevent the black hole’s gravity from pulling them in. Also, all of these AI constructions probably have powerful subspace drives on them to keep them in orbit as well as robust inertial compensators.”

  “As for the energy,” Tanith continued, “This is why they need it.” She pressed an icon on the control screen for the holographic table and a new image appeared. Even on the hologram, the structure looked gigantic.


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