The Legend of Darwan: Ragnarok (1 Book 16)

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The Legend of Darwan: Ragnarok (1 Book 16) Page 9

by Peter Kratky

  The Great White Room fell silent at the arrival of the President. Only Narhum remained impassive, as the room was filled with thoughts of anguish at the news that was arriving.

  Weeks ago, Deblar had done organic engineering work on a group of humans in a Xarwen laboratory, whose data was in an old bioinformatics system. There was nothing else. These humans had returned to the Xarwen laboratory and somehow reactivated a system that was bound to be beyond any ability to become operational again. On the other hand, black ships with strange unknown symbols were attacking at different points in the Galaxy, randomly and apparently without any real defense against them. No LauKlar ship had survived until now. Only the data they transmitted on relief and disaster reports, plus some groups of survivors who were apparently allowed to remain alive. Then everything was static. Static, and an extremely important coded message received by a high-priority channel.

  Councillor Narhum began speaking, addressing the President and all present. Kirak and Deblar were there, called to declare as the main precursors of those terrible events. Him, as a witness. She was suspected of causing a disaster. Kirak looked worried. Deblar, indifferent.

  “Chairman” said Councillor Narhum “We are here to talk about the origin of this emergency situation, and the events that have led to this crisis. However, before dealing with this issue, I must report that we have recently received a high priority message in the High Priority band. An encrypted message that could only be decrypted using a Xarwen key. Dr. Deblar was the one who understood that the symbols were Xarwen, and has been able to decode and retrieve the message. Now we have a complete transcript of the message.”

  “All right, turn it on and project it,” the President said in a cool voice. The room darkened slightly, and a three-dimensional image of the human Helen appeared on screen. Their gaze was not, far from it, the one they remembered of that human female they saw on the first day, submissive and frightened. The recorded projection began to speak.

  “My dear birds” began with a clear mocking tone, though many did not quite understand what he meant by birds. What they were going to hear would change their lives forever.

  “It's been a long time. Too much maybe. We have slept, stored as biodata, in an old but very sophisticated Xarwen computer. We always knew that our chances of survival were limited. But we never imagined it would be so many thousands of years before our rebirth. What has happened was foreseen more than three billion years ago. What you initiated was planned by us at that time. Why we get access to the Xarwen systems, and how we end up as a group of data in their biomemories, inside a self-supporting laboratory protected from external time, is something that now does not matter and is not interesting to explain. At least not at the moment, let alone some birds that are a little grown up in size and arrogance. I will only tell you that, if you check the metallurgy of the systems, you will be surprised...”

  “What does the metallurgical analysis of those Xarwen remains indicate?” the President asked mentally.

  “Approximately two thousand years since they were installed and commissioned,” replied Kirak.

  “How is that possible? How could those humans stay hidden in material that is two thousand years old, if it has been three billion years...” Helen's voice continued to speak.

  “Where our ships that scare you so much have come from is something we will not comment on either. The important thing is that our technology allows us to interstellar travel, and more importantly, our weaponry is immensely more powerful than the best you can dispose of. We have confirmed this with your military databases and your Galactic Encyclopedia. Very entertaining indeed. And, apparently in that Galactic Encyclopedia, our task is going to be simpler than we thought.” A mental oppression grew in the Great White Room before the words of a real and incalculable danger that took shape with each passing hour... The recording continued to speak:

  “The human species has the right and duty to rule the Galaxy. It has been, and always will be. You tried to take that right away from us, but you failed. You tried to subdue us, but failed. Yeah, you got our extermination almost total. But you failed. The living and palpable proof that you failed is us, and our presence here and now. From that, we learned that there should be no pity or any kind of rationalization of life and matter. Morality and scruples only serve the weak. We learned that only the strongest survives, and that the strongest subjugates the weakest. We learned that democracy, that freedom, that justice, has as many forms as individuals and societies that create and manage them, and that they are an impediment to the future of the Galaxy.”

  “However, we do not deny a certain form of justice. Of course, human justice. We are going to create our own form of justice and freedom. They will be based on the absolute dominion of humanity over any other species, starting with you of course. And also in controlling the resources of the Galaxy. Submission will be complete, or there will be nothing to submit. Because there will be nothing to be submitted. Any resistance will be immediately stifled by the complete destruction of opposing worlds. Any planet and any species that refuses to submit will be completely and forever erased from the Galaxy. There will be no second chances for anyone. We'll give you a chance to survive. Just one. If you submit quickly and with total obedience.”

  “It may seem like a cruel attitude. It is not. We have simply proved to be better, superior, more able to control and dominate the Galaxy. Our extermination was attempted. But we prevailed. We survived. Our technology is better, our weapons are better, our strategy is better. We were born to govern, but not because we want to impose some kind of dictatorship. Dictatorships are imposed by those who by their nature should not govern. It's not our case. We are the heirs of the Galaxy. Simply because it is the best thing for all the species that populate it. With us, all this paraphernalia of supposedly free societies will know a new form of freedom and justice: the one that we will apply to each and every one of the individuals of each and every one of the inhabitants of every world of the Galaxy. Actually, we're liberators. We come to offer you a universe of possibilities infinitely better than the present. You can, if you want, feel lucky for it. And you can submit freely and peacefully. Or you can die. It is your choice.”

  “But let's focus. The important thing here is that we have begun our work, so long anticipated and planned. And we won't stop until the end. Just two answers to your questions. the first: why? Because the human species deserves it. We have our reasons, as I have explained, and perhaps, in time, you can learn about our history. What motivates us. Why we're here. How it all started. And how we want to proceed. And it's not just the craving for conquest. That would be too basic for a species with our power. The second answer to the second question is something that I have already commented on, and which I will now stress: an unconditional surrender. That alone can save your species, and all the other species in the Galaxy.”

  “We do not want to appear as monsters before you. We are not. If we were, with the power we have in our hands, we could wipe out your civilization, from one side of the Galaxy to the other, in a few years. We want, however, a long and prosperous peace where humanity and the LauKlars and other species can develop without resentment and pain. The only thing we demand is the submission of your laws and customs to our rules, which will be, you can be sure, fair and equitable. We do not want to create unnecessary pain where there can be peace and quiet for all. That is why we encourage you, from now on, to accept our conditions. Everything will be simpler and easier. Besides, the alternative is your annihilation. You don't have a choice. It is therefore better to accept our offer. It will be better for you, and better for us.”

  “You have seen what our ships can do. At this moment hundreds of new human ships are being prepared, and their crews are being shipped, to begin the mission required of them. Where they came from doesn't matter at the moment. They are there, and they will do whatever it takes to carry out our purpose. You will follow my orders to the end. And I hope those orders don't have t
o be bad news for your survival.”

  “Like the ancient Vanir of an ancient human myth, we have returned to reclaim what is ours. What belongs to us for our past, and for being the heirs of the future of the Galaxy. And like the Vanir, fire and chaos will take over those worlds that want to resist. Yours is the decision “....

  “Oh, yes, one last thing... I have as a guest one of your kind, who calls himself Nahr. Don't worry, we won't hurt him. Our show of strength is over. For now. And always subjecting the future to unconditional surrender.”

  “Think about it calmly and, at the right time, we will contact you. There will be no more attacks for now. But remember, there will only be one chance for peace. If you waste it, the war will be massive and total. And it will reach the very end of the Galaxy.”

  “The LauKlars are a powerful and interesting species. I've been going over all your accomplishments in your encyclopedias. You're magnificent. But you will be lost in time, and you will only be a memory, or a legend, if you do not do what we command. “

  “End of transmission.”

  The room was completely silent. Only a cloud of confusion and mental frustration swept through the ship's space. Among all the oppressive mental states, one hope appeared marked in Kirak's mind; at least Nahr was still alive. He was going to do everything in his power to ensure that this situation was maintained until his release. Or those humans would have to pay a high price if they hurt their son...

  Galactic Encyclopedia: The Legend of Darwan

  ... Few are the myths that resist the passage of time of the LauKlars. After thousands of years of history having abandoned ancient irrational beliefs, the myths and rites of their ancestors had been lost in time. Although some texts contained fragments of the ancient ritual customs of the LauKlars, one of the classic stories preferred by many focused on the myth of Darwan's Legend.

  In that myth, it is explained that the LauKlars, many millions of years ago, had coexisted with an unknown and undetermined species of the Galaxy, especially LauKlars and another one. Both species had controlled the Galaxy equally, sometimes peacefully, and sometimes in periods of cruel and harsh war, where each tried to impose its superiority on the other. At that time, a strange and unknown technology related to the artificial manipulation of variable universes was discovered, a concept that could turn a species into something similar to a god, but that could also destroy the very structure of the Galaxy, and also of the entire universe.

  Who that other species were and why the LauKlars lived with them is unknown. It is known that from that very fragmented part of ancient history, there were only traces of texts, mainly in the form of children's stories and myths. The LauKlars never gave much credibility to those stories of struggles and heroes, and the vast majority knew only children's stories. Until, at one point, the human species appeared. The obvious question that the LauKlars asked themselves was, “Were those humans the other species that Darwan's Legend spoke of?”.

  For a few moments, there was complete silence in the Great White Room. Only slight clicks of thought from those present broke the sepulchral emptiness that filled the hearts of the LauKlars.

  “What was that human woman talking about?” the President asked harshly.

  I don't know,” replied Counsellor Narhum, unable to shake off his astonishment at what he had just heard. “This seems to be much more serious than a few unexplained attacks. If that human female is right, and that power they have is confirmed as impossible to counteract, we will have many problems.”

  “What's my son doing there?” Kirak cut. “Where and how was he kidnapped? He told me he was going to travel to Laconta to see archaeological remains, but he is with those humans...” Kirak did not come out of his surprise. His son was abducted by those beings only slightly conscious...

  “Apparently,” said a LauKlar, “he was spotted in a shuttle traveling to the planet. Apparently, he went alone. It was not given more importance at that time, so it was not reported. Naturally, if we had known that he had disappeared...”

  “No... It's nobody's problem... It's only my responsibility to take responsibility for his abduction. I'm his father, and I'm responsible for his safety. Nahr, my son, always in that spirit of investigating everything, was probably more interested in humans than he told me. They were no apparent danger, they are supposed to be creatures only one degree above the minimum consciousness, and there was no special control. I repeat, therefore, the responsibility is mine alone.”

  “Don't blame yourself,” commented the President. “The responsibility for what has happened lies solely and exclusively with these humans. I believe that, somehow and involuntarily, we have activated a plan prepared by these beings for millions of years, and now they have become a total threat. Apparently, their ships and weapons are far superior to ours. What I wonder is: how is it possible that we are so overwhelmingly helpless in the face of such a primitive extinct species, which had a technological level of development far below that of many other species?” Old General Doren replied:

  “President, we have analyzed the few tactical data that we have been able to recover from human attacks, and apparently they have the capacity to appear and disappear before our eyes. This, and weapons that should be powerful but not so powerful as to destroy our ships, is what allows humans their superiority. Those weapons should not inflict so much damage, but somehow, they pass through our defenses without problems. And then they disappear.”

  “Are you talking to me about cloaking systems on their ships?”

  “No, President. It's not that simple. A cloaking system is useless with our technology. Human ships go one step further. We are investigating how they proceed, how they act, what their technology is. At the moment, both their transport systems and weapons are beyond our comprehension. But we will continue to work with the best scientists.”

  In fact, ships, in plural,” Kirak remarked. “These beings were disposed of for their escape from a ship. Now there seems to be more, and more humans flying those ships. Where did they come from, ships and humans?”

  “We don't know for now,” answered the general. “But it was clearly part of his plan. Somehow, they had those ships prepared and hidden. As for the rest of humans, it is possible that there were other laboratories like the one we found, ready to be reopened, and the human beings inside regenerated.”

  “Well, let's get going,” replied the President. “Too many unanswered questions. And apparently this is a danger that threatens our species, and also the other species in the Galaxy. General, I want the First Task Force to stop everything that could be doing, I repeat, everything, and immediately start to study the ability of humans to take advantage of us in this way. They should support the scientific research team to find out as soon as possible how human technology works, both in terms of transport and armaments, so that they can counteract it.”

  “Yes, President” confirmed General Doren.

  “Kirak, I want you to go back to the planet and dismantle those biocomputers and all the associated technology piece by piece, and try to find out anything that might be useful to us. You will lead a multidisciplinary team, in which the Second Task Force will be involved. We will send biotechnology experts to support you in any technological aspects that may be necessary. But the key may lie in time, in history, in the past of which they speak, and in those mentions to their subjection. I mean, what happened and why they made the decisions they made. Learning from their past can be the key to our future, and there you are the most capable.” Kirak nodded in the LauKlar mode.

  “Deblar, your responsibility in all this cannot be forgotten. You have initiated all this, and you must answer for it. But there's no time now to look for innocents or culprits. Now we need to work together. You will study human behavior, analyze their acts, their voices, all the information we have recorded about them, and will try to look for patterns of behavior that allow us to foresee their past, present and future motivations... On the move, and seek solutions. I fear t
hat this issue may become, if not already, the biggest crisis in our history.”

  Deblar nodded, too. She'd do everything the president ordered. But she would go much further. As far as necessary to stop this growing group of mammals. The plan was drawn up. And Fate played to her advantage.

  Finally, the three LauKlars nodded, raised their wings in the classic farewell salute, and took flight. It was the first day of a new Era. And they should try to make it as short as possible. They would all have had a lump in their throat if they had vocal cords in their throats. But for very different reasons.

  The news of the human attacks, and the threat they posed, spread swiftly throughout the Galaxy. If the LauKlars, who were undoubtedly the most powerful species, could not stop these humans, it was difficult to imagine what it could do. But there was one hope: all species knew of the tenacity, power, and strength of the LauKlars to deal with problems of all kinds of nature. The question was whether, for the first time, a large-scale conflict would overcome them. To submit to the designs of humans was unthinkable. But trying to stop them without adequate means to counteract their technology was a collective suicide of all species.

  The Great White Room was clear. And at last, Narhum approached the President, and told him:

  “President, you haven't told them anything about the Discovery. That which, if confirmed, will indicate that the Legend of Darwan is true. And, if true, it could be the answer we're looking for.” The President seemed slightly uncomfortable.

  “It's better that they don't know, at least not for now. Remember, my dear Narhum: if the concept of the artificial variable universe is true, if the control of the atom of space and time can be controlled, and if that control is in the hands of these beings, we are going to face the greatest challenge of our species in all its history. The work must be continued, but, for the moment, in the most absolute of secrets.”


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