The Slaver Wars: Endgame

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The Slaver Wars: Endgame Page 28

by Raymond L. Weil

  “Energy screen is down!” screamed the executive officer.

  Karla had no time to think or give another order as everything around her vanished. She felt one brief moment of pain then nothing as darkness claimed her.

  The Orion Victory exploded as AI energy beams and antimatter missiles struck the unprotected armor of the Human battleship. Around it, other Human and Alton ships were meeting a similar fate. The fleet finally jumped to safety after losing over seventy percent of its ships in the brief battle. Those that remained were heavily damaged and for all intents and purposes, Sixth Fleet had ceased to be.


  “Orion Victory is down,” Lieutenant Trask reported in shock as the report was spread across the embattled fleets.

  “Sixth Fleet has jumped out, but it’s no longer an effective fighting force,” reported Commander Diaz, grimly. “A few of their Alton battleships are still intact and are preparing to jump to our position.”

  Amanda swallowed hard; it was difficult to imagine that Fleet Admiral Karla Johnson was gone. Amanda closed her eyes, knowing that Karla and Admiral Telleck were now together.

  “Battlecruisers Trent and Newcastle are down,” Lieutenant Stalls reported his voice growing hoarse from all the reports of destroyed ships he'd been uttering over the last few minutes.

  “We’ve lost thirty percent of our fleet,” Colonel Leon reported. “We have numerous ships reporting heavy damage.”

  “We’re not going to last much longer,” warned Commander Diaz. “They’re just too many AIs.”


  Angela looked over at Benjamin, her eyes looking panicked. “This is it, isn’t it?” she asked her eyes imploring him to give her some hope.

  “We’re still here,” Benjamin replied, not sure how to respond. “Admiral Sheen will get us home.” Benjamin didn’t know what else to say; it was starting to look as if the life he and Angela had been planning for after the war would never come to pass.


  Amanda looked at all the death and destruction being depicted on the viewscreens. Glancing at the tactical displays, she could see dozens of red and green icons vanishing as ships died in the hard vacuum of space. She let out a deep sigh as she realized that they were probably not going to survive this battle. She wished she could tell Richard goodbye; he was the best thing to have ever happened to her.


  Fleet Admiral Streth let out a haggard breath as he listened to the latest reports. Sixth Fleet nearly annihilated, Fleet Admiral Johnson dead, Third Fleet under heavy attack, and all other fleets facing increasing resistance.

  “We’re committed,” Colonel Grissim spoke as the StarStrike shuddered from several energy beams that had penetrated the energy screen and cut deep into the battleship. Numerous red lights were now glowing on the damage control console.

  Hedon looked at one of the tactical displays, cringing at how few green icons were still showing up. First and Second Fleets had suffered heavily as more AI ships were constantly jumping into the battle. They weren’t going to be able to reach the Nexus; all they could hope for was to draw some of the AIs away from Fourth Fleet.

  “It’s up to Admiral Strong now,” Hedon spoke in a low voice as he glanced at one of the other tactical displays showing Fourth Fleet heavily engaged with the AIs protecting the Hyper Translation Station. His eyes narrowed in worry. His plan to attack multiple targets to divide the AI fleet wasn’t working; there were just too many AIs. He just hoped they could buy enough time for Jeremy to initiate the plan the two AIs had come up with.


  Jeremy called off the bomber strike while he listened to the plan Ariel and Clarissa had come up with. He shook his head, not believing what he was hearing. “And this is our only hope for victory?”

  “Yes,” Ariel responded in a very subdued voice. “The odds of the Avenger surviving are almost zero.” Ariel felt a great loss. Centuries in the past, she'd promised Jeremy’s father she would keep Jeremy and the others safe from harm. The plan she and Clarissa had come up with seriously violated that agreement.

  “Can you do it?” asked Jeremy, taking in a sharp breath, realizing that he would most likely never see Kelsey again. He looked over at Kevin and Angela, knowing he was preparing to send all of them to their deaths. At least Kelsey and Katie would have a chance to survive.

  “Yes,” Ariel answered as her dark eyes focused on Jeremy. She knew if he agreed to this tactic, it was probably the end of the Special Five. “I will need full control of the Avenger and its weapon systems.”

  “Battleship Leyte is down,” Kevin announced as another friendly green icon vanished. “The Altons have lost three more battleships.”

  Commander Malen nodded at Jeremy. “It’s the only way, Sir.” She felt a sudden weakness in her heart, knowing what was about to happen.

  “Do it!” Jeremy ordered as he saw Kevin prepare to speak again. He knew more ships were dying and this was the only way to save them.

  “Activating hyperdrive,” Ariel reported evenly as a swirling blue-white vortex formed directly in front of the Avenger.

  “It’s been an honor serving with you, Admiral,” spoke Commander Malen, looking directly at Jeremy.

  “Same here,” replied Jeremy as Ariel took control of the Avenger and accelerated the battleship into the spatial vortex.

  For a brief moment, Jeremy felt the gut wrenching effect of jumping into hyperspace, and then they emerged again. On the main viewscreen was the Hyper Translation Station now covering the entire screen. But of more importance was the white spatial vortex next to the station, which was pouring out all of the combined energy being sent by the over eleven hundred still surviving capacitor stations. A massive beam of pure energy was exiting the vortex and being transmitted to the station, which was feeding the power directly into the vortex ring in preparation for its activation. The energy vortex was not protected by an energy screen.

  As soon as they exited hyperspace, Ariel accelerated the Avenger directly toward the swirling white vortex. Without a moment’s hesitation, she launched all twenty-four sublight antimatter missiles in the battleship’s tubes. They flashed away from the ship and detonated inside the spatial vortex, releasing 2,400 megatons of antimatter energy. It seemed to explode with uncontrolled energy as it first collapsed and then expanded with a brilliant light.

  The Hyper Translation Station’s energy screen was overwhelmed by the sudden release of power. The massive energy surge crashed into the hull of the armored station, blasting a huge hole deep into the armor and setting off secondary explosions. The stored power in the station was suddenly released and the station exploded spectacularly. Nearby AI ships and even a few Human ships were caught by the massive blast.

  However, the sudden release of energy wasn’t finished yet. The vortex ring was quickly overloaded with power and began to activate, but it hadn’t been designed to receive so much energy in mere microseconds. A brilliant white, swirling spatial vortex over twenty thousand kilometers in diameter appeared. Everything within the great vortex vanished, including the Avenger, the remaining ships of Fourth Fleet, the defending AI ships, as well as the Eternity Device.


  Rear Admiral Barnes recoiled in shock as a brilliant white light filled her viewscreens. She felt the Ceres vibrate severely for several long seconds.

  “An energy overload activated the vortex ring,” yelled her Executive Officer.

  “It’s opened up a spatial vortex almost twenty thousand kilometers in diameter,” reported the sensor operator. “We were nearly caught up in it. The Eternity Device is gone!”

  “Order the fleet to pull back,” Kathryn said as she tried to take stock of this new development.


  “What happened?” yelled Colonel Grissim in shock at seeing the massive swirling area of white light on one of the viewscreens. One moment the Avenger was attacking the energy vortex and now this had appeared.

  “The antimatter missiles combined with the energy being
transmitted from the capacitor stations have activated a massive spatial vortex,” Clarissa replied as she scanned the area with the ship’s sensors. “We were not expecting this; we'd hoped that the sudden release of energy would merely destroy the Hyper Translation Station.”

  “I’m picking up massive energy fluctuations in the nearby capacitors,” Captain Reynolds reported as his sensors began to go wild.

  Around the massive black hole, capacitor stations began to explode as the energy they'd been transmitting suddenly reversed and was fed back into the stations in an uncontrolled release of pure energy. Everything too close to the stations was destroyed in the fierce explosions, including any defending AI ships.


  “What has happened?” screamed the Command AI, losing all self-control as it saw the Hyper Translation Station destroyed and then the vortex ring and Eternity Device vanish as a great swirling white light covered a major section of nearby space.

  “A power overload,” the science AI reported as it moved from console to console, seeking an explanation for the sudden reversal and the strange phenomenon at the vortex ring.

  “One of the Human battleships jumped to within just a few kilometers of the spatial vortex carrying the energy from the capacitor stations and fired off an unknown number of antimatter missiles into the vortex, destabilizing it,” the war AI reported as it attempted to keep track of the rapidly changing situation with the battle. “The ship must have had an AI on board to make such a precise jump and attack.”

  “We have an overload feedback hitting the capacitor stations,” the science AI added, turning to face the Command AI. “They are being destroyed because they can’t handle the sudden influx of returned energy.”

  “We’re losing thousands of warships that were too close to the stations,” the war AI continued, waving its metal tentacles in the air.

  The Command AI became silent as it weighed the ramifications of what had just happened. The Great Project had been destroyed by the Humans and the Altons. Its fear of the Altons and the threat they represented to the project had come to pass. As the Command AI turned to gaze at the massive swirling white light on one of the viewscreens, it knew its dream of a universe dominated by the superior AI life form was coming to an end.


  Grayseth looked at the main viewscreen, seeing the swirling white spatial vortex in front of his fleet. “Are you sure that’s a spatial vortex?” he demanded of his sensor operator.

  “Yes,” the bear at the sensors replied. “It’s beginning to collapse and will fade away in another ten minutes.”

  “My clan brother and his fleet have been pulled in,” Grayseth announced in his booming voice as he reached a decision. “Many AI ships have gone as well. My clan brother will need help on the other side.” Grayseth activated his ship-to-ship com so he could speak to the commanders of his other ships. “Brothers of the great clans, my clan brother has gone through the great vortex and will be facing the AIs on the other side. I intend to take my ship through to aid him. Who is with me?”

  “Take us in,” ordered Grayseth, gesturing to the Bear at the Helm. “I go where my clan brother has gone.”

  Moments later, the Warrior’s Pride surged forward, followed almost immediately by all the other ships in the Carethian Fleet. Admiral Strong had saved their world and their lives were his.

  Admiral Susan Marks only hesitated for a moment. She had Fourth Fleet’s air wings and if the Avenger and the rest of Fourth Fleet had survived the transit, they would be needed on the other side. Even as Grayseth’s ships began to enter the swirling light, the rest of Fourth Fleet was following in their wake.

  In less than seven minutes, the Carethian Fleet and the rest of Fourth Fleet had vanished into the white vortex.


  Admiral Streth stared at the swirling white vortex in shock. It was the light from his vision! He watched in apprehension as the Carethian Fleet and the rest of Fourth Fleet entered the white vortex and then, a few minutes later, the vortex abruptly collapsed. He knew there was nothing he could have said that would have stopped them. They had gone to try to save their admiral.

  When the massive vortex collapsed, it sent out a massive EMP wave at hyper velocities, which washed over every ship around the black hole. All lights in the Command Center of the StarStrike faded to darkness as the power died.

  For what seemed like long minutes, the Command Center stayed dark with only a few frightened voices speaking. Then, slowly, the lights came back on and the ship’s systems began to function.

  “What was that?” asked Colonel Grissim, looking about with confusion on her face.

  “A massive EMP burst,” explained Clarissa, as she scanned the StarStrike for any additional damage. “It was generated by the collapsing white vortex and traveled at hyper velocities. Federation ships are beginning to report in, but the AI seem to be unmoving.”

  “Could they have been more adversely affected by the EMP?” asked Hedon his eyes narrowing.

  “It’s possible,” Clarissa replied as she considered the possibility. “We know the AIs are part mechanical and part energy.”

  Hedon nodded; this was an opportunity he was not going to pass up. He quickly ordered all Federation and Alton ships to close on the silent AI ships and annihilate them. With a heavy sigh, he looked at the now empty viewscreen where only a few minutes before Fourth Fleet and the Carethian Fleet had been visible. Now there was nothing.


  For the next four hours, the destruction continued. The AI ships didn’t fight back and even their energy shields remained down.

  At last, every AI ship in close proximity to the black hole had been eliminated. All that remained was the Central Nexus. Hedon gathered what remained off all the fleets and fired a massive barrage of antimatter missiles at the huge AI command and control station. For a moment, space was once more brightly lit as thousands of antimatter suns glowed where the Central Nexus had once been. When the glow faded all that was left was a scattering debris field.

  “It’s over,” Colonel Grissim said in a stunned voice, realizing the AIs were gone. They'd won, but the victory had been costly beyond belief.

  “Where’s Fourth Fleet?” asked Kelsey as she and Katie stepped over close to Fleet Admiral Streth with growing worry in their eyes. They had heard vague rumors and seen the brilliant white light on the viewscreens. Even Clarissa had been strangely silent.

  Hedon took a deep breath. “I don’t know.” He paused and looked at Clarissa.

  “Kelsey, Katie; I don’t know what to say. Ariel and I didn’t expect this result when we figured out how to take out the Hyper Translation Station. The destruction of the energy vortex next to the station created a massive spatial vortex far greater than anything we thought possible. The Avenger and part of Fourth Fleet were caught up in it and then later Grayseth and Admiral Marks flew their fleets into the vortex also.”

  “Where did they go?” asked Katie her eyes wide with fear. “Are they still alive? Can we find them?”

  “I don’t know,” answered Clarissa with deep concern in her voice. “The swirling white light had all the properties of a spatial vortex, but one of that scale could have sent them anywhere, even to another galaxy.”

  “Is it possible they died in the vortex?” asked Kelsey, trying to stay calm. This was her greatest nightmare. She waited nervously for Clarissa’s answer.

  “It’s possible,” Clarissa admitted in a softer voice. “It’s something we may never know.” Clarissa also felt at a loss. Ariel might well be gone also. If that was true then she would remain alone as the Federation’s only sentient AI.

  Kelsey felt suddenly very weak on her feet; she sensed Fleet Admiral Streth’s steadying hands upon her shoulder.

  “I would suggest the two of you retire to your quarters and get some rest. We don’t know for sure what happened. Once I have additional news as to Fourth Fleet's whereabouts I'll inform the two of you immediately.”

  Hedon watched
sadly as the two left the Command Center; he sent Colonel Grissim and Janice with them to make certain they made it to their quarters. He turned back to look at Clarissa. “What are the odds they survived?” He suspected the AI hadn’t said everything it knew in the presence of the two young women.

  “Less than ten percent,” Clarissa answered with an extremely sad look in her eyes. “The vortex was so intense it may have ripped their ships to pieces. Grayseth and Admiral Mark’s ships may have suffered the same fate. If they did manage to survive, I'm almost certain that vortex had intergalactic range. We’ll never hear from them again.”

  Hedon nodded and let out a deep sigh. On the tactical display, he saw his remaining ships. Only a third of the ships he'd brought to the battle still survived, and that didn’t include the loss of Fourth Fleet or the Carethian Fleet. The fight had been costly. Fleet Admiral Johnson was gone, three of the Special Five had been lost along with Ariel, and hundreds of other warships and their crews were no more. However, the battle had been won and their sacrifice would never be forgotten.

  Chapter Nineteen

  Fleet Admiral Hedon Streth stood in the great hall of the Fleet Academy. Around him, fleet officers stood in solemn silence. Looking around the massive room, he could see dignitaries of the Federation as well as leaders from their alien allies standing as well.

  Hedon took a deep and steadying breath. Today would forever be remembered as Memorial Sunday, the day the Federation and its allies said farewell to its fallen heroes. It'd been twelve weeks since the battle at the galactic center, and it would be years if not decades before the Federation recovered from the horrible losses of that terrible battle, one that saw the loss of a Fleet Admiral and the ultimate sacrifice of the battleship Avenger. It was still unknown what had happened to the rest of Fourth Fleet or the Carethian Fleet. Not a single FTL transmission had been received from any of the ships in the two fleets after they'd flown into the white vortex. It was assumed they'd been lost and were listed as missing in action.


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