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Devil Page 15

by Jordan Marie

  “About fucking time,” Red yells the second the door is open. I quickly jump in front of him when he’d come pushing his way inside.

  “I was sleeping,” I lie. “Which, by the way, is what most sane people do at this hour. What do you want, Red?”

  “Wolf called and said you weren’t answering your phone.”

  I blink. I really hadn’t thought about my phone. I heard it ringing once, but I ignored it because I was enjoying spending time with Devil. I should feel guilty for worrying Wolf, I guess, but I don’t. I’m actually a little relieved I didn’t answer.

  “My battery was down, so I turned it off and let it charge.”

  “He wanted to talk to you,” he says stubbornly.

  “Well, I’m sorry. There’s nothing I can do it about it now. I could call him?”

  “He can’t talk now because he’s doing some business for the club tonight. He said to tell you he’ll call in the morning, but he’s going to have to be out of town for a couple of more days.”

  “Oh. I hope everything is okay,” I murmur. I hope I sound upset, but inside I’m happy. That means I’ll have more time with Devil without the real world coming between us. I really am going to have to make some tough decisions—and soon—but for now I have this small reprieve and I’m glad.

  “It’s fine. Wolf has everything under control. Your old man left things in a mess and Wolf has a lot of roads to repair,” he says and I immediately get pissed at his insinuation. “It’s club business,” he goes on. “Not your concern. Wolf has a big fucking headache to fix, but he will do it. Dodger burned a lot of fucking bridges, Tor.”

  “I think maybe you better go,” I mutter, unable to even pretend to keep a cap on my anger.

  “You make sure you keep your doors and windows locked,” he orders, watching me closely.

  “I will, though no one bothers me unless you count men who bang on my door and wake me up—”

  “I—” Red interrupts, but I speak over him because I want to get my point across.

  “Waking me up,” I repeat, my tone annoyed. “Just so he can insult my father.”

  “Make sure you lock your damn doors. I swear you’re a pain in the ass. I don’t know why Wolf fools with you,” Red mutters, turning and walking away. I slam the door loudly on him, wishing I could slam his face instead.

  “Logan?” I ask when he doesn’t immediately come out of hiding. I retrace my steps going through the kitchen and hall. When I get to my bedroom he’s over by the window holding my broom—or what’s left of it. “What did my broom ever do to you?” I ask, wondering why he’s broken the wooden handle. I grimace when I think of the strength it must have taken to break it. That couldn’t have been easy.

  “Hey, Angel. Get rid of the idiot that quickly?” he asks and I frown as I watch him put the largest pieces of my broom handle under the bed and wedge it so he can use that to help break off another piece.

  “Yeah, I guess. What are you doing?”

  “Securing your windows,” he says like that’s a perfectly natural reply. I watch as he wedges the piece of broom he broke into the top part of my window. Once he’s satisfied with the way he’s secured it, I watch as he tries to open the window. The handle of the broom makes that impossible and I have to say I’m kind of impressed at his ingenuity.

  “That’s a really good idea,” I remark as he does the second window the same way.

  “I’d rather they were safer, but this was the best I could do under the circumstances. We’ll try and do each window and then when I leave you can secure the window I use and—”

  “I was… I mean…”

  “Spit it out, Angel,” he urges and I struggle with my embarrassment. Still, I take a deep breath and try.

  “I was hoping you’d stay the night. No sex or anything,” I say hurriedly, before Devil can get the wrong idea. “But, I’d really like to fall asleep in your arms tonight.”

  He looks at me and for a minute I’m scared he’s going to turn me down. Then he grins a full smile, and that’s when I lose myself a little more to Devil.

  “Then let’s get these windows secured. I want to hold my woman tonight.”

  I really should correct him, but I don’t.

  I want to belong to Devil.

  So, like a fool, I help him secure windows and remain in my dream world where Devil is my man and we have a future.

  I need to find a way to make that a reality.


  “What are you doing, Angel?” I ask, my voice thick with sleep and… hunger.

  Torrent is lying on top of me, nibbling on the side of my neck. Her warm breath heats my skin and every time her teeth gently nip at my skin chills of awareness shoot across my body. I have my hands on the cheeks of her ass and I’m holding her against my hardened cock. I was hard last night and it seems this morning won’t be any different. It feels like the hard fabric of my jeans has rubbed my dick raw. My balls ache. It’s a miracle I didn’t attack Torrent last night while she slept. I’ve tried to hold myself in check with her, but she sure isn’t making things easy for me right now.

  “You smell so good, Logan,” she whispers. Her voice is deeper than normal, huskier and it only makes me ache more.

  “Angel you need to stop. I’m only human,” I groan as those sharp little teeth bite into my earlobe and pull. I close my eyes, my fingers clinching into those luscious, thick mounds of her ass. I wish she hadn’t worn pajamas to bed. My body shakes with the need to have her naked.

  “I don’t want to stop,” she says as her tongue plays with my ear.

  “I’m having a hard time…”

  My words break off in a moan when she shifts and her hand cups my cock through my pants—squeezing.

  “I noticed,” she moans. “You feel really big, Logan. Are you?” she whispers in my ear. “Are you big and wide? So thick that you leave me aching when you’re gone?” she asks. Her voice is wicked, full of mischief, but still…hungry.

  “Motherfucker, you’re killing me, Angel. It’s not nice to tease,” I groan, my voice sounding like thunder in my own ears.

  “Maybe I’m not teasing,” she says right before she slides down my body. She sits on my knees, straddling me. Her hair is mussed from sleeping and her face is flushed with desire and maybe a touch of nervousness. She looks like a temptress and it’s all I can do not to reach out and grab her.

  “What are you doing?” I ask, watching how each breath she takes vibrates in her body like she’s run a long race.

  “Something occurred to me last night while you were sleeping,” she says.

  “What’s that?”

  “You were sound asleep, but you were holding me close, using your body to almost shield me. I woke up once from a nightmare and even though you were sleeping, your hand brushed through my hair, you kissed me on the temple and hugged me tighter.”

  I let her talk. I don’t tell her that she had nightmares all night long—some more powerful than others, and some that didn’t wake her—even though I wish they had. I hate that she was trapped in her own personal hell and there was nothing I could do to help her.

  “Torrent,” I begin, but I don’t finish when she shakes her head no. She has something she wants to say and hell, I’m just glad to be here at this point, so I let her go with it.

  “I don’t know where this is going to go, Logan. My life is kind of a mess, and I have some things to work through with Wolf—”

  I can’t stop the growl that bursts through at the mention of the man’s name.

  “He’s been good to me, Logan. He always has. I care for him and my dad loved him like a brother,” she says, her voice going sad. I bite my tongue. There’s nothing to be gained by telling her what I think about the asshole. Torrent has been manipulated by Wolf and maybe even by her father. I hope I can eventually make her see that. “It will be okay, eventually. I need to handle things carefully with Wolf—and I will. But…” She stops talking, biting her lip and those beautiful dark eyes
with amber flecks pin me to the bed.

  “But?” I prompt, almost afraid to push it.

  “I don’t want to lose you, Logan. Last night in your arms, well even before that, I knew.”

  “Knew what, Angel? It’s early in the morning and you got my dick screaming hard too. You’re going to have to spell it out for me.”

  “Well, I mean I think I knew… or know… maybe… but I know at least how I feel and—”

  “Angel, breathe. I keep having to remind you of that. I don’t think you’ve grasped it yet, but you are completely safe with me. I’m not going to hurt you. I’m not going to judge you or even push you in a direction you don’t want to go. I’m here with you because I want to be and because—”

  “You care about me,” she blurts out and the shock on her face is enough to make me grin. It’s clear that she didn’t mean to say that. I rush to make her feel at ease.

  “I do care for you Torrent—very much.”

  “I mean, I thought so. I was pretty sure last night and stuff,” she says with a shrug and I laugh and reach out to touch her face. Her gaze comes back to mine and she smiles with a deep blush on her face. “It’s still really nice to hear you say it,” she murmurs.

  “I could show you too, if you’re not convinced,” I offer—praying like fucking hell she takes me up on the offer.

  “Well, actually that’s what I was trying to do.”

  “What’s that?”

  “Show you how much… I care… about you,” she confesses.

  I’ve been called many things in my life. Some of them true, some false; some were well-deserved and others not, but one thing I’ve never been is stupid.

  “Then show me, Angel. I’m all yours,” I invite and hope like hell she doesn’t back out.


  I sound so crazy. I hate it, and I’m probably giving Devil whiplash with the way I war with myself and switch my brain around on him. I’m having trouble being the Torrent I was before all of this. The Torrent who saw what she wanted, took it and to hell with anyone else. I miss her because there are times now she’s replaced by someone shy and timid and that has never been me. I’m afraid to take the wrong step. Still, I know I need to tread carefully. I can’t go through anything like I did with my father, not again. I may hate it, but I am… delicate right now. I’m so unsure of everything. The one thing I’m positive of right now is… Devil.

  I’m safe with him.

  Everything in me feels that and I’m going to trust in it—even if I have to fight myself to do it.

  I take a breath and then bunch my fingers in the hem of his shirt. He laid on my bed fully clothed last night. He slept all night in his jeans and shirt. It couldn’t have been comfortable, but he didn’t press for more either.

  “Lean up,” I ask quietly as I pull his T-shirt from his body. He helps me navigate it over his head and I ignore the way my heart keeps slamming against my chest. Once I’m done I throw the shirt down on the floor. “I’ve been wanting to do that all night,” I tell him. He grins up at me lazily.

  “No one was stopping you, Angel,” he says, but he’s wrong. I was stopping myself. I second guess myself constantly now, but I’ve vowed to stop doing that with Devil. He says I’m safe with him, and in my heart I believe him.

  I drag my gaze back down to his now bare chest. He’s not one of these pretty boys who has waxes and man-scaping done. I always suspected that, but looking at the hair on his chest, it’s confirmed. I actually like that he has hair there. It’s not overly hairy, but enough that I want to press my chest against his and rake my breasts through it, feel it…

  “How did you get this?” I ask, my finger moving over an old scar, which is obviously a knife wound. It’s so close to his heart that I inwardly cringe.

  “Someone tried to kidnap Diesel’s kid. I made the mistake of going easy on them because it was a woman…” He shrugs. My fingers stall over the scar and I look at Devil.

  “Women can be as deadly as a man,” I tell him, knowing that to be true. How many times in my past was I overlooked because of my sex? I always used it to my advantage… at least until I found myself a prisoner with no chance of escape.

  “Learned that the hard way, Angel,” he says.

  I lean down to kiss the scar, feeling the hard raised ridge against my lips.

  “You can trust me, Logan,” I tell him, needing him to understand that. “I know I haven’t made it easy, but I’ve had a lot going on. I never would have lied if—”

  He brings his fingers up to my lips to stop me from talking.

  “It’s the past, Torrent. All in the past. The only thing that matters is what’s between us and in front of us right now. The only thing I regret about the past is that I didn’t try harder to find you after that damn nun told me you left.”

  “You tried to find me?” I whisper, feeling happy at his words.

  “Not hard enough and for that I’m sorry,” he tells me, his words solemn and forthright.

  “It’s all in the past. Nothing matters but what’s between us right now,” I respond giving his words back to him.

  I let my fingers travel down his body, drawing an imaginary line that only I can see. I pass a few other scars and one looks like it was caused from a bullet. I don’t ask about it; I’m not sure I really want to know right now. Even with the scars marring his skin, he’s utter perfection. Men usually don’t like to be called beautiful, but there’s no other word for Devil. I don’t share that with him, however. My hands go to his jeans and I unlatch the button and carefully slide the zipper down over the large bulge pressing against the denim.

  My hands shake a little. It’s been a while since I’ve been with a man, but it’s been a long time since I’ve wanted to be with one too.

  I trace the tattoo that hangs low on his groin. It’s a 666 that starts black and slowly fades into different hues of red until the tips of the 6’s all are bright, fiery red.

  “I can’t believe you have this tattoo,” I smile, then slide further down his legs so I can bend down and trace the numbers with my tongue.

  “Don’t worry, baby. I promise my dick’s not cursed and it’s only evil if you don’t touch it,” he jokes. His fingers slide through my hair as I’m kissing him, massaging my scalp and tenderly caressing me. It’s nice.

  It’s more than nice.

  “I guess I’ll have to touch it, then,” I murmur.

  It takes some work, because my legs are shaking at best, but I slide off of Devil and stand on the floor. I’m a mess of desire, hunger, and nerves. Devil helps me take his pants off and we do the work in silence, the air too thick for words. The only sound you can hear is the mixture of our breathing.

  His cock springs out almost immediately—no boxers or briefs for him. I wasn’t wrong about him either. He’s big, so big that I grow wetter from looking at how impressive he is. Every feminine part in my body tightens in response. He’s a vast range of colors, from darkened flushed colors around the head to lighter and brighter colors down the shaft. There’s a bulging vein that runs along the center of his cock that I’m dying to press my tongue to. I can’t really tell how long he is. I’ve never really thought about it much with a man; as long as they had enough to get the job done it has never really mattered, but the truth of it is that Devil is generously endowed and I find myself being more than thankful. He’s also so wide there’s a part of me wondering how he will fit inside of me.

  “Shit…” I groan without meaning to, as I see a large pearl drop of pre-cum drip down off the large, dark head of his cock. It’s beautiful and though every man might have this certain appendage, I’m sure there’s not one that looks as good as this one.

  “Like what—oh fuck, Angel,” Devil growls his fingers tightening almost painfully on my head when I bend down to lick the head of his cock, stealing his pre-cum.

  I hum in approval as I taste him. I expected something almost bitter in flavor, but instead it’s sweet and tangy and I want more. I stretch
my hand around him. He’s so broad that it’s hard to do, but I use it to stroke him tightly, squeezing his cock and milking him without thought—only knowing I want more.

  More pre-cum slides out onto his head this time, this one larger, and it fans out sliding over the edge and running down so that it lands on my finger. I lean down to lick it off of my own hand and take my time letting my tongue trace the path back up his cock until I suck the entire head in my mouth.

  “Mmm…” I moan around him, because never has anything felt so good. Then again, I’ve never had feelings for someone the way I do Devil and that makes all the difference.

  “You need to slow down or I’m going to come much too fucking soon,” Devil nearly snarls, his body vibrating beneath me.

  I look up at him from under my lashes, refusing to unseal my lips around him. I want to keep him in my mouth until I’ve managed to take everything I can. That’s something else Devil makes me that I’ve never been before… Greedy.

  I try to hold his gaze as I swallow his cock down, trying to take all of him—even knowing it’s impossible. He stretches my mouth impossibly and all too soon he’s at the back of my throat and I’m forced to stop. I slide back up, moistening his shaft with a mixture of my mouth and his own cum. His cock shines as I let his head free from my mouth, for just a second, right before gliding back down.

  Devil gathers my hair in one of his hands and I look to see him staring at me, taking in everything I’m doing. The pleasure on his face is enough to make me want more, try harder to make him lose control.

  “Fuck, Angel. You’re beautiful,” he groans.

  He doesn’t put pressure on my head, which I kind of expected with his hold on me. Instead, he lets me keep control as I run my tongue over his shaft and bring him closer to the edge. I use my free hand to massage his balls. They’re warm, almost hot to the touch, and I’m surrounded by the musky scent of Devil and it feels like heaven.


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