He swirled his tongue around the sensitive, dark nipple. It got hard as he manipulated. A moment later, he moved to the other one. I scratched his back gently, wanting even more. As if he could read my mind, his kisses moved lower, covering my stomach. I sat back on the couch as his lips brushed against my skin, lower and lower. Do it! I thought.
As he grabbed the waist of my sweat pants and pulled them down, I lifted my hips off the couch. He took them off completely. Before he could get to my panties, I leaned forward and grabbed the bottom of his shirt. He raised his arms into the air, and I pulled it off him. His hot, hard chest beckoned to me. I bent forward even more and nibbled at one of his nipples.
When I pulled back and smiled at him, I saw that familiar hunger in his eyes, a look I’d seen so many times before. He acted, pushing me back on the couch. I spread my legs wide as he ran his hands up and down my smooth, naked thighs. I arched my back and pushed my pussy up. I wanted him to rip off my panties and get to work.
Determined to tease me, he kissed one of my knees then the other. The touch of his lips on my skin made me melt. My heart beat faster as he continued up my inner thighs. His thick, broad tongue traced its way closer to my private treasure. When his cheek brushed against my pussy, I sat up, thinking I was going to come right away.
I reached down and grabbed the back of his head, trying to force him to eat me. You’re so damn close. Just do it! I thought as my chest rose and fell quickly. He looked up at me and smiled, enjoying the teasing. Finally, he traced the outline of my outer lips with the tip of his wet, pink tongue. I wiggled my hips, trying to get him to make contact, but he was in control.
Just when I couldn’t take anymore, his flat tongue licked the entire length of my slit. When it passed over my hooded clitoris, I screamed out in pleasure. He licked again, more forcefully this time. As he lapped at me, I enjoyed the waves of pleasure washing over me. I didn’t think it could get any better, but he proved me wrong.
One of his thick fingers slid into my pussy up to the first knuckle. Fuck! I thought. Give me more. Please give me more! Moans escaped me as he stuck the digit all the way in. At the same time, he resumed licking me with his expert tongue. I squirmed as he finger-fucked me faster and faster, eating me out at the same time.
My orgasm snuck up on me quickly. Time had no meaning. All I could concentrate on was his finger sliding in and out of me. With a final, firm swipe of his tongue, he pushed me over the edge. I cried out in ecstasy as bolts of pleasure shot through my body and to my clitoris.
I attempted to catch my breath as my body shook, my stomach moving up and down quickly. He looked up at me again, some of my juices running down his chin. I wanted him so bad in that moment.
“Fuck me,” I begged.
He stood up and got out of his pants. Before he got back down on his knees, I leaned forward and grabbed his ass with my hands. His cock tip – that giant mushroom head – slipped between my lips. I stroked him as I sucked, getting him nice and hard. When he couldn’t take anymore, he stepped away. I leaned back on the couch, spreading my legs wide.
When he stuck it in my tight, wet pussy, I thought I was going to come again right away. He grunted and pushed it all the way in, pausing before sliding it back out. Each penetration filled me completely. I wrapped my legs around him, pushing him in deeper with each stroke. All the while, I stared at his face, coaxing him on with my eyes.
“Fuck, Ash,” he said, breathless.
“Please don’t stop, Cuz.”
I swear my old nickname for him made him harder. He fucked me harder and faster. The friction felt wonderful, like our private parts fit perfectly. His face changed, contorting in pleasure. I reached down and touched his cock as it slid in and out. Seeing his face turned me on so much. I came again, my pussy tightening around him.
“Yes!” he screamed.
His cock throbbed deep inside me. I smiled at him, unable to believe we’d come at the same time. He leaned forward and kissed me on the lips. I threw my arms around him again, hugging tightly. I never wanted to let go, never wanted his cock outside of me. We made the best team, a perfect pair. Gradually, the afterglow faded and reality returned.
We cleaned up and finished the rest of the bottle, swapping stories of growing up. He made me laugh so hard my cheeks hurt. Both of us drunk, we headed to my bedroom. I thought about getting him excited again, but by the time we got undressed and into my bed, I was too tired to try. I curled up next to him, holding him tight. For once in my life, I felt safe.
The next morning, I woke before her. I laid with my head resting on the pillow and watched her sleep. She looks so innocent, I thought, wondering if we had made a good decision sleeping together. I ha d grown the trust fund to just under three hundred million dollars in five years.
All that work was about to go away. Is she worth that much? I put the thought out of my mind as she stirred and opened her eyes. A smile crept over her face when she saw me watching her. I leaned forward and gave her a quick peck on the lips.
“Oh, please. My breath.”
“We’re in this good and bad,” I said with a laugh.
She rolled her eyes. “Anyway. Good morning.”
“Good morning. You sleep okay?”
“Better than I’ve slept in a long time.”
I tried to keep smiling, but it faded from my face.
“What’s wrong?” she asked.
“It’s nothing,” I lied.
“Tell me,” she insisted.
“I was just thinking about all the money I made over the last few years. All my plans are going to go to hell.”
She sat up on her elbow and frowned. “Are you seriously telling me you’re regretting not dumping me and keeping your precious money?”
“No, but I was thinking about it. I put a lot of work in these last few years.”
“And I haven’t?”
Fuck. There’s no getting out of this.
“You want some coffee or breakfast?”
“Don’t change the subject,” she said, getting out of bed.
“Where are you going?”
“The bathroom. Is that okay?”
I watched as she crossed the room. Dressed only in pink panties, she looked as amazing as she had the night before, even with her messy hair. With a deep sigh, I got out of bed and stretched. I reached down and adjusted my balls. She picked that moment to walk back into the room.
“Nice,” she said. “You making breakfast?”
“I’m not a great cook, but I can try.”
“Fine. I’ll make it. Can you get the coffee going?”
“You’re still not a morning-person,” I said.
She rolled her eyes. “Please. It’s too early.”
In the kitchen, I started a pot of coffee while she whipped up a couple of omelettes with red peppers and cheddar cheese. It smelled incredible. I sat down at the table and watched her in front of the stove.
“I didn’t mean to say…”
“It’s okay,” she interrupted. “Let’s just drop it, okay?”
I stood back up and got out a couple of plates as she finished our food. We sat down across from each other. The coffee was warm but good.
“Why don’t I just get you a lawyer,” she said suddenly.
“A lawyer?”
“Yeah, to fight the Knights. I don’t have my money yet, but I bet we could get an attorney to help us if we promised to pay him when I get my inheritance.”
“You would do that for me?” I asked.
“Of course, Josh. I love you too.”
I smiled at her. We both heard a knock at her front door.
“Are you expecting someone?” I asked.
She got up and headed to the living room. I followed close behind. When she opened the door, I saw the private investigator. He still had on the ridiculous black trench coat.
“What do you want?�
�� Ashley asked him.
“Can I come in?”
I walked over. “We’d rather you didn’t. Why are you here?”
“Look, kid. Your time is running out. Are you going to sign the contract or not?”
Ashley glared at me silently.
“Go now before I call the cops,” I said, shutting the door in his face.
“What was that about?” she asked me.
“I told you. They want me to sign papers saying to never see you again.”
“I thought you told them no already.”
“Not yet. I didn’t have time.”
“What about right after he asked you?” she asked, crossing her arms over her chest.
“I like to keep my options open. You know that.”
“Oh, so I’m just an option for you, huh?”
“No, it’s not like that…”
“Then what’s it like?”
“I love you, Ash.”
She stared into my eyes as if trying to decide whether she should trust me.
“Let’s just be on our own until we get to court, okay? I need some time alone.”
“But, Ash. Last night was wonderful. We make a good team. Why are you doing this?”
“Do you know how long I waited for you, Josh? Do you even realize?”
“That’s not fair, Ash.”
“Life isn’t fair, Josh. You need to leave for now, please.”
I shook my head and frowned before I left.
“I’ll call you,” she said as I closed the door behind me.
A string of emotions ran through my mind, all hitting me at the same time. My stomach knotted up. I need a fucking drink. No, that’s not going to help, I thought as I remembered my last binge drinking session. Outside on the street, I hailed a cab. All I had in the world was a few thousand dollars and a motel room for another week. That and a decision to make.
Should I take the money and forget about Ashley? Did I get what I wanted? Are we over now that we’ve fucked? The questions piled up in my mind without answers. Back at the motel, I laid on the old, spring mattress. One of the coils pressed against my hip. I sighed, wondering if my world could get any worse. What should I do?
A month after getting him an attorney, we were in front of a judge for arbitration. All of us had signed an agreement saying the ruling would be binding without having to wait for months for it to go through the normal court system. Josh looked sexy as hell in a black suit and tie. Even I was dressed up, literally in a dress – a little black one.
Mr. and Mrs. Knight sat next to each other at one end of the table. Mr. Goshen, the attorney I’d hired, Josh, and I sat across from them. The judge was in between us, looking over a folder of papers in front of him. I held Josh’s hand under the table, running my thumb over his rough skin. Finally, the old man looked up.
“Are we ready to begin?”
“Yes, your honor,” Mr. Goshen said.
“Yes, sir,” Mr. Knight said, apparently representing himself.
“Good. As you know, my ruling will be binding and final. Neither party may pursue this matter after today’s date.” He cleared his throat. “Now, what we have is a trust fund issue. Mr. and Mrs. Knight want to revoke Josh’s access to the money unless he agrees not to have contact with a Ms. Knight?”
“It’s confusing, your honor,” I said. “We were adopted by them, but we’re not related.”
“And why do you not want these two young people together?” he bluntly asked Mr. Knight.
“We believe she’s a bad influence on our son, your honey,” he said.
The judge pursed his lips together and furrowed his brow, deep in thought.
“Can you explain further?”
“Yes, your honor. We adopted both of them and wanted nothing but the best for them. After spending countless resources on both of them, our daughter Ashley rebelled, determined to make us look back in public and tarnish our family name.”
“I just want to live my own life,” I said.
Mr. Goshen reached out and touched my arm.
“No more outbursts, young lady,” the judge said, stroking his gray beard.
“Your honey, if I may, I’d like to point out Josh signed a contract with us before getting access to his trust fund. In that document, a clause is laid out for situations such as this one where his money might be revoked.”
The judge nodded his head. “I’m aware of the document.”
Fuck, I thought. This is it. What the fuck is our lawyer doing?
“However, as Mr. Goshen has pointed out, you had him sign it before he was eighteen, which means it’s not a legally binding document.”
I loved to see Mr. Knight’s face turn ghost-white.
“You should be ashamed of yourselves,” he said.
After he finished lecturing them, he frowned and turned to our side of the table.
“Unfortunately, since you haven’t filed the proper paperwork, I’m afraid I can’t give you access to the trust fund set up for you.”
“What?” I said, moving to the edge of my chair.
“I’m sorry, but…”
“How can you two do this?” I asked the Knights, staring into their cold eyes. “You’re never going to be grandparents.”
“We are okay with that, dear,” Mr. Knight said.
“No, you don’t understand. I’m carrying Josh’s baby.”
Their eyes opened wide. Mrs. Knight’s lower jaw actually dropped.
“What are you talking about?” Josh asked me.
“I’ll tell you later,” I said quietly.
“You should have told me about this,” Mr. Goshen said.
“You should’ve been more prepared for this meeting,” I snapped.
“Order,” the judge called. “I don’t have a gavel, but everyone be quiet.”
Everyone in the room, including the stenographer, turned to him. Mr. Knight raised his hand. The judge sighed.
“What is it, Mr. Knight?”
“We’d like to withdraw our complaint.”
I looked at Mrs. Knight, who had a tear running down her left cheek.
“We just want you two to be happy,” she said.
“Are you positive?” the judge asked.
Mr. Knight nodded.
“Very well. I end this arbitration in favor of Josh Knight.” He turned to the Knights. “You’ll immediately give him access to his trust fund.”
“Yes. We’d like to see our grandchild…”
“We’ll talk about it,” I said.
Josh nudged me. “Don’t push it,” he hissed. “We won.”
“As your attorney, I agree,” Mr. Goshen said, finally speaking up.
“We’ll be in touch,” I said, standing up. “You ready to go Josh?”
He got to his feet. We walked out of the room holding hands. Mr. Goshen ran to catch up with us in the hallway.
“About my fee…”
“We’ll get in touch with you,” I said, waving him away.
Outside in the parking lot, I stopped and looked into Josh’s hazel eyes.
“Are you okay? You’re being really quiet.”
“I’m just in shock.”
“About getting your money back?”
“No. Our child.”
I smiled and threw my arms around him, hugging him tight. “I thought you might be mad.”
“Ash, I’ve loved you a long time. We’re going to have our own family.”
We took a cab to my apartment. A few weeks later, I got access to my money. After taxes and Mr. Goshen’s outrageous fees, I had forty-two million dollars in my bank account. I almost passed out when I called it up on the computer the first time. Josh also had access to his hundreds of millions, making us one of the richest couples in the whole country.
The wedding plans fell together magically. He agreed to everything I wanted while I let him plan the honeymoon and bachelor party with his friends. Four
weeks after giving birth, we planned to wed on a Hawaiian island. Over the next few months, I fell even more in love with Josh. Our days were great, and our nights were even better.
I walked down the aisle toward the minister. The Knights had recommended the church for the wedding, and in a spirit of moving forward, we agreed to let them help plan some of the details. When I reached the front of the church, I turned to see the crowd gathered for our nuptials. Then she appeared – so angelic and heavenly. Mr. Knight led her down the aisle toward me.
The past and future all condensed into that one moment. I didn’t want it to ever end. She stopped next to me with a smile perched on her face under the white lace veil. Joy flowed through my body. Anything was possible. The future was bright as could be. All the problems we had faced together and apart seemed so distant as we stared at each other.
“We’re gathered here today…” the minister began.
As he spoke, I zoned out, caught up in her beauty until she opened her eyes wide. I turned to the minister, who had stopped speaking.
“Your vows,” he said.
“I promise to take care of you, in sickness and in health, for better or for worse, no matter what we may face for all the years of our life.”
“I promise to take care of you, in sickness and in health,” she repeated. “No matter what happens to us in the years ahead.”
“By the power vested in me, I now pronounce you man and wife. You may kiss your bride.”
Applause erupted from the guests as I lifted the veil, leaned forward, and kissed her on the lips. When we broke off the kiss, we turned to all the people who had shown up for the wedding. Chloe, our beautiful baby girl was in the church’s nursery with the nanny we had hired for her. Everything went smoothly – until the reception.
* * *
While sitting at the main table next to Josh, the white haired lady who had given us a cryptic message about being destined for each other at the hotel in New Orleans. I nudged Josh with my elbow as she approached. He stood up as she made it to the front of our table.
CUZ: Billionaire Stepbrother Romance Page 7