The Slaver Wars: Endgame

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The Slaver Wars: Endgame Page 26

by Raymond L. Weil

  “Our third target is this control station close to the vortex ring,” Hedon continued. Two more holo tables blinked on, showing another large metal globe. “This control station is two hundred kilometers in diameter and controls the vortex ring. The AIs call it their Hyper Translation Station.”

  “We also believe the controls to the Eternity Device are located here as well,” Tanith Leeth added. “Once the entire system is activated and fully powered, it’ll be capable of broadcasting a hyperwave that will eliminate all organic life in our galaxy in less than fifty years.”

  “How do we stop them?” asked Admiral Nagumo with concern in his eyes. “They'll certainly respond to any attack, and I strongly suspect all of those stations are protected by energy shields.”

  “We have come up with a strategy, which can stop the AIs from broadcasting their hyperwave,” answered Hedon, recalling the plan that he, Ariel, and Clarissa had come up with. “We’ll attack them where they’re most vulnerable while also engaging those systems they will do everything to defend.” Hedon turned to Ariel, who nodded.

  “It’s actually quite simple. We'll attack all four of their main systems.” She began explaining in a calm and confident voice what would be involved. “Fleet Admiral Streth and Admiral Sheen will lead their fleets against the Central Nexus, which will also have the largest concentration of AI ships defending it. Admiral Strong will attack the Hyper Translation Station with the goal of damaging either it or some of the vortex generators.”

  “If we can knock out two or three of the generators, we don’t believe they can activate the vortex ring,” Tanith explained. “We also think the vortex ring has to be activated in order for the Eternity Device to be triggered. The massive spatial vortex it produces is what gives the hyperwave the Eternity Device generates the speed to travel through hyperspace.”

  “Fleet Admiral Johnson, Rear Admiral Tolsen, and Admiral Nagumo will attack the capacitor stations,” Ariel continued. “If we can knock enough of them out, they may not be able to power up the vortex ring.”

  “What about the Eternity Device itself?” asked Admiral Nagumo. “Who’s taking it out?”

  “Rear Admiral Barnes and the Ceres fleet will target the Eternity Device,” Ariel explained. “The Kessel fleet will be assisting.”

  “What about my fleet?” Grayseth asked in his loud booming voice. He'd brought in more battlecruisers from Careth and was ready for battle. “The Evil Ones have been defeated, but these robots are what made them evil to begin with.”

  “Your fleet will be acting in support of Admiral Strong,” Fleet Admiral Streth informed the large bear. “We have assigned sixty Alton battlecruisers to your fleet to give it the necessary firepower for this engagement. “You will also be responsible for protecting our supply ships, the fleet repair ships, as well as your mobile shipyard.”

  “Don’t forget the four Alton science cruisers that will be going,” Tanith Leeth added. “The readings from their sensors will be crucial if we can’t stop the AIs completely.”

  “Protecting those four science vessels is a high priority,” Fleet Admiral Streth reiterated his eyes focusing on Grayseth. “Your own warships and the Alton battlecruisers will move forward under Admiral Strong’s orders if and when it becomes necessary.”

  “Admiral Strong is a clan brother,” spoke Grayseth, solemnly. “We will hunt together.”

  “We will hunt together,” replied Jeremy, nodding his head in respect at his friend.

  “We’ll add more details to this attack as we get nearer the galactic center,” Fleet Admiral Streth added. “The Alton scouts are scheduled to report in at specific intervals to keep us informed of the AIs’ progress. Alton battleships have been assigned to each fleet. We have over eleven hundred warships taking part in this attack.”

  “Most of the Federation’s heavy warships are in these fleets,” added Fleet Admiral Karla Johnson, taking in a deep breath. “We left many of our light cruisers back in the Federation and some will remain here at New Providence because they don’t have the firepower to take down an AI ship. We did bring some to help provide cover for our carriers, which will use their bomber squadrons to attack the structures the AIs have built. Our bombers will be equipped with twenty-megaton Shrike missiles for this engagement. We've swapped out many of our carriers' fighters with bomber squadrons. We won’t know how effective they’ll be until we launch our attack.”

  Hedon looked solemnly around the group. “Many of our people will not be coming home,” he said is a softer voice. “Ariel and Clarissa have estimated we could suffer as high as eighty percent losses to our fleets even if we succeed in our mission. We have forty-eight hours before we depart, so I would suggest you encourage all of your people to send final messages back home. This will be the last time some of their families will hear from them.”

  Carla listened to Hedon’s words and let out a deep sigh. She would have given anything to have received such a message from Glenn. When this was over there would be more broken hearts and empty homes in the Federation as well as their allies. War had a way of reminding everyone just how fragile Human life was. Karla had learned that when Glenn died. Looking around the room, she just hoped to be able to see these faces again when all of this was over. However, in war people died, even commanding officers.

  Chapter Eighteen


  Fleet Admiral Hedon Streth took a long and deep breath as he looked at one of the tactical displays in front of his command station. It was showing the latest information from the Alton scouts on the AI constructions around the black hole at the galactic center. The holographic display was full of different colored icons. Everything the AIs had built or was in place around the black hole was showing. Their warships, the massive structures they'd constructed, and the Central Nexus, which was their control and command center and the main target of the planned attack.

  The combined fleets were holding stationary twelve light years from their target in a small, discreet brown dwarf system. For two days, they'd been watching the movements of the AIs.

  “The Alton scouts report there was another test three days ago,” Colonel Grissim informed Hedon. “It was by far the most powerful yet and the vortex ring stayed activated for a full forty minutes. They could activate the damn thing at any time!”

  Hedon nodded; just the power to keep a spatial vortex open for that length of time was nearly incomprehensible.

  “Tanith Leeth and Garan Mikow both feel the AIs are within only a few days or a week at the most from being able to fully activate the vortex ring and the Eternity Device,” Clarissa added in her youthful voice, her deep blue eyes focused on the admiral. Her blonde hair lay in gentle curls upon her shoulders. “All ships report combat ready; we can attack at any given moment.”

  “Is there any advantage in waiting?” asked Hedon, glancing over at the AI. He still often wondered if the holographic images of the two Federation AIs had been based on living people. Both AIs were gorgeous and their features seemed so lifelike. They were also very popular members of their crews.

  “No,” answered Clarissa, shaking her head slightly. “I spoke to Ariel; she’s been running battle simulations for hours. There’s nothing that can change in the short term, which would increase our likelihood of success.”

  “Then this is it,” Hedon spoke in a quiet voice as he weighed the order he was about to give.

  Both AIs had run simulations, and in several of them he'd lost every single ship in the combined fleets. Only in twenty-two percent of the scenarios had he succeeded in destroying the Central Nexus and the Eternity Device. This was a battle he didn’t want to fight, but he knew he had no choice. The lives of every organic being in the galaxy were depending on him finding some way to defeat the AIs.

  With a heavy sigh, knowing he was sending many brave men and women to their deaths, he prepared to pass on his next order over his mini-com, which he had adjusted to the fleet frequency. His voice would be heard in every ship and e
very compartment of the combined fleets. “We jump in two hours,” he said in a calm and determined voice. “Each fleet knows its respective target and what’s at stake. We can’t withdraw until the AI’s Central Nexus and the Eternity Device have been destroyed.”

  Hedon paused as he looked around the large Command Center of the StarStrike; each crewmember’s eyes were focused intently on him as they listened to his every word. “We fight for the future of our different people and the other races of our galaxy. If we fail, then the future of all those races as well as our own will be wiped out. The AIs will show no mercy and we shall show no mercy to them. As our Carethian allies would say, let us hunt together and be victorious. It has been an honor to serve with you as your Fleet Admiral.”

  Hedon changed the frequency on his mini-com and then looked over at Clarissa, who was standing nearby. “Coordinate with Ariel; I want all of the fleets to jump together and arrive simultaneously at their targets. We need surprise on our side if we’re to have any real chance at success.”

  “Yes, Admiral,” Clarissa replied. Her latest battle scenarios hadn’t fared well. She felt frightened about this upcoming battle. Once before her memory crystal had nearly been destroyed. She'd recovered from that ordeal thanks to the persistence of Katie and Ariel, though Clarissa knew some of her memories had never returned. She wondered what it would be like to die and not be able to come back.


  “I guess this is it,” Katie said, speaking to Kelsey over their private com channel, which Clarissa had set up for them. She wished she were on the Avenger with Kevin. She knew that Kelsey felt the same about Jeremy.

  “I’m worried, Katie,” Kelsey admitted in a low voice. “I feel that something terrible is going to happen.”

  “It’s just prebattle jitters,” Katie responded her light green eyes looking across the Command Center to where Kelsey sat at Navigation. Only this time, Katie wasn’t so sure. She had the same haunting feeling.


  Jeremy was on his mini-com speaking to Grayseth and Rear Admiral Susan Marks. “Susan, I want you to hold your carrier force back with Grayseth’s battle group. I may want a coordinated strike from your bombers as well as Grayseth’s battlecruisers and the Alton battlecruisers.”

  “We will hunt well together,” Grayseth responded in a confident, booming voice. “We will destroy these robots that have brought so much harm to so many races.”

  Jeremy had explained several times to Grayseth that the AIs were intelligent and not just robots, but the huge bear still insisted on calling them robots. He only shook his head and allowed himself to smile.

  “If we can’t get through to the Hyper Translation Station, then I want a mass attack upon the vortex ring. If we can destroy it, then the AIs can’t activate the Eternity Device.”

  “Why not just attack the Eternity Device?” asked Susan. “It would seem to be the more important target.”

  “It is also the most heavily defended,” Ariel said. “From the latest scans from the Alton scouts, there are over five hundred AI spheres protecting it. It is also protected by a very powerful energy shield, more powerful reportedly than those protecting the AI ships. Rear Admiral Barnes and the Kessels will be attacking it but at long range. Their job is to hold those five hundred AI ships in place.”

  “If we can take out the Hyper Translation Station then neither the vortex ring nor the Eternity Device can be activated,” Jeremy informed them. “With the hundred Alton battleships attached to Fourth Fleet, I feel confident we can do that. Once we’ve taken out the station we’ll turn our attention to the vortex ring and then finally the Eternity Device.”

  “We’re launching multiple attacks in an attempt to prevent the AIs from massing all of their ships to protect those sensitive targets,” Ariel explained. “By attacking their capacitor stations, we should be able to pin down well over half of their available fleet.”

  “I just hope this works,” Susan replied with a deep and audible sigh. “We’re risking a lot in this battle.”

  “It is the way of the hunt,” spoke Grayseth, solemnly. “All important victories must be earned in blood.”

  Jeremy didn’t reply; he knew a lot of Human blood, as well as the blood of their allies, was about to be spilled in the coming battle. He glanced over at Navigation, wishing Kelsey were there.


  Admiral Sheen watched a tactical display intently as it counted down the last few minutes until the combined fleets were scheduled to begin their jumps. Nine separate fleets would be coordinating their jumps to arrive at their targets within just a few seconds of each other. Such coordination wouldn’t be possible without the two AIs aboard the StarStrike and the Avenger. Amanda had one hundred and sixty Federation ships under her command as well as one hundred of the massive Alton battleships. It was by far the most powerful force she'd ever commanded; she just wondered if it was enough. They would be going up against thousands of the fifteen hundred-meter AI spheres in their home territory. They would not retreat or jump away; this would be a battle to the death.

  “One minute to jump,” Colonel Leon reported from where she was standing directly next to the tactical display with the countdown counter. Her demeanor was professional, as if every day the fleet jumped into a titanic battle to the death.

  “All fleet ships are at Condition One,” added Commander Diaz. “Weapons are hot and all missile tubes are loaded with one hundred-megaton antimatter missiles. “We’ll switch to Devastator Threes when we run out of the antimatter ones.” He looked around at his crew; all were occupied at their consoles doing their jobs as the fleet prepared to jump. It was a good command crew, one he was very proud of.

  “I want the first salvo aimed at the Central Nexus,” Amanda ordered. “The AIs’ surprise will only last a few seconds before they counterattack with their fleet.”

  Captain Kimura nodded. “I’ll empty the missile tubes in the first five seconds,” she said confidently. “I have already programmed the missiles for their trajectory so we can clear all twenty-four tubes as soon as the systems stabilize from the jump.”

  “Good luck everyone,” Amanda said as a swirling blue-white spatial vortex suddenly formed in front of the WarStorm.

  A preset program accelerated the Federation battleship into the waiting vortex. Around the WarStorm, other vortexes formed as her entire fleet hurtled forward toward its destiny. Throughout the system where the assembled fleets waited, vortexes began to appear. Within forty seconds, there was not a ship left in the system. The vortexes collapsed back in on themselves and vanished, leaving no trace of ever existing.

  Amanda gazed at the comforting colors of deep purple on the viewscreen, knowing they were away safely in hyperspace. Other fleets were nearby but due to the strangeness of hyperspace, were not detectable. Even the ships of Second Fleet, which were much closer, couldn’t be detected. They had some time as they made the hyperspace transit, and Amanda strongly suspected everyone was thinking about family and the loved ones they'd left behind. Even the Command Center was strangely quiet with very little talking. The talking that was occurring took place in guarded whispers so no one could be overheard. Amanda leaned back in her command chair and thought of Richard. They'd said their goodbyes, each knowing they might not see each other again. Richard was a good husband and had made their life together something special. Amanda sincerely hoped she would see him again.


  The Command AI was in the main Control Center of the Central Nexus preparing to monitor the next test of the vortex ring. If it was successful, then they would begin the final countdown for full activation of the ring and firing off the hyperwave from the Eternity Device. Within the week, organic life across the galaxy would begin to die. It would take forty-eight years for the hyperwave to spread out across the entire galaxy. When it finally reached the galaxy's edge, all organic life will have been eliminated.

  “All systems have been calibrated,” the science AI spoke, nearly ready to begin the test
. “We received an automated FTL transmission from the probe ship during the last test indicating its continued survival at the predicted destination. We also received a data download on the stars around its location.”

  “Useful information,” The Command AI responded. Once a sizable portion of the AI fleet had made the transition, they would spread out and take over all the nearby systems.

  “All of our ships containing the parts to build a second vortex ring are already gathered four thousand kilometers from the current ring,” another AI spoke, its glowing head of energy shining brightly. “When they arrive at the new galaxy they can begin construction immediately.” Once the second vortex ring was built along with some capacitor stations, it would allow two-way travel between the two galaxies.

  “We have spatial vortexes opening up at two thousand kilometers,” the war AI spoke suddenly as alarms began blaring on a multitude of consoles.

  “Detecting Human, Carethian, and Alton ships exiting hyperspace as well as others we can’t identify,” the AI at sensors added.

  “Bring our energy shield to full power,” ordered the Command AI, knowing this was the long awaited attack by the Altons. They had come to destroy the Great Project! For a brief moment, the command AI recalled its early years when it had lived amongst that ancient race. It felt deep concern for the threat the Altons represented.

  The Central Nexus suddenly vibrated heavily and it was all the Command AI could do to retain its balance. On a large group of panels, glaring red lights began to shine.

  “We have major damage to the outer sections of the Central Nexus,” one of the AIs at the damage control panels reported. “Our energy screen was hit with over two thousand antimatter missiles and seven penetrated to strike our armor. All command and control systems are still functioning.”


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