Meet Me Halfway

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Meet Me Halfway Page 8

by Xyla Turner

  Taking off my jacket, blouse, jeans, bra, panties, shoes and socks, I stood looking daringly at him in my birthday suit. His eyes casually roamed my body as I walked slowly to him and slid to my knees when I was a few feet away. His eyes grew heavy but when I started to crawl on all fours to reach him, they turned wild.

  "Fuck," he hissed.

  My fingers unbuckled his belt and unzipped his pants, so I could grab his hot, thick and long cock from his briefs. It was hard and felt like silk in my hands. Moving closer, I kissed the tip, so the pre-cum was on my lips, then I slowly licked it off.

  Knox’s eyes closed as his head tilted back. His large hands displayed white-knuckles as he gripped the sheets and the moan that escaped Knox shook the room.

  "Fuck, Nina," he uttered.

  With that encouragement, I wrapped my lips around his cock and begin to slowly slide them up and down his shaft. He was salty to the taste but deliciously hard. My tongue played with the vein that ran jagged underneath his large length.

  "You feel so fucking good," Knox moaned as he grabbed me by the hair.

  The roots pulled against my scalp but I kept sucking his hard cock. His fist tightened and I knew he was loving every moment of the blow job. A beat later, he pulled me off him and said, "Not coming in your mouth first. Got to feel you wrapped around me, so I'm releasing in that tight pussy."

  My core pulsed as the rugged man used his normal crass words. I loved it and he knew it. Knox reversed our roles so I was lying on the bed and he was standing to take off his clothes. Wiggling my hips back on the bed, I parted my legs for the invitation of the only man who seemed to light my fire.

  "What do you want?" Knox asked as he placed one knee on the bed.

  My eyes met his and I smiled. "Just want you."

  He watched me for a bit, then he crawled towards me and said, "You already got that darlin'."

  His body descended on mine and Knox licked my lips before he took them completely. His arm lifted my left leg over his shoulder and once his scorching cock hovered near my wet center, Knox pushed inside. My breath hitched and he groaned, a signal of relief for both of us.

  "God," he breathed. "You're so goddamn tight."

  His lips connected with mine as he rocked us onto cloud ten. Sweat dripped from his body but I held on with a monster grip or I'd have slid away.

  "You feel so good," he uttered against my lips.

  "Yes, Knox." He kept rocking into me. "God, yes."

  "Darlin'," his voice was strained. "I'm coming."

  My body clung to his as his thrusts started to become erratic but I didn't want to let him go. I wanted him inside of me. All of him.

  "Nina," he growled.

  "Come," I whispered in his ear. "Cum for me."

  With a loud howl, Knox released his seed inside of me while his fingers dug into my ass. He stayed there for a while as I rubbed the perspiration in circles on his back to calm him. When he finally lifted, he rolled to the side on a sigh.

  "Girl," he whistled.

  I laughed and went to get up but his quick arm caught my wrist.

  "Where you going?" he asked.

  "Just to clean up," I said.

  He shook his head.

  "No, darlin', no point in cleaning if you gonna dirty again." He yanked me back down. "Let a man catch his breath because now it’s your turn." Knox pulled me into him and whispered, "So glad you came though."

  If I didn't know any better, I'd think the rough and tough cowboy was being sentimental.

  True to form, Knox delivered on my turn and after having me scream like it was the last night of my life, I wouldn't doubt his bed skills ever again. He was long winded, silver tongued and kinky as hell. There would be no complaints from me.

  The next day, I woke up to the smell of breakfast and more importantly coffee in the air. I was in his bedroom and there was a baby blue and white robe folded on the bed. It had to be for me because those colors were too feminine for Knox. After cleaning up a bit, I put it on and went downstairs to find Knox in the kitchen with country music playing.

  That was surely a sight to see.

  Big, tall and husky man with a spatula in hand, bare-chest covered with fine hair, shorts, socks and mussed hair.



  His head rose and he saw me staring at him. One side of his mouth rose and he said, "Get over here."

  Slowly, I walked towards him. He wrapped his large arm around my waist to pull me in for a kiss.

  "Morning." Knox smiled, showing that dimple of his that can barely be seen.

  "Morning." I laughed. "Cooking, huh?"

  "Yeah, figured you'd be hungry for real food this morning." He chuckled.

  "Among other things, yeah."

  On the counter was turkey bacon, omelets and sliced fresh fruit. The coffee maker was open with the individual packets inside.

  "Have a seat." He tapped my hip. "I'm done."

  Moving towards the chair where there were two place settings, I sat down and took a deep breath. How did I get here? How did we get here? This was intimate.

  Very intimate.

  Once he finished with everything, he brought over all the food and Knox Timms served me breakfast. I wasn't a huge omelet fan, but after one bite I was sold.

  "Wow, this is delicious," I hummed.

  "Yeah?" He nodded. "Glad you like it."

  Knox sat down and we ate the food, laughed and shared our traveling stories over empty plates. It was very domesticated of us but very relaxing. I would have never thought that sitting around with someone you like and you’re attracted to, could be so fulfilling.

  Almost a sense of freedom.

  After breakfast, Knox took me out of town to a wine tasting because he said that sounded like shit I'd do. He also said he didn't want me to be around town so the folks could pepper me with questions. Apparently, they flocked to Tess like a moth to a flame. Asking her 'black' questions and referring to Seinfeld and Wendy Williams.

  That was so funny, I nearly snorted the water from my nose in Knox's truck.

  "Well, I'm glad you think it's funny because we're going to have to go into town tomorrow." Knox shook his head.


  “Pops ain't seen me in a minute and sent the cavalry to fetch me out. You're here so you can be my buffer," he said, in a matter of fact manner.

  "Well, Knox. How do you really feel?" My eyes squinted at him in mock anger.

  "Yeah, that's how I feel, darlin'." He sighed.

  "Fine. Is there going to be a dinner?" I asked.

  "Nope, it's at the alley." He pressed on the gas to go up the hill. "You bowl?"

  "Nope, I simply talk trash."

  He laughed at my very real joke.

  "Glad you're here," Knox said as he put his heavy hand on my thigh.

  That shut me up because we didn't really do all of that. Our situation was simple, until we both decided otherwise. His comment also did not stop me from putting my hand on top of his for the remainder of our drive.

  That night, he had something else in store. When I entered the bedroom, I saw a flogger on the bed along with a long but thin whip.

  “Holy shit,” I mumbled.

  “Like that, huh?” Knox said in my ear.

  “Only if you know how to use it,” I chided him.

  Before my next breath, Knox had me up in the air and eventually I bounced on the bed, screaming and laughing.

  “Know how to use it?” He prowled towards me with a look in his eye. “Clothes off.”

  That was not a request but a command that I immediately obeyed. He was one hot Iowan and God he was sexy as hell. Knox grabbed the flogger and ran it across his hands.

  “On your stomach,” he said in another stern tone.

  My body flipped almost on its own accord right as I felt the leather straps slide down my spine and over the crack of my bottom. Moisture pooled at my center as the anticipation made me greedy with need.

  “Knox,” I mo
aned and that’s when I felt the sting of the straps across my ass.

  That elicited another cry from me and this time the burn came on the other side of my ass. Knox kept this up for a few minutes and then I felt his soft lips kiss each globe as his fingers massaged them.

  “Your ass is so fucking sexy,” he said between each kiss of his lips. “Especially when it’s burning red.”

  A guttural moan escaped and I was soon being lifted from the bed as Knox maneuvered to a seated position against the head board.

  “I want your ass bouncin’ on me darling with your tits in my face,” He told me.

  With no words of protest and not an ounce of sassiness, I climbed on the now, very naked Knox, positioned myself on his hard, raging cock and began to show him exactly what my ass could do.

  The man bit, hissed, groaned and even tried to top me from the bottom but by the time I started twirling my hips on him, he simply let me take him home. It wasn’t without a bite or two or even his finger marks on my ass but it was damned sweet. A few more rounds of that and we both passed out.

  The next day, Knox had me up around eight, even though we’d finally passed out around two in the morning.

  "We going out to eat breakfast," he whispered in my ear as he embraced me from the back. "Then, we're coming back here so I can finish what we started last night and afterwards, we head to the alley. Your flight leaves at eight."

  "Mm, kay." I wiggled my ass into his hard cock.

  "Darlin', it's our last day. You’ve only had a few hours’ sleep and you need some food in your system. So, get."

  The man pulled back and walked his naked ass into the bathroom. That sight sure enough woke me up because I followed him to the shower with a reminder. I did not care who he thought he was bossing around, but I know how to use my mouth and tongue to make a man yelp.

  It was just a reminder that put me on my knees and had Knox groaning, howling and then the man yelped.


  Just as he planned, we made it through breakfast, which was oddly enough, at the same place he and I got into it. All eyes were on us but he assured them there would be no shit.

  "We come in peace," Knox said when Sarah’s husband approached him with his hands up. "We just want breakfast is all."

  "Okay Knox, it's too early for your shit." The man's eyes moved to mine. "Blink twice if you're here under duress."

  I burst out laughing while Knox threw the cloth napkin at his friend.

  "We'll take two of the breakfast specials," Knox told him. "Asshole."

  "Right." The big man nodded and walked away.

  Fortunately, our meal was uninterrupted and drama free until I went to get the check. Knox gave me the look of death.

  "Darlin', what you take me for?" One eyebrow raised in question.

  "Just trying to make sure our friendship lines are intact." I smiled back at him to keep it light.

  "You takin' my dick, it's more than a friendship." He did not whisper.

  "Really Knox." I threw my napkin down on the table. "You have a knack for letting the town know that you have some rights to me."

  The man could not be believed but I knew that fact about him. He had zero fucks to give, so I wasn't even sure why I was surprised. I stood up at that point and walked out because I did not want to cause any more of a scene. The folks of Libby probably knew more about me than I knew about myself.

  "Listen," he started to say but I held up my hand.

  "Don't want to talk about it. I just want to enjoy the rest of my trip while it lasts." I cut him off because if there was ever a man that could get me this mad, it was Knox Timms.

  "Think we should talk about that. Shit tends to fester." He was standing in front of me now. It was a confrontational stance but his hands were to his sides with his palms open.

  He was interested in talking, shit, even open to the concept.

  "No need." I nodded. "I'm over it. Where we headed now?"

  I said that last part as I made my way to his truck. He let me keep walking and the subject was dropped so we could continue with our evening.

  That evening, we met at the alley where Knox's entire family was present. His three brothers, Pops and Rebecca, Mills’ girlfriend. There were also the neighbors and Pops' wannabe girlfriend, Ida. The older woman wanted to be his lady but Pops wasn’t having none of that shit.

  When we showed up, Pops immediately stopped arguing with Mills and eyed J.D. with a quick glare that transitioned into a smile as his eyes met mine. The man moved to us carrying his bulk of weight with the confidence and glide of a man in his twenties. The gray in his hair and beard gave him away but he was in shape and it was no wonder Mrs. Ida was after him.

  "Darling, aren't you a sight for sore eyes." Pops greeted me as he made his way towards me and pulled me in for a hug. "He drag you here?"

  I laughed and said, "Nope, I volunteered for tribute."

  The older man’s smile lines in his face stretched in a way that looked just like Knox.

  "I knew I liked you," he said as his arm remained wrapped around me. Then his gaze moved towards Knox. "Son."

  "Pops," he answered. "How you been?"

  "You wanna know now? I live at the same place and you'd know that if your ass dropped by once in a while. Last I saw you, ya stormed out my house and left this poor gal after you drove her there. What kind of man does that?" Pops moved towards Knox and lowered his voice. "Didn't raise you that way."

  "Do we need to talk about it right now?" Knox asked in an annoyed tone.

  "Fuck yeah, we do. You think bringing her here would be some sort of buffer. I couldn’t give a fuck." He snapped as I kindly moved from under his arm to join the rest of the guys.

  Thank God, Pops let me go because I didn't want any part of that. When I reached the other guys, J.D. pulled me in for a hug and asked, "He giving Knox a new asshole?"

  "Oh yeah. I didn't want to witness that shit." I waved at everyone else who gave the various shouts of, Nina, darlin', or hey.

  "Yeah, it's overdue." J.D. shook his head and then asked me, "How'd he get you down here?"

  I laughed and said, "Everybody keeps asking the same thing."

  "Well, last I saw you was that scene at Pops, then Tess told me he brought his ass to you and now you're here," J.D. noted.

  "Yeah, well we're just keeping it simple." I laughed.

  J.D. leaned into me and whispered, "Traveling across states isn't simple. Believe me, I know."

  My eyes widened at the truth of his comment.


  "What are you over here scaring her about?" Knox’s voice interrupted my mini freak-out.

  "Brother, good to see you again. Well, I was just telling her that 'keeping it simple’ wasn't traveling across state lines." J.D. looked at his brother with a raised eyebrow.

  "We ask you for your opinion? Keep your nose in Tess' ass, huh?" he snapped. "Everybody in my fucking business, who I'm fucking or not coming to eat dinner with. The fuck is wrong with you all?"

  I found myself standing and running my hand up Knox’s chest to calm that raging beast. He was about to cuss everybody out and leave. I could feel it but when I touched him, his eyes met mine and I whispered against his lips, "We came to play and have a good time, remember?"

  The man grunted and then he nodded.

  "I swear if another..." he started.

  "Knox," I called before I planted a chaste kiss on his lips. "Calm down."

  He looked around at his family and asked loud enough so only I could hear, "What are you doing?"

  "Waiting to have a good time and talk some shit." I smiled.

  His hand rested on my ass and he said, "Then come on darlin'."

  Pops, Troy and J.D. were on one team. Mills, Rebecca, and Knox were on the other team and I rooted for Knox's team when they were winning and losing. When the other team went up to bowl, I talked shit, coughed and we all laughed. By the end of the night, we all were laughing and joking even after Pops and his gr
oup won the competition. After two more games, they won again, Knox said he was done and pulled me on his lap.

  It was an intimate move that caught everyone's attention. J.D. chose that time to slide next to us and ask, "Hey, when are you back in town? You'll need to coordinate it so we can all go out when Tess is here."

  I looked to J.D. with a questioning look but Knox simply nodded and answered, "Not sure, we'll have to check her schedule."

  He said all of that while keeping his eyes on me and not even acknowledging his brother.

  I shook my head and said, "You Timms men are something else."

  Knox's large hand squeezed my side as he pulled me closer to him.

  "What do you mean by that?" he asked.

  "Stubborn as mules, all of you. From the oldest to the youngest over there." I shook my head.

  "What you been drinking?" Knox asked me as he took my cup.

  "Shut up." I slapped his arm.

  "She has a point," J.D. chimed in. "We're stubborn and bullheaded. I mean, look at him."

  He waved his hand to show Pops ignoring a chatting Ida.

  "That woman is at every event and not because he invites her or Pops has shown a bit of interest. He's so stuck on being mad at Mom that his entire focus is never getting hurt again." J.D. laughed in a mocking way. "Sad, really."

  "But I get it," Knox added as he stared off at his father but he was looking past him. "I get that."

  This had all of my attention but when my eyes connected with J.D., he looked away as if he wouldn’t be the one to tell me.


  "We better get back to the house, so you can get your stuff and get to the airport within an hours’ time." Knox interrupted my thought.

  "Yeah, sounds good." I hopped off his lap, said my goodbyes, gave my parting hugs and we left.

  As I was gathering my clothes that were thrown in every direction Knox could toss them, I found myself on the floor reaching under the bed to grab my panties. I saw the lace but it was tangled with a glossy piece of paper. Sliding them both across the carpet so I could get my panties, I saw it wasn't paper but a picture. It was an image of a stunning woman who had her hand on her protruding stomach. Her hair was long, a bright auburn color, she was thin and smiling as if she were in love. The picture taker, I'm sure.


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