Douluo Dalu - Volume 03 - Monster Academy

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Douluo Dalu - Volume 03 - Monster Academy Page 2

by Tang Jia San Shao

  Coming to the bedroom, the two once again were shaken a moment. Within the bedroom as expected, only was one bed, but this seeming to occupy half the total area of the room big bed was actually heart shaped. Pale red muslin curtains hung down from the ceiling, obstructing the space occupied by the heart shaped big bed, giving people a kind of dreaming fantasy type sense of beauty.

  Red rose bedding, red rose decorated pillows, everything, brought a layer of strong ambiguity, accelerating people’s blood flow.

  Tang San turned his head to Xiao Wu and said:

  “I find, listening to you coming here truly was a mistake. You rest here, I will go outside to the sofa.”

  Xiao Wu did not obstruct Tang San, with cheering sound, a rabbit at once finally pounced on the huge flexible heart shaped bed, excitedly tossing and turning on top, indescribably excited.

  Seeing her appearance, Tang San’s face couldn’t help but slightly smile, a little girl after all was a little girl. In passing closing the bedroom door, walking out to sit cross legged on the sofa, immediately beginning to exercise harmonizing breath.

  For these several years, although Tang San passed a monotonous life, it also made him form very good habits, not only was strength promoted, his will also became even steadier. Even if he was still only twelve years old, he already conducted himself somewhat as an adult person. Of course, in Xiao Wu’s description, he was aging prematurely.

  Pure Mysterious Heaven skill internal strength slowly flowed within the body, Tang San’s mind began replaying the details of his fight with Dai Mubai. Repeating the scene of the fight, clearly paying attention to the wins and losses of the fight, this was an inner quality Grandmaster instructed him was necessary for a battle spirit master to conduct. Ordinarily, he was practically always training with Xiao Wu, this time facing an opponent who still was compared to him a more formidable opponent. Although the hand to hand fighting process was not at all long, it still had not a few advantages to Tang San’s battle experience.

  With the fantastic diversity of spirits, with many spirit masters possessing every kind of spirit, hand to hand fighting was extremely important.

  Gradually recalling the scene of Dai Mubai using White Tiger Vajra Transformation, Tang San in his heart thought to himself, White Tiger Vajra Transformation’s attack could reach what unknown degree, but after that defence increase, on the body added golden light should be similar to the Body Protecting Big Dipper Tail qi. Among his hidden weapons were a few kinds that specialized in breaking Big Dipper Tail qi, unknown to him whether they were useful.

  Blue silver grass was not what Tang San relied on the most, hidden weapons was. In these several years, along with inner strength elevating, his hidden weapons cultivation also increased substantially, in Hidden Weapons Hundred Separation, he already had not few kinds of hidden weapons he could use. But he never dared neglect the guiding principles taught in Mysterious Heaven Treasure Record: in anything less than a moment of crisis, absolutely cannot lightly use, nothing more. This was his secret, even if it was Xiao Wu, also only knew one and understood half.

  Part 4

  This time Tang San’s cultivation continued for a very long time, only midway casually eat a bit of dinner with Xiao Wu. The cultivation time length, first was because his Mysterious Heaven skill already reached equivalent to twenty ninth ranked spirit power late stage, almost entering thirtieth rank threshold. Therefore his cultivation took particularly great effort, in order to as quickly as possible break through the thirtieth rank to go look for his third spirit ring.

  An additional reason, closely related to his hand to hand fight with Dai Mubai, Dai Mubai reminded Tang San that even better skill was also necessary support to power. Like the fight between them, at the beginning when neither used spirit, Tang San relied on exquisite Controlling Crane Capturing Dragon with Mysterious Jade Hand’s properties, making Dai Mubai have a bit of disadvantage. But just after Dai Mubai used spirit white tiger body enhancement, Tang San’s Controlling Crane Catching Dragon was very difficult to get to act. This was just the gap of power.

  After careful analysis determining Dai Mubai’s power, Tang San found, if he basically wanted to defeat him, the best means was to as quickly as possible upgrade his spirit power, letting his spirit power approach Dai Mubai, he must also at least possess the third spirit ring ability to be able to contend with him. Even if it was hidden weapons, Mysterious Heaven skill support had even higher importance, as power would also substantially increase.

  “Little San, Ge, accompany me to go out to play, all right? Always in this room, don’t you find it unbearable stuffy?”

  Early morning, Xiao Wu took advantage of Tang San being busy eating breakfast’s and unable to complain.

  Tang San smiled slightly saying:

  “You and I are not alike, your innate talent is intrinsically different: while without cultivating your strength can continuously rise, I still am a clumsy bird flying early, ah. You also saw, Dai Mubai was also a Shrek Academy’s student, what was his strength? Since having this kind of strength, maybe ranked second or third. This Shrek Academy cannot be like our original Nuoding, it will not again be your mouthpiece. Without as much as possible elevating strength, afterwards how can I honour my promise to protect you?”

  Xiao Wu discontentedly pouted, without speaking, pulled on Tang San’s arm, big eyes brimming with hidden complaints gazing at him. Abundant ‘if you do not promise to accompany me to go out, I will not let go’ meaning.

  Tang San held by her truly was without any method, helplessly nodding, said:

  “Very well, anyway tomorrow we go to sign up at Shrek Academy. In a moment I will accompany you to go out to stroll, only must return by noon, in the afternoon you cannot again disturb my cultivation.”


  Xiao Wu’s melodious voice was brimming with elation, the hidden complaints in her eyes also swept away as if by magic, this acting skill of hers, long ago already reached the degree of bright green stove fire.

  Rose Hotel’s service was extremely good, just when Tang San and Xiao Wu went out, they happened to see a servant pushing a fresh rose cart, and on asking, found out the red roses in this Red Ocean room were unexpectedly replaced every day. Even if roses were of little value, with these amounts, the cost still was not small. Tang San tried to ask the cost of the room, and at this discovered, how much of a wise decision was his agreement yesterday to that manager Wang letting them these few days for free.

  Out of the Rose Hotel, Tang San asked Xiao Wu:

  “Where do you want to go?”

  Xiao Wu put on an indifferent expression,

  “Strolling at random, going wherever. So long as not being stuffed into the room it’s all well.”

  Previously at Nuoding, she ordinarily had a big crowd of young brothers around for escort, like that indeed a Little Overlord existence. Originally that former student boss Xiao Chen-Yu although long ago graduated to go to intermediate spirit master academy, but his family’s influence in Nuoding City was not small, so since he sincerely admired Xiao Wu, naturally also had the people at his home look after her, consequently, living in Nuoding Xiao Wu could be considered being like a fish in water.

  Used to noise and bustle, right now at her side only having one Tang San, she naturally was somewhat unused to.

  The two strolled towards the inside of the city walls, Suotuo City was worthy of being a Lord level city, although it was still morning, it was already an extremely bustling scene.

  The rhythm of life in the city clearly was much faster compared the leisurely Nuoding City, the pedestrians coming and going for the most part had a busy appearance.

  A variety of shops were like glittering jewels to delight the eye, after Tang San was pulled by Xiao Wu to turn into several clothes shops, he already had a feeling somewhat like fainting with blurred vision.

  Fortunately, Xiao Wu sufficiently displayed reflection on strolling without money, only looking not buying, not letting the
two’s common purse deflate.

  Suotuo City’s prices were at least thirty percent higher compared to Nuoding City, especially on goods was this even clearer, but the quality also was somewhat better compared to Nuoding City. Of course, this still was because Nuoding City was a border city market, if it was an interior small town market, then it would be even more distant from being able to compare to Suotuo City.

  “Yi, little San, look there.”

  Xiao Wu called out amazed. Outside, she generally would call Tang San as little San, only when it was only the two of them would she call him Ge. To call it by a glorified name, this was a secret between two people. Tang San also did not care about these, she had her reasons.

  “What clothing shop is it now, ah? Great young Miss, should we not find some place to eat, then afterwards go back?”

  Xiao Wu pulled at his hand, bouncing and vivacious saying:

  “Look, ah, quickly look. Over there seems spirit master related.”

  Tang San’s gaze followed the direction of her finger, only seeing a distant shop, front not very large, but the store’s suspended signboard stood out from the masses.

  On the shop sign was portrayed a round mark, with several unusual symbols above. Ordinary people might not understand the meaning of these symbols, but Tang San and Xiao Wu knew. Because some of the symbols were the same as on the Spirit Hall token tiles.

  Respectively they were a sword, a hammer and a blue lightning tyrant dragon. Three symbols fitted together, like Grandmaster’s Spirit hall license token tile. For some reason appeared on a shops signboard.

  Part 5

  “Let’s go have a look.”

  Tang San brought Xiao Wu towards the shop.

  The shop’s door was open, inside looking somewhat dusky, as the two entered, an unusual energy fluctuation immediately attracted their attention, and this kind of energy fluctuation very similar to within Spirit Hall, but it was weaker. Through Grandmaster’s instruction, Tang San knew, this was caused by spirit tools.

  Among spirit tools all possessed spirit power fluctuations, if not used by people and bound by their spirit power, spirit power would appear in all circumstances.

  Spirit tools for the most part did not possess offensive effects, and could only manage some simple assistance, despite this, spirit tools were also extremely rare. Passed down spirit tools could be all said to be antiques, because its manufacture method was already lost.

  Inside the shop was only one person, they also did not see a counter, on the walls on three sides hung some articles, looking like already very old, also not appearing a but valuable.

  That one person sat in a wooden deck chair, rocking the chair with eyes closed.

  He appeared to be around fifty years old, although not young, his stature was very thick and strong, swaying along with that sturdy looking deck chair, under his weight issuing a creaking sound.

  This person’s face was very characteristic, chin somewhat prominent, cheek bones very wide, in addition a bit aquiline nose. If insisting on using a kind of thing to describe him, then, one could only say his face had some similarity to the sole of a shoe. Although the eyes were closed, he seemingly had a somewhat devious feeling.

  On his face was a set of black framed crystal glasses, frames with a kind of rigid squares, when looking, all had a kind of strange feeling.

  Tang San and Xiao Wu entering inside the shop was unable to wake him, he still breathed evenly swaying on his deck chair.

  Xiao Wu was curiously looking everywhere,

  “Little San, are these all spirit tools?”

  Tang San’s gaze shifted from the middle aged man to the goods hanging on the wall, nodding, said:

  “This I also don’t know, unless I brought down each to test with spirit power, only using eyes to look I can’t make it out at all.”

  While speaking, he walked up to a wall, gaze falling on a chunk of crystal the size of a person’s head. Gaze immediately freezing somewhat.

  That chunk of crystal looked entirely unremarkable, it was transparent, the inside having large yellow impurities. Hanging closest to the door. But this chunk of crystal made Tang San’s heartbeat speed up in a moment, a light in his eyes continuously shining. How he also didn’t anticipate, unexpectedly would in this kind of shop, this kind of place, see this kind of crystal.

  Xiao Wu naturally discovered Tang San’s change,

  “Little San, whyever are you looking at that crystal for? It wouldn’t be easy to find a crystal inside more lacking than this one. This crystal has not a bit of lustre, transparency is also lacking, also without additional color, purple crystal is the most precious. You aren’t planning to buy this thing, right?”

  What Xiao Wu didn’t expect was, Tang San unexpectedly nodded confirmation,

  “I will buy this crystal, only I do not know the price.”

  “Not so expensive, one hundred gold spirit coins.”

  Lazily, a bit magnetic hoarse voice rose. Not knowing whether it was because this speaking owner had a bit of a lisp, his words were somewhat inarticulate. Fortunately only Tang San and Xiao Wu were here, inside the store was very quiet, able to clearly distinguish what he said.

  Tang San did not say anything, but Xiao Wu fiercely turned her head,

  “This broken crystal, still is a hundred gold spirit coins, you might as well rob us.”

  The middle aged man in the deck chair opened his eyes, without at all leaving his seat,

  “One hundred gold spirit coins, already is my most inexpensive offer. If buying then at once take out the money, if not buying then please leave.”

  Finished speaking, he again closed his eyes.

  Xiao Wu angry, would step forward, but was grasped by Tang San,

  “Fine, I’ll buy it.”

  In these several years, Tang San also had certain savings, his expenses were ordinarily very small, and the majority of his income was all saved up. In particular since reaching spirit grandmaster level, the stipend he received every month from Spirit Hall became ten gold spirit coins, right now Tang San plus Xiao Wu’s net worth, also was more than seven hundred gold spirit coins.

  “Tang San, are you all right?”

  Xiao Wu raised her hand to feel Tang San’s forehead, making sure he did not have a fever.

  Tang San made an expression towards Xiao Wu, again softly shaking his head, right hand lightly touching Twenty Four Moonlit Bridges at his waist, a purse just right to fit one hundred gold spirit coins appeared in his grasp. Turning around to walk to that middle aged man and handing it over.

  The middle aged man’s eyes didn’t open,

  “Your money is not enough.”

  Tang San said:

  “This is one hundred gold spirit coins right enough.”

  The middle aged man’s indistinct voice indifferently said:

  “But my crystal is going for two hundred gold spirit coins.”

  This time Xiao Wu could no longer show restraint,

  “This is extortion, just now you still said one hundred, and then it also became two hundred. No wonder you have no business. Little San, we won’t buy it, let’s leave.”

  Tang San shook his head towards Xiao Wu, looking at the middle aged man said:

  “You definitely won’t alter it again?”

  Perhaps that crystal to other people’s point of view was without any use, but to his eyes, compared to Heavenly treasures it was still more important. Let alone two hundred gold spirit coins, even if it was ten thousand gold spirit coins, as long as he had it, he would definitely buy it.

  The middle aged man lazily said:

  “Fine, five hundred gold spirit coins, won’t change. Fish out the money and you take it away right now, otherwise please leave.

  From one hundred going to two hundred, also from two hundred going to five hundred, this time, including Tang San’s endurance was somewhat unable to brace. Putting away his purse, towards Xiao Wu he said:

  “We’re leaving.”

Xiao Wu ferociously glared at that middle aged man,

  “Already should have left, dealings with this kind of deceitful geriatric, practically is an insult to our intelligence.”

  Chapter 016: Plate Crystal Hair Gold Dragon Beard Needle

  Part 1

  Tang San did not take out five hundred gold spirit coins, he and Xiao Wu were on the verge of entering Shrek Academy, after passing, would need to use money in all respects. They still did not know how much Shrek Academy was. He could not because of this cause effect he and Xiao Wu’s entering the Academy. After all, this time they already no longer were reduced tuition working students.

  Somewhat reluctant to part with the sight of that muddy crystal, Tang San sighed in his heart, he could only later again look for an opportunity. Like this he walked towards the outside.

  “If you are leaving because you don’t have the money, I can accept the previous two hundred gold spirit coins, and slowly pay the remainder. Every month pay ten. No more than ten percent interest.”

  Xiao Wu found his lisping voice very disagreeable,

  “Profiteer, why don’t you drop dead? Practically even in the coffin holding out your hand, charging the dead.”

  Xiao Wu was easily riled, but Tang San was not an impulsive person, hearing that middle aged man’s words, in his heart he was slightly startled, every month paying ten gold coins? Could he know I am a spirit grandmaster level spiritmaster? Otherwise, why just right to match my income?

  Tang San could be sure, in previous course of events, that middle aged man’s body had not released a trace of spirit power, it would be impossible to examine his and Xiao Wu’s spirit power intensity, if under these kinds of circumstances he could determine his and Xiao Wu’s spirit level, then, this person was too scary.

  If speaking of Dai Mubai giving the feeling he was sharply radiating all around, then, this person seeming like a crafty middle aged person actually was incomprehensible

  Tang San grabbed Xiao Wu’s shoulder, shaking his head towards her, indicating she must not be impulsive, he once again walked into the shop, up to that middle aged uncle saying,


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