God Has Spoken

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God Has Spoken Page 25

by Theresa A. Campbell

  Eleanor squeezed him tight in gratitude. “Now I have to tell the family what’s going on. They deserve to know,” she said in reference to Mama Pearl and her sons.

  Dwight clicked his teeth together. “Officer Gregg might not be around for our meeting after all. You’re worried about me. Wait until the guys get their hands on him.”

  Eleanor shuddered at the thought. Lord have mercy.

  Chapter Fifty

  Silence blanketed the room. Mama Pearl sat beside Eleanor as stiff as a statue, her lips folded so tight Eleanor feared they would fuse together. Sydney, Robert, Alwayne, Gerald, and Omar were rendered speechless, tears running unashamedly down their faces. To see these grown men openly crying for her touched Eleanor’s heart. Dwight, who had heard the story a few times, with every time seeming like the first time, was hunched over on the chair where he sat, his face almost resting in his lap.

  “So that’s my story,” Eleanor finally said in a teary voice. “That’s how I came to be a part of this wonderful family that saved my life.”

  “I. Am. Going. To. Kill. Him,” Omar spat through his teeth. “As a matter of fact, both of them are dead. Officers Gregg and Bailey are about to meet the devil up close and personal. I’m going to make sure of it.” He took a handkerchief from his pocket and wiped his face.

  “No, they are mine,” Gerald said a little above a whisper in a deadly tone. “I’m going to show these lowlifes the penalty for abusing young girls and dishonoring the badge I have proudly worn for over twenty years.”

  “Let me take care of it.” Robert blew his nose loudly into his handkerchief. “I know people. I’m going to make a call now and by tonight they are dead.”

  “No, I got—”

  “Enough!” Mama Pearl’s voice sounded like rolling thunder as it ricocheted around the living room. “I raised law-abiding, God-fearing men, not murderers. Now if I didn’t have the Holy Spirit dwelling in me, I would say those men deserve all that and more. But Romans 12:19 reads, ‘Dearly beloved, avenge not yourselves, but rather give place unto wrath: for it is written, Vengeance is mine; I will repay, saith the Lord.’”

  “Well, I’m going to help out the Lord.” Omar peeked at his mother’s austere face before quickly looking away.

  Mama Pearl tugged Eleanor closer to her side, her arm around her shoulder. “My heart aches for you, baby.” She kissed Eleanor’s forehead. “I wish all those things hadn’t happened to you, but you probably wouldn’t have been in our lives had they not. See, what the devil meant for evil, God turned around for your good. I know you are a stronger, wiser, and better person because of it.”

  Eleanor leaned closer and hugged her. “I am, Mama Pearl. Thanks be to God.” Just then Eleanor’s cell phone rang in her handbag that sat in her lap. She reached in, pulled it out, and flipped it open to answer the call. “Hello? Yes. Okay, my husband and I will be there shortly.” Eleanor ended the call and noticed every eye was trained on her. “That was Beverly Gregg. Dwight and I are going to meet her and her husband at the Wyndham Hotel.”


  “Like heck you are.”

  “You must be crazy.”

  The five brothers were speaking at once, their outrage splashed across their faces. Even Mama Pearl was staring at Eleanor as if she had lost her mind. Omar and Gerald got up and began pacing the floor angrily.

  “Baby, do you think that’s wise?” Mama Pearl leaned her head toward Dwight, her eyebrows rising and falling questioningly. “I can understand why you want to do this but . . .”

  “I’m going with my wife, Mama Pearl.” Dwight’s face seemed to be carved in stone. “We are in this together all the way.”

  “I know, Dwight, but you might not be able to control yourself.”

  “We are meeting in the hotel’s restaurant. I don’t want any witnesses around, so I won’t kill him today,” Dwight replied as serious as a judge.

  The other men smirked with satisfaction, nodding their approval.

  “We’ll get him when he least expects it, my friend,” said hot-tempered Omar. “He won’t even see us coming.”

  Mama Pearl peered from face to face, giving them the evil eye, but her sons turned their attention elsewhere, not ready to give in to their mother’s admonishment.

  “You guys are going to behave yourselves.” Eleanor stood to her feet and placed her handbag over her shoulder. “There won’t be any killing going on here.” She walked from one stiff-postured man to the other, kissing one cheek after the other. “I love you,” she repeated to each of them. “I loveeee you,” she said as she kissed Mama Pearl good-bye.

  Dwight gingerly got to his feet and took his wife’s hand in his. “Well, let’s get this over with.”

  “Good luck,” Mama Pearl called as the couple walked out the door, leaving her with her furious sons.

  Chapter Fifty-one

  Eleanor’s knees felt wobbly as she walked with Dwight behind the waitress escorting them across the restaurant, through mazes of tables and chairs, her hand clutched tightly in his. Breathing deeply through her mouth, her heart felt like it was doing somersaults in her chest. “I can do this,” Eleanor muttered under her breath. She felt Dwight’s hand tightened on hers and gave him a reaffirmed squeeze.

  Then there they were: Officer and Mrs. Anthony Gregg seated around a table for four in the back of the restaurant. They quickly jumped to their feet when they saw Eleanor, Dwight, and the waitress approaching.

  “Here is your party that has been waiting for you.” The waitress waved her hand toward the Greggs. “I’ll give you a few minutes, and I’ll be back to take your orders.” She sashayed away on high stiletto heels, leaving an awkward silence behind her.

  After nineteen years, Eleanor and Officer Gregg came face-to-face. The two stared at each other as if the meeting was a figment of their imagination. Dwight slipped his arm protectively around his wife’s waist, pulling her closer to his side. This is the man I was infatuated with as a teenager, Eleanor thought as she looked at the now older, still handsome, Anthony Gregg. The man who got me pregnant and almost killed me when I told him about it. The man who is responsible for me running away from my daughter for all these years. But where was the anger?

  Officer Gregg took a few slow steps toward Eleanor with Beverly right on his heels. Dwight stepped before Eleanor with his fists clenched and stood face-to-face with the man he wanted so badly to punch in the face.

  “I’m so sorry,” Officer Gregg said in a very humbled voice, tears wetting his eyes. “I was a monster.”

  “Do you know how badly I want to get at you—huh?” Dwight took two long steps and bridged the small gap until he was nose to nose with Officer Gregg. “I want to wipe up the floor with your pathetic—” Dwight stopped when he felt Eleanor’s arm around his waist.

  “You promised,” she whispered to him, poking him a little in the side. “Why don’t we all sit down and talk,” she said to the Greggs.

  Relieved, Officer Gregg and Beverly both hurried back to the table and took their seats. Eleanor gently tugged on a red-faced Dwight, who reluctantly dragged himself over to the table. He pulled out Eleanor’s chair for her to sit before he threw himself in the other, his chest rising and falling in anger.

  “You both have every right to be angry.” Beverly’s pain-filled eyes went back and forth between Eleanor and Dwight. “Tiny, what we did to you and Dupree was despicable.”

  “It’s Eleanor now. I left Tiny behind when you both ran me out of town.”

  “You must hate me, and you have a right to.” Officer Gregg stared down at his hands clasped together on the table.

  “I used to but surprisingly, not anymore.” Eleanor looked at him sincerely. “The Lord has made a big difference in my life. So has this wonderful man that He blessed me with as my husband and my adopted family that rescued me from the streets. It took many years, many nightmares, and a lot of work, but I’m in a better place. It will only get better when my daughter forgives me and welcomes
me into her life.”

  “Tiny . . . I mean, Eleanor, I’m so sorry. If I could go back and do it all over again, I would.” Officer Gregg wiped the tears that escaped down his face. “I was a different person back then. Please believe me. I’m sorry for the way I treated you and our daughter. You both deserved better.”

  “Me too,” said Beverly. “I’m not making excuses for what I did, but the devil played us like a flute. I’m a better person now. I know you probably regret ever knowing us, but—”

  “I don’t.” Eleanor leaned back in her chair, her eyes locked with the older woman. “If I should say that I regretted everything, that would include Dupree, and that’s not the case. I love my daughter. What I regret is everything bad that happened to separate us and the hurt and suffering Dupree endured.”

  “I won’t give up until Dupree gives me another chance. It will take her some time, but she is a kindhearted young woman.” Officer Gregg’s eyes shone brightly like a proud father. “I don’t deserve her, or even your, forgiveness, Eleanor, but I am hopeful. I would also like to ask yours as well, Mr. Humphrey.” He stole a glance at Dwight who had been silent all this time, listening and watching what was going on.

  “Let’s keep the focus right now on my stepdaughter,” Dwight replied in a hard voice. “By the way, where is that other creep Officer Bailey?” The “officer” was emphasized with disdain.

  Officer Gregg’s mouth opened wide as he looked from Dwight to Eleanor. “Bailey?”

  Eleanor nodded and told them of her horrifying encounter with him.

  Beverly sobbed silently, Dwight’s nostrils flared dangerously, and Officer Gregg was rendered speechless.

  “My God, that’s what he meant,” Officer Gregg said after a few seconds. “Dear Lord . . .” He closed his eyes tightly but not enough to stop the tears from pouring out. “I . . . I . . . I’m so, so, sorry, Eleanor. It’s my fault.”

  Officer Gregg admitted that he had confided in Officer Bailey and told him about his affair with Tiny and her being pregnant. He also told him of the threats he made against Tiny to keep her quiet. “He told me I should have shut you up permanently.” Officer Gregg looked at Eleanor with remorse. “I told him I wasn’t a killer, and I just let it go. It wasn’t until about nine years later that he came to me and told me you had come back to town, but he took care of you for good this time. At first I was scared that he had harmed you, but he assured me he never hurt you. He refused to give me any details, only that he had put you back on a bus to Kingston.”

  Officer Gregg felt his wife’s accusing eyes on him but refused to look in her direction. This was the first time Beverly was hearing about this. He hung down his head in shame.

  “No wonder he died the way he did,” Beverly said through her teeth. “He was actually going to kill her!”

  “Died?” Eleanor looked at Officer Gregg for an explanation. “Officer Bailey is dead?”

  “You mean someone beat me to it?” Dwight sat up straight in his chair, ignoring the stern look that his wife threw his way.

  Officer Gregg informed them that two years ago, Officer Bailey had failed to turn up for work. This was unusual because if he wasn’t going to work, he would have had someone cover for him, which he didn’t. Two of his concerned colleagues went to his house to check on him. They found Officer Bailey in the bedroom. He was naked, tied to the bedpost, a bullet hole in his forehead, his neck cut from ear to ear, and his severed penis stuffed into his mouth. Officer Bailey died with his eyes wide open.

  Eleanor felt sick to her stomach. Astounded, she pressed her hand over her mouth to keep down her breakfast from that morning. Thank God she hadn’t yet eaten lunch.

  Dwight turned away his head in disgust. The man was a beast, but did he deserve that? It was obvious someone thought he did.

  “The house was stripped of everything, except the four walls and his deathbed,” Officer Gregg continued. “In a hidden cellar in the kitchen, the police found tons of marijuana. I guess his killer or killers missed that. None of us knew exactly where he came from and no one came forth to claim the body, so four of us got together and buried him in the local cemetery. Except for us, no one else attended the funeral. There was an investigation, but we got no leads. The case is still open, but I seriously doubt it will ever be solved. No one is saying a word.”

  Instantly, Galatians 6:7 came to Eleanor’s mind. “Be not deceived; God is not mocked: for whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap.”

  Eleanor began, “What a horrifying way to die. I mean—”

  “There he is!” came Omar’s angry voice before all hell broke loose in the restaurant.

  Chapter Fifty-two

  Officer Gregg’s head snapped back as Omar’s fist made contact with his jaw, knocking him out of his chair, onto the floor. Surprised, Eleanor, Beverly, and Dwight jumped up out of their chairs and away from the table, the ladies screaming loudly.

  In a split second the five brothers were on Officer Gregg like a pack of wolves. The table and two chairs were flipped over, sending glasses of water and utensils flying.

  “Stop it!” Eleanor shouted as Gerald picked up Officer Gregg by his shirt like a rag doll, setting him on his feet. Officer Gregg had blood pouring from the side of his mouth. His left eye was blood red and was already getting swollen.

  Robert rushed forward and took the opportunity to punch Officer Gregg in the gut. He doubled over in pain but was snapped back up by Gerald who now held him in a neck hold.

  Screams echoed around the room, chairs and tables turned over as panicked customers fell over each other, hurrying to get out the door when Gerald pulled out his gun and held it to Officer Gregg’s head. Soon the restaurant was empty, except for the brothers, Dwight, Eleanor, Officer Gregg and Beverly.

  “So you like to threaten young girls, right? You like to get them pregnant and intimidate them, Officer Gregg?” Gerald hissed in Officer Gregg’s ear.

  “Please, please, don’t do that,” Beverly begged, snot and tears running down her face. “He regrets everything and is now a better man.”

  “Kill him, Gerald,” Omar shouted, his fists folded, moving his head back and forth as if he was in a boxing ring.

  “Gerald, man, you don’t want to do this.” Dwight moved closer to him. “You are the good cop.”

  “I’ll get you off, my brother,” Alwayne said with confidence. “I am one of the best lawyers in Jamaica. Shoot the fool.”

  Officer Gregg whimpered in pain as he struggled to breathe but surprisingly he never made a move in his defense or even tried to break away from the man who held him. It was almost as if he felt the assault was justified.

  “You are a disgrace to the police force,” Gerald bellowed. “I should just pull the trigger.”

  “What are you waiting—?”

  “Stop ittttttttttt!” Eleanor’s voice reverberated around the empty room, bouncing off the walls, slamming into everyone’s eardrums. The room was stunned into silence, all eyes now focused on her. Slowly, one small step at a time, she walked over to Gerald and Officer Gregg. “Let him go, now.” Low but firm, no questions asked, only a swift response required.

  Gerald dropped his hands to his sides, his mouth slightly opened as he stared at Eleanor. Officer Gregg bent over, his hands resting on his knees, coughing loudly. Beverly ran over to him, rubbing his back as he sucked air into his lungs.

  Eleanor angrily peered from one face to another, her eyes were narrowed to a slit, her eyebrows almost meeting in the middle of her forehead. No one had ever seen her this mad before, including her husband. “Kill him? Really? Kill him?” She eyeballed Omar, who met her eyes, still fuming. “That’s not who you are,” Eleanor said as she turned to Gerald. “You are a great father, husband, cop, son, and brother. You can’t throw all that away.”

  “What’s going on in here?” a short, heavyset man ran in, breathing heavily. “Why are you destroying my place?” he yelled, stomping his stubby feet, his eyes bugging out of his head as h
e quickly scanned the mess in the restaurant. “I’m calling the police right now to arrest all of you.”

  “Hi, Mr. Pamoody,” Alwayne said as he calmly strolled over to the restaurant manager, who was actually one of his clients. “Sorry about the mess.”

  “Alwayne? You did all this?” Mr. Pamoody took a closer look at the faces of those who remained. His mouth dropped open in surprise when he saw Gerald. “I guess I don’t need to call the police, huh? What do you know? I already have one at the crime scene!”

  “Calm down, Mr. Pamoody.” Alwayne moved closer to the owner. “This was all just a big misunderstanding. My brothers and I will pay for all the damage that was done.”

  “Oh, really?” Mr. Pamoody nodded his head as if in agreement, a cynical smile on his face. “Tell me something, Counselor. Who is going to defend you when I sue your behind for destroying my place and running off all my customers?” he shouted, his nostrils opened up like a funnel.

  “Mr. Pamoody.” Dwight strolled over to the angry man. “We will definitely compensate you for your losses.”

  “Well, well, well. If it isn’t Mr. CEO himself.” Mr. Pamoody looked Dwight up and down, the dollar signs almost transparent in his greedy eyes. “I really should call the police.” He briefly glanced at Gerald. “Ones that are not pulling out guns in public restaurants and threatening to kill a civilian in front of dozens of witnesses. But I think we might be able to work this out among ourselves.”

  “Thank you.” Dwight shook the man’s hand. “We will get together next week and take care of it.”

  Mr. Pamoody nodded happily. “I’ll go and get some workers to come and clean up all this mess.” He hurried away as pleased as a puss in boots.

  “I’m going to take him up to his room,” Beverly announced, drawing everyone’s attention to her and Officer Gregg. “Eleanor, can we call you tomorrow?”


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