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Devil Page 12

by Jordan Marie

  I like men who take charge, but I don’t like men who try to control every damn aspect of my life. Wolf definitely has a tendency to do that. Dad thought that was great. He wanted me to be with his friend and I know I should try because I owe it to my father. Still, this is another side of Wolf and it makes me nervous. I need to try and divert his attention here. The last thing I want is for Devil to get in Wolf’s crosshairs. That would be bad, especially with Wolf’s temper.

  “Doesn’t look like he’s left town from where I’m sitting and I don’t like the way he’s staring at you, either,” Wolf growls.

  “Let’s ignore it and get back to our date,” I tell Wolf, trying to defuse the situation. I shouldn’t have even bothered, because Wolf’s body tightens beside me. His arm around me stiffens too, his fingers biting into my shoulder to the point it’s on the verge of painful. I don’t even have to look to know that Devil is walking over here.




  I sound lame as fuck. I should have remained in my seat and then got the fuck out of town. Proving I’m a stupid asshole who is hung up over the wrong woman, instead I walk over here. Jesus. If Beast could see me now, after all of the grief I’ve given him, he’d be having a field day.

  “Devil…” Torrent says, shock and something else in her voice and on her face that I can’t name.

  “I thought you were leaving town,” Wolf says before I can respond to her. He’s easy to read, however. It’s clear from his tone and the look on his face that he wants me gone.

  “I was enjoying the sights and entertainment this place had to offer,” I answer, looking at Torrent. She might not get it, but Wolf and I are on the same wave length. He knows there’s only one sight I want to see here—and it’s currently sitting at this table, staring at me with those damn whiskey sunny brown eyes.

  “Find anything of interest?” Wolf asks, his voice cold.

  “Still looking,” I answer.

  “I can see that,” he says dryly.

  “How are you doing, Torrent?” I ask the woman our conversation is about.

  “I’m okay,” she answers.

  I study her—really study her.

  “Now why don’t I believe that, Angel?”

  “A better question might be why you are so interested,” Wolf responds.

  “Wolf,” Torrent whispers.

  “I’m worried about a friend. That’s not against the law, is it?” I ask him, finally bringing my gaze back to Wolf.

  “It’s not needed,” he answers, leaning on the table as if to get closer to my space. If he wants to intimidate me he’s shit out of luck. “I can take care of Torrent just fine. She doesn’t need your concern.”

  I let my eyes flicker over briefly to Torrent and the pale look on her face and the tightness that’s there.

  “That’s strange,” I answer, forcing myself to look at Wolf again, and not reach out and caress Torrent and make her relax. It’s not my place…not right now.

  “That Torrent has someone in her life to take care of her? Or that she doesn’t need you?” Wolf asks like the cocky asshole he is.

  “That she needs anyone to take care of her. The Torrent I know can take care of herself.”

  I hear her intake of breath, but I still don’t look away from Wolf. It never pays to ignore an enemy and that’s definitely what this son of a bitch is.

  “Are you about done here, Devil?”

  “Not really. Haven’t really ate yet. Our food just came.”

  “Then maybe you should go back to it, before it gets cold.”

  “I suppose,” I agree, because there’s really nothing else I can do here.

  “Maybe you should head back to your part of the state too.”

  “And why’s that?”

  “Well, this can be a rough area if you don’t know anyone. I’d hate for you to get hurt or something by accidentally going somewhere you shouldn’t,” the bastard says.

  “Wolf!” Torrent gasps, but in this instance both of us ignore her. This is between me and him.

  “Is that a threat?”

  “Not a threat. Merely showing some friendly concern.”

  “I see. Well your concern is noted, but I’ll be heading back tomorrow.”

  “So soon?” Wolf answers, sounding way too happy with my answer.

  “I don’t really have anything to keep me here. At least not that I know of… do I, Torrent?”

  “I… No… at least I don’t think so. I mean, I didn’t know you knew anyone here,” she says, her face filled with color and my question making her so nervous that she’s gripping the side of the table so hard her fingers are white.

  “I thought I did,” I tell her and this time it’s her I look at—her I’m giving all of my attention to. “I guess I was wrong.”

  “You were?” she asks.

  “Apparently, and that makes me damn sad, Angel,” I tell her.

  “I think you should go now, Devil. I can send some men out to help give you safe passage out of town if you like in the morning,” Wolf says, and I bet he’d like that. I have to wonder if I’d live to see the city limit sign. Somehow I don’t think I would.

  “I believe I can find my way. Unless something happens to change my mind,” I say with a slight shrug of my shoulders.

  “See that it doesn’t,” Wolf responds, his voice hard.

  “Goodbye, Torrent. If you need me—for anything—you know where to find me, Angel,” I tell her and ignore Wolf’s growl of dislike. Torrent’s gaze locks with mine, but she doesn’t respond.

  That’s okay. I think I got my message across. I turn and walk back to my table where Diesel is waiting and I can tell from the look on his face…if I stay here, it will be with Fury watching my back…

  And maybe that’s not such a bad thing at this point.


  “Thanks for the ride into town, Red. I really appreciate it.”

  “No worries. Give me a second to check in with Wolf and we’ll go in,” he replies.

  “Oh, uh, there’s really no place for you to go in. It’s a small spa and—”


  “Red… that building is small. A total of three rooms,” I warn him.


  “I’d rather not have you sitting in the small waiting room with a grand total of four chairs while I’m in the next room getting a bikini wax and screaming in pain.”

  “Wolf wants me to keep an eye on you. He told me you were being harassed by one of those men from that charter close to Sevier County.”

  “Red, there’s not even a back door to that building. You can watch me from this SUV. I don’t really want you hearing me cry over my lady parts.”

  “There’s no back door? How is that even legal?”

  “I don’t know, but it’s true. You want to go in and look?”

  “Yeah, I guess if I make sure the building is secure, and can monitor who goes in then Wolf should be satisfied.”

  I stop myself from rolling my eyes. I understand why Wolf is being so cautious. The problem is he’s always been overprotective and right now it’s about a million times worse. Agreeing to “date” him has only made him more possessive too. I know this is what my father wanted, but those doubts I had before are nearly screaming at me now. My head is a mess; my emotions are a mess… I’m a mess.

  I wait once we get inside the small spa—which is really a small office trailer that has been converted. Murfreesboro doesn’t have a lot of choices. The receptionist knows me well and smiles when I go in, but her gaze immediately goes to Red. He probably scares her to death. He’s a huge man who stands at 6’9” and is built like a linebacker. He’s got long red hair that’s curly and might look good if he took care of it, but he doesn’t. Instead, it’s a massive, huge afro. One of his arms looks like a tree trunk along the biceps.

  Red goes through the small area and then starts to open the main room before the receptionist screeches at him.

/>   “Sir! You can’t do that!”

  He looks at her and then opens the door—which is followed by more screeching as the woman who is getting a bikini wax doesn’t appreciate his intrusion at all. I hold my head down as he checks out the bathroom and ignores the receptionist again, while checking out her area.

  “Fuck. There really isn’t a back door to this place. How in the hell do you guys stay in business?” Red barks to the poor innocent girl who probably wishes she had called in sick this morning.

  “I…uh…well…” She trails off, because it’s clear she doesn’t know what to say and how could she?

  “Satisfied?” I ask Red when he comes back to stand beside me.

  “I’ll be out in the truck and I’ll be watching the entrance. If you need me, you call and I’ll be here in seconds,” he says in his gruff voice. I nod.

  “You could go for a bit, you know? This is going to take a while.”

  “How long?” he growls.

  “I’m an hour early for my appointment, Red. I warned you.”


  “I don’t think they can work me in early, can you, Sharon?” I direct my question to the receptionist. She knows me well and right now I’m praying she knows what I need from her. She studies me for a minute and I hold my breath when she starts to answer.

  “I… well, Torrent, to be honest we are behind schedule today. So it may be an hour and a half before Jamile can even take you back.”

  “You’re fucking kidding me,” Red answers and his voice vibrates with so much anger poor Sharon jumps.

  “Told you and then I’m getting the works while I’m in there.”

  “What does that mean?”

  “That once I get back there it could take up to three hours to finish.”

  “You’ll do this another day then. I got shit to do.”

  “Then go do it. I’m getting my spa day.”


  “Red, this place is the only spa in the area. I’m not traveling to Nashville to go get everything done.”

  “Why not?”

  “Because I’m not letting strangers look at my hoo-hah.”


  “And besides that, Wolf will be home in two days.”

  “Torrent, you’re starting to get on my damn nerves.”

  “The feeling is mutual. Besides, I’m pretty sure Sharon can’t work me in if I cancel today.”

  “I’m afraid not. We stay booked up,” Sharon pipes up helpfully. I smile at her, silently giving my thanks.

  “Then, you’ll reschedule and comeback whenever,” he mutters.

  “Red. I am not going to look like…. well, I don’t want to have your hairstyle between my legs when Wolf gets back.”

  “Fuck, Torrent, I don’t want to hear that shit.”

  “I’m just saying it’s going to be your job to tell Wolfe why our romantic date ends at a handshake.”

  “Fine. I’ll get a prospect to come and watch the door, but understand me, Torrent, you better be ready to leave when I get back.”

  “In five hours?” I question hopefully.

  “Four, tops. You better make that work.”

  “I… uh… think we can work with that can’t we, Sharon?” I ask, turning to her so she can see my face silently pleading for her to agree.

  “I think so…” she says and I don’t miss the confusion on her face, but thankfully Red does.

  I watch as he stomps out without saying anything else. When the door closes, I think that’s the first free breath I take today.

  Slowly I turn to Sharon and wait for her questions. I don’t have long to wait.

  “Torrent, you don’t have an appointment today and you know it doesn’t take—”

  “I need a way out of here, that’s not in the front and I need you to try and cover for me, Sharon.”

  She studies me and maybe she sees the sheer panic on my face, but she gives me a grim smile of agreement.

  God, I hope I’m doing the right thing.


  “Was that Fury?”

  “Yeah. I told him he didn’t need to come up after all, that we’d be leaving in the morning,” Diesel answers. “Unless you’ve changed your mind again?”

  “I thought we agreed, I should back away?”

  “Never thought you were the kind of man to give up that easily,” Diesel says with a shrug.

  “Man, you’re giving me whiplash with your back and forth,” I growl at him. It’s not him I’m frustrated at—it’s myself.

  “The same could be said about you, Ese,” Diesel smirks.

  “Don’t I know it,” I mutter, leaning back against my pillow.

  I’m propped up on the bed, leaning back against the headboard with two pillows behind me. Diesel is sitting at the table beside the bed and I’m not sure why. He has his own room, or hell, he could be gone by now. I’m trying to get the image of Torrent in another man’s arms out of my head and not being that successful at it.

  “We need to get you out. You’re worse today than you were yesterday.”

  “We could head back now,” I respond. “Not like I have anything holding me here,” I add with a shrug.

  “Now you’re talking. How long will it take you to pack your shit up?”

  “Gee, let me think about that. Two minutes?”

  “You’re such a smart ass. I’ll grab my gear and meet you at the bikes,” Diesel says, opening the door. He’s gone before I even get the energy to get up myself.

  I go over to the dresser and grab my bag—which is really a ratty, blue, Walmart piece of crap that I shove down into my saddle bags. Then I head into the bathroom to get my deodorant and shit. I barely make it to the door when the knocking starts.

  “Diesel, fuck, you just left. I’ll be ready to go in a minute. You haven’t even given me two—”

  I stop as I open the door and see Torrent standing there. She’s wearing faded jeans and a black T-shirt with a leather jacket—though thankfully not that fucker Wolf’s cut. Her hair is brushed down her back and she doesn’t have as much makeup on today. I can definitely see a few light bruises on her face and I flex my hand behind the door, trying to keep control of the anger it makes me feel.


  “Torrent. I didn’t really expect you to show up.”

  “You’re leaving,” she says.

  “It didn’t seem I had anything to hang around for. You coming in or are you going to stay out there?” I ask her, stepping back from the door.

  “I’m coming in,” she responds.

  She walks in and behind her I see Diesel.

  “I take it we’re not leaving anytime soon?” he asks, but he’s grinning.

  I flip him off and close the door on his laughter.

  I turn to face Torrent. She looks nervous and I smile because I’m a bastard and I kind of like that she’s nervous around me right now.

  “Does your boyfriend know you’re here?”

  “He’s not my boyfriend—at least not yet,” she grumbles, giving me a defiant look.

  “And does he know you’re here?” She doesn’t answer, but she looks down at the ground and that gives me enough of an answer. I give a short laugh. It’s not funny, but then again the look on Wolf’s face if he ever finds out Torrent sought me out would be. “I didn’t think so.”

  “He’s the reason I’m here,” she mumbles, rubbing her hands down the leg of her pants, nervously. I’m sure she doesn’t mean to call attention to her curves, or the way those pants cling to her body like a second skin—but she does.

  “Now that, I didn’t expect and I don’t want to call you a liar, Angel. Got to say though, I find it hard to believe.”

  “He doesn’t like you.”

  “Now that I believe. But, if you came all the way over here to tell me that, you kind of wasted your time. I kind of already knew that,” I joke, walking over to the bed and sitting down where I was before. I fluff my pillows and then fix them again against t
he headboard, all before turning back around and looking at Torrent.

  “Comfortable?” she asks, obviously put out with me, which makes me strangely happy.

  “I’m getting there. I’d be better if you’d come over and join me though,” I tease, patting the bed beside me.

  “That’s not going to happen.”

  “Eh, maybe not right now.”

  “It’s never going to happen, Logan.”

  “Didn’t anyone tell you that you should never say never? Besides, that’s kind of a challenge for me.”

  “A challenge?”

  “Yeah, now my goal will be to make sure I get you on the bed with me.”

  “Well, I hate to burst your bubble, but you shouldn’t look for that to happen. Especially since you will be back home and I’ll be here.”

  “That’s semantics, besides we’re both here right now.”

  “Yes, well. That’s why I’m here. Wolf doesn’t like you.”

  “You’re starting to repeat yourself, Angel.”

  “You’ve got on his radar.”

  “I have no idea what that means. Did I mention there’s room here on the bed for you?”

  “Devil, will you try and be serious for a minute? Wolf isn’t a man you should cross.”

  “Angel, it sounds like you’re worried about me. I can’t decide if I should be offended or flattered. Now, about this bed…”

  “Will you stop being an idiot. This is serious. You don’t know him like I do. He’s very… protective over me.”

  “I think the word you’re looking for, Angel, is possessive.”

  “Whatever. Listen, Wolf is a good guy really, but he can be…”

  “Torrent, I don’t really want you to defend your boyfriend to me.”

  “You need to leave.”

  “You carted your sweet little ass over here to tell me that?”

  “I felt the need to warn you,” she mutters. “Though now, I’m starting to wonder why.”

  “Because you like me, even if you don’t want to.”

  “Maybe I do. Will you take me seriously, please?”

  I let out a deep breath and turn to put my feet on the ground and face her.


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